83 resultados para Search strategies
Germination experiments were performed with seeds of two species of genus Allium section Allium, a rare and endangered species A. pyrenaicum and a common A. sphaerocephalon. Different pre-treatments and a photoperiod of 24 h darkness were applied in order to simulate different germination conditions. Both species showed a high percentage of viable seeds a part of which were dormant. An elevate percentage of dormant seeds could be caused by a later collection time. Low altitude populations had more mortality than the others, possibly caused by the hard summer conditions during flowering and fruiting time. Comparisons between dates of species coexistence localities only show inter-population variability and it could be caused by the detected dormancy. Darkness accelerates germination, possibly for elongation radicle stimulation. Heat-shock pre-treatments decreased germination time in seeds from localities where fire is a probable event. The rarity of A. Pyrenaicum not seems to be caused by restricted germination requirements but is attributable to distinct habitat preferences, related to his altitudinal range of distribution
Aunque el tema de la participación en losdistintos espacios de la vida comunitariaha irrumpido con fuerza en los últimostiempos, el sector universitario apenas haincorporado el debate de la participaciónen su funcionamiento universitario. Laparticipación estudiantil ha sido, y siguesiendo en la mayoría de los casos, simbólica.En este contexto, el artículo quepresentamos profundiza en el análisis dela participación de los estudiantes en laestructura académica universitaria a partirde un estudio realizado en la Universidadde Girona. Nos centramos en los resultadosderivados de la aplicación de uncuestionario electrónico a los estudiantespara conocer sus propias percepciones ypuntos de vista en relación con su participación en la universidad. A partir deeste análisis planteamos las orientacionesy estrategias que se configuran comoelementos y recursos favorecedores de laparticipación estudiantil, tratando aspectosdiversos como la mejora de la información,la necesidad de estrategias para facilitar la adaptación de los estudiantes a la dinámica de los órganos de gobierno oel reconocimiento del carácter formativode la participación
Nanomotors are nanoscale devices capable of converting energy into movement and forces. Among them, self-propelled nanomotors offer considerable promise for developing new and novel bioanalytical and biosensing strategies based on the direct isolation of target biomolecules or changes in their movement in the presence of target analytes. The mainachievements of this project consists on the development of receptor-functionalized nanomotors that offer direct and rapid target detection, isolation and transport from raw biological samples without preparatory and washing steps. For example, microtube engines functionalized with aptamer, antibody, lectin and enzymes receptors were used for the direct isolation of analytes of biomedical interest, including proteins and whole cells, among others. A target protein was also isolated from a complex sample by using an antigen-functionalized microengine navigating into the reservoirs of a lab-on-a-chip device. The new nanomotorbased target biomarkers detection strategy not only offers highly sensitive, rapid, simple and low cost alternative for the isolation and transport of target molecules, but also represents a new dimension of analytical information based on motion. The recognition events can be easily visualized by optical microscope (without any sophisticated analytical instrument) to reveal the target presence and concentration. The use of artificial nanomachines has shown not only to be useful for (bio)recognition and (bio)transport but also for detection of environmental contamination and remediation. In this context, micromotors modified with superhydrophobic layer demonstrated that effectively interacted, captured, transported and removed oil droplets from oil contaminated samples. Finally, a unique micromotor-based strategy for water-quality testing, that mimics live-fish water-quality testing, based on changes in the propulsion behavior of artificial biocatalytic microswimmers in the presence of aquatic pollutants was also developed. The attractive features of the new micromachine-based target isolation and signal transduction protocols developed in this project offer numerous potential applications in biomedical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, and forensic analysis.
This paper describes a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) case study in engineering education carried out within the context of a network management course. The case study shows that the use of two computing tools developed by the authors and based on Free- and Open-Source Software (FOSS) provide significant educational benefits over traditional engineering pedagogical approaches in terms of both concepts and engineering competencies acquisition. First, the Collage authoring tool guides and supports the course teacher in the process of authoring computer-interpretable representations (using the IMS Learning Design standard notation) of effective collaborative pedagogical designs. Besides, the Gridcole system supports the enactment of that design by guiding the students throughout the prescribed sequence of learning activities. The paper introduces the goals and context of the case study, elaborates onhow Collage and Gridcole were employed, describes the applied evaluation methodology, anddiscusses the most significant findings derived from the case study.
This workshop paper states that fostering active student participation both in face-to-face lectures / seminars and outside the classroom (personal and group study at home, the library, etc.) requires a certain level of teacher-led inquiry. The paper presents a set of strategies drawn from real practice in higher education with teacher-led inquiry ingredients that promote active learning. Thesepractices highlight the role of the syllabus, the importance of iterative learning designs, explicit teacher-led inquiry, and the implications of the context, sustainability and practitioners’ creativity. The strategies discussed in this paper can serve as input to the workshop as real cases that need to be represented in design and supported in enactment (with and without technologies).
El nostre objectiu principal ha estat estudiar el desenvolupament de competències discursives de l’alumnat (d’origen) estranger que contribueixin a entendre i atendre les seves necessitats socials i educatives a l’aula (de matemàtiques) multilingüe. Amb aquesta intenció, hem dut a terme accions científiques a dos nivells: amb professorat i amb estudiants. Quant a la caracterització de la complexitat normativa de l’aula de matemàtiques multilingüe, tal com estava previst: 1) hem exemplificat diverses normes socials i lingüístiques existents en el desenvolupament de pràctiques matemàtiques a l’aula; i 2) hem particularitzat el fenomen de la diversitat de normes socials i lingüístiques en casos de sessions de classe de secundària. Quant a la documentació d'indicadors de progrés en la comprensió de normes socials i lingüístiques de l’aula, i en el desenvolupament de competències discursives d’adequació a aquestes normes, tal com estava previst: 1) hem caracteritzat estratègies d’ensenyament i aprenentatge de normes socials i lingüístiques en situacions d’interacció social en petit i gran grup; i 2) hem construït criteris de seguiment del grau de desenvolupament de competències discursives d’adequació a les normes, tant pel que a professorat com alumnat. Finalment, quant a l'anàlisi de la contribució de les competències discursives a la construcció d’identitats socials, lingüístiques i matemàtiques compartides: 1) hem estudiat els usos que l’estudiant (d’origen) estranger fa de normes escolars vinculades a pràctiques socials, lingüístiques i matemàtiques; i 2) hem examinat la construcció de significats socials, lingüístics i matemàtics compartits en un ampli ventall de processos d’adequació a normes de l’aula orquestrades pel professorat de la nostra mostra.
El tema de este estudio es el aumento de la comprensión teórica y empírica de la estrategia de negocio de código abierto en el dominio de sistemas embebidos por investigar modelos de negocios de código abierto, retos, recursos y capacidades operativas y dinámicas.
A model of directed search with a finite number of buyers and sellers is considered, where sellers compete in direct mechanisms. Buyer heterogeneity and Nash equilibrium results in perfect sorting. The restriction to complementary inputs, that the match value function Q is supermodular, in addition coordinates the sellers strategies. In that case, equilibrium implements positive assortative matching, which is efficient and consistent with the stable (cooperative equilibrium) outcome. This provides a non-cooperative and decentralizedsolution for the Assignment Game. Conversely, if buyers are identical, no such coordination is possible, and there is a continuum of equilibria, one of which exhibits price posting, another yields competition in auctions.
We present simple procedures for the prediction of a real valued sequence. The algorithms are based on a combinationof several simple predictors. We show that if the sequence is a realization of a bounded stationary and ergodic random process then the average of squared errors converges, almost surely, to that of the optimum, given by the Bayes predictor. We offer an analog result for the prediction of stationary gaussian processes.
This paper presents an Optimised Search Heuristic that combines a tabu search method with the verification of violated valid inequalities. The solution delivered by the tabu search is partially destroyed by a randomised greedy procedure, and then the valid inequalities are used to guide the reconstruction of a complete solution. An application of the new method to the Job-Shop Scheduling problem is presented.
Iterated Local Search has many of the desirable features of a metaheuristic: it is simple, easy to implement, robust, and highly effective. The essential idea of Iterated Local Search lies in focusing the search not on the full space of solutions but on a smaller subspace defined by the solutions that are locally optimal for a given optimization engine. The success of Iterated Local Search lies in the biased sampling of this set of local optima. How effective this approach turns out to be depends mainly on the choice of the local search, the perturbations, and the acceptance criterion. So far, in spite of its conceptual simplicity, it has lead to a number of state-of-the-art results without the use of too much problem-specific knowledge. But with further work so that the different modules are well adapted to the problem at hand, Iterated Local Search can often become a competitive or even state of the artalgorithm. The purpose of this review is both to give a detailed description of this metaheuristic and to show where it stands in terms of performance.
We exhibit and characterize an entire class of simple adaptive strategies,in the repeated play of a game, having the Hannan-consistency property: In the long-run, the player is guaranteed an average payoff as large as the best-reply payoff to the empirical distribution of play of the otherplayers; i.e., there is no "regret." Smooth fictitious play (Fudenberg and Levine [1995]) and regret-matching (Hart and Mas-Colell [1998]) areparticular cases. The motivation and application of this work come from the study of procedures whose empirical distribution of play is, in thelong-run, (almost) a correlated equilibrium. The basic tool for the analysis is a generalization of Blackwell's [1956a] approachability strategy for games with vector payoffs.
In this paper we present an algorithm to assign proctors toexams. This NP-hard problem is related to the generalized assignmentproblem with multiple objectives. The problem consists of assigningteaching assistants to proctor final exams at a university. We formulatethis problem as a multiobjective integer program (IP) with a preferencefunction and a workload-fairness function. We then consider also a weightedobjective that combines both functions. We develop a scatter searchprocedure and compare its outcome with solutions found by solving theIP model with CPLEX 6.5. Our test problems are real instances from aUniversity in Spain.
The effectiveness of decision rules depends on characteristics of bothrules and environments. A theoretical analysis of environments specifiesthe relative predictive accuracies of the lexicographic rule 'take-the-best'(TTB) and other simple strategies for binary choice. We identify threefactors: how the environment weights variables; characteristics of choicesets; and error. For cases involving from three to five binary cues, TTBis effective across many environments. However, hybrids of equal weights(EW) and TTB models are more effective as environments become morecompensatory. In the presence of error, TTB and similar models do not predictmuch better than a naïve model that exploits dominance. We emphasizepsychological implications and the need for more complete theories of theenvironment that include the role of error.