56 resultados para Inter-chromosomal trans-splicing
Abstract In this study, chromosomal inversion polymorphism data for a natural population of Drosophila subobscura from a swampy region near the town of Apatin (Serbia) were compared with data for the same population collected approximately 15 years earlier. The pattern of chromosomal inversion polymorphism changed over time. There were significant increases in the frequency of characteristic southern latitude ("warm" adapted) chromosomal arrangements and significant decreases in the frequency of characteristic northern latitude ("cold" adapted) chromosomal arrangements in the O and U chromosomes. The chromosomal arrangements O3+4 and O3+4+22 (derived from the O3+4 arrangement)showed significant increases in 2008 and 2009 with regard to the 1994 sample. There was also a significant increase (~50%) in the U1+2 arrangement, while U1+8+2 (a typical southern arrangement) was detected for the first time. Since the Apatin swampy population ofD. subobscura has existed for a long time in a stable habitat with high humidity that has not been changed by man our results indicate that natural selection has produced chromosomal changes in response to the increase in temperature that has occurred in the Balkan Peninsula of central southeastern European. Key words: chromosomal inversions, Drosophila subobscura, global warming, karyotypes.
En este trabajo se determinan los contenidos de isómeros trans de la fracción de los ácidos grasos, en muestras de embutidos diversos (total 48 muestras), mediante extracción previa de la fracción grasa y posterior análisis por cromatografía de gases capilar, con columna CP Sil 88. Los resultados muestran una gran variabilidad, entre 0,14 y 1,63% de C18:1 t y entre 0,37 y 2,14% de formas trans totales.
Se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la determinación de ácidos grasos trans en una serie de muestras de tejidos subcutáneo y muscular, procedentes de canales de cerdo, mediante cromatografía en fase gaseosa. Ambos tipos de grasas presentan valores similares y relativamente bajos, con un valor medio del 0.6% de 018:1 t. Se detecta una marcada influencia de la alimentación, puesta de manifiesto por las diferencias significativas obtenidas para los contenidos de C18:1 trans, en función del origen de las muestras. Igualmente, se recogen las correlaciones obtenidas entre los contenidos de C18:1 t. y los de ácidos grasos saturados, monoinsaturados y poliinsaturados, así como con el contenido graso intramuscular.
Se presentan los resultados obtenidos para la determinación de ácidos grasos en una serie de muestras de tejidos subcutáneo y muscular, procedentes de canales de vacuno, por aplicación de la cromatografía en fase gaseosa, para los que se obtuvieron unos valores medios de 58.7% de ácidos saturados, 39.1 % de monoinsaturados y 2.7% de polinsaturados, en el tejido adiposo, y de 44.7% de saturados, 46.1% de monoinsaturados y 9.4% de polinsaturados, en el tejido muscular. Los contenidos de ácidos grasos trans muestran diferencias significativas entre ambos tejidos (medias del 7% de ácidos trans totales en grasa intramuscular y 10.5% en grasa de depósito). El C18: 1t presenta una distribución paralela a la del total de ácidos trans, mientras que para el C16: 1 trans se observa un comportamiento claramente diferente, ya que no se presentan estas diferencias significativas entre ambos tejidos. En cuanto a los factores estudiados que pueden influir en el contenido de isómeros trans, cabe destacar que la raza fue aquél que ofrecía más diferencias, mientras que entre los diversos orígenes (explotaciones ganaderas) y entre categorías de canal se presentaron menos diferencias en relación a los contenidos de estos isómeros. También es importante destacar que las correlaciones que se han observado entre los contenidos de ácidos trans y los totales de ácidos saturados, mono y polinsaturados presentan un signo contrario, según el tipo de tejido. Así, un aumento del % de ácidos trans va aparejado con un aumento de saturados y una disminución de polinsaturados en el tejido muscular, mientras que va aparejado con una disminución de saturados y un aumento de mono y polinsaturados en el tejido adiposo.
We describe the use of dynamic combinatorial chemistry (DCC) to identify ligands for the stem-loop structure located at the exon 10-5'-intron junction of Tau pre-mRNA, which is involved in the onset of several tauopathies including frontotemporal dementia with Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17). A series of ligands that combine the small aminoglycoside neamine and heteroaromatic moieties (azaquinolone and two acridines) have been identified by using DCC. These compounds effectively bind the stem-loop RNA target (the concentration required for 50% RNA response (EC(50)): 2-58 μM), as determined by fluorescence titration experiments. Importantly, most of them are able to stabilize both the wild-type and the +3 and +14 mutated sequences associated with the development of FTDP-17 without producing a significant change in the overall structure of the RNA (as analyzed by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy), which is a key factor for recognition by the splicing regulatory machinery. A good correlation has been found between the affinity of the ligands for the target and their ability to stabilize the RNA secondary structure.
[cat] Analitzem una economia amb dues característiques principals: la mobilitat dels treballadors implica transferència de coneixement i la productivitat de l’empresa augmenta amb l’intercanvi de coneixement. Cada empresa desenvolupa un tipus de coneixement que serà trasmès a la resta de la indústria mitjançant la mobilitat de treballadors. Estudiem dues estructures de mercat laboral i utilitzant un anàlisi comparatiu derivem les implicacions del model. Els resultats revelen com la mobilitat de treballadors depèn en la varietat i nivell del coneixement, la presència de costos de mobilitat, les institucions, la capacitat d’absorvir coneixement per part de les empreses i la mida de la indústria. Els resultats no depenen de l’estructura del mercat laboral.
The chromosomal inversion polymorphism of Drosophila subobscura is adaptive to environmental changes. The population of Petnica, Serbia, was chosen to analyze short- and long-term changes in this polymorphism. Short-term changes were studied in the samples collected in May, June, and August of 1995. The inversion polymorphism varied over these months, although various interpretations are possible. To analyze long-term changes, samples obtained in May 1995 and May 2010 were compared. The frequency of the 'cold' adapted inversions (Ast, Jst, Ust, Est, and Ost) decreased and that of the 'warm' adapted inversions (A2, J1, U1+2, and O3+4) increased, from 1995 to 2010. These changes are consistent with the general increase in temperature recorded in Petnica for the same period. Finally, the possible response of chromosomal polymorphism to global warming was analyzed at the regional level (Balkan peninsula). This polymorphism depends on the ecological conditions of the populations, and the changes observed appear to be consistent with global warming expectations. Natural selection seems to be the main mechanism responsible for the evolution of this chromosomal polymorphism.
The chromosomal inversion polymorphism of Drosophila subobscura is adaptive to environmental changes. The population of Petnica, Serbia, was chosen to analyze short- and long-term changes in this polymorphism. Short-term changes were studied in the samples collected in May, June, and August of 1995. The inversion polymorphism varied over these months, although various interpretations are possible. To analyze long-term changes, samples obtained in May 1995 and May 2010 were compared. The frequency of the 'cold' adapted inversions (Ast, Jst, Ust, Est, and Ost) decreased and that of the 'warm' adapted inversions (A2, J1, U1+2, and O3+4) increased, from 1995 to 2010. These changes are consistent with the general increase in temperature recorded in Petnica for the same period. Finally, the possible response of chromosomal polymorphism to global warming was analyzed at the regional level (Balkan peninsula). This polymorphism depends on the ecological conditions of the populations, and the changes observed appear to be consistent with global warming expectations. Natural selection seems to be the main mechanism responsible for the evolution of this chromosomal polymorphism.
We describe the effect of guanidinylation of the aminoglycoside moiety on acridine-neamine-containing ligands for the stem-loop structure located at the exon 10-5′-intron junction of Tau pre-mRNA, an important regulatory element of tau gene alternative splicing. On the basis of dynamic combinatorial chemistry experiments, ligands that combine guanidinoneamine and two different acridines were synthesized and their RNA-binding properties were compared with those of their amino precursors. Fluorescence titration experiments and UV-monitored melting curves revealed that guanidinylation has a positive effect both on the binding affinity and specificity of the ligands for the stemloop RNA, as well as on the stabilization of all RNA sequences evaluated, particularly some mutated sequences associated with the development of FTDP-17 tauopathy. However, this correlation between binding affinity and stabilization due to guanidinylation was only found in ligands containing a longer spacer between the acridine and guanidinoneamine moieties, since a shorter spacer produced the opposite effect (e.g. lower binding affinity and lower stabilization). Furthermore, spectroscopic studies suggest that ligand binding does not significantly change the overall RNA structure upon binding (circular dichroism) and that the acridine moiety might intercalate near the bulged region of the stem->loop structure (UV-Vis and NMR spectroscopy).
TFC de la carrera d'ETIS, que pretén mostrar els passos i pautes que es tenen que seguir per desenvolupar l'aplicació Inter Golf en l'arquitectura J2EE. Inter Golf serà una pàgina web destinada a la gestió dels tornejos realitzats en un camp de golf, fent servir J2EE, MVC, Struts2, Hibernate i Tiles.
[spa] En este trabajo examinamos si, en la asignación de transferencias, los gobernantes regionales discriminan a favor de los gobiernos locales controlados por el mismo partido político, y si las perspectivas electorales de los gobiernos locales mejoran si están políticamente alineados con el gobierno regional. Con una nueva base de datos que considera 3.000 municipios españoles durante el período 2000-07 y un diseño de discontinuidad en la regresión, documentamos un efecto robusto de importante magnitud: en elecciones ajustadas, los municipios alineados con el gobierno regional reciben, en media, un 83% más de transferencias per cápita y su gobernante obtiene un 10% más de votos en las elecciones locales. También demostramos que el efecto de la alineación política es mayor: (i) si las elecciones regionales y locales se celebran el mismo día, (ii) en regiones donde las elecciones regionales son menos competidas, y (iii) en regiones con más recursos presupuestarios.
[spa] En este trabajo examinamos si, en la asignación de transferencias, los gobernantes regionales discriminan a favor de los gobiernos locales controlados por el mismo partido político, y si las perspectivas electorales de los gobiernos locales mejoran si están políticamente alineados con el gobierno regional. Con una nueva base de datos que considera 3.000 municipios españoles durante el período 2000-07 y un diseño de discontinuidad en la regresión, documentamos un efecto robusto de importante magnitud: en elecciones ajustadas, los municipios alineados con el gobierno regional reciben, en media, un 83% más de transferencias per cápita y su gobernante obtiene un 10% más de votos en las elecciones locales. También demostramos que el efecto de la alineación política es mayor: (i) si las elecciones regionales y locales se celebran el mismo día, (ii) en regiones donde las elecciones regionales son menos competidas, y (iii) en regiones con más recursos presupuestarios.
Background: It has been suggested that chromosomal rearrangements harbor the molecular footprint of the biological phenomena which they induce, in the form, for instance, of changes in the sequence divergence rates of linked genes. So far, all the studies of these potential associations have focused on the relationship between structural changes and the rates of evolution of single-copy DNA and have tried to exclude segmental duplications (SDs). This is paradoxical, since SDs are one of the primary forces driving the evolution of structure and function in our genomes and have been linked not only with novel genes acquiring new functions, but also with overall higher DNA sequence divergence and major chromosomal rearrangements.Results: Here we take the opposite view and focus on SDs. We analyze several of the features of SDs, including the rates of intraspecific divergence between paralogous copies of human SDs and of interspecific divergence between human SDs and chimpanzee DNA. We study how divergence measures relate to chromosomal rearrangements, while considering other factors that affect evolutionary rates in single copy DNA. Conclusion: We find that interspecific SD divergence behaves similarly to divergence of single-copy DNA. In contrast, old and recent paralogous copies of SDs do present different patterns of intraspecific divergence. Also, we show that some relatively recent SDs accumulate in regions that carry inversions in sister lineages.
Ca(2+) import into the lumen of the trans-Golgi network (TGN) by the secretory pathway calcium ATPase1 (SPCA1) is required for the sorting of secretory cargo. How is Ca(2+) retained in the lumen of the Golgi, and what is its role in cargo sorting? We show here that a soluble, lumenal Golgi resident protein, Cab45, is required for SPCA1-dependent Ca(2+) import into the TGN; it binds secretory cargo in a Ca(2+)-dependent reaction and is required for its sorting at the TGN.
Here we report that the kinesin-5 motor Klp61F, which is known for its role in bipolar spindle formation in mitosis, is required for protein transport from the Golgi complex to the cell surface in Drosophila S2 cells. Disrupting the function of its mammalian orthologue, Eg5, in HeLa cells inhibited secretion of a protein called pancreatic adenocarcinoma up-regulated factor (PAUF) but, surprisingly, not the trafficking of vesicular stomatitis virus G protein (VSV-G) to the cell surface. We have previously reported that PAUF is transported from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to the cell surface in specific carriers called CARTS that exclude VSV-G. Inhibition of Eg5 function did not affect the biogenesis of CARTS; however, their migration was delayed and they accumulated near the Golgi complex. Altogether, our findings reveal a surprising new role of Eg5 in nonmitotic cells in the facilitation of the transport of specific carriers, CARTS, from the TGN to the cell surface.