35 resultados para Women diplomats
The chapters collected in this volume are only a small sampling of the fruitwhich carne out ofthe Evil, Women and the Feminine conference held in Prague inMay 2010, hosted by the Inter-Disciplinary.Net. Our hopes are to bring togethersorne of the chapters, in expanded form, which seemed, without previous planning,to speak to each other during the conference and which, herein, more directiyengage with one another, opening up a space for dialogue and interaction. Whilewe have divided the work into four sections, they are not discrete boundaries but, we hope, they work together to elicit an interdisciplinary approach to ourunderstandings of women who push the limits of 'the feminine.'
The chapters collected in this volume are only a small sampling of the fruitwhich carne out ofthe Evil, Women and the Feminine conference held in Prague inMay 2010, hosted by the Inter-Disciplinary.Net. Our hopes are to bring togethersorne of the chapters, in expanded form, which seemed, without previous planning,to speak to each other during the conference and which, herein, more directiyengage with one another, opening up a space for dialogue and interaction. Whilewe have divided the work into four sections, they are not discrete boundaries but, we hope, they work together to elicit an interdisciplinary approach to ourunderstandings of women who push the limits of 'the feminine.'
This project is intended to prove the prevalent importance of myth in contemporary art and, more specifically, to highlight how myth and poetry have shaped and reflected ideas of womanhood over time. A selection of significant literary periods, authors and works from the Renaissance to our days have been chosen in order to provide a wide scope of the evolution that the portrayal of women has undergone. Special attention has been paid to the way in which a group of selected poets have contributed to the construction and deconstruction of traditional Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman myths strongly attached to patterns of male dominance.
Aquesta investigació parteix del fet que el coneixement dels processos d"inserció laboral en l"educació superior és una informació clau per millorar el pla d"estudis i adequar la formació universitària a les demandes reals del mercat laboral. La recerca està contextualitzada en la diplomatura d"Educació Social en el moment just d"elaboració del nou grau d"Educació Social, i pretén conèixer quines han estat les trajectòries al mercat laboral dels seu diplomats i diplomades. Per aquest motiu, s"ha portat a terme un estudi descriptiu i complet. La població de referència correspon a les promocions de la diplomatura des del curs 1995-1996 fins al 2004 2005. La mostra final ha estat de 369 estudiants. Dins d"aquesta mostra s"han analitzat separadament els resultats del col lectiu d"estudiants immigrants. Els resultats obtinguts fan un recorregut des de com són i qui són fins a com ha estat la seva inserció en tots aquests anys. A partir d"aquí, les conclusions que es presenten s"estructuren en tres apartats: el perfil d"inserció, la professió i la situació del col lectiu d"estudiants immigrants. Finalment, l"equip investigador fa una sèrie de propostes de millora que caldria tenir presents en el nou context educatiu.
Since its approval, in 2007, the Spanish Law of Equality (LO 3/2007) has been the target of many scholars on gender issues. Those analyses (and those previous to the first observable results of the Spanish Law of Equality), have largely prioritized political representative institutions and political parties as the main arenas to assess the impact of the new regulation. Nevertheless, to make a comprehensive analysis of the increase and impact of the presence of women in contemporary democracies one cannot exclude the existence of many other crucial actors in our pluralist systems, such as business organizations.In this line, in order to widen the knowledge on the presence of women in Spanish contemporary democracy, as well as to further assess the impact of Spanish Law of Equality on the presence of women in economic and political life, our paper will look at the gender bias of the executive committees in the Spanish Chambers of Commerce and business associations during the period 20010-2012. By placing those actors at the front sight, we aim to contribute with new empirical insights to the current debate on this topic.