64 resultados para Inhomogeneous Equation
A new method to solve the Lorentz-Dirac equation in the presence of an external electromagnetic field is presented. The validity of the approximation is discussed, and the method is applied to a particle in the presence of a constant magnetic field.
A pseudoclassical model for a spinning nonrelativistic particle is presented. The model contains two first-class constraints which after quantization give rise to the Levy-Leblond equation for a spin-1/2 particle.
The Swift-Hohenberg equation is studied in the presence of a multiplicative noise. This stochastic equation could describe a situation in which a noise has been superimposed on the temperature gradient between the two plates of a Rayleigh-Bnard cell. A linear stability analysis and numerical simulations show that, in constrast to the additive-noise case, convective structures appear in a regime in which a deterministic analysis predicts a homogeneous solution.
We deal with the hysteretic behavior of partial cycles in the two¿phase region associated with the martensitic transformation of shape¿memory alloys. We consider the problem from a thermodynamic point of view and adopt a local equilibrium formalism, based on the idea of thermoelastic balance, from which a formal writing follows a state equation for the material in terms of its temperature T, external applied stress ¿, and transformed volume fraction x. To describe the striking memory properties exhibited by partial transformation cycles, state variables (x,¿,T) corresponding to the current state of the system have to be supplemented with variables (x,¿,T) corresponding to points where the transformation control parameter (¿¿ and/or T) had reached a maximum or a minimum in the previous thermodynamic history of the system. We restrict our study to simple partial cycles resulting from a single maximum or minimum of the control parameter. Several common features displayed by such partial cycles and repeatedly observed in experiments lead to a set of analytic restrictions, listed explicitly in the paper, to be verified by the dissipative term of the state equation, responsible for hysteresis. Finally, using calorimetric data of thermally induced partial cycles through the martensitic transformation in a Cu¿Zn¿Al alloy, we have fitted a given functional form of the dissipative term consistent with the analytic restrictions mentioned above.
We study the analytical solution of the Monte Carlo dynamics in the spherical Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model using the technique of the generating function. Explicit solutions for one-time observables (like the energy) and two-time observables (like the correlation and response function) are obtained. We show that the crucial quantity which governs the dynamics is the acceptance rate. At zero temperature, an adiabatic approximation reveals that the relaxational behavior of the model corresponds to that of a single harmonic oscillator with an effective renormalized mass.
Semiclassical Einstein-Langevin equations for arbitrary small metric perturbations conformally coupled to a massless quantum scalar field in a spatially flat cosmological background are derived. Use is made of the fact that for this problem the in-in or closed time path effective action is simply related to the Feynman-Vernon influence functional which describes the effect of the ``environment,'' the quantum field which is coarse grained here, on the ``system,'' the gravitational field which is the field of interest. This leads to identify the dissipation and noise kernels in the in-in effective action, and to derive a fluctuation-dissipation relation. A tensorial Gaussian stochastic source which couples to the Weyl tensor of the spacetime metric is seen to modify the usual semiclassical equations which can be veiwed now as mean field equsations. As a simple application we derive the correlation functions of the stochastic metric fluctuations produced in a flat spacetime with small metric perturbations due to the quantum fluctuations of the matter field coupled to these perturbations.
We propose a criterion for the validity of semiclassical gravity (SCG) which is based on the stability of the solutions of SCG with respect to quantum metric fluctuations. We pay special attention to the two-point quantum correlation functions for the metric perturbations, which contain both intrinsic and induced fluctuations. These fluctuations can be described by the Einstein-Langevin equation obtained in the framework of stochastic gravity. Specifically, the Einstein-Langevin equation yields stochastic correlation functions for the metric perturbations which agree, to leading order in the large N limit, with the quantum correlation functions of the theory of gravity interacting with N matter fields. The homogeneous solutions of the Einstein-Langevin equation are equivalent to the solutions of the perturbed semiclassical equation, which describe the evolution of the expectation value of the quantum metric perturbations. The information on the intrinsic fluctuations, which are connected to the initial fluctuations of the metric perturbations, can also be retrieved entirely from the homogeneous solutions. However, the induced metric fluctuations proportional to the noise kernel can only be obtained from the Einstein-Langevin equation (the inhomogeneous term). These equations exhibit runaway solutions with exponential instabilities. A detailed discussion about different methods to deal with these instabilities is given. We illustrate our criterion by showing explicitly that flat space is stable and a description based on SCG is a valid approximation in that case.
We explore the possibility that the dark energy is due to a potential of a scalar field and that the magnitude and the slope of this potential in our part of the Universe are largely determined by anthropic selection effects. We find that, in some models, the most probable values of the slope are very small, implying that the dark energy density stays constant to very high accuracy throughout cosmological evolution. In other models, however, the most probable values of the slope are such that the slow roll condition is only marginally satisfied, leading to a recollapse of the local universe on a time scale comparable to the lifetime of the Sun. In the latter case, the effective equation of state varies appreciably with the redshift, leading to a number of testable predictions.
We present a general class of solutions to Einstein's field equations with two spacelike commuting Killing vectors by assuming the separation of variables of the metric components. The solutions can be interpreted as inhomogeneous cosmological models. We show that the singularity structure of the solutions varies depending on the different particular choices of the parameters and metric functions. There exist solutions with a universal big-bang singularity, solutions with timelike singularities in the Weyl tensor only, solutions with singularities in both the Ricci and the Weyl tensors, and also singularity-free solutions. We prove that the singularity-free solutions have a well-defined cylindrical symmetry and that they are generalizations of other singularity-free solutions obtained recently.
The in-in effective action formalism is used to derive the semiclassical correction to Einsteins equations due to a massless scalar quantum field conformally coupled to small gravitational perturbations in spatially flat cosmological models. The vacuum expectation value of the stress tensor of the quantum field is directly derived from the renormalized in-in effective action. The usual in-out effective action is also discussed and it is used to compute the probability of particle creation. As one application, the stress tensor of a scalar field around a static cosmic string is derived and the back-reaction effect on the gravitational field of the string is discussed.
We show the appearance of spatiotemporal stochastic resonance in the Swift-Hohenberg equation. This phenomenon emerges when a control parameter varies periodically in time around the bifurcation point. By using general scaling arguments and by taking into account the common features occurring in a bifurcation, we outline possible manifestations of the phenomenon in other pattern-forming systems.
Asymmetric magnetization reversal is an unusual phenomenon in antiferromagnet/ferromagnet (AF/FM) exchange biased bilayers. We investigated this phenomenon in a simple model system experimentally and by simulation assuming inhomogeneously distributed interfacial AF moments. The results suggest that the observed asymmetry originates from the intrinsic broken symmetry of the system, which results in local incomplete domain walls parallel to the interface in reversal to negative saturation of the FM. The magneto-optical Kerr effect unambiguously confirms such an asymmetric reversal and a depth-dependent FM domain wall in accord with the magnetometry and simulations.