113 resultados para local governance
Adaptació de l'habitatge a Europea i experiències a l'àmbit local. Presentació a "2º Espacio de Encuentro Rehabilitación y Adaptación Funcional de la Vivienda".
The species x location interaction was of great importance in explaining the behaviour of genetic material. The study presented here shows, for the first time, the performance, under field conditions of the new tritordeum species, compared to wheat and triticale in a wide range of Mediterranean countries (Spain, Lebanon and Tunisia). The results obtained revealed that despite the diversity of environmental conditions, the main differences in yield were due to genotypes, especially to differences between species. The multi-local study with different growth conditions revealed important information about the water availability effect on yield. In the lowest yielding environments (Tunisia rainfed), Tritordeum and triticale yields were equivalent. However under better growth conditions (Spain), tritordeum yield was shown to be lower than wheat and triticale. Interestingly, when water limitation was extended during the pre-anthesis period, differences in tritordeum versus wheat-triticale yield rate were larger than when water stress occurred during anthesis. These variations were explained by the fact that kernel weight has been found as the limiting factor for yield determination in tritordeum, and a delay in the anthesis date may have been the cause for the low kernel weight and low yield under Mediterranean drought conditions. Such differences in yield between tritordeum and wheat or triticale could be explained by the fact that tritordeum is a relatively new species and far fewer resources have been devoted to its improvement when compared to wheat and triticale. Our results suggest that breeding efforts should be directed to an earlier anthesis date and a longer grain filling period. tritordeum proved to have possibilities to be grown under drought environments as a new crop, since its performance was quite close to wheat and triticale. Besides, it has qualitative added values that may improve farmers' income per unit land.
Is there a link between decentralized governance and conflict prevention? This article tries to answer the question by presenting the state of the art of the intersection of both concepts. Provided that social conflict is inevitable and given the appearance of new threats and types of violence, as well as new demands for security based on people (human security), our societies should focus on promoting peaceful changes. Through an extensive analysis of the existing literature and the study of several cases, this paper suggests that decentralized governance can contribute to these efforts by transforming conflicts, bringing about power-sharing and inclusion incentives of minority groups. Albeit the complexity of assessing its impact on conflict prevention, it can be contended that decentralized governance might have very positive effects on the reduction of causes that bring about conflicts due to its ability to foster the creation of war/violence preventors. More specifically, this paper argues that decentralization can have a positive impact on the so-called triggers and accelerators (short- and medium-term causes).
The Barcelona Forum aimed to generate both a theoretical and practical discussion on decentralized governance and its capacity to promote peace, prevent conflict, advance human security and ensure greater governmental accountability. The Forum intended to review the theoretical strength of decentralization as a political tool and discuss how it can be properly implemented. Eight case studies were selected to be covered during the two days in order to draw conclusions and offer proposals for the future implementation of decentralization. The case of Catalonia and the decentralized experience of Spain was given special attention, as an example of successful decentralization. The other cases presented achievements and challenges and prompted discussions on both the validity and universality of decentralization as a way to promote and preserve peace. Topics such as ethnic and territorial divisions, democratic accountability, financial decentralization and distribution, resource sharing, and external implementation of decentralization through peace processes were discussed.
We discuss necessary as well as sufficient conditions for the second iterated local multiplier algebra of a separable C*-algebra to agree with the first.
In the context of resource allocation on the basis of priorities, Ergin (2002) identifies a necessary and sufficient condition on the priority structure such that the student-optimal stable mechanism satisfies a consistency principle. Ergin (2002) formulates consistency as a local property based on a fixed population of agents and fixed resources -- we refer to this condition as local consistency and to his condition on the priority structure as local acyclicity. We identify a related but stronger necessary and sufficient condition (unit acyclicity) on the priority structure such that the student-optimal stable mechanism satisfies a more standard global consistency property. Next, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the student-optimal stable mechanism to satisfy converse consistency principles. We identify a necessary and sufficient condition (local shift-freeness) on the priority structure such that the student-optimal stable mechanism satisfies local converse consistency. Interestingly, local acyclicity implies local shift-freeness and hence the student-optimal stable mechanism more frequently satisfies local converse consistency than local consistency. Finally, in order for the student-optimal stable mechanism to be globally conversely consistent, one again has to impose unit acyclicity on the priority structure. Hence, unit acyclicity is a necessary and sufficient condition on the priority structure for the student-optimal stable mechanism to satisfy global consistency or global converse consistency.
Budget transparency has come to be considered a key aspect of governance. Over the past decade, donors have invested increasing resources in strengthening processes through which budget transparency in developing countries can be enhanced. According to the 2008 Open Budget Index (OBI) Report, however, aid dependency and budget transparency appear to be inversely correlated. This article looks at the role of donor agencies in promoting or preventing budget transparency in aid dependent countries. It analyzes data for a sample of 16 aid-dependent countries included in the OBI, to test some preliminary hypotheses and select six countries for which more detailed findings are then presented. All of these countries have implemented reforms aimed at enhancing budget transparency, with substantial donor support. These, however, often had only limited success, partly because they were not well adapted to the local context, and partly because donors put limited emphasis on improving public access to budget information. Donor efforts were also often offset by other characteristics of donor interventions, namely their fragmentation, lack of transparency, and limited use of program aid modalities such as budget support and pooled sector funding.
El partido anti-inmigración Plataforma per Catalunya (PxC) ha experimentado un progresivo crecimiento en la franja temporal que va desde su primera participación electoral en 2003 hasta las municipales de 2011. En dicho periodo temporal ha pasado de ser una formación presente exclusivamente en el ámbito local, y con un apoyo fuertemente concentrado en ciertos municipios de Cataluña, a recibir votos y tener secciones locales consolidadas en gran parte del territorio catalán. El texto trata de ofrecer claves interpretativas para entender tanto los éxitos como las debilidades de PxC a lo largo del ciclo electoral 2003-2011. Partiendo de la base de que actualmente existe en España una demanda electoral suficiente para el éxito de una formación como PxC, este trabajo se centra en el análisis de la estrategia política y electoral desarrollada por el partido para aprovechar dicha demanda, y en su interacción con el contexto social y político de la Cataluña de la primera década del siglo XXI.
Proporcionar els coneixements i les eines més adients als càrrecs electes i al personal tècnic dels ajuntaments sobre el trànsit, la seguretat viària i sobre els recursos de què disposen per millorar la mobilitat en el seu municipi.
This paper examines the impact of local human capital on individuals’ wages through external effects. Employing wage regressions, it is found that changes in individuals’ wages are positively associated with changes in the shares of high-paid occupation workers in the British travel-to-work-areas for the late 1990s. I examine this positive association for different occupational groups (defined by pay) in order to disentangle between production function and consumer demand driven theoretical explanations. The wage effect is found to be stronger and significant for the bottom-paid occupational quintile compared to the middle-paid ones, and using also sectoral controls the paper argues to provide evidence for the existence of consumer demand effects.
Introducció: Aquest treball descriu les característiques de la pneumònia postoperatòria (POP) en una unitat de crítics quirúrgics (UCQ). Material i mètodes: Estudi retrospectiu de pacients amb sospita clínica de POP. Descriu entre altres: característiques dels pacients i de la pneumònia i antibioteràpia prescrita. Resultats: La POP resultà més freqüent en homes, després de cirurgia abdominal. La majoria de les POP van ser precoces, causades per BGN aerobis. Hi hagué un baix percentatge d’aïllaments de gèrmens multirresistents (MR). Conclusió: El tractament empíric de la POP d’inici precoç ha de cobrir els BGN aerobis. No és necessari cobrir els gèrmens MR.
El present treball no pretén aprofundir en la disciplina jurídica del dret eclesiàstic de l’ Estat, ja que en aquest sentit existeixen nombrosos treballs i molt bons que aborden el tema de forma magistral. El principi de llibertat religiosa i de culte que informen el dret eclesiàstic espanyol, atorga als individus i a les col•lectivitats diverses maneres d’ expressar la seva religió, formes que han d’ estar regulades per no topar amb les limitacions que qualsevol dret fonamental es pot trobar, sobretot la llibertat de les altres persones i l’ ordre públic, per això, calia des de les diferents legislacions tant estatal com autonòmica, abordar el tema des d’una òptica objectiva i laica. L’ encarregat de la defensa dels drets i llibertats fonamentals, continguts al títol I de la Constitució espanyola, és el Tribunal Constitucional a través del recurs d’empara, l’ anàlisi d’ algunes sentències d’ aquest Tribunal ens ha acostat a l’ estudi doctrinal dels diferents principis generals i de les seves limitacions. Per altra banda, les administracions més pròximes a la ciutadania són les administracions locals, són elles, a través dels instruments que la llei els hi permet, las qui han d’aplicar el fet religiós en l’ àmbit territorial on despleguen la seva potestat en relació a les matèries pròpies de la seva competència. L'objectiu d'aquest treball, és buscar i relacionar amb quines eines es troben les Entitats Locals, per fer front a la diversitat religiosa i de culte, producte del canvi social que ha generat bàsicament el moviment migratori. La llei, faculta a l’ administració local perquè adopti determinades posicions a través de la seva declaració de voluntat o la seva potestat reglamentaria, dins els límits que la pròpia llei li exigeix. És en aquest marc, on s’ han analitzat els actes administratius, les ordenances i reglaments que poden afectar a la llibertat religiosa o el dret de culte de dues Corporacions locals de la demarcació de Girona. Per últim, fem una reflexió a mode de conclusió, sobre quines actuacions en relació al fet religiós queden sota l’ autonomia local i en quina intensitat una administració local, que no pot imposar més limitacions que les imprescindibles per a preservar els drets fonamentals, pot influir en el fet religiós.