49 resultados para Pasaje Rivas
We present a case study of the redesign of the organizational presentation and content of the Virtual Library website at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC), based on a user-centered design strategy. The aim of the redesign was to provide users with more intuitive, usable and understandable content (textual content, resources and services) by implementing criteria of customization, transparency and proximity. The study also presents a selection of best practices for applying these criteria to the design of other library websites.
Aquesta és la primera guia d'identificació de la col∙lecció i es dedica als Efemeròpters (INSECTA: EPHEMEROPTERA). Els gèneres i grups d’espècies inclosos ala guia són aquells que de forma més freqüent hem trobat ens els estudis querealitzem en el marc del programa “Estudis de la Qualitat Ecològica dels Rius de laProvíncia de Barcelona”. Aquest programa fou una iniciativa promoguda per laDiputació de Barcelona mitjançant la seva Oficina Tècnica d'Acció Territorial del'Àrea de Territori i Sostenibilitat. La major part de les fotografies corresponenexemplars recol∙lectats el 2012 a les parts altes del riu Llobregat i els seus afluentspels membres del nostre grup de recerca, tot i que en alguns casos s’han examinatles mostres històriques.
Aquesta és la primera guia d'identificació de la col∙lecció i es dedica als Efemeròpters (INSECTA: EPHEMEROPTERA). Els gèneres i grups d’espècies inclosos ala guia són aquells que de forma més freqüent hem trobat ens els estudis querealitzem en el marc del programa “Estudis de la Qualitat Ecològica dels Rius de laProvíncia de Barcelona”. Aquest programa fou una iniciativa promoguda per laDiputació de Barcelona mitjançant la seva Oficina Tècnica d'Acció Territorial del'Àrea de Territori i Sostenibilitat. La major part de les fotografies corresponenexemplars recol∙lectats el 2012 a les parts altes del riu Llobregat i els seus afluentspels membres del nostre grup de recerca, tot i que en alguns casos s’han examinatles mostres històriques.
We present a case study of the redesign of the organizational presentation and content of the Virtual Library website at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC), based on a user-centered design strategy. The aim of the redesign was to provide users with more intuitive, usable and understandable content (textual content, resources and services) by implementing criteria of customization, transparency and proximity. The study also presents a selection of best practices for applying these criteria to the design of other library websites.
This abstract presents how we redesigned, with user-centred design methods, the way we organize and present the content on the UOC Virtual Library website. The content is now offered in a way that is more intuitive, usable and easy to understand, based on criteria of customization, transparency and proximity.The techniques used to achieve these objectives included benchmarking, interviews and focus groups during the user requirement capture phase and user tests to assess the process and results.
[spa] Esta publicación recoge los trabajos presentados en las I Jornadas de Historias de Vida en Educación: Cuestiones epistemológicas, metodológicas, éticas y de formación que, organizadas por el grupo de investigación consolidado ESBRINA (Subjetividades y entornos educativos contemporáneos -2009SGR 503), se celebraron en el Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa de la Universidad de Barcelona los días 10 y 11 de junio de 2010.A las mismas asistieron unas 50 personas -docentes e investigadores universitarios y estudiantes de máster y doctorado de España, Portugal, México, Chile, Italia, Francia y Brasil- quienes, después de una introducción por parte de las personas que coordinaban los temas, debatieron con intensidad las cuestiones que emergieron de la lectura de las contribuciones que algunos de los participantes enviaron previamente. Con posterioridad, la mayoría revisaron sus presentaciones para acomodarla al formato de esta publicación.
[spa] Esta publicación recoge los trabajos presentados en las I Jornadas de Historias de Vida en Educación: Cuestiones epistemológicas, metodológicas, éticas y de formación que, organizadas por el grupo de investigación consolidado ESBRINA (Subjetividades y entornos educativos contemporáneos -2009SGR 503), se celebraron en el Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa de la Universidad de Barcelona los días 10 y 11 de junio de 2010.A las mismas asistieron unas 50 personas -docentes e investigadores universitarios y estudiantes de máster y doctorado de España, Portugal, México, Chile, Italia, Francia y Brasil- quienes, después de una introducción por parte de las personas que coordinaban los temas, debatieron con intensidad las cuestiones que emergieron de la lectura de las contribuciones que algunos de los participantes enviaron previamente. Con posterioridad, la mayoría revisaron sus presentaciones para acomodarla al formato de esta publicación.
[spa] Esta publicación recoge los trabajos presentados en las I Jornadas de Historias de Vida en Educación: Cuestiones epistemológicas, metodológicas, éticas y de formación que, organizadas por el grupo de investigación consolidado ESBRINA (Subjetividades y entornos educativos contemporáneos -2009SGR 503), se celebraron en el Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa de la Universidad de Barcelona los días 10 y 11 de junio de 2010.A las mismas asistieron unas 50 personas -docentes e investigadores universitarios y estudiantes de máster y doctorado de España, Portugal, México, Chile, Italia, Francia y Brasil- quienes, después de una introducción por parte de las personas que coordinaban los temas, debatieron con intensidad las cuestiones que emergieron de la lectura de las contribuciones que algunos de los participantes enviaron previamente. Con posterioridad, la mayoría revisaron sus presentaciones para acomodarla al formato de esta publicación.
Background: The rate of recovery from the vegetative state (VS) is low. Currently, little is known of the mechanisms and cerebral changes that accompany those relatively rare cases of good recovery. Here, we combined functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to study the evolution of one VS patient at one month post-ictus and again twelve months later when he had recovered consciousness. Methods fMRI was used to investigate cortical responses to passive language stimulation as well as task-induced deactivations related to the default-mode network. DTI was used to assess the integrity of the global white matter and the arcuate fasciculus. We also performed a neuropsychological assessment at the time of the second MRI examination in order to characterize the profile of cognitive deficits. Results: fMRI analysis revealed anatomically appropriate activation to speech in both the first and the second scans but a reduced pattern of task-induced deactivations in the first scan. In the second scan, following the recovery of consciousness, this pattern became more similar to that classically described for the default-mode network. DTI analysis revealed relative preservation of the arcuate fasciculus and of the global normal-appearing white matter at both time points. The neuropsychological assessment revealed recovery of receptive linguistic functioning by 12-months post-ictus. Conclusions: These results suggest that the combination of different structural and functional imaging modalities may provide a powerful means for assessing the mechanisms involved in the recovery from the VS.
Background: The rate of recovery from the vegetative state (VS) is low. Currently, little is known of the mechanisms and cerebral changes that accompany those relatively rare cases of good recovery. Here, we combined functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to study the evolution of one VS patient at one month post-ictus and again twelve months later when he had recovered consciousness. Methods fMRI was used to investigate cortical responses to passive language stimulation as well as task-induced deactivations related to the default-mode network. DTI was used to assess the integrity of the global white matter and the arcuate fasciculus. We also performed a neuropsychological assessment at the time of the second MRI examination in order to characterize the profile of cognitive deficits. Results: fMRI analysis revealed anatomically appropriate activation to speech in both the first and the second scans but a reduced pattern of task-induced deactivations in the first scan. In the second scan, following the recovery of consciousness, this pattern became more similar to that classically described for the default-mode network. DTI analysis revealed relative preservation of the arcuate fasciculus and of the global normal-appearing white matter at both time points. The neuropsychological assessment revealed recovery of receptive linguistic functioning by 12-months post-ictus. Conclusions: These results suggest that the combination of different structural and functional imaging modalities may provide a powerful means for assessing the mechanisms involved in the recovery from the VS.
Background: The rate of recovery from the vegetative state (VS) is low. Currently, little is known of the mechanisms and cerebral changes that accompany those relatively rare cases of good recovery. Here, we combined functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to study the evolution of one VS patient at one month post-ictus and again twelve months later when he had recovered consciousness. Methods fMRI was used to investigate cortical responses to passive language stimulation as well as task-induced deactivations related to the default-mode network. DTI was used to assess the integrity of the global white matter and the arcuate fasciculus. We also performed a neuropsychological assessment at the time of the second MRI examination in order to characterize the profile of cognitive deficits. Results: fMRI analysis revealed anatomically appropriate activation to speech in both the first and the second scans but a reduced pattern of task-induced deactivations in the first scan. In the second scan, following the recovery of consciousness, this pattern became more similar to that classically described for the default-mode network. DTI analysis revealed relative preservation of the arcuate fasciculus and of the global normal-appearing white matter at both time points. The neuropsychological assessment revealed recovery of receptive linguistic functioning by 12-months post-ictus. Conclusions: These results suggest that the combination of different structural and functional imaging modalities may provide a powerful means for assessing the mechanisms involved in the recovery from the VS.
ABSTRACT Proposal for an evaluation protocol of the ecological quality of Andean rivers (CERA) and its use in two basins in Ecuador and Peru A Rapid Protocol is presented for Evaluation of the Ecological Status of Andean Rivers (CERA) localized over 2000 m.a.s.l. from the Northern Andes (Venezuela) through the Altiplano in the Central Andes (Bolivia). This protocol was used in 45 sampling sites in the Guayllabamba River Basin in Ecuador and in 42 sampling sites in the Ca nete River Basin in Peru. Previously, and in order to test if the sampling stations may or not be considered reference stations, we constructed a method that assesses 24 basin attributes, hydrology, reach and riverbed and that uctuates from 24 to 120 points; sites with values higher than 100 were considered as potential reference sites. Besides the benthic macroinvertebrats" evaluation, the river habitat and riparian vegetation were also evaluated through of the application of the indices ABI (R´ os et al., submitted), IHF (Pardo et al., 2002) and QBR-And, respectively. The convenience of the initial allocation of the reference sites was evaluated as well. These indices have been properly adapted to the conditions and characteristics of the high Andes rivers. The results obtained for both basins were compared and discussed. Through the use of the CERA protocol, the particular perturbation gradients and the natural variability of the reference sites in both countries were recognized. RESUMEN Propuesta de un protocolo de evaluación de la calidad ecológica de ríos andinos (CERA) y su aplicaci´on a dos cuencas en Ecuador y Perú Se presenta un protocolo rápido de evaluación de la Calidad Ecológica de Ríos Andinos (CERA), situados sobre los 2000 m.s.n.m, desde los Andes del Norte (Venezuela) hasta el Altiplano de los Andes Centrales (Bolivia). Este protocolo ha sido aplicado en 45 estaciones de muestreo en la cuenca del río Guayllabamba en Ecuador y en 42 estaciones de muestreo en la cuenca del río Cañete en Perú. Previamente, para probar si las estaciones de muestreo pueden o no ser estaciones de referencia construimos un método que valora 24 atributos de cuenca, hidrología, tramo y lecho y que fluctúa de 24 a 120 puntos; valores superiores a 100 fueron considerados como sitios potencialmente de referencia. Además del estudio de los macroinvertebrados bentónicos, se evaluó el hábitat fluvial y la comunidad vegetal de ribera a través de la aplicación de los índices ABI (Ríos et al., sometido), IHF (Pardo et al., 2002) y QBR-And respectivamente; así como la conveniencia de la asignación inicial de las estaciones de referencia. Estos índices han sido adecuadamente adaptados a las condiciones y características propias de los ríos altoandinos. Los resultados obtenidos fueron comparados y discutidos entre ambas cuencas. Mediante la aplicación del protocolo CERA se han reconocido los respectivos gradientes de perturbación y la variabilidad natural de las estaciones de referencia en ambos países.
The distribution of the genus Barbadocladius Cranston & Krosch (Diptera: Chironomidae), previously reported from Chile to Bolivia, has extended northwards. Larvae, pupae and pupal exuviae of this genus have been found in the high mountain tropical streams of Peru to 9°22′56″, but are restricted to very high altitude streams (altitudes over 3,278 m asl) compared to the lower altitude streams (below 1,100 m asl) in which the genus is reported in Chile and Argentina. Based on morphological studies, both described species in the genus, Barbadocladius andinus Cranston & Krosch and Barbadocladius limay Cranston & Krosch, have been found in Peru as pupae or pupal exuviae. Morphological analysis of the larvae and pupae revealed no differences between the two described species from Patagonia and Peru, which are of similar size and with a similar armament of hooklets and spines in pupal tergites and sternites. However, molecular analysis of larvae and pupae revealed that in Peru, there are at least two different evolutionary lines, one distributed widely and another restricted to one site. Phylogenetic analysis (using cox1 mitochondrial sequences) of all available sequences of Barbadocladius shows that the Chilean and Argentinean material differs from that of Peru. Therefore, a total of four molecular segregates are identified, although morphologically, neither larvae nor the pupae may be differentiated.
Aquesta és la primera guia d'identificació de la col∙lecció i es dedica als Efemeròpters (INSECTA: EPHEMEROPTERA). Els gèneres i grups d’espècies inclosos a la guia són aquells que de forma més freqüent hem trobat ens els estudis que realitzem en el marc del programa “Estudis de la Qualitat Ecològica dels Rius de la Província de Barcelona”. Aquest programa fou una iniciativa promoguda per la Diputació de Barcelona mitjançant la seva Oficina Tècnica d'Acció Territorial de l'Àrea de Territori i Sostenibilitat. La major part de les fotografies corresponen exemplars recol∙lectats el 2012 a les parts altes del riu Llobregat i els seus afluents pels membres del nostre grup de recerca, tot i que en alguns casos s’han examinat.
Aquesta és la segona guia d'identificació de la col•lecció i es dedica als Plecòpters (INSECTA: PLECOPTERA). Els gèneres i grups d’espècies inclosos a la guia són aquells que de forma més freqüent hem trobat ens els estudis que realitzem en el marc del programa “Estudis de la Qualitat Ecològica dels Rius de la Província de Barcelona”. Aquest programa fou una iniciativa promoguda per la Diputació de Barcelona mitjançant la seva Oficina Tècnica d'Acció Territorial de l'Àrea de Territori i Sostenibilitat. La major part de les fotografies corresponen exemplars recol•lectats el 2013 a les parts altes del riu Llobregat i els seus afluents pels membres del nostre grup de recerca, tot i que en alguns casos s’han examinat les mostres històriques.