49 resultados para Pedro González de Velasco


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Saint Vicent Ferrer’s personality (1350-1419) has been tackled by researchers in different points of view, and this has meant a proliferation of very diverse studies. There isn’t much, however, the works which has done analysis relating to popular piety and devotion. In this sense, the different hagiographic sources puts us faced with a saint with a very widespread cult in some areas, for instance, the Crown of Aragon and Castille, but also in other european places. As for the last, we detect an import focus of devotion in Brittany, where the saint arrived to preach after being called by Jean V. He died at Vannes (1419), the political capital of the duchy of Brittany, and he was buried in Saint Pierre’s cathedral. Previously to his canonization, his fame as a miracle worker during his life was the reason for his tomb became a real locus sanctus, a place where pilgrims arrived to venerate his relics. These relics had healing and prophylactic properties. Apart from these ones, we have many references of “contact relics” with properties of this kind.


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El empleo de isótopos estables en el ámbito de la ecología forestal ha ido creciendo progresivamente en las últimas dos décadas. Cabe esperar que esta tendencia se mantenga en el futuro, ya que éstos aportan una visión integradora de cómo las plantas, hoy y en el pasado, han interaccionado con el medio así como con otros organismos. Su implementación es particularmente relevante en climas secos debido a la fuerte limitación de recursos que en ellos acontece. Tras una breve introducción sobre las bases teóricas de los isótopos estables en fisiología vegetal, esta revisión destaca, sobre diferentes escalas espaciales y temporales, los últimos avances en ecología forestal empleando esta metodología y con un énfasis especial en los sistemas áridos y semiáridos.


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Background: Coxiella burnetii is a highly clonal microorganism which is difficult to culture, requiring BSL3 conditions for its propagation. This leads to a scarce availability of isolates worldwide. On the other hand, published methods of characterization have delineated up to 8 different genomic groups and 36 genotypes. However, all these methodologies, with the exception of one that exhibited limited discriminatory power (3 genotypes), rely on performing between 10 and 20 PCR amplifications or sequencing long fragments of DNA, which make their direct application to clinical samples impracticable and leads to a scarce accessibility of data on the circulation of C. burnetii genotypes. Results: To assess the variability of this organism in Spain, we have developed a novel method that consists of a multiplex (8 targets) PCR and hybridization with specific probes that reproduce the previous classification of this organism into 8 genomic groups, and up to 16 genotypes. It allows for a direct haracterization from clinical and environmental samples in a single run, which will help in the study of the different genotypes circulating in wild and domestic cycles as well as from sporadic human cases and outbreaks. The method has been validated with reference isolates. A high variability of C. burnetii has been found in Spain among 90 samples tested, detecting 10 different genotypes, being those adaA negative associated with acute Q fever cases presenting as fever of intermediate duration with liver involvement and with chronic cases. Genotypes infecting humans are also found in sheep, goats, rats, wild boar and ticks, and the only genotype found in cattle has never been found among our clinical samples. Conclusions: This newly developed methodology has permitted to demonstrate that C. burnetii is highly variable in Spain. With the data presented here, cattle seem not to participate in the transmission of C. burnetii to humans in the samples studied, while sheep, goats, wild boar, rats and ticks share genotypes with the human population.


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Aquest text fa referència a una pintura a l’oli dedicada a sant Josep Oriol, conservada a l’església parroquial de la Pobla de Segur. Arran d’una anàlisi iconogràfica atenta de l’obra, dedicada a un sant beatificat a Barcelona el juny del 1807, un fet que comportà nombroses representacions de la mà dels artistes més notables, apunta la possibilitat, que pogués ser obra de Bonaventura Planella (1772-1844).


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En el present article donem a conèixer un fragment del sepulcre de Ramon Folc VI de Cardona (†1320), conegut com el Prohom Vinculador, que es troba al braç meridional del transsepte de l’església del monestir de Poblet. El fragment fou subhastat a Barcelona el març del 2008 i fou adquirit per la Generalitat de Catalunya, que el diposità al Museu de Lleida: diocesà i comarcal. La peça sortia a la venda amb un possible origen pobletana procedent de la tradició antiquària, ja que havia estat propietat del pintor i il·lustrador modernista Alexandre de Riquer (1856-1920), de qui sabem que va extreure materials del monestir, a la vegada que és coneguda la seva faceta de col·leccionista i marxant d’art i antiguitats. Finalment, aquesta procedència s’ha pogut corroborar en descobrir-se que el fragment subhastat era un dels membra disjecta de l’esmentat sepulcre. Avui el fragment es troba pendent de ser restituït al Monestir de Poblet.


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En septiembre de 1547 asesinaron a Pedro Luis Farnesio, duque de Parma y de Piacenza, hijo del papa Paulo III...


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The contribution of the propagating and the evanescent waves associated with freely propagating non-paraxial light fields whose transverse component is azimuthally polarized at some plane is investigated. Analytic expressions are derived for describing both the spatial shape and the relative weight of the propagating and the evanescent components integrated over the transverse plane. The analysis is carried out within the framework of the plane-wave angular spectrum approach. These results are used to illustrate the behavior of a kind of donut-like beams with transverse azimuthal polarization at some plane.


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The analysis of paraxial Gaussian beams features in most undergraduate courses in laser physics, advanced optics and photonics. These beams provide a simple model of the field generated in the resonant cavities of lasers, thus constituting a basic element for understanding laser theory. Usually, uniformly polarized beams are considered in the analytical calculations, with the electric field vibrating at normal planes to the propagation direction. However, such paraxial fields do not verify the Maxwell equations. In this paper we discuss how to overcome this apparent contradiction and evaluate the longitudinal component that any paraxial Gaussian beam should exhibit. Despite the fact that the assumption of a purely transverse paraxial field is useful and accurate, the inclusion of the above issue in the program helps students to clarify the importance of the electromagnetic nature of light, thus providing a more complete understanding of the paraxial approach.


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A comparison is established between the contributions of transverse and longitudinal components of both the propagating and the evanescent waves associated to freely propagating radially polarized nonparaxial beams. Attention is focused on those fields that remain radially polarized upon propagation. In terms of the plane-wave angular spectrum of these fields, analytical expressions are given for determining both the spatial shape of the above components and their relative weight integrated over the whole transverse plane. The results are applied to two kinds of doughnut-like beams with radial polarization, and we compare the behavior of such fields at two transverse planes.


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La recerca analitza quines són les claus actuals de l’ús dela LCa Catalunya. Per fer-ho, primer de tot explica quina és la realitat de les polítiques criminals i d’execució penal practicades a Catalunya i a Espanya i les compara amb altres realitats europees. Els resultats d’aquesta primera part fonamenten la conveniència de fer augmentar de manera significativa la seva aplicació i com aquest augment repercutiria positivament en la millora de les taxes de reincidència, en el desistiment del delicte i en la reinserció social de les persones encarcerades. En la segona part de l’estudi s’analitza el perfil de les persones que arriben a la LC però també de les que no hi arriben, tot i complir algunes de les condicions objectives per fer-ho. De l’estudi d’aquests perfils s’analitzen les similituds i diferències en les característiques dels penats i es fan propostes de millora en la classificació de grau penitenciari i la possibilitat de progressió sense que augmenti el risc teòric de reincidència ni el de recursos a assignar, tot i que sí resulti necessari pensar i fer-ne una redistribució dels actualment existents. La tercera part de l’estudi es dedica a analitzar els obstacles que té l’Administració per poder fer propostes de millora per augmentar la seva implementació. Entre les dificultats analitzades es comenten: el model d’aplicació espanyol sobre la LC, la satisfacció de la responsabilitat civil, els estrangers que es troben en situació administrativa irregular a Espanya, els retards en la concessió dels permisos ordinaris i les progressions de grau i el seguiment i control de la LC. L’estudi ha fet servir metodologies quantitatives i qualitatives simultàniament. La informació obtinguda es triangula i s’assenyalen aquells punts on el consens és més global i aquells punts més controvertits on els resultats no permeten extreure’n conclusions fefaents. En la part quantitativa s’han analitzat utilitzant diferents tècniques estadístiques 3.340 casos que es trobaven l’any 2012 en LC, 3r grau i 2n grau. En la part qualitativa, s’ha fet anàlisi de casos, entrevistes en profunditat, grups focals, tècnica Delphi i recull bibliogràfic i de legislació comparada. La recerca acaba proposant 23 propostes de millora agrupades en 6 blocs d’intervenció.


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La investigación analiza cuáles son las claves actuales del uso de la libertad condicional (LC) en Cataluña. Para hacerlo, primero explica cuáles son las realidades de las políticas criminales y de ejecución penal practicadas en Cataluña y España y las compara con otras realidades europeas. Los resultados de esta primera parte fundamentan la conveniencia de aumentar de manera significativa su aplicación y cómo este aumento repercutiría positivamente en la mejora de las tasas de reincidencia, en el desistimiento del delito y en la reinserción social de las personas encarceladas. En la segunda parte del estudio se analiza el perfil de las personas que llegan a LC, pero también de las que no llegan, a pesar de cumplir algunas de las condiciones objetivas para hacerlo. Del estudio de estos perfiles se analizan las similitudes y diferencias en las características de los penados y se hacen propuestas de mejora en la clasificación de grado penitenciario y la posibilidad de progresión sin que aumente el riesgo teórico de reincidencia ni el de recursos a asignar, aunque sí hacer una redistribución de los actualmente existentes. La tercera parte del estudio analiza los obstáculos que tiene la Administración para poder hacer propuestas de mejora para aumentar la aplicación de la LC. Entre las dificultades analizadas se comentan: el modelo de aplicación español sobre la LC, la satisfacción de la responsabilidad civil, los extranjeros que se encuentran en situación administrativa irregular en España, los retrasos en la concesión de los permisos ordinarios y las progresiones de grado y el seguimiento y control de la LC. El estudio ha utilizado metodologías cuantitativas y cualitativas simultáneamente. La información obtenida se triangula y se señalan aquellos puntos donde el consenso es más global y aquellos puntos más controvertidos donde los resultados no permiten extraer conclusiones fehacientes. En la parte cuantitativa se han analizado 3.340 casos que se encontraban en 2012 en LC, 3 º grado y 2 º grado utilizando diferentes técnicas estadísticas. En la parte cualitativa, se han hecho análisis de casos, entrevistas en profundidad, grupos focales, técnica Delphi y recopilación bibliográfica y de legislación comparada. La investigación termina proponiendo 23 propuestas de mejora agrupadas en 6 bloques de intervención.


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Phase encoded nano structures such as Quick Response (QR) codes made of metallic nanoparticles are suggested to be used in security and authentication applications. We present a polarimetric optical method able to authenticate random phase encoded QR codes. The system is illuminated using polarized light and the QR code is encoded using a phase-only random mask. Using classification algorithms it is possible to validate the QR code from the examination of the polarimetric signature of the speckle pattern. We used Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test and Support Vector Machine algorithms to authenticate the phase encoded QR codes using polarimetric signatures.


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This paper shows the relationship between two Spanish writers: Garcilaso de la Vega and Pedro Salinas; or better, the influence of the former over the latter. This influence may be noticed in different levels: the use of literary genres (eclogues, elegies or collections of verse), the conception of love, the use of myths and topics, the music of verse, etc. Some characteristics of Salinas’s style come clearly from Garcilaso (the intimacy, simplicity, orality, the dialogue, the use of the present tense and the first person, etc.). Our essay studies the influence of Garcilaso on the book Largo lamento, 1937?, written by Salinas at the same time as an essay about the renaissance poet —in addition of other unpublished works and his personal correspondence—, in order to show the presence of Garcilaso in his mind and all of his production


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Background: The enzyme fatty acid synthase (FASN) is highly expressed in many human carcinomas and its inhibition is cytotoxic to human cancer cells. The use of FASN inhibitors has been limited until now by anorexia and weight loss, which is associated with the stimulation of fatty acid oxidation. Materials and Methods: The in vitro effect of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) on fatty acid metabolism enzymes, on apoptosis and on cell signalling was evaluated. In vivo, the effect of EGCG on animal body weight was addressed. Results: EGCG inhibited FASN activity, induced apoptosis and caused a marked decrease of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT and extracellular (signal)-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 proteins, in breast cancer cells. EGCG did not induce a stimulatory effect on CPT-1 activity in vitro (84% of control), or on animal body weight in vivo (99% of control). Conclusion: EGCG is a FASN inhibitor with anticancer activity which does not exhibit cross-activation of fatty acid oxidation and does not induce weight loss, suggesting its potential use as an anticancer drug.


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A Reply to the Comment by K. E. Nagaev