58 resultados para persistent ductus arteriosus


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El objetivo principal de este estudio es profundizar en el concepto de desistimiento y los factores de protección, primero a nivel teórico y después a nivel empírico. El estudio consta de dos partes, una primera descriptiva del perfil del menor desistente, y una segunda hecha con encuestas, donde se evalúan les dimensiones de la competencia emocional en un grupo de adolescentes infractores. A partir de una muestra de 288 adolescentes infractores, 86 reincidentes y 202 desistentes, de las comarcas del Baix Llobregat, Garraf, Alt Penedès y algunos municipios del Anoia, se analizan las diferencias sociodemográficas, criminológicas y del recorrido educativo hecho en la Dirección General de Justicia Juvenil. A continuación participan en el estudio por encuesta una muestra de 101 adolescentes, 45 reincidentes y 56 desistentes, procedentes de los programas de mediación, medio abierto e internamiento. Los adolescentes desistentes en el delito obtienen puntuaciones superiores a los reincidentes, siendo estas diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la dimensión de competencia social y en la puntuación total de competencia emocional.


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Aquesta memòria representa un resum final del projecte .Castells desenvolupat com a Treball Finalde Carrera dins de l'àrea Desenvolupament d'aplicacions per dispositius mòbils dels estudisd'Enginyeria Tècnica Informàtica de Gestió de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.El projecte .Castells permet a qualsevol persona que participi en un castell fer persistent en unabase de dades la seva participació i generar estadístiques de les dades desades. Igualmentl'aplicació incorpora informació útil del món casteller.El document explica com s'ha creat l'aplicació des del principi fins al final: introducció al projecte,anàlisi del sistema, disseny tècnic, implementació i conclusions.És important destacar que el projecte .Castells és un projecte desenvolupat utilitzant l'IDE Xcoded'Apple, el llenguatge de programació Objective-C i l'iOS SDK 5 com a principals eines i que, tot ique pot funcionar a dispositius iPad, està pensat principalment per ser utilitzat sobre dispositiusmòbils iPhone d'Apple.


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UOCbuntu es una distribución basada en Ubuntu y creada con el objetivo de satisfacer las necesidades de los estudiantes de las ingenierías en Informática de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. De esta forma, se pretenden aglutinar en un único producto todas las herramientas necesarias y otras que pueden ser de utilidad para los alumnos, con la ventaja de poder ejecutarse en modo live-usb persistente.


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The low quality of education is a persistent problem in many developed countries. Parallel to in the last decades exists a tendency towards decentralization in many developed and developing countries. Using micro data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) referred to 22 countries, we test whether there exists an impact of fiscal and political decentralization on student performance in the areas of mathematics, reading skills and science. We observe that fiscal decentralization exerts an unequivocal positive effect on students’ outcomes in all areas, while the effect of political decentralization is more ambiguous. On the one hand, the capacity of the subnational governments to rule on its region has a positive effect on students’ performance in mathematics. On the other hand, the capacity to influence the country as a whole has a negative impact on mathematics achievement. As a general result, we observe that students’ performance in Mathematics is more sensible to these exogenous variations than in Sciences and reading skills. Keywords: School outcomes, PISA, fiscal decentralization, political decentralization JEL codes: H11, H77, I21


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La inmensa mayoría de los estadounidenses no ha prestado apenas atención al decidido apoyo del gobierno español a la política de los Estados Unidos frente a Irak. La persistente presencia del nombre del presidente del gobierno español en los despachos de prensa y en los telediarios, y la mención del status de España como miembro del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, contrastaron con la carencia de profundidad de comentarios al respecto, apenas paliada por un número reducido de entrevistas. Esta práctica unanimidad antes de la apertura de las hostilidades, se vio confirmada con mayor contundencia cuando comenzó la guerra, al constatarse la carencia de medios militares con los que España pudiera respaldar su apoyo político. A la espera de lo que en su momento digan los especialistas académicos (por otra parte también ausentes en los urgentes análisis de los ‘think-tanks’ norteamericanos), el vacío de análisis sobre la estrategia española, sus riesgos, o sus posibles beneficios, es, por lo tanto, clamoroso. De momento, tampoco se puede detectar una actitud crítica (como tenuemente puede constatarse en ciertos medios europeos) hacia las motivaciones españolas en los medios de comunicación norteamericanos que se han mostrado opuestos, con editoriales o con comentarios individuales, a la estrategia del presidente Bush.1 Por otra parte, la atención de la opinión pública parece estar más obsesionada por lo que se interpreta como despecho francés que por la contribución española. Puestos a elegir, se puede prever que los comentaristas pro Bush elegirían castigar a Francia que premiar a España.


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We investigate the effects of the financial crisis on the stationarity of real interest rates in the Euro Area. We use a new unit root test developed by Peseran et al. (2013) that allows for multiple unobserved factors in a panel set up. Our results suggest that while short-term and long-term real interest rates were stationary before the financial crisis, they became nonstationary during the crisis period likely due to persistent risk that characterized financial markets during that time. JEL codes: E43, C23. Keywords: Real interest rates, Euro Area, financial crisis, panel unit root tests, cross-sectional dependence.


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We develop a model of an industry with many heterogeneous firms that face both financing constraints and irreversibility constraints. The financing constraint implies that firms cannot borrow unless the debt is secured by collateral; the irreversibility constraint that they can only sell their fixed capital by selling their business. We use this model to examine the cyclical behavior of aggregate fixed investment, variable capital investment, and output in the presence of persistent idiosyncratic and aggregate shocks. Our model yields three main results. First, the effect of the irreversibility constraint on fixed capital investment is reinforced by the financing constraint. Second, the effect of the financing constraint on variable capital investment is reinforced by the irreversibility constraint. Finally, the interaction between the two constraints is key for explaining why input inventories and material deliveries of US manufacturing firms are so volatile and procyclical, and also why they are highly asymmetrical over the business cycle.


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We analyze the labor market effects of neutral and investment-specific technology shocks along the intensive margin (hours worked) and the extensive margin (unemployment). We characterize the dynamic response of unemployment in terms of the job separation and the job finding rate. Labor market adjustments occur along the extensive margin in response to neutral shocks, along the intensive margin in response to investment specific shocks. The job separation rate accounts for a major portion of the impact response of unemployment. Neutral shocks prompt a contemporaneous increase in unemployment because of a sharp rise in the separation rate. This is prolonged by a persistent fall in the job finding rate. Investment specific shocks rise employment and hours worked. Neutral shocks explain a substantial portion of the volatility of unemployment and output; investment specific shocks mainly explain hours worked volatility. This suggests that neutral progress is consistent with Schumpeterian creative destruction, while investment-specific progress operates as in a neoclassical growth model.


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Over the past two decades, technological progress has been biased towards making skilled labor more productive. The evidence for this finding is based on the persistent parallel increase in the skill premium and the supply of skilled workers. What are the implications of skill-biased technological change for the business cycle? To answer this question, we use the CPS outgoing rotation groups to construct quarterly series for the price and quantity of skill. The unconditional correlation of the skill premium with the cycle is zero. However, using a structural VAR with long run restrictions, we find that technology shocks substantially increase the premium. Investment-specific technology shocks are not skill-biased and our findings suggest that capital and skill are (mildly) substitutable in aggregate production.


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This paper provides empirical evidence of the persistent effect of exposure to political violence on humancapital accumulation. I exploit the variation in conflict location and birth cohorts to identify the longandshort-term effects of the civil war on educational attainment. Conditional on being exposed toviolence, the average person accumulates 0.31 less years of education as an adult. In the short-term,the effects are stronger than in the long-run; these results hold when comparing children within thesame household. Further, exposure to violence during early childhood leads to permanent losses. I alsoexplore the potential causal mechanisms.


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Structural unemployment is due to mismatch between available jobs and workers.We formalize this concept in a simple model of a segmented labor market with searchfrictions within segments. Worker mobility, job mobility and wage bargaining costsacross segments generate structural unemployment. We estimate the contribution ofthese costs to fluctuations in US unemployment, operationalizing segments as statesor industries. Most structural unemployment is due to wage bargaining costs, whichare large but nevertheless contribute little to unemployment fluctuations. Structuralunemployment is as cyclical as overall unemployment and no more persistent, bothin the current and in previous recessions.


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How persistent are cultural traits? This paper uses data on anti-Semitism in Germany and finds continuity at the local level over more than half a millennium. When the Black Death hit Europe in 1348-50, killing between one third and one half of the population, its cause was unknown. Many contemporaries blamed the Jews. Cities all over Germany witnessed mass killings of their Jewish population. At the same time, numerous Jewish communities were spared these horrors. We use plague pogroms as an indicator for medieval anti-Semitism. Pogroms during the Black Death are a strong and robust predictor of violence against Jews in the 1920s, and of votes for the Nazi Party. In addition, cities that saw medieval anti-Semitic violence also had higher deportation rates for Jews after 1933, were more likely to see synagogues damaged or destroyed in the Night of Broken Glass in 1938, and their inhabitants wrote more anti-Jewish letters to the editor of the Nazi newspaper Der Stürmer.


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We examine the effect of oil price fluctuations ondemocratic institutions over the 1960-2007 period. We also exploitthe very persistent response of income to oil price fluctuations tostudy the effect of persistent (oil price-driven) income shocks ondemocracy. Our results indicate that countries with greater net oilexports over GDP see improvements in democratic institutionsfollowing upturns in international oil prices. We estimate that a 1percentage point increase in per capita GDP growth due to apositive oil price shock increases the Polity democracy score byaround 0.2 percentage points on impact and by around 2 percentagepoints in the long run. The effect on the probability of a democratictransition is around 0.4 percentage points.


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Interviewing in professional labor markets is a costly process for firms. Moreover, poor screening can have a persistent negative impact on firms bottom lines and candidates careers. In a simple dynamic model where firms can pay a cost to interview applicants who have private information about their own ability, potentially large inefficiencies arise from information-based unemployment, where able workers are rejected by firms because of their lack of offers in previous interviews. This effect may make the market less efficient than random matching. We show that the first best can be achieved using either a mechanism with transfers or one without transfers.


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We develop a model of an industry with many heterogeneous firms that face both financingconstraints and irreversibility constraints. The financing constraint implies that firmscannot borrow unless the debt is secured by collateral; the irreversibility constraint thatthey can only sell their fixed capital by selling their business. We use this model to examinethe cyclical behavior of aggregate fixed investment, variable capital investment, and outputin the presence of persistent idiosyncratic and aggregate shocks. Our model yields threemain results. First, the effect of the irreversibility constraint on fixed capital investmentis reinforced by the financing constraint. Second, the effect of the financing constraint onvariable capital investment is reinforced by the irreversibility constraint. Finally, the interactionbetween the two constraints is key for explaining why input inventories and materialdeliveries of US manufacturing firms are so volatile and procyclical, and also why they arehighly asymmetrical over the business cycle.