73 resultados para Tanzania, laboratori didattici in Tanzania, Akap.


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The activities of aspartate and alanine transaminase, serine dehydratase, arginase, glutamate dehydrogenase, adenylate deaminase and glutamine synthetase were determined in the stomach and small intestine of developing rats. Despite the common embryonic origin of the intestine and stomach, their enzymes showed quite different activity levels and patterns of development, depending on their roles. Most enzyme activities were low during late intrauterine life and after birth, attaining adult levels with the change of diet at weaning. No arginase activity was found in the stomach and no changes were detected in adenylate deaminase in the stomach or intestine throughout the period studied. Alanine transaminase, serine dehydratase and, to some extent, glutamine synthetase levels, significantly higher in late intrauterine life, decreased after birth, suggesting that the foetal stomach has a transient ability to handle amino acids.


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1. The effects of "cafeteria feeding" on primiparous Wistar rats during lactation have been studied by measuring circulating levels of glucose, amino acids, lactate, urea and ammonia as well as glycogen levels in liver and muscle. 2. No significant changes in glucose levels were observed despite alterations in blood glucose compartmentation. 3. Compared with controls, the dams given the cafeteria diet had higher liver glycogen stores which were more easily mobilized at the peak of lactation. 4. Rats given the cafeteria diet showed a lower amino acid utilization than controls and adequately maintained circulating levels, as determined by the lower circulating levels of ammonia and urea. 5. No significant differences in body-weight were observed in the period studied despite increasing dam weight after weaning in the cafeteria-fed group. 6. The size of pups of cafeteria-fed dams was greater than that of controls, and the differences were marked after weaning, when the metabolic machinery of the cafeteria pup maintained high protein accretion and body build-up using fat as the main energy substrate characteristic of the preweaning stage. The controls, however, changed to greater utilization of amino acids as an energy substrate and adapted to high-protein (lowbiological-quality) diets with a significantly different pattern of circulating nitrogen distribution.


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The aim of this study was to develop and validate an analytical method to simultaneously determine European Union-regulated beta-lactams (penicillins and cephalosporins) and quinolones in cow milk. The procedure involves a new solid phase extraction (SPE) to clean-up and pre-concentrate the three series of antibiotics before analysis by liquid chromatography¿tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography¿tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). LC-MS/MS and UPLC-MS/MS techniques were also compared. The method was validated according to the Directive 2002/657/EC and subsequently applied to 56 samples of raw cow milk supplied by the Laboratori Interprofessional Lleter de Catalunya (ALLIC) (Laboratori Interprofessional Lleter de Catalunya, Control Laboratory Interprofessional of Milk of Catalunya).


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The biological consequences of constitutive fibroblast growth factor-4 (fgf4) expression have been analysed during anterior CNS development of mouse chimeric embryos. Severe mutant embryos exhibit exencephaly, absence of eye development and anomalous differentiation of neuropithelium. These embryos also show ectopic limb buds resembling the early phases of limb development. Because our results show that anterior CNS in those chimeric embrios does not express shh ectopically, we suggest that malformations may be due to interference between the ectopic expression of fgf4 in the cephalic area and the receptors for the members of the FGF family that regulate brain and eye development, namely fgf8. If this is correct, the results indirectly suport the crucial role of fgf8 in patterning the anterior CNS.


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Es tracta d’una obra fruit d’un conveni de col·laboració signat l’any 2004 entre la URV, l’ICAC i Repsol YPF, i resultat d’un projecte de recerca de l’ICAC inclòs en la línia de recerca Arqueologia del paisatge, poblament i territori, que ha comptat amb el cofinançament de Repsol YPF i la col·laboració de Codex. Aquesta obra se centra en les excavacions arqueològiques efectuades en una vil·la romana situada entre la via Tarraco-Ilerda i la llera del riu Francolí, a l’actual terme municipal del Morell. És un assentament datat entre els segles II aC i V dC que reflecteix els patrons d’ocupació romana a l’àrea central de l’ager Tarraconensis i complementa, a partir d’una exhaustiva anàlisi, les dades històriques que, fins a l’actualitat, oferien les vil·les de Centcelles a Constantí o de Paret Delgada a la Selva del Camp. L’estudi parteix de les excavacions que l’empresa Codex hi va efectuar l’any 1996 arran d’una actuació d’urgència motivada per la construcció d’una nova planta industrial de l’aleshores Repsol Química SA. L’obra és fruit de l’estudi de la documentació, fins ara inèdita, elaborada per l’empresa Codex i que ha estat cedida per a aquest projecte de recerca. La publicació ha estat coordinada per Josep M. Macias Solé i Joan J. Menchon Bes i els textos són obra del Dr. Domènec Campillo, M. Milagros Cuesta i Laura Devenat (Laboratori de Paleopatologia i Paleoantropologia, Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya), Montserrat García Noguera (Codex – Arqueologia i Patrimoni), Miguel Á. González Pérez (Grup de Recerca d’Arqueologia Clàssica, Protohistòrica i Egípcia, Universitat de Barcelona), Josep M. Macias Solé (ICAC), Joan J. Menchon Bes (Museu d’Història de Tarragona), Joan S. Mestres i Torres (Laboratori de Datació per Radiocarboni, Universitat de Barcelona), Rosario Navarro Sáez (Universitat de Barcelona), Josep M. Palet Martínez (ICAC) i Jordi Principal Ponce (Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya). Amb la nova col·lecció Hic et nunc l’ICAC assumeix el compromís de difondre regularment la documentació arqueològica bàsica generada des del camp universitari o empresarial, entenent que la publicació d’aspectes més concrets és imprescindible per a l’elaboració de síntesis més globalitzadores.


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Aging is associated with an increased risk of depression in humans. To elucidate the underlying mechanisms of depression and its dependence on aging, here we study signs of depression in male SAMP8 mice. For this purpose, we used the forced swimming test (FST). The total floating time in the FST was greater in SAMP8 than in SAMR1 mice at 9 months of age; however, this difference was not observed in 12-month-old mice, when both strains are considered elderly. Of the two strains, only the SAMP8 animals responded to imipramine treatment. We also applied the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) and studied changes in the dopamine and serotonin (5-HT) uptake systems, the 5-HT2a/2c receptor density in the cortex, and levels of TPH2. The DST showed a significant difference between SAMR1 and SAMP8 mice at old age. SAMP8 exhibits an increase in 5-HT transporter density, with slight changes in 5-HT2a/2c receptor density. In conclusion, SAMP8 mice presented depression-like behavior that is dependent on senescence process, because it differs from SAMR1, senescence resistant strain.


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Resveratrol is a polyphenol that is mainly found in grapes and red wine and has been reported to be a caloric restriction (CR) mimetic driven by Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) activation. Resveratrol increases metabolic rate, insulin sensitivity, mitochondrial biogenesis and physical endurance, and reduces fat accumulation in mice. In addition, resveratrol may be a powerful agent to prevent age-associated neurodegeneration and to improve cognitive deficits in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Moreover, different findings support the view that longevity in mice could be promoted by CR. In this study, we examined the role of dietary resveratrol in SAMP8 mice, a model of age-related AD. We found that resveratrol supplements increased mean life expectancy and maximal life span in SAMP8 and in their control, the related strain SAMR1. In addition, we examined the resveratrol-mediated neuroprotective effects on several specific hallmarks of AD. We found that long-term dietary resveratrol activates AMPK pathways and pro-survival routes such as SIRT1 in vivo. It also reduces cognitive impairment and has a neuroprotective role, decreasing the amyloid burden and reducing tau hyperphosphorylation.


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Resveratrol is a polyphenol that is mainly found in grapes and red wine and has been reported to be a caloric restriction (CR) mimetic driven by Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) activation. Resveratrol increases metabolic rate, insulin sensitivity, mitochondrial biogenesis and physical endurance, and reduces fat accumulation in mice. In addition, resveratrol may be a powerful agent to prevent age-associated neurodegeneration and to improve cognitive deficits in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Moreover, different findings support the view that longevity in mice could be promoted by CR. In this study, we examined the role of dietary resveratrol in SAMP8 mice, a model of age-related AD. We found that resveratrol supplements increased mean life expectancy and maximal life span in SAMP8 and in their control, the related strain SAMR1. In addition, we examined the resveratrol-mediated neuroprotective effects on several specific hallmarks of AD. We found that long-term dietary resveratrol activates AMPK pathways and pro-survival routes such as SIRT1 in vivo. It also reduces cognitive impairment and has a neuroprotective role, decreasing the amyloid burden and reducing tau hyperphosphorylation.


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Resveratrol is a polyphenol that is mainly found in grapes and red wine and has been reported to be a caloric restriction (CR) mimetic driven by Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) activation. Resveratrol increases metabolic rate, insulin sensitivity, mitochondrial biogenesis and physical endurance, and reduces fat accumulation in mice. In addition, resveratrol may be a powerful agent to prevent age-associated neurodegeneration and to improve cognitive deficits in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Moreover, different findings support the view that longevity in mice could be promoted by CR. In this study, we examined the role of dietary resveratrol in SAMP8 mice, a model of age-related AD. We found that resveratrol supplements increased mean life expectancy and maximal life span in SAMP8 and in their control, the related strain SAMR1. In addition, we examined the resveratrol-mediated neuroprotective effects on several specific hallmarks of AD. We found that long-term dietary resveratrol activates AMPK pathways and pro-survival routes such as SIRT1 in vivo. It also reduces cognitive impairment and has a neuroprotective role, decreasing the amyloid burden and reducing tau hyperphosphorylation.


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Aging is associated with an increased risk of depression in humans. To elucidate the underlying mechanisms of depression and its dependence on aging, here we study signs of depression in male SAMP8 mice. For this purpose, we used the forced swimming test (FST). The total floating time in the FST was greater in SAMP8 than in SAMR1 mice at 9 months of age; however, this difference was not observed in 12-month-old mice, when both strains are considered elderly. Of the two strains, only the SAMP8 animals responded to imipramine treatment. We also applied the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) and studied changes in the dopamine and serotonin (5-HT) uptake systems, the 5-HT2a/2c receptor density in the cortex, and levels of TPH2. The DST showed a significant difference between SAMR1 and SAMP8 mice at old age. SAMP8 exhibits an increase in 5-HT transporter density, with slight changes in 5-HT2a/2c receptor density. In conclusion, SAMP8 mice presented depression-like behavior that is dependent on senescence process, because it differs from SAMR1, senescence resistant strain.


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Aging is associated with an increased risk of depression in humans. To elucidate the underlying mechanisms of depression and its dependence on aging, here we study signs of depression in male SAMP8 mice. For this purpose, we used the forced swimming test (FST). The total floating time in the FST was greater in SAMP8 than in SAMR1 mice at 9 months of age; however, this difference was not observed in 12-month-old mice, when both strains are considered elderly. Of the two strains, only the SAMP8 animals responded to imipramine treatment. We also applied the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) and studied changes in the dopamine and serotonin (5-HT) uptake systems, the 5-HT2a/2c receptor density in the cortex, and levels of TPH2. The DST showed a significant difference between SAMR1 and SAMP8 mice at old age. SAMP8 exhibits an increase in 5-HT transporter density, with slight changes in 5-HT2a/2c receptor density. In conclusion, SAMP8 mice presented depression-like behavior that is dependent on senescence process, because it differs from SAMR1, senescence resistant strain.


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We studied the variations caused by stress in lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity, LPL-mRNA, and local blood flow in LPL-rich tissues in the rat. Stress was produced by body immobilization (Immo): the rat's limbs were taped to metal mounts, and its head was placed in a plastic tube. Chronic stress (2 h daily of Immo) decreased total LPL activity in mesenteric and epididymal white adipose tissue (WAT) and was accompanied by a weight reduction of these tissues. In limb muscle, heart, and adrenals, total LPL activity and mRNA levels increased, and, in plasma, LPL activity and mass also increased. Acute stress (30-min Immo) caused a decrease in total LPL activity only in retroperitoneal WAT and an increase in preheparin plasma active LPL, but the overall weight of this tissue did not vary significantly. We propose an early release of the enzyme from this tissue into the bloodstream by some unknown extracellular pathways or other local mechanisms. These changes in this key energy-regulating enzyme are probably induced by catecholamines. They modify the flow of energy substrates between tissues, switching the WAT from importer to exporter of free fatty acids and favoring the uptake by muscle of circulating triacylglycerides for energy supply. Moreover, we found that acute stress almost doubled blood flow in all WAT studied, favoring the export of free fatty acids.


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Although metabolic syndrome (MS) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are often associated, a common link has not been identified. Using the BWF1 mouse, which develops MS and SLE, we sought a molecular connection to explain the prevalence of these two diseases in the same individuals. We determined SLE- markers (plasma anti-ds-DNA antibodies, splenic regulatory T cells (Tregs) and cytokines, proteinuria and renal histology) and MS-markers (plasma glucose, non-esterified fatty acids, triglycerides, insulin and leptin, liver triglycerides, visceral adipose tissue, liver and adipose tissue expression of 86 insulin signaling-related genes) in 8-, 16-, 24-, and 36-week old BWF1 and control New-Zealand-White female mice. Up to week 16, BWF1 mice showed MS-markers (hyperleptinemia, hyperinsulinemia, fatty liver and visceral adipose tissue) that disappeared at week 36, when plasma anti-dsDNA antibodies, lupus nephritis and a pro-autoimmune cytokine profile were detected. BWF1 mice had hyperleptinemia and high splenic Tregs till week 16, thereby pointing to leptin resistance, as confirmed by the lack of increased liver P-Tyr-STAT-3. Hyperinsulinemia was associated with a down-regulation of insulin related-genes only in adipose tissue, whereas expression of liver mammalian target of rapamicyn (mTOR) was increased. Although leptin resistance presented early in BWF1 mice can slow-down the progression of autoimmunity, our results suggest that sustained insulin stimulation of organs, such as liver and probably kidneys, facilitates the over-expression and activity of mTOR and the development of SLE.


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Marked changes in the content of protein in the diet affects the rat"s pattern of growth, but there is not any data on the effects to moderate changes. Here we used a genetically obese rat strain (Zucker) to examine the metabolic modifications induced to moderate changes in the content of protein of diets, doubling (high-protein (HP): 30%) or halving (low-protein (LP): 8%) the content of protein of reference diet (RD: 16%). Nitrogen, energy balances, and amino acid levels were determined in lean (L) and obese (O) animals after 30 days on each diet. Lean HP (LHP) animals showed higher energy efficiency and amino acid catabolism but maintained similar amino acid accrual rates to the lean RD (LRD) group. Conversely, the lean LP (LLP) group showed a lower growth rate, which was compensated by a relative increase in fat mass. Furthermore, these animals showed greater efficiency accruing amino acids. Obesity increased amino acid catabolism as a result of massive amino acid intake; however, obese rats maintained protein accretion rates, which, in the OHP group, implied a normalization of energy efficiency. Nonetheless, the obese OLP group showed the same protein accretion pattern as in lean animals (LLP). In the base of our data, concluded that the Zucker rats accommodate their metabolism to support moderates increases in the content of protein in the diet, but do not adjust in the same way to a 50% decrease in content of protein, as shown by an index of growth reduced, both in lean and obese rats.


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In the metabolic syndrome, glucocorticoid activity is increased, but circulating levels show little change. Most of blood glucocorticoids are bound to corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG), which liver expression and circulating levels are higher in females than in males. Since blood hormones are also bound to blood cells, and the size of this compartment is considerable for androgens and estrogens, we analyzed whether sex or eating a cafeteria diet altered the compartmentation of corticosterone in rat blood. The main corticosterone compartment in rat blood is that specifically bound to plasma proteins, with smaller compartments bound to blood cells or free. Cafeteria diet increased the expression of liver CBG gene, binding plasma capacity and the proportion of blood cell-bound corticosterone. There were marked sex differences in blood corticosterone compartmentation in rats, which were unrelated to testosterone. The use of a monoclonal antibody ELISA and a polyclonal Western blot for plasma CBG compared with both specific plasma binding of corticosterone and CBG gene expression suggested the existence of different forms of CBG, with varying affinities for corticosterone in males and females, since ELISA data showed higher plasma CBG for males, but binding and Western blot analyses (plus liver gene expression) and higher physiological effectiveness for females. Good cross- reactivity to the antigen for polyclonal CBG antibody suggests that in all cases we were measuring CBG.The different immunoreactivity and binding affinity may help explain the marked sex-related differences in plasma hormone binding as sex-linked different proportions of CBG forms.