422 resultados para Montseny Mountains (Catalonia)
[spa] El presente estudio se centra en la caracterización macroscópica y microscópica de las materias primas silíceas del yacimiento de la Dolina de l'Esquerda de les Alzines, un yacimiento del Pleistoceno superior ubicado en el macizo del Garraf. El objetivo ha sido establecer distintas variedades de sílex, mediante la descripción macroscópica y microscópica de los elementos del conjunto lítico, para disponer, por vez primera, de unas categorías definidas de los recursos abióticos silíceos disponibles y explotados durante la prehistoria en este macizo. Además, mediante el presente estudio se ha evaluado también la posible procedencia y el área captación de dichas materias. [eng]The present study focuses on the macroscopic and microscopic characterization of siliceous raw materials from the archeological site of Dolina de l'Esquerda de les Alzines, an Upper Pleistocene deposit located in the Garraf Massif. The aim of this study has been to establish different varieties of chert, by a precise description of the elements of the lithic assemblage, to provide for the first time a few categories defined from the siliceous abiotic resources available and exploited during Prehistory in the massif. Furthermore, through the present study we also assessed the possible origin and procurement area of such materials.
Los mapas de vegetación son a menudo utilizados como proxis de una estratificación de hábitats para generar distribuciones geográficas contínuas de organismos a partir de datos discretos mediante modelos multi-variantes. Sin embargo, los mapas de vegetación suelen ser poco apropiados para ser directamente aplicados a este fin, pues sus categorías no se concibieron con la intención de corresponder a tipos de hábitat. En este artículo presentamos y aplicamos el método de Agrupamiento por Doble Criterio para generalizar un mapa de vegetación extraordinariamente detallado (350 clases) del Parque Natural del Montseny (Cataluña) en categorías que mantienen la coherencia tanto desde el punto de vista estructural (a través de una matriz de disimilaridad espectral calculada mediante una imágen del satélite SPOT-5) como en términos de vegetación (gracias a una matriz de disimilaridad calculada mediante propiedades de vegetación deducidas de la leyenda jerárquica del mapa). El método simplifica de 114 a 18 clases el 67% del área de estudio. Añadiendo otras agregaciones más triviales basadas exclusivamente en criterios de cubierta de suelo, el 73% del área de estudio pasa de 167 a 25 categorías. Como valor añadido, el método identifica el 10% de los polígonos originales como anómalos (a partir de comparar las propiedades espectrales de cada polígono con el resto de los de su clases), lo que implica cambios en la cubierta entre las fechas del soporte utilizado para generar el mapa original y la imagen de satélite, o errores en la producción de éste.
Nota breu sobre la descripció de Botrychium matricariifolium A. Br. ex Koch al massís del Montseny
La evolución sedimentaria del Muschelkalk inferior de las cadenas costero catalanas se caracteriza por una primera secuencia de profundización, seguida por una segunda secuencia de somerización, constituída por pequeños ciclos somerizantes. Las dos secuencias están separadas por una discontinuidad estratigráfica de carácter regional. El tramo superior de la primera secuencia está dolomitizado por procesos de dolomitización secundaria él partir de la discontinuidad estratigráfica regional; en otros dominios de los Catalánides. la dolomitización puede afectar a casi toda la secuencia. La segunda secuencia está constituída por dolomías de tipo primario. El Muschelkalk inferior del dominio Montseny-L1obregat se diferencia del resto de los Catalánides, principalmente por existencia, en la secuencia de profundización, de cuatro rupturas sedimentarias interpretadas como superficies karstificadas intra-Muschclkalk. Todo el Muschelkalk inferior se desarrolla en facies mareales en un contexto de rampa carbonatada tipo homoclinal rampo. El estudio palinológico confirma una edad Anisiense medio-superior.
El present projecte té el seu origen en la proposta facilitada per l’Oficina del Parc Natural del Montseny en relació a les accions a portar a terme dins els compromisos de la Carta Europea de Turisme Sostenible (CETS) al Parc durant els anys 2011 – 2015. La Carta Europea de Turisme Sostenible és una acreditació que atorga la Federació EUROPARC als espais naturals protegits que demostren el seu compromís pràctic amb el turisme sostenible, definint una estratègia i un pla d’acció adaptats a les particularitats del territori. El Parc Natural del Montseny es situa entre les demarcacions de Girona i Barcelona i s’estén per les comarques del Vallès Oriental, la Selva i Osona. El Montseny és un espai singular dotat d’alts valors culturals i naturals reconeguts mitjançant la declaració d’importants figures de protecció (Parc Natural Reserva de la Biosfera per la UNESCO i Espai de la Xarxa Natura 2000). El cas de la Carta Europea de Turisme Sostenible al Parc Natural del Montseny supera els límits del Parc i inclou altres municipis limítrofs que compten amb característiques d’identificació amb els valors del massís
This paper presents the first results of a current research project about human – environmental interactions in the Montseny Massif. Our work sets out to integrate two research lines in the studied area: - Archaeological and archaeo-morphological surveys in a lower part of the mountains in order to characterize the evolution of the settlements and field systems. - The geological and geomorphological characterization of the slope and terrace deposits in relation with field systems and archaeological data. First results point out the intensive occupation of these inland areas during the Iberian and the Roman periods. Post-Roman sediments show different processes of erosion.
The main goal of the InterAmbAr reseach project is to analyze the relationships between landscape systems and human land-use strategies on mountains and littoral plains from a long-term perspective. The study adopts a high resolution analysis of small-scale study areas located in the Mediterranean region of north-eastern Catalonia. The study areas are distributed along an altitudinal transect from the high mountain (above 2000m a.s.l.) to the littoral plain of Empordà (Fig. 1). High resolution interdisciplinary research has been carried out from 2010, based on the integration of palaeoenvironmental and archaeological data. The micro-scale approach is used to understand human-environmental relationships. It allows better understanding of the local-regional nature of environmental changes and the synergies between catchment-based systems, hydro-sedimentary regimes, human mobility, land-uses, human environments, demography, etc.
El present projecte neix de la proposta facilitada per l’Oficina del Parc Natural del Montseny en relació a les accions a portar a terme dins els compromisos de la Carta Europea de Turisme Sostenible (CETS) al parc durant els anys 2011-2015. Es dissenya una metodologia a portar a terme per a l’elaboració de l’inventariat dels recursos turístics, naturals i culturals, dins dels municipis que engloben el territori de la Carta. Així mateix, aquest projecte pretén ser una eina útil, no només per a la catalogació dels recursos, sinó també per a la jerarquització d’aquests en termes de potencial turístic
Recent trends in technology transfer show an intensification of spin-off creation as a modality of university research commercialisation, complementary to the conventional ones, contract research and licensing. In this paper we analyse the evolution, objectives, resources and activities of a specialised unit –Technological Trampoline (TT) - in charge of new venture creation at the University of Girona (Catalonia-Spain). Based on two theoretical frameworks, Resource-based-view and Institutional Theory, we adopt a multi-dimensional approach to study the strategy of spinning-off new ventures at the University of Girona in terms of resources and activities, how this process is organised and if the outputs fit with this UdG’s objectives and the local environment. Our main contribution is an in-depth analysis of the spin-off creation unit with special emphasis on its variety of resources and activities. The results have a series of implications and recommendations at both university and TT level.
The spread of milk consumption was a significant change in the diet of Europeans, however it is one that has not been greatly studied with regard to the populations of Mediterranean Europe. In this article we shall analyse the ain circumstances that conditioned that process in Catalonia between the middle of the 19th century and 1936. In our study we shall argue that the consumption of milk in this area was only relevant in the 19th century in situations of illness or old age, and that it subsequently increased and acquired a new significance as a result of various factors. In particular, we shall emphasise: (a) the scientific advances in microbiology and nutrition, (b) the activities carried out by doctors and various public institutions to promote the consumption of fresh milk, and (c) the technological innovations in the milk producing sector. In Appendix 1 we show two maps representing the main territorial references that we shall mention.
In this note we quantify to what extent indirect taxation influences and distorts prices. To do so we use the networked accounting structure of the most recent input-output table of Catalonia, an autonomous region of Spain, to model price formation. The role of indirect taxation is considered both from a classical value perspective and a more neoclassical flavoured one. We show that they would yield equivalent results under some basic premises. The neoclassical perspective, however, offers a bit more flexibility to distinguish among different tax figures and hence provide a clearer disaggregate picture of how an indirect tax ends up affecting, and by how much, the cost structure.
Why Catalonia will see its energy metabolism increase in the near future: an application of MuSIASEM
This paper applies the so-called Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) to the economy of the Spanish region of Catalonia. By applying Georgescu-Roegen's fund-flow model, it arrives at the conclusion that within a context of the end of cheap oil, the current development model based on the growth of low productivity sectors such as services and construction must change. The change is needed not only because of the increasing scarcity of affordable energy carriers, or because of the increasing environmental impact that the present development represents, but also because of an ageing population that demands labour productivity gains. This will imply industry requiring more energy consumption per worker in order to increase its productivity, and therefore its competitiveness. Thus, we conclude that energy intensity, and exosomatic energy metabolism of Catalonia will increase dramatically in the near future unless major conservation efforts are implemented in both the household and transport sectors.
The present paper analyses the link between firms’ decisions to innovate and the barriers that prevent them from being innovative. The aim is twofold. First, it analyses three groups of barriers to innovation: the cost of innovation projects, lack of knowledge and market conditions. Second, it presents the main steps taken by Catalan Government to promote the creation of new firms and to reduce barriers to innovation. The data set used is based on the 2004 official innovation survey of Catalonia which was taken from the Spanish CIS-4 sample. This sample includes individual information on 2,954 Catalan firms in manufacturing industries and knowledge-intensive services (KIS). The empirical analysis reveals pronounced differences regarding a firm’s propensity to innovate and its perception of barriers. Moreover, the results show that cost and knowledge barriers seem to be the most important and that there are substantial sectoral differences in the way that firms react to barriers. The results of this paper have important implications for the design of future public policy to promote entrepreneurship and innovation together.