54 resultados para flow - muuntuneet tajunnantilat


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Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate how hospital capacity was managed focusing on standardizing the admission and discharge processes. Methods: This study was set in a 900-bed university affiliated hospital of the National Health Service, near Barcelona (Spain). This is a cross-sectional study of a set of interventions which were gradually implemented between April and December 2008. Mainly, they were focused on standardizing the admission and discharge processes to improve patient flow. Primary administrative data was obtained from the 2007 and 2009 Hospital Database. Main outcome measures were median length of stay, percentage of planned discharges, number of surgery cancellations and median number of delayed emergency admissions at 8:00 am. For statistical bivariate analysis, we used a Chi-squared for linear trend for qualitative variables and a Wilcoxon signed ranks test and a Mann–Whitney test for non-normal continuous variables. Results: The median patients’ global length of stay was 8.56 days in 2007 and 7.93 days in 2009 (p<0.051). The percentage of patients admitted the same day as surgery increased from 64.87% in 2007 to 86.01% in 2009 (p<0.05). The number of cancelled interventions due to lack of beds was 216 patients in 2007 and 42 patients in 2009. The median number of planned discharges went from 43.05% in 2007 to 86.01% in 2009 (p<0.01). The median number of emergency patients waiting for an in-hospital bed at 8:00 am was 5 patients in 2007 and 3 patients in 2009 (p<0.01). Conclusions: In conclusion, standardization of admission and discharge processes are largely in our control. There is a significant opportunity to create important benefits for increasing bed capacity and hospital throughput.


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Postprint (published version)


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The orchestration of collaborative learning processes in face-to-facephysical settings, such as classrooms, requires teachers to coordinate students indicating them who belong to each group, which collaboration areas areassigned to each group, and how they should distribute the resources or roles within the group. In this paper we present an Orchestration Signal system,composed of wearable Personal Signal devices and an Orchestration Signal manager. Teachers can configure color signals in the manager so that they are transmitted to the wearable devices to indicate different orchestration aspects.In particular, the paper describes how the system has been used to carry out a Jigsaw collaborative learning flow in a classroom where students received signals indicating which documents they should read, in which group they were and in which area of the classroom they were expected to collaborate. The evaluation results show that the proposed system facilitates a dynamic, visual and flexible orchestration.


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Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate how hospital capacity was managed focusing on standardizing the admission and discharge processes. Methods: This study was set in a 900-bed university affiliated hospital of the National Health Service, near Barcelona (Spain). This is a cross-sectional study of a set of interventions which were gradually implemented between April and December 2008. Mainly, they were focused on standardizing the admission and discharge processes to improve patient flow. Primary administrative data was obtained from the 2007 and 2009 Hospital Database. Main outcome measures were median length of stay, percentage of planned discharges, number of surgery cancellations and median number of delayed emergency admissions at 8:00¿am. For statistical bivariate analysis, we used a Chi-squared for linear trend for qualitative variables and a Wilcoxon signed ranks test and a Mann¿Whitney test for non-normal continuous variables. Results:The median patients' global length of stay was 8.56 days in 2007 and 7.93 days in 2009 (p<0.051). The percentage of patients admitted the same day as surgery increased from 64.87% in 2007 to 86.01% in 2009 (p<0.05). The number of cancelled interventions due to lack of beds was 216 patients in 2007 and 42 patients in 2009. The median number of planned discharges went from 43.05% in 2007 to 86.01% in 2009 (p<0.01). The median number of emergency patients waiting for an in-hospital bed at 8:00¿am was 5 patients in 2007 and 3 patients in 2009 (p<0.01). Conclusions: In conclusion, standardization of admission and discharge processes are largely in our control. There is a significant opportunity to create important benefits for increasing bed capacity and hospital throughput.


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Substantial collective flow is observed in collisions between lead nuclei at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as evidenced by the azimuthal correlations in the transverse momentum distributions of the produced particles. Our calculations indicate that the global v1-flow, which at RHIC peaked at negative rapidities (named third flow component or antiflow), now at LHC is going to turn toward forward rapidities (to the same side and direction as the projectile residue). Potentially this can provide a sensitive barometer to estimate the pressure and transport properties of the quark-gluon plasma. Our calculations also take into account the initial state center-of-mass rapidity fluctuations, and demonstrate that these are crucial for v1 simulations. In order to better study the transverse momentum flow dependence we suggest a new"symmetrized" vS1(pt) function, and we also propose a new method to disentangle global v1 flow from the contribution generated by the random fluctuations in the initial state. This will enhance the possibilities of studying the collective Global v1 flow both at the STAR Beam Energy Scan program and at LHC.


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We analyze the diffusion of a Brownian particle in a fluid under stationary flow. By using the scheme of nonequilibrium thermodynamics in phase space, we obtain the Fokker-Planck equation that is compared with others derived from the kinetic theory and projector operator techniques. This equation exhibits violation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. By implementing the hydrodynamic regime described by the first moments of the nonequilibrium distribution, we find relaxation equations for the diffusion current and pressure tensor, allowing us to arrive at a complete description of the system in the inertial and diffusion regimes. The simplicity and generality of the method we propose makes it applicable to more complex situations, often encountered in problems of soft-condensed matter, in which not only one but more degrees of freedom are coupled to a nonequilibrium bath.


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In this paper, a hybrid simulation-based algorithm is proposed for the StochasticFlow Shop Problem. The main idea of the methodology is to transform the stochastic problem into a deterministic problem and then apply simulation to the latter. In order to achieve this goal, we rely on Monte Carlo Simulation and an adapted version of a deterministic heuristic. This approach aims to provide flexibility and simplicity due to the fact that it is not constrained by any previous assumption and relies in well-tested heuristics.


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In this paper, a hybrid simulation-based algorithm is proposed for the StochasticFlow Shop Problem. The main idea of the methodology is to transform the stochastic problem into a deterministic problem and then apply simulation to the latter. In order to achieve this goal, we rely on Monte Carlo Simulation and an adapted version of a deterministic heuristic. This approach aims to provide flexibility and simplicity due to the fact that it is not constrained by any previous assumption and relies in well-tested heuristics.


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We consider the numerical treatment of the optical flow problem by evaluating the performance of the trust region method versus the line search method. To the best of our knowledge, the trust region method is studied here for the first time for variational optical flow computation. Four different optical flow models are used to test the performance of the proposed algorithm combining linear and nonlinear data terms with quadratic and TV regularization. We show that trust region often performs better than line search; especially in the presence of non-linearity and non-convexity in the model.


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Se estudia la programación de la producción en sistemas flow shop híbrido con tiempos depreparación dependientes de la secuencia de piezas a fabricar. Las piezas pueden pertenecer adiferentes familias y las máquinas requerirán un tiempo de preparación cada vez que se debacambiar de familia. Se han desarrollado procedimientos heurísticos para el caso monocriterio enel que el objetivo buscado en la programación de la producción es la minimización del retrasomedio, equivalente a minimizar la suma de retrasos de las piezas, y para el caso bicriterio en elque se tendrá en cuenta tanto la minimización de una función objetivo formada por la sumaponderada del retraso medio más la suma de los tiempos medios de proceso. Además se hanadaptado los métodos implementados para trabajar bajo la restricción nowait.


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The following paper introduces the work conducted to create a relative virtual mouse based on the interpretation of head movements and face gesture through a low cost camera and the optical flow of the images. This virtual device is designed specifically as an alternative non-contact pointer for people with mobility impairments in the upper extremities and reduced head control. The proposed virtual device was compared with a conventional mouse, a touchpad and a digital joystick. Validation results show performances close to a digital joystick but far away from a conventional mouse.


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Three models of flow resistance (a Keulegan-type logarithmic law and two models developed for large-scale roughness conditions: the full logarithmic law and a model based on an inflectional velocity profile) were calibrated, validated and compared using an extensive database (N = 1,533) from rivers and flumes, representative of a wide hydraulic and geomorphologic range in the field of gravel-bed and mountain channels. It is preferable to apply the model based on an inflectional velocity profile in the relative submergence (y/d90) interval between 0.5 and 15, while the full logarithmic law is preferable for values below 0.5. For high relative submergence, above 15, either the logarithmic law or the full logarithmic law can be applied. The models fitted to the coarser percentiles are preferable to those fitted to the median diameter, owing to the higher explanatory power achieved by setting a model, the smaller difference in the goodness-of-fit between the different models and the lower influence of the origin of the data (river or flume).


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Gene flow (defined as allele exchange between populations) and gene flux (defined as allele exchange during meiosis in heterokaryotypic females) are important factors decreasing genetic differentiation between populations and inversions. Many chromosomal inversions are under strong selection and their role in recombination reduction enhances the maintenance of their genetic distinctness. Here we analyze levels and patterns of nucleotide diversity, selection and demographic history, using 37 individuals of Drosophila subobscura from Mount Parnes (Greece) and Barcelona (Spain). Our sampling focused on two frequent O-chromosome arrangements that differ by two overlapping inversions (OST and O3+4), which are differentially adapted to the environment as observed by their opposing latitudinal clines in inversion frequencies. The six analyzed genes (Pif1A, Abi, Sqd, Yrt, Atpa and Fmr1) were selected for their location across the O-chromosome and their implication in thermal adaptation. Despite the extensive gene flux detected outside the inverted region, significant genetic differentiation between both arrangements was found inside it. However, high levels of gene flow were detected for all six genes when comparing the same arrangement among populations. These results suggest that the adaptive value of inversions is maintained, regardless of the lack of genetic differentiation within arrangements from different populations, and thus favors the Local Adaptation hypothesis over the Coadapted Genome hypothesis as the basis of the selection acting on inversions in these populations.


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S u b s u r face fluid flow plays a significant role in many geologic processes and is increasingly being studied in the scale of sedimentary basins and geologic time perspective. Many economic resources such as petroleum and mineral deposits are products of basin scale fluid flow operating over large periods of time. Such ancient flow systems can be studied through analysis of diagenetic alterations and fluid inclusions to constrain physical and chemical conditions of fluids and rocks during their paleohy d r og e o l ogic evolution. Basin simulation models are useful to complement the paleohy d r og e o l ogic record preserved in the rocks and to derive conceptual models on hydraulic basin evolution and generation of economic resources. Different types of fluid flow regimes may evo l ve during basin evolution. The most important with respect to flow rates and capacity for transport of solutes and thermal energy is gr avitational fluid flow driven by the topographic configuration of a basin. Such flow systems require the basin to be elevated above sea level. Consolidational fluid flow is the principal fluid migration process in basins below sea level, caused by loading of compressible rocks. Flow rates of such systems are several orders of magnitude below topogr a p hy driven flow. Howeve r, consolidation may create significant fluid ove rpressure. Episodic dewatering of ove rpressured compart m e n t s m ay cause sudden fluid release with elevated flow velocities and may cause a transient local thermal and chemical disequilibrium betwe e n fluid and rock. This paper gives an ove rv i ew on subsurface fluid flow processes at basin scale and presents examples related to the Pe n e d è s basin in the central Catalan continental margin including the offshore Barcelona half-graben and the compressive South-Pyrenean basin.


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Substantial collective flow is observed in collisions between lead nuclei at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as evidenced by the azimuthal correlations in the transverse momentum distributions of the produced particles. Our calculations indicate that the global v1-flow, which at RHIC peaked at negative rapidities (named third flow component or antiflow), now at LHC is going to turn toward forward rapidities (to the same side and direction as the projectile residue). Potentially this can provide a sensitive barometer to estimate the pressure and transport properties of the quark-gluon plasma. Our calculations also take into account the initial state center-of-mass rapidity fluctuations, and demonstrate that these are crucial for v1 simulations. In order to better study the transverse momentum flow dependence we suggest a new"symmetrized" vS1(pt) function, and we also propose a new method to disentangle global v1 flow from the contribution generated by the random fluctuations in the initial state. This will enhance the possibilities of studying the collective Global v1 flow both at the STAR Beam Energy Scan program and at LHC.