61 resultados para Velocity prediction


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Molecular dynamics simulation is applied to the study of the diffusion properties in binary liquid mixtures made up of soft-sphere particles with different sizes and masses. Self- and distinct velocity correlation functions and related diffusion coefficients have been calculated. Special attention has been paid to the dynamic cross correlations which have been computed through recently introduced relative mean molecular velocity correlation functions which are independent on the reference frame. The differences between the distinct velocity correlations and diffusion coefficients in different reference frames (mass-fixed, number-fixed, and solvent-fixed) are discussed.


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Time correlation functions between the velocity of a tagged particle and velocities of particles within specified ranges of initial separations have been obtained by molecular dynamics simulation. These correlation functions have allowed us to analyze the momentum transfer between particles in different coordination shells. Two simple liquids at very different densities and two purely repulsive potentials with very different softnesses have been considered. The longitudinal correlations, which are the velocity cross-correlations along the initial direction defined by the centers of two given particles, have been calculated separately. It has been proven that these correlations should be attributed to particles both in front of and behind the central one. As with propagating longitudinal modes, they are strongly dependent on the softness of the potential core. Some characteristic features of the velocity correlation functions after the initial rise should be related to nonlongitudinal correlations. It has been shown that velocity cross-correlations between distinct particles cannot only be attributed to the direct interactions among particles, but also to the motions induced by the movement of a tagged particle on their neighbors.


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Evaluating other individuals with respect to personality characteristics plays a crucial role in human relations and it is the focus of attention for research in diverse fields such as psychology and interactive computer systems. In psychology, face perception has been recognized as a key component of this evaluation system. Multiple studies suggest that observers use face information to infer personality characteristics. Interactive computer systems are trying to take advantage of these findings and apply them to increase the natural aspect of interaction and to improve the performance of interactive computer systems. Here, we experimentally test whether the automatic prediction of facial trait judgments (e.g. dominance) can be made by using the full appearance information of the face and whether a reduced representation of its structure is sufficient. We evaluate two separate approaches: a holistic representation model using the facial appearance information and a structural model constructed from the relations among facial salient points. State of the art machine learning methods are applied to a) derive a facial trait judgment model from training data and b) predict a facial trait value for any face. Furthermore, we address the issue of whether there are specific structural relations among facial points that predict perception of facial traits. Experimental results over a set of labeled data (9 different trait evaluations) and classification rules (4 rules) suggest that a) prediction of perception of facial traits is learnable by both holistic and structural approaches; b) the most reliable prediction of facial trait judgments is obtained by certain type of holistic descriptions of the face appearance; and c) for some traits such as attractiveness and extroversion, there are relationships between specific structural features and social perceptions.


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Velocity has been measured as a function of time for propagating crack tips as water is injected into solutions of end-capped associating polymers in a rectanguar Hele-Shaw cell. Measurements were performed for flows with different values of cell gap, channel width, polymer molecular weight, and polymer concentration. The condition for the onset of fracturelike behavior is well described by a Deborah number which uses the shear-thinning shear rate of the polymer solution as a characteristic frequency for network relaxation. At low molecular weight, the onset of fracturelike pattern evolution is accompanied by an abrupt jump in tip velocity, followed by a lower and approximately constant acceleration. At high molecular weight, the transition to fracturelike behavior involves passing through a regime that may be understood in terms of stick-slip dynamics. The crack-tip wanders from side to side and fluctuates (in both speed and velocity along the channel) with a characteristic frequency which depends linearly on the invading fluid injection rate.


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We study fracturelike flow instabilities that arise when water is injected into a Hele-Shaw cell filled with aqueous solutions of associating polymers. We explore various polymer architectures, molecular weights, and solution concentrations. Simultaneous measurements of the finger tip velocity and of the pressure at the injection point allow us to describe the dynamics of the finger in terms of the finger mobility, which relates the velocity to the pressure gradient. The flow discontinuities, characterized by jumps in the finger tip velocity, which are observed in experiments with some of the polymer solutions, can be modeled by using a nonmonotonic dependence between a characteristic shear stress and the shear rate at the tip of the finger. A simple model, which is based on a viscosity function containing both a Newtonian and a non-Newtonian component, and which predicts nonmonotonic regions when the non-Newtonian component of the viscosity dominates, is shown to agree with the experimental data.


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Aquest treball fa una revisió de mesures experimentals i càlculs teòrics sobre la dinàmica de col·lisions i reaccions moleculars. Els experiments se centren en col·lisions, a energies intermèdies, que involucren sistemes del tipus ió-àtom i iómolècula, per les quals es mesuren seccions eficaces totals, estat a estat, així com aquelles que discerneixen les diferents contribucions del moment angular d'espín. Els resultats obtinguts s'interpreten satisfactòriament en termes d'acoblaments no adiabàtics entre els diferents estats electrònics dels sistemes col·lisionants. Els càlculs teòrics utilitzen la metodologia quasiclàssica, així com metodologies mecanoquàntiques recentment desenvolupades, tant aproximades com exactes. S'han obtingut resultats totalment convergits per sistemes tipus, mentre que s'han analitzat, de manera detallada i extensiva, les característiques dinàmiques de sistemes triatòmic, tetraatòmic i pentaatòmic.


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The effect of quenched disorder on the propagation of autowaves in excitable media is studied both experimentally and numerically in relation to the light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. The spatial disorder is introduced through a random distribution with two different levels of transmittance. In one dimension the (time-averaged) wave speed is smaller than the corresponding to a homogeneous medium with the mean excitability. Contrarily, in two dimensions the velocity increases due to the roughening of the front. Results are interpreted using kinematic and scaling arguments. In particular, for d = 2 we verify a theoretical prediction of a power-law dependence for the relative change of the propagation speed on the disorder amplitude.


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The problem of prediction is considered in a multidimensional setting. Extending an idea presented by Barndorff-Nielsen and Cox, a predictive density for a multivariate random variable of interest is proposed. This density has the form of an estimative density plus a correction term. It gives simultaneous prediction regions with coverage error of smaller asymptotic order than the estimative density. A simulation study is also presented showing the magnitude of the improvement with respect to the estimative method.


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High-throughput prioritization of cancer-causing mutations (drivers) is a key challenge of cancer genome projects, due to the number of somatic variants detected in tumors. One important step in this task is to assess the functional impact of tumor somatic mutations. A number of computational methods have been employed for that purpose, although most were originally developed to distinguish disease-related nonsynonymous single nucleotide variants (nsSNVs) from polymorphisms. Our new method, transformed Functional Impact score for Cancer (transFIC), improves the assessment of the functional impact of tumor nsSNVs by taking into account the baseline tolerance of genes to functional variants.


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Recently a fingering morphology, resembling the hydrodynamic Saffman-Taylor instability, was identified in the quasi-two-dimensional electrodeposition of copper. We present here measurements of the dispersion relation of the growing front. The instability is accompanied by gravity-driven convection rolls at the electrodes, which are examined using particle image velocimetry. While at the anode the theory presented by Chazalviel et al. [J. Electroanal. Chem. 407, 61 (1996)] describes the convection roll, the flow field at the cathode is more complicated because of the growing deposit. In particular, the analysis of the orientation of the velocity vectors reveals some lag of the development of the convection roll compared to the finger envelope.


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We present a machine learning approach to modeling bowing control parametercontours in violin performance. Using accurate sensing techniqueswe obtain relevant timbre-related bowing control parameters such as bowtransversal velocity, bow pressing force, and bow-bridge distance of eachperformed note. Each performed note is represented by a curve parametervector and a number of note classes are defined. The principal componentsof the data represented by the set of curve parameter vectors are obtainedfor each class. Once curve parameter vectors are expressed in the new spacedefined by the principal components, we train a model based on inductivelogic programming, able to predict curve parameter vectors used for renderingbowing controls. We evaluate the prediction results and show the potentialof the model by predicting bowing control parameter contours from anannotated input score.


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Abstract Background: Many complex systems can be represented and analysed as networks. The recent availability of large-scale datasets, has made it possible to elucidate some of the organisational principles and rules that govern their function, robustness and evolution. However, one of the main limitations in using protein-protein interactions for function prediction is the availability of interaction data, especially for Mollicutes. If we could harness predicted interactions, such as those from a Protein-Protein Association Networks (PPAN), combining several protein-protein network function-inference methods with semantic similarity calculations, the use of protein-protein interactions for functional inference in this species would become more potentially useful. Results: In this work we show that using PPAN data combined with other approximations, such as functional module detection, orthology exploitation methods and Gene Ontology (GO)-based information measures helps to predict protein function in Mycoplasma genitalium. Conclusions: To our knowledge, the proposed method is the first that combines functional module detection among species, exploiting an orthology procedure and using information theory-based GO semantic similarity in PPAN of the Mycoplasma species. The results of an evaluation show a higher recall than previously reported methods that focused on only one organism network.


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Abstract: Asthma prevalence in children and adolescents in Spain is 10-17%. It is the most common chronic illness during childhood. Prevalence has been increasing over the last 40 years and there is considerable evidence that, among other factors, continued exposure to cigarette smoke results in asthma in children. No statistical or simulation model exist to forecast the evolution of childhood asthma in Europe. Such a model needs to incorporate the main risk factors that can be managed by medical authorities, such as tobacco (OR = 1.44), to establish how they affect the present generation of children. A simulation model using conditional probability and discrete event simulation for childhood asthma was developed and validated by simulating realistic scenario. The parameters used for the model (input data) were those found in the bibliography, especially those related to the incidence of smoking in Spain. We also used data from a panel of experts from the Hospital del Mar (Barcelona) related to actual evolution and asthma phenotypes. The results obtained from the simulation established a threshold of a 15-20% smoking population for a reduction in the prevalence of asthma. This is still far from the current level in Spain, where 24% of people smoke. We conclude that more effort must be made to combat smoking and other childhood asthma risk factors, in order to significantly reduce the number of cases. Once completed, this simulation methodology can realistically be used to forecast the evolution of childhood asthma as a function of variation in different risk factors.


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Substantial collective flow is observed in collisions between lead nuclei at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as evidenced by the azimuthal correlations in the transverse momentum distributions of the produced particles. Our calculations indicate that the global v1-flow, which at RHIC peaked at negative rapidities (named third flow component or antiflow), now at LHC is going to turn toward forward rapidities (to the same side and direction as the projectile residue). Potentially this can provide a sensitive barometer to estimate the pressure and transport properties of the quark-gluon plasma. Our calculations also take into account the initial state center-of-mass rapidity fluctuations, and demonstrate that these are crucial for v1 simulations. In order to better study the transverse momentum flow dependence we suggest a new"symmetrized" vS1(pt) function, and we also propose a new method to disentangle global v1 flow from the contribution generated by the random fluctuations in the initial state. This will enhance the possibilities of studying the collective Global v1 flow both at the STAR Beam Energy Scan program and at LHC.