48 resultados para High School for Girls, Boston.
The examinations taken by high-school graduates in Spain and the role ofthe examination in the university admissions process are described. Thefollowing issues arising in the assessment of the process are discussed:reliability of grading, comparability of the grades and scores(equating),maintenance of standards, and compilation and use of the grading process,and their integration in the operational grading are proposed. Variousschemes for score adjustment are reviewed and feasibility of theirimplementation discussed. The advantages of pretesting of items and ofempirical checks of experts' judgements are pointed out. The paperconcludes with an outline of a planned reorganisation of the highereducation in Spain, and with a call for a comprehensive programme ofempirical research concurrent with the operation of the examination andscoring system.
In recent years, Spain has received unprecedented immigration flows. Between 2001 and 2006 the fraction of the population born abroad more than doubled, increasing from4.8% to 10.8%. For Spanish provinces with above-median inflows (relative to population),immigration increased by 24% the number of high school dropouts while only increasingcollege graduates by 11%. We study different channels by which regional labor markets haveabsorbed the large increase in relative supply of low educated workers. We identify theexogenous supply shock using historical immigrant settlement patterns by country of origin.Using data from the Labor Force Survey and the decennial Census, we find a large expansion ofemployment in high immigration regions. Disaggregating by industry, the absorption operatedthrough large increases in the share of low-educated workers, compared to the same industry inlow-immigration regions. We do not find changes in sectoral specialization. Overall, andperhaps surprisingly, the pattern of absorption is very similar to the one found in the US.
In this paper I show how borrowing constraints and job search interact.I fit a dynamic model to data from the National Longitudinal Survey(1979-cohort) and show that borrowing constraints are significant. Agentswith more initial assets and more access to credit attain higher wagesfor several periods after high school graduation. The unemployed maintaintheir consumption by running down their assets, while the employed saveto buffer against future unemployment spells. I also show that, unlikein models with exogenous income streams, unemployment transfers, byallowing agents to attain higher wages do not 'crowd out' but increasesaving.
Situados en el contexto catalán, el artículo estudia la influencia de la L1 (rumano) en algunos aspectos morfosintácticos de la adquisición de las L2s. Para ello se analizan las competencias lingüísticas en catalán y castellano de un grupo de escolares cuya L1 es el rumano y que cursan 2.º y 4.º de ESO. Los datos muestran que los alumnos cuya L1 es el rumano, a pesar de dominar una lengua románica cercana a las lenguas de aprendizaje (L2/L3), presentan dificultades comparables a otros colectivos con otras lenguasde origen. Por otra parte, nuestra investigación confirma que la L1 de este alumnado juega un importante papel en la adquisición de ambas lenguas, concluyendo que parte de los errores hallados son aquellos que se basan en estructuras de la lengua propia
In this paper we study, having as theoretical reference the economic model of crime (Becker, 1968; Ehrlich, 1973), which are the socioeconomic and demographic determinants of crime in Spain paying attention on the role of provincial peculiarities. We estimate a crime equation using a panel dataset of Spanish provinces (NUTS3) for the period 1993 to 1999 employing the GMMsystem estimator. Empirical results suggest that lagged crime rate and clear-up rate are correlated to all typologies of crime rate considered. Property crimes are better explained by socioeconomic variables (GDP per capita, GDP growth rate and percentage of population with high school and university degree), while demographic factors reveal important and significant influences, in particular for crimes against the person. These results are obtained using an instrumental variable approach that takes advantage of the dynamic properties of our dataset to control for both measurement errors in crime data and joint endogeneity of the explanatory variables
In this paper we study, having as theoretical reference the economic model of crime (Becker, 1968; Ehrlich, 1973), which are the socioeconomic and demographic determinants of crime in Spain paying attention on the role of provincial peculiarities. We estimate a crime equation using a panel dataset of Spanish provinces (NUTS3) for the period 1993 to 1999 employing the GMMsystem estimator. Empirical results suggest that lagged crime rate and clear-up rate are correlated to all typologies of crime rate considered. Property crimes are better explained by socioeconomic variables (GDP per capita, GDP growth rate and percentage of population with high school and university degree), while demographic factors reveal important and significant influences, in particular for crimes against the person. These results are obtained using an instrumental variable approach that takes advantage of the dynamic properties of our dataset to control for both measurement errors in crime data and joint endogeneity of the explanatory variables
l’educació física esdevé un excel·lent camp d’actuació per educar en valors a l’alumnat, sent aquesta una necessitat social existent segons els experts. El propòsit d’aquesta investigació és saber com i de quina manera s’educa en valors a les classes d’educació física, si és que es fa, i des d’un punt de vista del professorat. A través d’una recerca teòrica en l’àmbit, complementada amb 4 entrevistes a professorat d’educació física en actiu i amb més de 20 anys d’experiència, s’analitza qualitativament l’estat actual de l’educació en valors als instituts. L’anàlisi del marc teòric ressalta la importància que per desenvolupar aquests valors personals i socials, cal seguir un procés adequat, planificat i conscient per part del professorat. La part aplicada de l’estudi suggereix que en general es tenen en compte valors com el respecte i la cooperació durant el transcurs de les classes d’educació física, però que no es desenvolupen de forma eficient per manca de recursos i per infravalorar la seva importància. La investigació conclou que l’educació en valors als instituts, ha de ser una tasca transversal i coordinada amb d’altres agents fora d’aquest àmbit escolar, com són els entrenadors/es de clubs esportius, els pares i les mares i d’altres institucions implicades en el procés educatiu de l’alumnat. A partir d’aquesta anàlisi es vol promoure l’educació física com a eina per desenvolupar els valors en l’alumnat.
El jocs populars i tradicionals són un element educatiu i cultural molt important. Des de sempre han estat una font d’activitat física i comporten tota una sèrie de components motors i de valors que haurien de ser tinguts en compte a l’hora d’incloure’ls a les sessions d’educació física. Aquest estudi té com a objectiu conèixer la situació d’aquesta tipologia de jocs a les sessions d’educació física de dos centres educatius del municipi de San Juan la Laguna. Alhora es pretén comparar el paper que tenen els jocs populars i tradicionals en un centre de primària i en un de secundària de la població esmentada. A través de l’anàlisi dels currículums, de l’observació de les sessions d’educació física i de les entrevistes amb diversos docents, s’arriba a la conclusió que les pràctiques lúdiques populars i tradicionals tenen poca presència a l’educació física guatemalenca.
Students today have a different way of relating to information due to the new media channels that have arisen in the last decades. These have changed the way high-school and undergraduate students learn and they have altered the manner by which they perceive the world. Today’s Education Theory must take this fact into account in order to enhance the student’s learning process. The objective of this project is to give an example of how this enhancement may be achieved. First, it will give a brief overview of the relation between today’s young generations and the different channels of information; secondly, it will analyze the cognitive, psychological and educational theories that explain how the human brain learns and the important value that nonverbal information has for the memory system; afterwards, it will focus on this nonverbal information, looking at the possible effects that it may have on human memory and learning; finally, it will give an example of the practical implementation of this theory through the presentation of three animated instructional videos that have been created with the specific aim of enhancing the young generation’s understanding of some complex subjects of the Liberal Arts.
Schools play a key role in transmitting attitudes towards sexual diversity. Many studies stress the importance of teachers" and other professionals" attitudes towards gay men and/or lesbian women. This study evaluates attitudes and prejudices toward homosexuality in a sample of 254 elementary and high school teachers in Barcelona and its surrounding area. The results obtained using a scale of overt and subtle prejudice and a scale of perceived discrepancy of values indicate that discrepancy between likely behavior and personal values was significantly greater in women, those who hold religious beliefs, churchgoers and people without any gay or lesbian acquaintances. Approximately 88% of the teachers showed no type of prejudiced attitudes towards gay men and lesbian women. The experience of proximity to gay men and/or lesbian women reduces not only the discrepancy between personal values and likely behavior but also the presence of homophobic prejudice. It would be advisable to expand specific teacher training in the subject of sexual diversity in order to reduce prejudicial attitudes, thus fostering non-stereotyped knowledge of homosexuality
This study explored ethnic identity among 410 mestizo students who were attending one of three universities, which varied in their ethnic composition and their educative model. One of these universities was private and had mostly mestizo students such as the public one did. The third educative context, also public, had an intercultural model of education and the students were mixed among mestizo and indigenous. The Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) was administered to high school students in order to compare their scores on ethnic identity and its components: affi rmation, belonging or commitment and exploration. Principle components factor analysis with varimax rotation and tests of mean group differences are performed. The results showed signifi cant differences between the studied groups. Scores on ethnic identity and its components were signifi cantly higher among mestizos group from University with intercultural model of education than mestizos from public and private universities of the same region. Implications of these fi ndings for education are considered, as they are the strengths as well as the limitations of this research
Many educators and educational institutions have yet to integrate web-based practices into their classrooms and curricula. As a result, it can be difficult to prototype and evaluate approaches to transforming classrooms from static endpoints to dynamic, content-creating nodes in the online information ecosystem. But many scholastic journalism programs have already embraced the capabilities of the Internet for virtual collaboration, dissemination, and reader participation. Because of this, scholastic journalism can act as a test-bed for integrating web-based sharing and collaboration practices into classrooms. Student Journalism 2.0 was a research project to integrate open copyright licenses into two scholastic journalism programs, to document outcomes, and to identify recommendations and remaining challenges for similar integrations. Video and audio recordings of two participating high school journalism programs informed the research. In describing the steps of our integration process, we note some important legal, technical, and social challenges. Legal worries such as uncertainty over copyright ownership could lead districts and administrators to disallow open licensing of student work. Publication platforms among journalism classrooms are far from standardized, making any integration of new technologies and practices difficult to achieve at scale. And teachers and students face challenges re-conceptualizing the role their class work can play online.
Aquest treball és una recerca en la qual s’ha pretès concretar quins aspectes són necessaris treballar en una intervenció pels nois i noies de tercer d’ESO de l’Institut de La Roca del Vallès. Per això, primer s’ha analitzat la bibliografia especialitzada amb la intenció de conèixer quins són els principals factors que influeixen perquè en una parella d’adolescents apareguin situacions de violència de gènere, i quines són les millors estratègies per preveure-la. Per fer una intervenció que respongui a les característiques concretes de l’alumnat que assisteix diàriament a les classes en aquest centre educatiu, s’ha realitzat un procés mitjançant un qüestionari i grups de discussió per tal de conèixer quines eren aquestes característiques concretes. Finalment s’ha dissenyat una proposta d’intervenció respectant els horaris del centre i les seves programacions.