73 resultados para Micro-particles


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We have studied the adsorption process of non-Brownian particles on a line. Our work differs from previously proposed models in that we have incorporated hydrodynamic interactions between the incoming particles and the preadsorbed particles as well as the surface. We then numerically analyze the effect of these interactions on quantities related to the adsorption process. Comparing our model to the ballistic deposition model (BM) shows a significant discrepancy in the pair correlation function. These results can explain some differences between recent experiments and BM predictions. Finally, the limitations of the applicability of BM are addressed.


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We have studied the relaxation dynamics of a dilute assembly of ferromagnetic particles in suspension. A formalism based on the Smoluchowski equation, describing the evolution of the probability density for the directions of the magnetic moment and of the axis of easy magnetization of the particles, has been developed. We compute the rotational viscosity from a Green-Kubo formula and give an expression for the relaxation time of the particles which comes from the dynamic equations of the correlation functions. Concerning the relaxation time for the particles, our results agree quite well with experiments performed on different samples of ferromagnetic particles for which the magnetic energy, associated with the interaction between the magnetic moments and the external field, or the energy of anisotropy plays a dominant role.


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We show that a dispersion of monodomain ferromagnetic particles in a solid phase exhibits stochastic resonance when a driven linearly polarized magnetic field is applied. By using an adiabatic approach, we calculate the power spectrum, the distribution of residence times, and the mean first passage time. The behavior of these quantities is similar to the behavior of corresponding quantities in other systems where stochastic resonance has also been observed.


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Monte Carlo simulations of a model for gamma-Fe2O3 (maghemite) single particle of spherical shape are presented aiming at the elucidation of the specific role played by the finite size and the surface on the anomalous magnetic behavior observed in small particle systems at low temperature. The influence of the finite-size effects on the equilibrium properties of extensive magnitudes, field coolings, and hysteresis loops is studied and compared to the results for periodic boundaries. It is shown that for the smallest sizes the thermal demagnetization of the surface completely dominates the magnetization while the behavior of the core is similar to that of the periodic boundary case, independently of D. The change in shape of the hysteresis loops with D demonstrates that the reversal mode is strongly influenced by the presence of broken links and disorder at the surface


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We present a study of the magnetic relaxation of several ferrofluids composed of particles of about 40 Å in diameter (Fe3O4FeC, CoFe2O4). Our key observation is a nonthermal character of the relaxation below 3 K for the CoFe2O4 ferrofluid and below 1 K for the FeC ferrofluid. The crossover temperature from thermal to nonthermal (quantum) regime is in accordance with theoretical suggestions of macroscopic quantum tunneling of magnetization in single doma in particles


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We present an imaginary-time path-integral study of the problem of quantum decay of a metastable state of a uniaxial magnetic particle placed in the magnetic field at an arbitrary angle. Our findings agree with earlier results of Zaslavskii obtained by mapping the spin Hamiltonian onto a particle Hamiltonian. In the limit of low barrier, weak dependence of the decay rate on the angle is found, except for the field which is almost normal to the anisotropy axis, where the rate is sharply peaked, and for the field approaching the parallel orientation, where the rate rapidly goes to zero. This distinct angular dependence, together with the dependence of the rate on the field strength, provides an independent test for macroscopic spin tunneling.


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The paper reports a detailed experimental study on magnetic relaxation of natural horse-spleen ferritin. ac susceptibility measurements performed on three samples of different concentration show that dipole-dipole interactions between uncompensated moments play no significant role. Furthermore, the distribution of relaxation times in these samples has been obtained from a scaling of experimental X" data, obtained at different frequencies. The average uncompensated magnetic moment per protein is compatible with a disordered arrangement of atomic spins throughout the core, rather than with surface disorder. The observed field dependence of the blocking temperature suggests that magnetic relaxation is faster at zero field than at intermediate field values. This is confirmed by the fact that the magnetic viscosity peaks at zero field, too. Using the distribution of relaxation times obtained independently, we show that these results cannot be explained in terms of classical relaxation theory. The most plausible explanation of these results is the existence, near zero field, of resonant magnetic tunneling between magnetic states of opposite orientation, which are thermally populated.


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The ability to entrap drugs within vehicles and subsequently release them has led to new treatments for a number of diseases. Based on an associative phase separation and interfacial diffusion approach, we developed a way to prepare DNA gel particles without adding any kind of cross-linker or organic solvent. Among the various agents studied, cationic surfactants offered particularly efficient control for encapsulation and DNA release from these DNA gel particles. The driving force for this strong association is the electrostatic interaction between the two components, as induced by the entropic increase due to the release of the respective counter-ions. However, little is known about the influence of the respective counter-ions on this surfactant-DNA interaction. Here we examined the effect of different counter-ions on the formation and properties of the DNA gel particles by mixing DNA (either single- (ssDNA) or double-stranded (dsDNA)) with the single chain surfactant dodecyltrimethylammonium (DTA). In particular, we used as counter-ions of this surfactant the hydrogen sulfate and trifluoromethane sulfonate anions and the two halides, chloride and bromide. Effects on the morphology of the particles obtained, the encapsulation of DNA and its release, as well as the haemocompatibility of these particles, are presented, using the counter-ion structure and the DNA conformation as controlling parameters. Analysis of the data indicates that the degree of counter-ion dissociation from the surfactant micelles and the polar/hydrophobic character of the counter-ion are important parameters in the final properties of the particles. The stronger interaction with amphiphiles for ssDNA than for dsDNA suggests the important role of hydrophobic interactions in DNA.


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We study the problem of the advection of passive particles with inertia in a two-dimensional, synthetic, and stationary turbulent flow. The asymptotic analytical result and numerical simulations show the importance of inertial bias in collecting the particles preferentially in certain regions of the flow, depending on their density relative to that of the flow. We also study how these aggregates are affected when a simple chemical reaction mechanism is introduced through a Eulerian scheme. We find that inertia can be responsible for maintaining a stationary concentration pattern even under nonfavorable reactive conditions or destroying it under favorable ones.


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Using the experimental data of Paret and Tabeling [Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 4162 (1997)] we consider in detail the dispersion of particle pairs by a two-dimensional turbulent flow and its relation to the kinematic properties of the velocity field. We show that the mean square separation of a pair of particles is governed by rather rare, extreme events and that the majority of initially close pairs are not dispersed by the flow. Another manifestation of the same effect is the fact that the dispersion of an initially dense cluster is not the result of homogeneously spreading the particles within the whole system. Instead it proceeds through a splitting into smaller but also dense clusters. The statistical nature of this effect is discussed.