41 resultados para patron privacy
JXTA define un conjunto de seis protocolos básicos especialmente adecuados para una computación ad hoc, permanente, multi-hop, peer-to-peer (P2P). Estos protocolos permiten que los iguales cooperen y formen grupos autónomos de pares. Este artículo presenta un método que proporciona servicios de seguridad en los protocolos básicos: protección de datos, autenticidad, integridad y no repudio. Los mecanismos que se presentan son totalmente distribuidos y basados ¿¿en un modelo puro peer-to-peer, que no requieren el arbitraje de un tercero de confianza o una relación de confianza establecida previamente entre pares, que es uno de los principales retos en este tipo de entornos.
The control of the right application of medical protocols is a key issue in hospital environments. For the automated monitoring of medical protocols, we need a domain-independent language for their representation and a fully, or semi, autonomous system that understands the protocols and supervises their application. In this paper we describe a specification language and a multi-agent system architecture for monitoring medical protocols. We model medical services in hospital environments as specialized domain agents and interpret a medical protocol as a negotiation process between agents. A medical service can be involved in multiple medical protocols, and so specialized domain agents are independent of negotiation processes and autonomous system agents perform monitoring tasks. We present the detailed architecture of the system agents and of an important domain agent, the database broker agent, that is responsible of obtaining relevant information about the clinical history of patients. We also describe how we tackle the problems of privacy, integrity and authentication during the process of exchanging information between agents.
[cat]El coneixement de la trajectòria dels catalans exiliats, com és el cas de Josep Pijoan Soteras, Francesc Cambó Batlle i Josep Gudiol Ricart, entre altres, és fascinant perquè permet comprendre i valorar el seu itinerari personal, alhora que projecta un dramàtic resplendor sobre la cultura catalana de l"època. En aquest article es plantegen dues qüestions. La primera se centra en Pijoan com a agent d"art, aspecte molt poc conegut fi ns ara; mentre que en la segona part tracta de Pijoan com a escriptor d"art i la problemàtica que es va produir amb motiu de la seva intervenció en el llibre Les pintures romàniques de Catalunya dins la «Monumenta Cataloniae», col·lecció patrocinada per Francesc Cambó. [eng]Knowledge of the pathways of Catalan exiles -as in the case of Jose Pijoan Soteras, Francesc Cambó Batlle and Jose Gudiol Ricart, among others- is fascinating because it permits understanding and evaluation of their personal itineraires while at the same time casting a dramatic light on Catalan culture of the epoch. In this article two questions are presented: the first is centered on Pijoan as an art dealer, an aspect very little known until now, while the second deals with Pijoan as a writer on art and the problems raised by his participation in the book on Romanesque painters of Catalonia in the «Monumenta Cataloniae», the collection of whitch Francesc Cambó was patron.
Network neutrality is a growing policy controversy. Traffic management techniques affect not only high-speed, high-money content, but by extension all other content too. Internet regulators and users may tolerate much more discrimination in the interests of innovation. For instance, in the absence of regulatory oversight, ISPs could use Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) to block some content altogether, if they decide it is not to the benefit of ISPs, copyright holders, parents or the government. ISP blocking is currently widespread in controlling spam email, and in some countries in blocking sexually graphic illegal images. In 1999 this led to scrutiny of foreclosure of Instant Messaging and video and cable-telephony horizontal merger. Fourteen years later, there were in 2013 net neutrality laws implemented in Slovenia, the Netherlands, Chile and Finland, regulation in the United States and Canada , co-regulation in Norway, and self-regulation in Japan, the United Kingdom and many other European countries . Both Germany and France in mid-2013 debated new net neutrality legislation, and the European Commission announced on 11 September 2013 that it would aim to introduce legislation in early 2014. This paper analyses these legal developments, and in particular the difficulty in assessing reasonable traffic management and ‘specialized’ (i.e. unregulated) faster services in both EU and US law. It also assesses net neutrality law against the international legal norms for user privacy and freedom of expression
El VIII Congrés Internacional Internet, Dret i Política (IDP 2012) que s'ha dut a terme a Barcelona els dies 9 i 10 de juliol de 2012 sota el títol genèric de "Reptes i oportunitats de l'entreteniment en línia", ha abordat alguns dels principals reptes als que s'enfronta la societat de la informació des de la perspectiva jurídica i politològica. Concretament, els temes centrals han estat el debat sobre l'entreteniment a la xarxa, així com altres qüestions relacionades amb Internet i els drets de propietat intel·lectual, la privacitat, la seguretat o la llibertat d'expressió.
JXTA is a mature set of open protocols, with morethan 10 years of history, that enable the creation and deployment of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, allowing the execution of services in a distributed manner. Throughout its lifecycle, ithas slowly evolved in order to appeal a broad set of different applications. Part of this evolution includes providing basic security capabilities in its protocols in order to achieve some degree of message privacy and authentication. However, undersome contexts, more advanced security requirements should be met, such as anonymity. There are several methods to attain anonymity in generic P2P networks. In this paper, we proposehow to adapt a replicated message-based approach to JXTA, by taking advantage of its idiosyncracies and capabilities.
Proceedings of Internet, Law and Politics. A decade of transformations.