46 resultados para professional dispositions of teachers
[spa] Este texto forma parte de un proyecto de investigación Los efectos de los cambios sociales en el trabajo y la vida profesional de los docentes universitarios, parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SEJ2006-01876), en el que nos planteamos explorar los cambios los ámbitos de la legislación, laorganización institucional, la investigación, la gestión y la docencia en los últimos treinta años. El principal objetivo del estudio era profundizar en nuestra comprensión sobre el impacto del cambio económico, social, cultural, tecnológico y laboral que están experimentando las universidades españolas en la vida y la identidad profesional del personal docente e investigador, teniendo en cuenta el contexto nacional y europeo. Estapublicación recoge la 24 historias de vida profesional realizas con o sobre otros tantos docentes universitarios. Sus relatos analizados y contextualizados, significan una contribución significativa al conocimiento basado en la investigación sobre el saber profesional y la experiencia laboral en las universidades españolas, y en consecuencia, a nuestra comprensión sobre cómo los académicos se están enfrentando con los cambios actuales.
[spa] Este texto forma parte de un proyecto de investigación Los efectos de los cambios sociales en el trabajo y la vida profesional de los docentes universitarios, parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SEJ2006-01876), en el que nos planteamos explorar los cambios los ámbitos de la legislación, laorganización institucional, la investigación, la gestión y la docencia en los últimos treinta años. El principal objetivo del estudio era profundizar en nuestra comprensión sobre el impacto del cambio económico, social, cultural, tecnológico y laboral que están experimentando las universidades españolas en la vida y la identidad profesional del personal docente e investigador, teniendo en cuenta el contexto nacional y europeo. Estapublicación recoge la 24 historias de vida profesional realizas con o sobre otros tantos docentes universitarios. Sus relatos analizados y contextualizados, significan una contribución significativa al conocimiento basado en la investigación sobre el saber profesional y la experiencia laboral en las universidades españolas, y en consecuencia, a nuestra comprensión sobre cómo los académicos se están enfrentando con los cambios actuales.
[spa] Este texto forma parte de un proyecto de investigación Los efectos de los cambios sociales en el trabajo y la vida profesional de los docentes universitarios, parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SEJ2006-01876), en el que nos planteamos explorar los cambios los ámbitos de la legislación, laorganización institucional, la investigación, la gestión y la docencia en los últimos treinta años. El principal objetivo del estudio era profundizar en nuestra comprensión sobre el impacto del cambio económico, social, cultural, tecnológico y laboral que están experimentando las universidades españolas en la vida y la identidad profesional del personal docente e investigador, teniendo en cuenta el contexto nacional y europeo. Estapublicación recoge la 24 historias de vida profesional realizas con o sobre otros tantos docentes universitarios. Sus relatos analizados y contextualizados, significan una contribución significativa al conocimiento basado en la investigación sobre el saber profesional y la experiencia laboral en las universidades españolas, y en consecuencia, a nuestra comprensión sobre cómo los académicos se están enfrentando con los cambios actuales.
[spa] Este texto forma parte de un proyecto de investigación Los efectos de los cambios sociales en el trabajo y la vida profesional de los docentes universitarios, parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SEJ2006-01876), en el que nos planteamos explorar los cambios los ámbitos de la legislación, laorganización institucional, la investigación, la gestión y la docencia en los últimos treinta años. El principal objetivo del estudio era profundizar en nuestra comprensión sobre el impacto del cambio económico, social, cultural, tecnológico y laboral que están experimentando las universidades españolas en la vida y la identidad profesional del personal docente e investigador, teniendo en cuenta el contexto nacional y europeo. Estapublicación recoge la 24 historias de vida profesional realizas con o sobre otros tantos docentes universitarios. Sus relatos analizados y contextualizados, significan una contribución significativa al conocimiento basado en la investigación sobre el saber profesional y la experiencia laboral en las universidades españolas, y en consecuencia, a nuestra comprensión sobre cómo los académicos se están enfrentando con los cambios actuales.
Schools play a key role in transmitting attitudes towards sexual diversity. Many studies stress the importance of teachers" and other professionals" attitudes towards gay men and/or lesbian women. This study evaluates attitudes and prejudices toward homosexuality in a sample of 254 elementary and high school teachers in Barcelona and its surrounding area. The results obtained using a scale of overt and subtle prejudice and a scale of perceived discrepancy of values indicate that discrepancy between likely behavior and personal values was significantly greater in women, those who hold religious beliefs, churchgoers and people without any gay or lesbian acquaintances. Approximately 88% of the teachers showed no type of prejudiced attitudes towards gay men and lesbian women. The experience of proximity to gay men and/or lesbian women reduces not only the discrepancy between personal values and likely behavior but also the presence of homophobic prejudice. It would be advisable to expand specific teacher training in the subject of sexual diversity in order to reduce prejudicial attitudes, thus fostering non-stereotyped knowledge of homosexuality
Background: The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and complementary and alternative therapies (CAT) during pregnancy is increasing. Scientific evidence for CAM and CAT in the field of obstetrics mainly covers pain relief in labor. Midwives are responsible for labor and delivery care: hence, their knowledge of CAM and CAT is important. The aims of this study are to describe the professional profile of midwives who provide care for natural childbirth in Catalan hospitals accredited as centers for normal birth, to assess midwives" level of training in CAT and their use of these therapies, and to identify specific resources for CAT in labor wards. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative method was used to assess the level of training and use of CAT by midwives working at 28 hospitals in Catalonia, Spain, accredited as public normal birth centers. Results: Just under a third of midwives (30.4%) trained in CAT after completion of basic training. They trained in an average of 5.97 therapies (SD 3.56). The number of CAT in which the midwives were trained correlated negatively with age (r = - 0.284; p < 0.001) and with their time working at the hospital in years (r = - 0.136; p = 0.036). Midwives trained in CAT considered that the following therapies were useful or very useful for pain relief during labor and delivery: relaxation techniques (64.3%), hydrotherapy (84.8%) and the application of compresses to the perineum (75.9%). The availability of resources for providing CAT during normal birth care varied widely from center to center. Conclusions: Age may influence attitudes towards training. It is important to increase the number of midwives trained in CAM for pain relief during childbirth, in order to promote the use of CAT and ensure efficiency and safety. CAT resources at accredited hospitals providing normal childbirth care should also be standardized.
Background: The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and complementary and alternative therapies (CAT) during pregnancy is increasing. Scientific evidence for CAM and CAT in the field of obstetrics mainly covers pain relief in labor. Midwives are responsible for labor and delivery care: hence, their knowledge of CAM and CAT is important. The aims of this study are to describe the professional profile of midwives who provide care for natural childbirth in Catalan hospitals accredited as centers for normal birth, to assess midwives" level of training in CAT and their use of these therapies, and to identify specific resources for CAT in labor wards. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative method was used to assess the level of training and use of CAT by midwives working at 28 hospitals in Catalonia, Spain, accredited as public normal birth centers. Results: Just under a third of midwives (30.4%) trained in CAT after completion of basic training. They trained in an average of 5.97 therapies (SD 3.56). The number of CAT in which the midwives were trained correlated negatively with age (r = - 0.284; p < 0.001) and with their time working at the hospital in years (r = - 0.136; p = 0.036). Midwives trained in CAT considered that the following therapies were useful or very useful for pain relief during labor and delivery: relaxation techniques (64.3%), hydrotherapy (84.8%) and the application of compresses to the perineum (75.9%). The availability of resources for providing CAT during normal birth care varied widely from center to center. Conclusions: Age may influence attitudes towards training. It is important to increase the number of midwives trained in CAM for pain relief during childbirth, in order to promote the use of CAT and ensure efficiency and safety. CAT resources at accredited hospitals providing normal childbirth care should also be standardized.
Internationalisation of HE and emergence of English as a global academic lingua franca used by people who share neither a common native tongue nor cultural and educational background have not only offered more opportunities but also raised challenges. According to recent European surveys, the percentage of pupils attaining the level of independent user in English varies from 14% to 82%, which evidences the potential and the complexity for English as a medium of instruction at tertiary level. This study aims to present the model of foreign language instruction at Vytautas Magnus University where one third of 30 languages are taught through English. It investigates the attitudes and practices of teachers in delivering their English-medium language courses by discussing the questions whether teaching other languages through English is psychologically, culturally and educationally preferable for teachers and students, whether it can limit the content taught and require a special methodology, how the teaching process changes with multiple languages used in the classroom and what level of English is necessary for teachers and students to ensure high quality of English-medium language teaching. The study is based on qualitative methodology with 12 language teachers participating as respondents. The results reveal areas in need of improvement.
En els últims anys, un gran nombre de docents i escoles han estat introduint programes AICLE a les escoles catalanes. A la majoria d’escoles, però, només s'ensenya anglès com a llengua estrangera, la qual cosa, limita les oportunitats d'estar en contacte amb la llengua estrangera en un context diferent. L’objectiu d'aquest estudi és analitzar si els infants milloren en les seves habilitats lectores i comprovar si existeix un avantatge significatiu respecte els alumnes que només estudien anglès com a llengua estrangera. L’estudi empíric que us presento a continuació, compara els resultats obtinguts en dues proves de comprensió lectora. A les proves hi van participar dos grups d’alumnes de cinquè de d’Educació Primària. Un dels grups seguia un programa AICLE (1 hora a la setmana i , a més aprenia anglès coma llengua estrangera); l’altre grup només estudiava anglès com a llengua estrangera. L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte d'investigació és esbrinar si els programes AICLE tenen un impacte en les habilitats lectores en llengua anglesa dels alumnes. Així doncs, humilment intentaré contribuir a la literatura existent sobre els beneficis de l’AICLE.
The main objectives and findings of this first research report are presented in this chapter."The Implementation of the Internet in the Spanish Education System: State of Affairs and Future Prospects" is a large-scale research project that seeks to obtain relevant data about the introduction and dissemination of Information and Communication Technology, particularly the internet, in the practical and organizational general procedures of the Spanish schools and high schools. The project articulates the processes of ICT implementation on the primary and secondary education levels embracing a holistic approach, propped up by an empirical and analytical research methodology. Thus, our survey does not intend to detect which is the impact of ICT on school activities but how all the agents involved in the school community incorporate ICT and what use they make of it. We are especially interested in identifying the teachers' pedagogical and professional uses of ICT, how students use it in their activities and to what extent it contributes in reinforcing teamwork and participation proceedings in the institutions, as well as the relations between the latter and their context. It is also of our interest to know the factors that exert the strongest influence on the way teachers, head teachers and students make use of ICT. Finally, we intend to identify the ways ICT may contribute to the improvementof educational practices.
The main objectives and findings of this first research report are presented in thischapter. "The Implementation of the Internet in the Spanish Education System: State of Affairsand Future Prospects" is a large-scale research project that seeks to obtain relevant data about the introduction and dissemination of Information and Communication Technology, particularly the internet, in the practical and organizational general procedures of the Spanish schools and high schools. The project articulates the processes of ICT implementation on the primary andsecondary education levels embracing a holistic approach, propped up by an empirical and analytical research methodology. Thus, our survey does not intend to detect which is the impact of ICT on school activities but how all the agents involved in the school community incorporate ICT and what use they make of it. We are especially interested in identifying the teachers' pedagogical and professional uses of ICT, how students use it in their activities and to what extent it contributes in reinforcing teamwork andparticipation proceedings in the institutions, as well as the relations between the latter and their context. It is also of our interest to know the factors that exert the strongest influence on the way teachers, head teachers and students make use of ICT. Finally, we intend to identify the ways ICT may contribute to the improvement of educational practices.
The university should add to the scientific and technical education of the students, the development of the so-called generic competences. They are cognitive, social, emotional and ethical (initiative, effort for quality, responsibility, etc.) competences which have a transferable condition and they constitute the " knowing of how to be" in the professional education of the university student. A structured proposal of the generic competences that could be included in the educative university action is presented. There is a description of the design and application of a question paper made to the students of the last course of Business Studies and their teachers to know not only the perception that the students have about the possession of generic competences, but also the valuation of students and teachers about the different generic competences for the professional profile of qualified people as well as the contribution of universities to the development or improvement of such competences. The data is analysed and checked, conclusions are extracted and action strategies are suggested
L’estudi que es presenta a continuació té l’objectiu d’analitzar el desenvolupament curricular del bloc de continguts d’activitats al medi natural de l’assignatura d’Educació Física de la ciutat de Vic i de les poblacions situades en un radi de 10 kilòmetres. Per tal de dur-ho a terme, primerament s’ha realitzat un procés d’aproximació a les activitats al medi natural en l’educació, aprofundint en les característiques d’aquestes activitats en els centres, en la poca pràctica i els factors de limitació que tenen. A partir d’aquí, s’ha fet l’estudi amb una mostra formada de 29 professors d’Educació Física dels diferents cursos de la ESO. Per tal de realitzar la recerca i l’anàlisi, s’ha emprat una metodologia quantitativa de caràcter explicatiu, transversal i quasi experimental, i s’ha utilitzat l’instrument corresponent al qüestionari. Aquest, ha estat elaborat prenent com a referència el de l’estudi de Peñarrubia et al.(2011). Els resultats que s’han obtingut demostren que el bloc d’activitats al medi natural és el menys treballat per part del professors d’Educació Física, que un 14% del professorat no les treballa i dels que si ho fan un 68% les realitzen només una vegada a l’any. També destacar que aquests continguts no es treballen en el 33% dels cursos de la zona estudiada. Pel què fa els continguts més treballats destaquen l’orientació seguit del senderisme. Referent als factors de limitació destaquen la responsabilitat civil del professor i l’horari de classe com els més condicionants. Pel què fa a les activitats, l’escalada esdevé l’activitat on els factors de limitació influeixen més mentre que en l’orientació i el senderisme tenen poca importància. D’aquesta manera es pot veure una estreta relació entre els factors de limitació d’aquestes activitats i la poca pràctica d’aquestes en els centres educatius estudiats.
La investigació present se centra en l’estudi de la identitat professional del docent de música. Per abordar-la es creen diferents eines-programes inscrits en el macro-programa de les II Jornades de Pedagogia Musical -Punt i Seguit-, realitzades a l’Esmuc. La seva creació parteix d’un marc teòric sobre la identitat professional i el disseny i l’avaluació de programes. A través de l’anàlisi de dades extretes d’un qüestionari i del programa de debats ubicat a les jornades, es comencen a definir els trets implícits i compartits de la identitat professional del docent de música, i s’afirma l’existència d’una identitat incipient.
This article reflects on how some values, interests, and particularities of 2.0 culture enter on higher and postgraduate education institutions. Through theidentification of the features of 2.0, this document visualizes some of the resistances, obstacles, possibilities, and opportunities detected in these institutions, many of them focusing on the core of the higher education and postgraduate institutions (i.e. strategic vision, methodology, role of teachers and students, relation between formal and informal learning, contents and assessment). Responsibility in the training and updating of current and future professionals places these institutions under the discussion and decision-making process related to the role that 2.0 tools should play. We wonder if it implies a crossroad which affects the whole set of attitudes and values on the role of training institutions in the context of the construction of socialized knowledge.