49 resultados para request
The identification and integration of reusable and customizable CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) may benefit from the capture of best practices in collaborative learning structuring. The authors have proposed CLFPs (Collaborative Learning Flow Patterns) as a way of collecting these best practices. To facilitate the process of CLFPs by software systems, the paper proposes to specify these patterns using IMS Learning Design (IMS-LD). Thus, teachers without technical knowledge can particularize and integrate CSCL tools. Nevertheless, the support of IMS-LD for describing collaborative learning activities has some deficiencies: the collaborative tools that can be defined in these activities are limited. Thus, this paper proposes and discusses an extension to IMS-LD that enables to specify several characteristics of the use of tools that mediate collaboration. In order to obtain a Unit of Learning based on a CLFP, a three stage process is also proposed. A CLFP-based Unit of Learning example is used to illustrate the process and the need of the proposed extension.
Recent research shows that financial reports are losing relevance. Mainly thisis due to the growing strategic importance of intangible assets in theperformance of a company. A possible solution is to modify accounting standardsso that statements include more self-generated intangible assets, taking intoaccount with their inherent risk and difficulty of valuation. We surveyed loanofficers who were asked to assess the credit-worthiness of a hypotheticalcompany. The only information given was a simplified version of financialstatements. Half the group got statements where research and development costshad been capitalized. The other half got statements in which these costs hadbeen treated as an expense. The findings show that capitalization wassignificantly more likely to attract a positive response to a loan request. Thepaper raises the question of whether accounting for intangibles might providemanagers with one more creative accounting technique and, in consequence, itsethical implications.
'Creative accounting' involves accountants in making accounting policy choices or manipulating transactions in such a way as to give the impression in the accounts that they prefer. While regarded as unethical by most observers, a defence of creative accounting can be based on the ability of the users of accounts to identify bias in accounting policy choices and make appropriate adjustments.In this paper we take the example of the Barcelona Football Club where the club management made three key accounting policy choices that presented a favourable position, and a supporters' club presented an alternative report choosing three alternative accounting policies that presented an unfavourable position. We presented each of these financial reports to one of two groups of Spanish bank loan offices, with supporting notes making the impact of the accounting policy choices clear. We found that the more favourable set of accounts was significantly more likely to attract a positive response to a loan request.This result undermines the defence for creative accounting, based on the ability of users to identify manipulation.
Many dynamic revenue management models divide the sale period into a finite number of periods T and assume, invoking a fine-enough grid of time, that each period sees at most one booking request. These Poisson-type assumptions restrict the variability of the demand in the model, but researchers and practitioners were willing to overlook this for the benefit of tractability of the models. In this paper, we criticize this model from another angle. Estimating the discrete finite-period model poses problems of indeterminacy and non-robustness: Arbitrarily fixing T leads to arbitrary control values and on the other hand estimating T from data adds an additional layer of indeterminacy. To counter this, we first propose an alternate finite-population model that avoids this problem of fixing T and allows a wider range of demand distributions, while retaining the useful marginal-value properties of the finite-period model. The finite-population model still requires jointly estimating market size and the parameters of the customer purchase model without observing no-purchases. Estimation of market-size when no-purchases are unobservable has rarely been attempted in the marketing or revenue management literature. Indeed, we point out that it is akin to the classical statistical problem of estimating the parameters of a binomial distribution with unknown population size and success probability, and hence likely to be challenging. However, when the purchase probabilities are given by a functional form such as a multinomial-logit model, we propose an estimation heuristic that exploits the specification of the functional form, the variety of the offer sets in a typical RM setting, and qualitative knowledge of arrival rates. Finally we perform simulations to show that the estimator is very promising in obtaining unbiased estimates of population size and the model parameters.
Accomplish high quality of final products in pharmaceutical industry is a challenge that requires the control and supervision of all the manufacturing steps. This request created the necessity of developing fast and accurate analytical methods. Near infrared spectroscopy together with chemometrics, fulfill this growing demand. The high speed providing relevant information and the versatility of its application to different types of samples lead these combined techniques as one of the most appropriated. This study is focused on the development of a calibration model able to determine amounts of API from industrial granulates using NIR, chemometrics and process spectra methodology.
Comptar amb sistemes sofisticats de gestió o programes ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) no és suficient per a les organitzacions. Per a què aquests recursos donin resultats adequats i actualitzats, la informació d’entrada ha de llegir-se de forma automàtica, per aconseguir estalviar en recursos, eliminació d’errors i assegurar el compliment de la qualitat. Per aquest motiu és important comptar amb eines i serveis d’identificació automàtica i col•lecció de dades. Els principals objectius a assolir (a partir de la introducció al lector de la importància dels sistemes logístics d’identificació en un entorn global d’alta competitivitat), són conèixer i comprendre el funcionament de les tres principals tecnologies existents al mercat (codis de barres lineals, codis de barres bidimensionals i sistemes RFID), veure en quin estat d’implantació es troba cadascuna i les seves principals aplicacions. Un cop realitzat aquest primer estudi es pretén comparar les tres tecnologies per o poder obtenir perspectives de futur en l’àmbit de l’autoidentificació. A partir de la situació actual i de les necessitats de les empreses, juntament amb el meravellós món que sembla obrir la tecnologia RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), la principal conclusió a la que s’arribarà és que malgrat les limitacions tècniques dels codis de barres lineals, aquests es troben completament integrats a tota la cadena logística gràcies a l’estandarització i la utilització d’un llenguatge comú, sota el nom de simbologies GTIN (Global Trade Item Number), durant tota la cadena de subministres que garanteixen total traçabilitat dels productes gràcies en part a la gestió de les bases de dades i del flux d’informació. La tecnologia RFUD amb l’EPC (Electronic Product Code) supera aquestes limitacions, convertint-se en el màxim candidat per a substituir els limitats codis de barres. Tot i això, RFID, amb l’EPC, no serà un adequat identificador logístic fins que es superin importants barreres, com són la falta d’estandarització i l’elevat cost d’implantació.
Vivim en una era digital on cada vegada més les persones estem connectades a la xarxa, ja sigui a través del mòbil, ordinadors o altres dispositius. Actualment internet és un gran aparador i des de fa temps, les empreses han vist en aquest una manera de treure’n profit. És per això, junt amb el seu baix cost, que fa que qualsevol empresa disposi del seu propi espai a la xarxa. D’aquestes idees sorgeix el projecte de fer la web per AutoSuministres Motor. La principal funció de la web es donar-se a conèixer i ensenyar els seus productes, que en aquest cas, són autocaravanes i caravanes. Tot i així, la pàgina web contindrà un espai de reportatges on l’usuari podrà conèixer més a fons un model concret d’autocaravana o caravana i on també podrà demanar més informació mitjançant un formulari de contacte. Per tant, la pàgina web serà totalment administrable perquè els comercials puguin introduir els vehicles corresponents i l’usuari final pugui consultarlos correctament d’una manera fàcil i senzilla. Per tal de dur a terme aquesta web s’ha tingut en compte utilitzar eines de programació de distribució lliure com és el llenguatge PHP, la base de dades MySQL i jQuery.
El objetivo de este proyecto es el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil para dispositivos con sistema operativo Android que permita la búsqueda de ofertas de hotel de una forma diferente a las actuales. Para ello se ha empleado el modelo del ciclo de vida en cascada, con las fases de análisis, diseño, construcción y pruebas del sistema desarrollado. El software final sigue una arquitectura de tipo cliente/servidor y ha sido realizado con Java como lenguaje base de programación, haciendo uso de algunas librerías como Apache HTTP Request para las conexiones con el servidor remoto como las propias de Android, que facilitan la creación de interfaces gráficas y la gestión de los recursos de los dispositivos en el desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles.
Helping behavior is any intentional behavior that benefits another living being or group (Hogg & Vaughan, 2010). People tend to underestimate the probability that others will comply with their direct requests for help (Flynn & Lake, 2008). This implies that when they need help, they will assess the probability of getting it (De Paulo, 1982, cited in Flynn & Lake, 2008) and then they will tend to estimate one that is actually lower than the real chance, so they may not even consider worth asking for it. Existing explanations for this phenomenon attribute it to a mistaken cost computation by the help seeker, who will emphasize the instrumental cost of “saying yes”, ignoring that the potential helper also needs to take into account the social cost of saying “no”. And the truth is that, especially in face-to-face interactions, the discomfort caused by refusing to help can be very high. In short, help seekers tend to fail to realize that it might be more costly to refuse to comply with a help request rather than accepting. A similar effect has been observed when estimating trustworthiness of people. Fetchenhauer and Dunning (2010) showed that people also tend to underestimate it. This bias is reduced when, instead of asymmetric feedback (getting feedback only when deciding to trust the other person), symmetric feedback (always given) was provided. This cause could as well be applicable to help seeking as people only receive feedback when they actually make their request but not otherwise. Fazio, Shook, and Eiser (2004) studied something that could be reinforcing these outcomes: Learning asymmetries. By means of a computer game called BeanFest, they showed that people learn better about negatively valenced objects (beans in this case) than about positively valenced ones. This learning asymmetry esteemed from “information gain being contingent on approach behavior” (p. 293), which could be identified with what Fetchenhauer and Dunning mention as ‘asymmetric feedback’, and hence also with help requests. Fazio et al. also found a generalization asymmetry in favor of negative attitudes versus positive ones. They attributed it to a negativity bias that “weights resemblance to a known negative more heavily than resemblance to a positive” (p. 300). Applied to help seeking scenarios, this would mean that when facing an unknown situation, people would tend to generalize and infer that is more likely that they get a negative rather than a positive outcome from it, so, along with what it was said before, people will be more inclined to think that they will get a “no” when requesting help. Denrell and Le Mens (2011) present a different perspective when trying to explain judgment biases in general. They deviate from the classical inappropriate information processing (depicted among other by Fiske & Taylor, 2007, and Tversky & Kahneman, 1974) and explain this in terms of ‘adaptive sampling’. Adaptive sampling is a sampling mechanism in which the selection of sample items is conditioned by the values of the variable of interest previously observed (Thompson, 2011). Sampling adaptively allows individuals to safeguard themselves from experiences they went through once and turned out to lay negative outcomes. However, it also prevents them from giving a second chance to those experiences to get an updated outcome that could maybe turn into a positive one, a more positive one, or just one that regresses to the mean, whatever direction that implies. That, as Denrell and Le Mens (2011) explained, makes sense: If you go to a restaurant, and you did not like the food, you do not choose that restaurant again. This is what we think could be happening when asking for help: When we get a “no”, we stop asking. And here, we want to provide a complementary explanation for the underestimation of the probability that others comply with our direct help requests based on adaptive sampling. First, we will develop and explain a model that represents the theory. Later on, we will test it empirically by means of experiments, and will elaborate on the analysis of its results.
Industry and large Agencies needs ¿agile¿ programming resources, to reinforce their own development staff and take advantage of innovative approaches produced by ¿fresh minds¿ all over the world. At the same time they may be reluctant to engage in classical software development call for tenders and contracts. Such contracts are often ¿trusted¿ by large ICT firms, which will deliver according to their own rigid frameworks (often based on alliances with proprietary software vendors), may propose comfortable quality assurances, but will cover their (real) risks and liability with high contingency costs and will charge for any change request in case the original specifications have not fixed all possible issues. Introducing FLOSS in business implies a new contracting philosophy, based on incentives rather than penalties and liability. Based on 2011 experience with a large Space Agency, Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz pictures the needed legal instruments for a novel approach.
Cooperative transmission can be seen as a "virtual" MIMO system, where themultiple transmit antennas are in fact implemented distributed by the antennas both at the source and the relay terminal. Depending on the system design, diversity/multiplexing gainsare achievable. This design involves the definition of the type of retransmission (incrementalredundancy, repetition coding), the design of the distributed space-time codes, the errorcorrecting scheme, the operation of the relay (decode&forward or amplify&forward) and thenumber of antennas at each terminal. Proposed schemes are evaluated in different conditionsin combination with forward error correcting codes (FEC), both for linear and near-optimum(sphere decoder) receivers, for its possible implementation in downlink high speed packetservices of cellular networks. Results show the benefits of coded cooperation over directtransmission in terms of increased throughput. It is shown that multiplexing gains areobserved even if the mobile station features a single antenna, provided that cell wide reuse of the relay radio resource is possible.
Esta memoria trata sobre la implementación de un gestor de peticiones de cambio, basado en los estándares definidos por ITIL. Este gestor se implementa dentro del ERP eSengo, desarrollado por Isencia S.L. También se hace una breve explicación sobre los submódulos que han sido necesarios y los estados de flujo de ejecución del gestor. Además se explican características sobre el ERP eSengo y sobre la plataforma basada en Java Beans, SherpaBeans, también desarrollada por Isencia, a parte de enumerar las tecnologías que esta plataforma utiliza.
With the aim of preserving artistic heritage, museums have typically removed paintings and furniture from the places they were created for. Over the decades, the curators of these places have begun to request that these artistic works be returned, conscious of the significance that many of these works now have. Some institutions and museums have responded to these requests by providing copies of the original works. Although traditionally these copies were handmade, digital resources, such as audiovisual technology, are now being used. The Taüll 1123 project (Lleida, Spain) is an example of the use of these new tools for the benefit of artistic heritage and of modern visitors.
“Trencant espais fixes: Programa de prevenció contra l’(homo/trans)fòbia a l’escola” és un programa finançat per l’Ajuntament de Barcelona que pren per objectiu prevenir i suprimir l’opressió que reben gais, lesbianes, transsexuals i bisexuals (LGTB) dins del centre educatiu, així com també d’aquells nens i nenes que transgredeixin les normes socials hegemòniques de gènere (establertes dins d’un sistema catalogat com a sexista, patriarcal i heteronormatiu), a través de la formació i apoderament dels docents dels centres educatius públics i concertats dels diferents districtes de Barcelona –fent ús de la prevenció primària, secundària i terciària-. Es pretén fer incís a l’educació de la diversitat afectivo-sexual, a les manifestacions sexistes, al sistema sexe-gènere-desig, als estereotips i prejudicis establerts en la societat i a les diverses dinàmiques de violència, desigualtat i relacions de poder, a fi de sensibilitzar, conscienciar i proporcionar eines als docents per prevenir i poder fer front a les diferents manifestacions discriminatòries a raó d’orientació sexual o identitat de gènere. S’utilitza una metodologia dinàmica i participativa, estructurada en tres sessions de 2,5h en cadascun dels centres educatius inscrits en el programa (a demanda del centre), el qual pren com a principis rectors la perspectiva integral del gènere, la intervenció preventiva, la transversalitat educativa, el procés participatiu i, finalment, l’interseccionalitat de factors identitaris d’una persona. Es pren consideració al Codi Ètic i Deontològic de la professió de Treball Social, ja que el present programa es caracteritza pel seu caràcter sensible i influent en la vida de les persones. Aquets fet suposa certes limitacions pels dinamitzadors dels tallers/sessions, ja sigui per la pròpia sensibilitat o per la manca de participació o de cohesió del grup destinatari.