42 resultados para Moorish Science Temple


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Les basíliques paleocristianes del suburbi occidental de Tarraco. El temple septentrional i el complex martirial de Sant Fructuós és el resultat de 10 anys d’investigació desenvolupada al voltant del sector septentrional del Conjunt Paleocristià del Francolí, originada arran de les excavacions efectuades entre els anys 1994 i 1997 a la zona on actualment s’ubica el Parc Central. L’extraordinària importància del jaciment va despertar de seguida l’interès de l’autor, Jordi López, i de la comunitat científica, tant pel valor mateix de les restes com per la seva relació amb l’extensa necròpolis paleocristiana que al llarg de diverses campanyes havia excavat el Dr. Mn. Joan Serra i Vilaró. Es tracta d’una presentació de les últimes investigacions desenvolupades a l’ampli conjunt funerari i cristià del Francolí, al suburbium occidental de Tarraco. Consta de dos volums. El primer està estructurat en tres grans parts. Primerament, la presentació dels resultats dels treballs d’excavació duts a terme entre els anys 1994 i 1997 al sector septentrional del centre de culte cristià del Francolí, que inclou un estudi arquitectònic exhaustiu de la nova basílica excavada. En segon lloc, una revisió de les diferents intervencions desenvolupades en el sector meridional a principi de segle XX per Mn. Serra Vilaró i dels treballs dels anys 70 de M. D. del Amo, amb la proposta d’una nova interpretació arquitectònica de l’antiga basílica i de l’edifici situat al sud d’aquesta. I, finalment, una exposició general de l’evolució d’aquest sector occidental del suburbium de la ciutat, que reflecteix un especial dinamisme entre els segles IV i V dC, moment de màxima expansió de les grans àrees funeràries del segle III dC i de la monumentalització d’un gran centre de culte martirial al Francolí. El text està il·lustrat amb una àmplia documentació gràfica (plantes, seccions, fotografia, reconstruccions tridimensionals). A més, inclou 22 pàgines de conclusions amb la corresponent traducció a l’anglès. El segon volum conté set annexos específics: la relació d’unitats estratigràfiques, un inventari de materials, la descripció dels sepulcres, l’estudi osteoarqueològic i paleopatològic de les restes humanes, una anàlisi epigràfica, una de numismàtica i una última d’escultòrica.


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This paper analyses the adoption of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) by Spanish journalists specialising in science. Applying an ethnographic research model, this study was based on a wide sample of professionals, aiming to evaluate the extent by which science journalists have adopted the new media and changed the way they use information sources. In addition, interviewees were asked whether in their opinion the Web 2.0 has had an impact on the quality of the news. The integration of formats certainly implies a few issues for today’s newsrooms. Finally, with the purpose of improving the practice of science information dissemination, the authors put forward a few proposals, namely: Increasing the training of Spanish science journalists in the field of new technologies; Emphasising the accuracy of the information and the validation of sources; Rethinking the mandates and the tasks of information professionals.


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Purpose This study seeks to analyse the policies of library and information science (LIS) journals regarding the publication of supplementary materials, the number of journals and articles that include this feature, the kind of supplementary materials published with regard to their function in the article, the formats employed and the access provided to readers. Design/methodology/approach The study analysed the instructions for authors of LIS journals indexed in the ISI Journal Citation Reports, as well as the supplementary materials attached to the articles published in their 2011 online volumes. Findings Large publishers are more likely to have a policy regarding the publication of supplementary materials, and policies are usually homogeneous across all the journals of a given publisher. Most policies state the acceptance of supplementary materials, and even journals without a policy also publish supplementary materials. The majority of supplementary materials provided in LIS articles are extended methodological explanations and additional results in the form of textual information in PDF or Word files. Some toll-access journals provide open access to any reader to these files. Originality/value This study provides new insights into the characteristics of supplementary materials in LIS journals. The results may be used by journal publishers to establish a policy on the publication of supplementary materials and, more broadly, to develop data sharing initiatives in academic settings.


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The present paper aims at an historical reconstruction, in the framework of the publishing industry in the years between the two World Wars, of the role played by the publisher William W. Norton in the genesis, published in 1932, and new edition in 1938, of Walter B. Cannon"s book The Wisdom of the Body. With the analysis of this case study, we aimed at contributing to the current criticism of the «dominant view», which tries, in an uncritical manner, that scientific popularization follows an ineluctable, continuous and linear evolution.


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REBIUN study on Science 2.0 and social web applications for research. There are three categories: share research, share resources and share results. Describes the applications and selected resources of interest: scientific social networks, scientific databases, research platforms, surveys, concept maps, file sharing, bibliographic management, social bookmarking, citation indexes, blogs and wikis, science news, open access. The services are evaluated and the report describes his interest to libraries.


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We study the determining factors of cience-based cooperation in the case of small and micro firms. In this research, we propose an analytical framework based on the resource-based view of the firm and we identify a set of organisational characteristics, which we classify as internal, external and structural factors. Each factor can be linked to at least one reason, from the firm¿s point of view, to cooperate with universities and public research centres. Each reason can, in turn, be used as an indicator of a firm¿s organisational needs or organisational capacities. In order to validate the theoretical model, we estimate a logistic regression that models the propensity to participate in science-based cooperation activities within a sample of 285 small and micro firms located in Barcelona. The results show the key role played by the absorptive capacity of new and small companies.


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Los rankings de productividad científica resultan cada vez más relevantes, tanto a nivel individual como institucional. Garantizar que se basan en información confiable y exhaustiva es, por tanto, importante. Este estudio indica que la posición de los individuos en esa clase de ranking puede cambiar sustancialmente cuando se consideran diversos indicadores bibliométricos internacionalmente reconocidos. Se usa, como ilustración, el caso de los diez profesores del área de ‘Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico’ consignados en el reciente análisis de Olivas-Ávila y Musi-Lechuga (Psicothema 2010. Vol. 22, nº 4, pp. 909-916).


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Sembla evident que la qüestió socràtica -que en gran mesura depèn de la qüestió platònica des del moment que es fa difícil distingir entre el Sòcrates històric i el Sòcrates platònic- no està tancada del tot. De fet, sempre sorgiran hermenèutiques que reobriran el debat a l"entorn d"una figura com la de Sòcrates, mestre de la paraula que no va deixar res escrit, per la qual cosa només tenim fonts indirectes sobre la seva vida, pensament i acció pedagògica. Sobre Sòcrates no hi ha, doncs, documents sinó interpretacions de manera que la seva figura -certament simbòlica- romandrà oberta per sempre més. Al marge de disputes i controvèrsies, Sòcrates ha estat considerat un dels homes més savis d"Occident, per bé que del seu magisteri sempre oral només ens hagi quedat els records d"alguns dels seus deixebles -Plató, principalment- i les referències dels seus enemics -Aristòfanes, en primer terme- que inaugurava la línia antisocràtica.


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The present paper aims at an historical reconstruction, in the framework of the publishing industry in the years between the two World Wars, of the role played by the publisher William W. Norton in the genesis, published in 1932, and new edition in 1938, of Walter B. Cannon"s book The Wisdom of the Body. With the analysis of this case study, we aimed at contributing to the current criticism of the «dominant view», which tries, in an uncritical manner, that scientific popularization follows an ineluctable, continuous and linear evolution.


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Purpose- This study seeks to analyse the policies of library and information science (LIS) journals regarding the publication of supplementary materials, the number of journals and articles that include this feature, the kind of supplementary materials published with regard to their function in the article, the formats employed and the access provided to readers. Design/methodology/approach- The study analysed the instructions for authors of LIS journals indexed in the ISI Journal Citation Reports, as well as the supplementary materials attached to the articles published in their 2011 online volumes. Findings- Large publishers are more likely to have a policy regarding the publication of supplementary materials, and policies are usually homogeneous across all the journals of a given publisher. Most policies state the acceptance of supplementary materials, and even journals without a policy also publish supplementary materials. The majority of supplementary materials provided in LIS articles are extended methodological explanations and additional results in the form of textual information in PDF or Word files. Some toll-access journals provide open access to any reader to these files. Originality/value- This study provides new insights into the characteristics of supplementary materials in LIS journals. The results may be used by journal publishers to establish a policy on the publication of supplementary materials and, more broadly, to develop data sharing initiatives in academic settings.


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As the editors explain in the introduction, a workshop dedicated to 'Experience and Knowledge Structures in Arabic and Latin sciences' was held at the Max Plank Institue for the HIstory of Science...