40 resultados para Tura, Montserrat -- Interviews


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This article is part of a research focusing on the process of transition to adulthood of young people with intellectual disabilities. Specifically, this study analyses transition partnership programs, as the professionals involved in them see them. The information is obtained in two stages: in the first stage 45 interviews to professionals working in this field are conducted. In the second stage we develop a study applying the Delphi method in which two panels of experts, the first one with educational professionals and the second one with professionals working with afters chool services, were asked about several topics. The results show a lack of continuity underlying the actions taken in support of young people with ID during the transition process. Insufficient information and collaboration among services and professionals and a lack of leadership are the main problems perceived by professionals. The study helps to identify problems in the transition partnership programs and establishes actions in order to enhance the transition process


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The objective of this study is to gather information regarding the adaptation of the range of socio educational projects and services aimed at the transition to an adult life of young persons with intellectual disabilities in Spain. The research of the study has been done in three stages. During each stage, a specific tool has been used. One to one in-depth interviews have been undertaken with 45 professionals and 20 individuals with intellectual disabilities. The Delphi method has been applied to two panels consisting of 20 experts each. Firstly, results focus on the approach to different issues related to the devices. Secondly, the training opportunities that these individuals receive to ease the transition period is addressed. And finally, the study refers to the participation of the individuals themselves and their families in the process. The developed analysis allows us to propose strategies to improve the transition to adult life


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Supported Employment (SE) is a clear alternative to the work inclusion of people with severe mental disorder (SMD). This article has two purposes: first, to show the possibilities of application of the SE with people with SMD, secondly, to establish the main lines that are configured as elements favoring the inclusion processes of this group work by SE. A piece of research has been carried out based on interviews of professionals with experience in supporting the work inclusion of people with SMD, focusing on the key factors that these professionals perceive as key elements for successful work inclusion processes. The awareness of the disease by the worker with SMD, the organization of the support processes throughout the insertion process, the relationship with the company as well as with the family and the characteristics of the health network are among the factors that, according to the research results, appear to be key factors for successful and less successful work inclusion processes. The information obtained provides insight into how people with SMD develop work inclusion processes with supported employment and help us to suggest some strategies to improve these processes


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La ruptura del acogimiento familiar se ha definido como aquella situación en la que alguna de las partes implicadas causa una terminación de la intervención antes de haber alcanzado los objetivos establecidos en el plan de caso. Este trabajo presenta un estudio llevado a cabo en una muestra española de 318 casos cerrados de niños que fueron acogidos en familia ajena y extensa. Los datos se obtuvieron a través de la revisión exhaustiva de los expedientes de protección y acogimiento, complementada conentrevistas a los técnicos encargados de cada caso. La tasa de ruptura del conjunto de la muestra fue de 26,1%, si bien fuesignificativamente diferente en familia extensa (19,7%) que en familia ajena (31,2%). Los resultados de este estudio indican que las variables relacionadas con la ruptura dependen de la modalidad del acogimiento, en familia ajena o extensa. En el primer caso destacamos las variables relacionadas con las características del niño, especialmente los problemas de conducta y escolares, con especial relevancia en el grupo de 9-12 años, y el haber estado en acogimiento residencial previamente. En cambio, en extensaresulta más importante la problemática en los padres (prisión, salud mental) y el tener una medida de tutela. También el hecho de que se realice el acogimiento tras pasar por hogares de acogida resulta trascendental. Finalmente, la disponibilidad de recursos económicos e incluso los estudios de los acogedores parecen ser variables relacionadas con la ruptura de la acogida


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This article examines the education of children and young people in public care and the available data about their situation from several conceptual perspectives.We present a qualitative empirical study on how a sample of care leavers perceives this situation as well as the stakeholders involved in the public care process: managers of services and nominated adults by young people. We present results from a total of 96 interviews conducted in Catalonia. The young people interviewed (N = 35) were between 19 and 22 years old and were selected among those who at the age of 16 were still in care and had good academic results and the capacity andmotivation to continue studying. These young people were interviewed twice, the second a year after to follow the achievement of their training plans. The resultsshow their perception concerning the circumstances that make it easier or difficult to continue studying. Moreover, the results show the matches, mismatches anddiversity among their answers and those of other stakeholders interviewed about what factors facilitate and difficult the education. These results suggest the need for an in-depth review on the representations about the formal education of children in care from professionals and care policies, and how they address the support they need to participate in education


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Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y las características de la conductade fumar y la distribución por estadios de abandono del tabaquismoentre el personal de la Universidad de Girona.Pacientes y método: Se diseñó un estudio descriptivo transversal.Para ello se realizó una entrevista sobre la conducta de fumar a una muestrarepresentativa de los 941 miembros del personal de la Universidadde Girona en el segundo semestre de 1999.Resultados: De los 281 participantes en el estudio, 77 (27,4%) eranfumadores, 67 (23,9%) exfumadores y 137 (48,7%) no fumadores. PorFacultades, la mayor prevalencia de fumadores se encontró en: Letras:38,9%; Ciencias de la Educación: 31% y Enfermería: 28,3%. La distribuciónde los sujetos por etapas de abandono fue la siguiente: precontemplación:36,8%; contemplación: 13,2%; preparación: 3,5%; acción:3,5% y mantenimiento: 43%. El consumo de tabaco light fue del49,1% en precontemplación, 47,1% en contemplación y 33,3% en preparación.Respondieron haber recibido consejo médico para dejar de fumar:precontemplación: 35,8%; contemplación: 52,6%, preparación:60%, acción: 20% y mantenimiento: 24,2%.Conclusiones: 1. Las Facultades relacionadas con el ámbito de lasalud, Ciencias de la Educación y Enfermería son, junto con las de Letraslas que presentan mayor consumo de tabaco. 2. Los fumadores en precontemplación,en comparación con los sujetos en contemplación y preparación,informan con mayor frecuencia de consumir tabaco bajo ennicotina y de no haber recibido consejo médico


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This article explores the possibilities offered by visual methods in the move towards inclusive research, reviewing some methodological implications of said research and reflecting on the potential of visual methods to meet these methodological requirements. A study into the impact of work on social inclusion and the social relationships of people suffering from severe mental illness (SMI) serves to illustrate the use of visual methods such as photo elicitation and graphic elicitation in the context of in-depth interviews with the aim of improving the aforementioned target group’s participation in research, participation understood as one of the basic elements of inclusive approaches. On the basis of this study, we reflect on the potential of visual methods to improve the inclusive approach to research and conclude that these methods are open and flexible in awarding participantsa voice, allowingpeople with SMI to express their needs, and therefore adding value to said approach