84 resultados para Tangible User Interfaces
The Open University of Catalonia (UOC) has conducted a study of operability of its user interfaces, creating for this purpose different work groups that have analyzed different casuistries. One of these groups focused on the study and analysis of the usability of the Virtual Library's website, with the objective of obtaining benefits for our users. As a result of this analysis, an important qualitative jump is occurring in the new implementation of the website of the UOC's Virtual Library, prioritizing the role of users from different points of view: ease of navigation, management of profiles and the services associated to these and the restructuring of the information architecture, with the final aim of facilitating access to the resources and the services offered from the Library, advocating in this way for their quality and improvement.
A Web-based tool developed to automatically correct relational database schemas is presented. This tool has been integrated into a more general e-learning platform and is used to reinforce teaching and learning on database courses. This platform assigns to each student a set of database problems selected from a common repository. The student has to design a relational database schema and enter it into the system through a user friendly interface specifically designed for it. The correction tool corrects the design and shows detected errors. The student has the chance to correct them and send a new solution. These steps can be repeated as many times as required until a correct solution is obtained. Currently, this system is being used in different introductory database courses at the University of Girona with very promising results
El projecte ACME va néixer, l’any 1998, amb la finalitat de millorar la docència de les matemàtiques en els estudis d’Enginyeria Industrial i Enginyeries Tècniques de l’Escola Politècnica de la Universitat de Girona, amb la intenció de buscar la manera de que els alumnes s’impliquessin i participessin més activament en aquesta matèria fent ús de la xarxa com a via de comunicació. El projecte ACME, Avaluació Continuada i Millora de l’Ensenyament, és una eina d’e-learning que té com a objectiu fer una avaluació continuada dels alumnes a través d’uns dossiers personalitzats de problemes que el professor proposa. El sistema permet fer el seguiment, per part del professor, del progrés del conjunt de la classe, o d’un alumne individual, en una assignatura concreta. Això fa que l’ACME tingui un gran valor pedagògic. Els objectius d’aquest projecte final de carrera són els següents:• Desenvolupar un sistema de gestió d’usuaris convidats que ens permeti acceptar o denegar l’accés a usuaris que prèviament han fet una petició per poder utilitzar l’ACME.• Crear un sistema que faciliti la tasca d’assignar als usuaris els temes i els problemes més adients pel seu perfil.• Desenvolupar tot un seguit de millores i ampliacions amb la intenció d’integrar el nou mòdul dins les interfícies existents:Ampliar la interfície d’administració en l’apartat d’usuari amb la opció per gestionar els usuaris convidats. Ampliar la interfície d’administració en l’apartat del quadern de problemes amb les opcions adients per tal de gestionar les assignatures dels convidats.
The reason for this study is to propose a new quantitative approach on how to assess the quality of Open Access University Institutional Repositories. The results of this new approach are tested in the Spanish University Repositories. The assessment method is based in a binary codification of a proposal of features that objectively describes the repositories. The purposes of this method are assessing the quality and an almost automatically system for updating the data of the characteristics. First of all a database was created with the 38 Spanish institutional repositories. The variables of analysis are presented and explained either if they are coming from bibliography or are a set of new variables. Among the characteristics analyzed are the features of the software, the services of the repository, the features of the information system, the Internet visibility and the licenses of use. Results from Spanish universities ARE provided as a practical example of the assessment and for having a picture of the state of the development of the open access movement in Spain.
Proyecto que recoge el estado del arte de los gestores de ventanas de GNU/Linux, incorporando un análisis y comparativa de los principales gestores de ventanas.
L'estudi vol detectar quin és el grau d'accessibilitat dels webs de les universitats catalanes. Els indicadors utilitzats són els presents en el nivell de prioritat 1 de les Pautes d'accessibilitat al contingut del web, versió 1.0 -WCAG- del World-Wide WebConsortium, acompanyats per altres de complementaris. Com a principal resultat s¿obté que només una de les 43 pàgines analitzades compleix els llindars d'accessibilitat.
The reason for this study is to propose a new quantitative approach on how to assess the quality of Open Access University Institutional Repositories. The results of this new approach are tested in the Spanish University Repositories. The assessment method is based in a binary codification of a proposal of features that objectively describes the repositories. The purposes of this method are assessing the quality and an almost automatically system for updating the data of the characteristics. First of all a database was created with the 38 Spanish institutional repositories. The variables of analysis are presented and explained either if they are coming from bibliography or are a set of new variables. Among the characteristics analyzed are the features of the software, the services of the repository, the features of the information system, the Internet visibility and the licenses of use. Results from Spanish universities ARE provided as a practical example of the assessment and for having a picture of the state of the development of the open access movement in Spain.
Semantic Web applications take off is being slower than expected, at least with respect to “real-world” applications and users. One of the main reasons for this lack of adoption is that most Semantic Web user interfaces are still immature from the usability and accessibility points of view. This is due to the novelty of these technologies, but this also motivates the exploration of alternative interaction paradigms, different from the “traditional” Web or Desktop applications ones. Our proposal is realized in the Rhizomer platform, which explores the possibilities of the object–action interaction paradigm at the Web scale. This paradigm is well suited for heterogeneous resource spaces such as those common in the Semantic Web. Resources, described by metadata, correspond to the objects in the paradigm. Semantic web services, which are dynamically associated to these objects, correspond to the actions. The platform is being put into practice in the context of a research project in order to build an open application for media distribution based on Semantic Web technologies. Moreover, its usability and accessibility have been evaluated in this real setting and compared to similar systems.
Este trabajo evalúa la usabilidad de la web de Renfe, comparándola con sitios de características similares, particularmente en Francia y Alemania. Para este análisis se efectúa un test de usuario con personas enmarcadas dentro de las características de los usuarios potenciales.
In this paper we describe a browsing and searching personalization system for digitallibraries based on the use of ontologies for describing the relationships between all theelements which take part in a digital library scenario of use. The main goal of thisproject is to help the users of a digital library to improve their experience of use bymeans of two complementary strategies: first, by maintaining a complete history recordof his or her browsing and searching activities, which is part of a navigational userprofile which includes preferences and all the aspects related to community involvement; and second, by reusing all the knowledge which has been extracted from previous usage from other users with similar profiles. This can be accomplished in terms of narrowing and focusing the search results and browsing options through the use of a recommendation system which organizes such results in the most appropriatemanner, using ontologies and concepts drawn from the semantic web field. The complete integration of the experience of use of a digital library in the learning process is also pursued. Both the usage and information organization can be also exploited to extract useful knowledge from the way users interact with a digital library, knowledge that can be used to improve several design aspects of the library, ranging from internal organization aspects to human factors and user interfaces. Although this project is still on an early development stage, it is possible to identify all the desired functionalities and requirements that are necessary to fully integrate the use of a digital library in an e-learning environment.
L'interès per les carreres relacionades amb les enginyeries del camp de les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació (TIC) va caient any rere any i això es tradueix en menys matriculacions per cada any que passa. Una de les causes principals és la falta de motivació i interès envers aquestes carreres. Aquest problema s’atribueix a que les metodologies d’aprenentatge tradicionals no s’adeqüen a les necessitats i requeriments dels estudiants d’avui dia, que han crescut envoltats de tecnologia, i se’ls coneix amb el nom en anglès de digitalnatives.L’aprenentatge basat en jocs sorgeix com a una possible solució per afrontar aquesta falta d’interès per les àrees del coneixement relacionades amb les enginyeries TIC. Aquest mètode d'aprenentatge consisteix en que els estudiants aprenguin conceptes de les TIC mentre estan jugant a un joc. Per tant, en el context d’aquest PFC, ens centrarem en el disseny i implementació d’un joc per aprendre conceptes bàsics de les enginyeries TIC. En concret, el disseny d’aquest joc segueix les característiques definides per un model conceptual que descriuquins són els elements necessaris per crear jocs basats en puzles: quins són els elements principals que componen aquests tipus de joc i quines pistes es poden afegir per guiar a l’estudiant en el procés d’aprenentatge amb el joc. Per altra banda, pel que fa a laimplementació del joc, s’utilitzarà tecnologia basada en interfícies tangibles.Per tal d’analitzar el joc basat en puzles que s’ha dissenyat i implementat per aprendre conceptes basics de les Enginyeries TIC, s’ha portat a terme una avaluació amb estudiants d’un centre educatiu. Aspectes com el disseny de pistes, l’experiència dels estudiants amb el joc il’aprenentatge amb el joc seran analitzats per extreure les conclusions oportunes.
This paper shows how a high level matrix programming language may be used to perform Monte Carlo simulation, bootstrapping, estimation by maximum likelihood and GMM, and kernel regression in parallel on symmetric multiprocessor computers or clusters of workstations. The implementation of parallelization is done in a way such that an investigator may use the programs without any knowledge of parallel programming. A bootable CD that allows rapid creation of a cluster for parallel computing is introduced. Examples show that parallelization can lead to important reductions in computational time. Detailed discussion of how the Monte Carlo problem was parallelized is included as an example for learning to write parallel programs for Octave.
At present, Spain faces one of the key moments in planning the future design of the infrastructure network. As a consequence of the critical role played by haulage in intra-European trade, the most important investments are those that guarantee that road haulage traffic can move freely at the borders. That is why it is necessary to make serious evaluations of the economic and social profitability of these investments. Normally the most significant social benefit of investment projects in transport infrastructure is time saving, which in turn changes traffic intensity. In this article we analyse the changes in the user excess caused by public investment in transport infrastructure planned by the Spanish government and which will be located on the border between Spain and France. In particular, we study the increase in network user surplus for HGV traffic in the Spanish and French border zones in the Pyrenees.