43 resultados para Modular programming.


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Number theory, a fascinating area in mathematics and one of the oldest, has experienced spectacular progress in recent years. The development of a deep theoretical background and the implementation of algorithms have led to new and interesting interrelations with mathematics in general which have paved the way for the emergence of major theorems in the area. This report summarizes the contribution to number theory made by the members of the Seminari de Teoria de Nombres (UB-UAB-UPC) in Barcelona. These results are presented in connection with the state of certain arithmetical problems, and so this monograph seeks to provide readers with a glimpse of some specific lines of current mathematical research.


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Biometric system performance can be improved by means of data fusion. Several kinds of information can be fused in order to obtain a more accurate classification (identification or verification) of an input sample. In this paper we present a method for computing the weights in a weighted sum fusion for score combinations, by means of a likelihood model. The maximum likelihood estimation is set as a linear programming problem. The scores are derived from a GMM classifier working on a different feature extractor. Our experimental results assesed the robustness of the system in front a changes on time (different sessions) and robustness in front a change of microphone. The improvements obtained were significantly better (error bars of two standard deviations) than a uniform weighted sum or a uniform weighted product or the best single classifier. The proposed method scales computationaly with the number of scores to be fussioned as the simplex method for linear programming.


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El proyecto consiste en la realización de una agenda web modular, utilizando para ello las tecnologías de la plataforma J2EE mediante frameworks (Hibernate y Spring) y un patrón de arquitectura (MVC). La agenda se ha realizado para ser gestionada por un servidor Apache Tomcat y sus datos almacenados en MySQL.


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L'objectiu principal del TFC consisteix en la creació d'una complexa estructura modular J2EE basada i mantinguda per Maven, amb la utilització com frameworks Spring, Hibernate i Flex principalment. Aquesta estructura permet reprendre el desenvolupament inicial, nous desenvolupaments i manteniments d'una aplicació, amb un cost temporal mínim per la part de l'equip de desenvolupament.


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En aquest treball presentem una proposta d’avaluació per competències en una estructura modular que és fruit de la nostra experiència com a professors universitaris. Volem oferir un instrument d’avaluació conjunta per a tot l’equip de professors de mòdul que sigui vàlid, àgil i operatiu i que permeti donar feedback a cada estudiant del seu procés d’aprenentatge. Després de presentar els trets més singulars de la nostra institució i exposar alguns referents teòrics en relació a l’avaluació de competències, indiquem quines són les competències que hem seleccionat i aprofundim en la metodologia de treball i avaluació de les mateixes. Aquesta metodologia varia segons els espais acadèmics: gran grup, grup mig i seminari. A cadascun d’aquests espais es treballen i s’avaluen unes competències determinades, tot i que d’una forma més genèrica totes es desenvolupen conjuntament ens els tres àmbits. Considerem que és fonamental assenyalar que no es tracta d’avaluar “per assignatures” ni “per activitats”, sinó d’avaluar les competències que es desenvolupen a través de les matèries i de les propostes de treball que s’especifiquen en el pla docent.. L’ instrument d’avaluació que presentem possibilita la participació de tot el professorat implicat en el mateix mòdul i alhora permet que cada professor utilitzi els seus propis indicadors d’avaluació, aconseguint harmonitzar les dinàmiques de treball individuals i de grup.


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This paper presents a programming environment for supporting learning in STEM, particularly mobile robotic learning. It was designed to maintain progressive learning for people with and without previous knowledge of programming and/or robotics. The environment was multi platform and built with open source tools. Perception, mobility, communication, navigation and collaborative behaviour functionalities can be programmed for different mobile robots. A learner is able to programme robots using different programming languages and editor interfaces: graphic programming interface (basic level), XML-based meta language (intermediate level) or ANSI C language (advanced level). The environment supports programme translation transparently into different languages for learners or explicitly on learners’ demand. Learners can access proposed challenges and learning interfaces by examples. The environment was designed to allow characteristics such as extensibility, adaptive interfaces, persistence and low software/hardware coupling. Functionality tests were performed to prove programming environment specifications. UV BOT mobile robots were used in these tests


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Una eficaz acción educativa obliga necesariamente a plantearse en profundidad la autoevaluación como modelo de cambio y la participación de todos los estamentos de la comunidad educativa. Un mayor o menor grado de participación viene a ser un indicador que nos permite valorar cualquier propuesta de «calidad», «reforma» o «innovación». El modelo B.A.D.I. yen especial su instrumento modular, responde a las exigencias particulares de reflexión, análisis y toma de decisiones que se realiza en cada centro para responder adecuadamente a cualquier planteamiento innovador. Los principios fundamentales de este modelo se resumen en: A. Es un modelo de concepción organicista, estamental, con definición ideológica. B. Responde a un enfoque fundamentalmente rogeriano. C. Participa de los enfoques social, abierto, dinámico, cultural y positivo. Comparte la teoría moderna de la organización y sus indicadores se agrupan en cuatro fases: Criterial, presupuestaria, metodológica e informativa. D. Se identifica con los modelos centrados en la evaluación de cambio, de forma especial con la autoevaluación. La flexibilidad que caracteriza al modelo viene dado por el instrumento modular de área o de criterio, como resultado de la participación y el consenso de todos los estamentos de la institución educativa.


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Possibilistic Defeasible Logic Programming (P-DeLP) is a logic programming language which combines features from argumentation theory and logic programming, incorporating the treatment of possibilistic uncertainty at the object-language level. In spite of its expressive power, an important limitation in P-DeLP is that imprecise, fuzzy information cannot be expressed in the object language. One interesting alternative for solving this limitation is the use of PGL+, a possibilistic logic over Gödel logic extended with fuzzy constants. Fuzzy constants in PGL+ allow expressing disjunctive information about the unknown value of a variable, in the sense of a magnitude, modelled as a (unary) predicate. The aim of this article is twofold: firstly, we formalize DePGL+, a possibilistic defeasible logic programming language that extends P-DeLP through the use of PGL+ in order to incorporate fuzzy constants and a fuzzy unification mechanism for them. Secondly, we propose a way to handle conflicting arguments in the context of the extended framework.


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In the last decade defeasible argumentation frameworks have evolved to become a sound setting to formalize commonsense, qualitative reasoning. The logic programming paradigm has shown to be particularly useful for developing different argument-based frameworks on the basis of different variants of logic programming which incorporate defeasible rules. Most of such frameworks, however, are unable to deal with explicit uncertainty, nor with vague knowledge, as defeasibility is directly encoded in the object language. This paper presents Possibilistic Logic Programming (P-DeLP), a new logic programming language which combines features from argumentation theory and logic programming, incorporating as well the treatment of possibilistic uncertainty. Such features are formalized on the basis of PGL, a possibilistic logic based on G¨odel fuzzy logic. One of the applications of P-DeLP is providing an intelligent agent with non-monotonic, argumentative inference capabilities. In this paper we also provide a better understanding of such capabilities by defining two non-monotonic operators which model the expansion of a given program P by adding new weighed facts associated with argument conclusions and warranted literals, respectively. Different logical properties for the proposed operators are studied


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Virtual Laboratories are an indispensablespace for developing practical activities in a Virtual Environment. In the field of Computer and Software Engineering different types of practical activities have tobe performed in order to obtain basic competences which are impossible to achieve by other means. This paper specifies an ontology for a general virtual laboratory.The proposed ontology provides a mechanism to select the best resources needed in a Virtual Laboratory once a specific practical activity has been defined and the maincompetences that students have to achieve in the learning process have been fixed. Furthermore, the proposed ontology can be used to develop an automatic and wizardtool that creates a Moodle Classroom using the practical activity specification and the related competences.


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The aim of this project is to get used to another kind of programming. Since now, I used very complex programming languages to develop applications or even to program microcontrollers, but PicoCricket system is the evidence that we don’t need so complex development tools to get functional devices. PicoCricket system is the clear example of simple programming to make devices work the way we programmed it. There’s an easy but effective way to programs mall devices just saying what we want them to do. We cannot do complex algorithms and mathematical operations but we can program them in a short time. Nowadays, the easier and faster we produce, the more we earn. So the tendency is to develop fast, cheap and easy, and PicoCricket system can do it.