46 resultados para Unintentional Violent Harm


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Recent literature has discussed the unintended consequences of clinical information technologies (IT) on patient safety, yet there has been little discussion about the safety concerns in the area of consumer health IT. This paper presents a range of safety concerns for consumers in social media, with a case study on YouTube. We conducted a scan of abstracts on 'quality criteria' related to YouTube. Five areas regarding the safety of YouTube for consumers were identifi ed: (a) harmful health material targeted at consumers (such as inappropriate marketing of tobaccoor direct-to-consumer drug advertising); (b) public display of unhealthy behaviour (such as people displaying self-injury behaviours or hurting others); (c) tainted public health messages (i.e. the rise of negative voices againstpublic health messages); (d) psychological impact from accessing inappropriate, offensive or biased social media content; and (e) using social media to distort policy and research funding agendas. The examples presented should contribute to a better understanding about how to promote a safe consumption and production of social media for consumers, and an evidence-based approach to designing social media interventions for health. The potential harm associated with the use of unsafe social media content on the Internet is a major concern. More empirical and theoretical studies are needed to examine how social media infl uences consumer health decisions, behaviours and outcomes, and devise ways to deter the dissemination of harmful infl uences in social media.


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En 2008 y en dos ocasiones, la Sala Primera del Tribunal Supremo ha resuelto la cuestión relativa a si el propietario de una finca, la cual había contaminado como consecuencia del desarrollo de su actividad industrial y había vendido ocultando esta circunstancia, es responsable extracontractualmente frente al tercer adquirente por los daños económicos sufridos. En la primera Sentencia, de 29.10.2008, el Tribunal Supremo condena al contaminador por responsabilidad extracontractual. En la segunda, de 22.12.2008, el Tribunal Supremo absuelve a éste de la responsabilidad extracontracual porqué los daños fueron causados a una finca propia.


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Fundamento: El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la contribución del consumo de alcohol a la mortalidad en Cataluña durante 1994, así como su contribución a las muertes prematuras. Métodos: En este estudio se han utilizado los datos de las causas de muerte en Cataluña durante 1994 del Servei d’Informació i Estudis de la Direcció General de Recursos Sanitaris del Departament de Sanitat I Seguretat Social de Catalunya. Las fracciones atribuibles al alcohol están basadas en las utilizadas en el estudio de la mortalidad relacionada con el alcohol en Estados Unidos en 1987. Resultados: El 5,3% de las muertes en Cataluña durante 1994 estuvieron relacionadas con el consumo de alcohol. Esta mortalidad fue del 6,5% entre los hombres y del 3,9% entre las mujeres. La categoría diagnóstica que más contribuyó al número de muertes fue la de las neoplasias malignas (29,3%). El estudio de las muertes prematuras muestra que los accidentes no intencionales son la causa más importante (52,3%). En esta categoría diagnóstica los accidentes con vehículos a motor son los principales responsables de los años potenciales de vida perdidos (APVP). La media de APVP por cada muerte atribuible al alcohol hasta la edad de 65 fue de 7,5. Conclusiones: Este estudio muestra la magnitud que tiene el alcohol como problema de salud pública en Cataluña.


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The present study tests the relationships between the three frequently used personality models evaluated by the Temperament Character Inventory-Revised (TCI-R), Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Five Factor Inventory – Revised (NEO-FFI-R) and Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire-50- Cross-Cultural (ZKPQ-50-CC). The results were obtained with a sample of 928 volunteer subjects from the general population aged between 17 and 28 years old. Frequency distributions and alpha reliabilities with the three instruments were acceptable. Correlational and factorial analyses showed that several scales in the three instruments share an appreciable amount of common variance. Five factors emerged from principal components analysis. The first factor was integrated by A (Agreeableness), Co (Cooperativeness) and Agg-Host (Aggressiveness-Hostility), with secondary loadings in C (Conscientiousness) and SD (Self-directiveness) from other factors. The second factor was composed by N (Neuroticism), N-Anx (Neuroticism-Anxiety), HA (Harm Avoidance) and SD (Self-directiveness). The third factor was integrated by Sy (Sociability), E (Extraversion), RD (Reward Dependence), ImpSS (Impulsive Sensation Seeking) and NS (novelty Seeking). The fourth factor was integrated by Ps (Persistence), Act (Activity), and C, whereas the fifth and last factor was composed by O (Openness) and ST (Self- Transcendence). Confirmatory factor analyses indicate that the scales in each model are highly interrelated and define the specified latent dimension well. Similarities and differences between these three instruments are further discussed.


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Background: Although randomized clinical trials (RCTs) are considered the gold standard of evidence, their reporting is often suboptimal. Trial registries have the potential to contribute important methodologic information for critical appraisal of study results. Methods and Findings: The objective of the study was to evaluate the reporting of key methodologic study characteristics in trial registries. We identified a random sample (n = 265) of actively recruiting RCTs using the World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) search portal in 2008. We assessed the reporting of relevant domains from the Cochrane Collaboration’s ‘Risk of bias’ tool and other key methodological aspects. Our primary outcomes were the proportion of registry records with adequate reporting of random sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding, and trial outcomes. Two reviewers independently assessed each record. Weighted overall proportions in the ICTRP search portal for adequate reporting of sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding (including and excluding open label RCT) and primary outcomes were 5.7% (95% CI 3.0–8.4%), 1.4% (0–2.8%), 41% (35–47%), 8.4% (4.1–13%), and 66% (60–72%), respectively. The proportion of adequately reported RCTs was higher for registries that used specific methodological fields for describing methods of randomization and allocation concealment compared to registries that did not. Concerning other key methodological aspects, weighted overall proportions of RCTs with adequately reported items were as follows: eligibility criteria (81%), secondary outcomes (46%), harm (5%) follow-up duration (62%), description of the interventions (53%) and sample size calculation (1%). Conclusions: Trial registries currently contain limited methodologic information about registered RCTs. In order to permit adequate critical appraisal of trial results reported in journals and registries, trial registries should consider requesting details on key RCT methods to complement journal publications. Full protocols remain the most comprehensive source of methodologic information and should be made publicly available.


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Aquest article presenta i estudia un conjunt de cobles de la tradició oral recollides a la Conca de Barberà i al Priorat. Les cançons, creades en el marc de la Restauració, denuncien un conjunt de greuges lligats al caciquisme i al desenvolupament de l’Estat i de les relacions capitalistes que aquest fomenta. Les cobles presenten dos grans registres expressius, que obeeixen a diferents perspectives dels greuges que denuncien. D’una banda tenim unes cobles caracteritzades per una sàtira violenta, dreturera, una sintaxi cantelluda, antítesis primàries, i un recurs viu a les deformacions de l’adversari. En aquests casos, les lletres obeeixen a factors percebuts en la immediatesa de la comunitat, d’acord amb una perspectiva tradicional. D’altra banda, tenim cobles que es caracteritzen per un relaxament còmic i jocós de la sàtira, per una major narrativitat o arromançament, i també per una catarsi benèfica. En aquests casos, les cançons responen a un nou ordre de factors —polítics/política de partit, representants de l’Estat, noves modes estètiques, etc.— que en la societat rural, especialment entre aquells sectors poc introduïts a la modernitat, són percebuts amb una amplitud panoràmica, d’acord amb una ingenuïtat perceptiva, amb un distanciament naïf cap a la realitat. Es tracta d’un ordre de percepcions que informen els trets expressius que hem apuntat quant a aquestes cobles. Unes manifestacions ben il·lustratives d’aquestes darreres composicions són unes contrautopies que recullen, amb voluntat de totalitat, el conjunt d’abusos que pateix la societat pagesa, general o local.


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Archaeology of conflict is an archaeological subfield which is related to heritage regarding or linked to war, violent situations or any kind of conflicts. Archaeology of conflict has shown an special development in relation to contemporary history. In Spain, archaeology of conflict has focused especially in sites related to Spanish Civil War and Francoist dictatorship, producing museal interventions and studies with educational possibilities which could stress in the teaching and learning of History and the promotion of Peace.


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We annually monitored the abundance and size structure of herbivorous sea urchin populations (Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula) inside and outside a marine reserve in the Northwestern Mediterranean on two distinct habitats (boulders and vertical walls) over a period of 20 years, with the aim of analyzing changes at different temporal scales in relation to biotic and abiotic drivers. P. lividus exhibited significant variability in density over time on boulder bottoms but not on vertical walls, and temporal trends were not significantly different between the protection levels. Differences in densities were caused primarily by variance in recruitment, which was less pronounced inside the MPA and was correlated with adult density, indicating density-dependent recruitment under high predation pressure, as well as some positive feedback mechanisms that may facilitate higher urchin abundances despite higher predator abundance. Populations within the reserve were less variable in abundance and did not exhibit the hyper-abundances observed outside the reserve, suggesting that predation effects maybe more subtle than simply lowering the numbers of urchins in reserves. A. lixula densities were an order of magnitude lower than P. lividus densities and varied within sites and over time on boulder bottoms but did not differ between protection levels. In December 2008, an exceptionally violent storm reduced sea urchin densities drastically (by 50% to 80%) on boulder substrates, resulting in the lowest values observed over the entire study period, which remained at that level for at least two years (up to the present). Our results also showed great variability in the biological and physical processes acting at different temporal scales. This study highlights the need for appropriate temporal scales for studies to fully understand ecosystem functioning, the concepts of which are fundamental to successful conservation and management.


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Dual diagnosis (DD) is the co-occurrence, in the same person, of a mental disorder (MD) and a substance use disorder (SUD). Nowadays, the study of the personality with DD is realized mainly from a categorical view, focusing on the detection of personality disorders and not on the traits associated to DD and the possible differential profile compared to those patients with only MD or SUD. Studies analyzing personality traits of patients with DD and their possible differential profile are very limited. However, existing data indicates that DD patients show higher levels of Sensation Seeking, Impulsivity, Harm Avoidance and Neuroticism; and lower levels of Persistence, Self-Direction, Self-Transcendence and Cooperation. Therefore, DD is associated to personality characteristics that suggest more disruptive behaviors, fewer resources for recovering and keeping abstinent and worse prognosis compared to those with only one disorder. Progress in the characterization of personality traits in DD, taking into consideration the methodological aspects to be improved could allow better adaptation of the integrated treatment of these patients in the future.


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Background: The main objectives of this study are to describe the smoked cocaine user's profile in socially-depressed areas and their needs from a harm-reduction perspective, to investigate their use of smoking crack and compare the acute effects between injecting and smoking consumption. Methods: The study took place in SAPS, Barcelona, Spain. Two focus group sessions were undertaken with a total of 8 drug users. Secondly, the 8 participants answered a structured questionnaire and in the course of the sessions, as a snowball activity, were trained to survey 6 other crack smokers. Results: We obtained 56 questionnaires. The majority of participants were from non-European Community countries (62.69%), 70.2% of participants referred to sharing the smoking equipment. The most frequent symptoms reported during smoked cocaine were mydriasis (83.33%)), perspiration (72.92%) and compulsive object search (70.83%) During the group sessions, participants said that smoked cocaine is much more addictive than injected cocaine and causes more anxiety. Participants also reported the difficulty of changing from injected use to smoked use, due to the larger amount of cocaine needed to reach the same effects as when having injected. Conclusions We can conclude that the research, focused on achieving greater knowledge of the smoked cocaine user's profile, their usage of smoking crack, consumption patterns and acute effects, should be incorporated into substance misuse interventions.


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We report an experiment where participants observed an attack on their virtual body as experienced in an immersive virtual reality (IVR) system. Participants sat by a table with their right hand resting upon it. In IVR, they saw a virtual table that was registered with the real one, and they had a virtual body that substituted their real body seen from a first person perspective. The virtual right hand was collocated with their real right hand. Event-related brain potentials were recorded in two conditions, one where the participant"s virtual hand was attacked with a knife and a control condition where the knife only struck the virtual table. Significantly greater P450 potentials were obtained in the attack condition confirming our expectations that participants had a strong illusion of the virtual hand being their own, which was also strongly supported by questionnaire responses. Higher levels of subjective virtual hand ownership correlated with larger P450 amplitudes. Mu-rhythm event-related desynchronization in the motor cortex and readiness potential (C3-C4) negativity were clearly observed when the virtual hand was threatened as would be expected, if the real hand was threatened and the participant tried to avoid harm. Our results support the idea that event-related potentials may provide a promising non-subjective measure of virtual embodiment. They also support previous experiments on pain observation and are placed into context of similar experiments and studies of body perception and body ownership within cognitive neuroscience.


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We report an experiment where participants observed an attack on their virtual body as experienced in an immersive virtual reality (IVR) system. Participants sat by a table with their right hand resting upon it. In IVR, they saw a virtual table that was registered with the real one, and they had a virtual body that substituted their real body seen from a first person perspective. The virtual right hand was collocated with their real right hand. Event-related brain potentials were recorded in two conditions, one where the participant"s virtual hand was attacked with a knife and a control condition where the knife only struck the virtual table. Significantly greater P450 potentials were obtained in the attack condition confirming our expectations that participants had a strong illusion of the virtual hand being their own, which was also strongly supported by questionnaire responses. Higher levels of subjective virtual hand ownership correlated with larger P450 amplitudes. Mu-rhythm event-related desynchronization in the motor cortex and readiness potential (C3-C4) negativity were clearly observed when the virtual hand was threatened as would be expected, if the real hand was threatened and the participant tried to avoid harm. Our results support the idea that event-related potentials may provide a promising non-subjective measure of virtual embodiment. They also support previous experiments on pain observation and are placed into context of similar experiments and studies of body perception and body ownership within cognitive neuroscience.


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Les úlceres per pressió són considerades com una de les cinc causes més comunes de dany al pacient. El 95% de les lesions, són evitables i els membres de l’equip d’infermeria són responsables de la seva prevenció. Varis estudis demostren un dèficit de coneixement dels professionals de l’equip d’infermeria envers prevenció d’UPP.En el següent projecte d’estudi, de disseny experimental longitudinal ambispectiu, es proposa avaluar l’eficàcia d’una intervenció educativa enfocada en la prevenció d’UPP i dirigida a l’equip d’infermeria per la disminució de la incidència d’UPPEl projecte consta de 6 fases. Una primera en la que es determinarà, mitjançant la revisió de les històries clíniques, la prevalença d’UPP. Posteriorment i amb l’aplicació d’un qüestionari, es valoraran els coneixements d’infermeria abans (fase 2) i després (fase 4) de la realització d’un programa educatiu (fase 3). Durant la fase 5 i amb l’ajuda d’una graella d’observació, es determinarà la incidència d’UPP durant un any des de l’aplicació del programa educatiu. A la fase 6 i passat més d’un any, es tornaran a avaluar els coneixements de l’equip d’infermeria


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Internet i en general les TIC (tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació) són una eina extraordinària i han suposat una revolució en la nostra forma de treballar, comunicar-nos i organitzar-nos. Tot i els seus evidents beneficis, també comporten riscos, especialment pels col·lectius més vulnerables com poden ser els infants i adolescents. La facilitat per accedir a continguts inapropiats per la seva edat (material pornogràfic o violent), la possibilitat de contactar amb desconeguts i la dificultat de control per part dels pares donada la proliferació de suports tecnològics (smartphones, tablets ) son els principals perills. El dret i la societat han d'establir normes i estratègies efectives de protecció i de seguretat per fer front a aquest nou problema.


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Galactic microquasars are certainly one of the most recent additions to the field of high energy Astrophysics. These new objects are just X-ray binaries with the ability to generate relativistic jets and their interest has been growing during the last decade. Today, they represent primary targets for all space based observatories working in the X-ray and [gamma]-ray domains. Behind such interest, there is hope that their study will assist us to understand some of the analog phenomena observed in distant quasars and active galactic nuclei, wich share with microquasars practically the same scaled-up physics. Microquasars are also believed to be among the different kind of sources responsible for the violent and ever changing appearance of the [gamma]-ray ski. In this paper we review the general situation of the microquasar topic, their identification and study, including comments on the recent observational and theoretical discoveries most relevant in our opinion.