60 resultados para Health facilities -- Communication systems
This paper focuses on one of the methods for bandwidth allocation in an ATM network: the convolution approach. The convolution approach permits an accurate study of the system load in statistical terms by accumulated calculations, since probabilistic results of the bandwidth allocation can be obtained. Nevertheless, the convolution approach has a high cost in terms of calculation and storage requirements. This aspect makes real-time calculations difficult, so many authors do not consider this approach. With the aim of reducing the cost we propose to use the multinomial distribution function: the enhanced convolution approach (ECA). This permits direct computation of the associated probabilities of the instantaneous bandwidth requirements and makes a simple deconvolution process possible. The ECA is used in connection acceptance control, and some results are presented
This paper proposes a multicast implementation based on adaptive routing with anticipated calculation. Three different cost measures for a point-to-multipoint connection: bandwidth cost, connection establishment cost and switching cost can be considered. The application of the method based on pre-evaluated routing tables makes possible the reduction of bandwidth cost and connection establishment cost individually
Con la realización del presente proyecto intentaremos realizar una herramienta no propietaria que nos permita llevar el control de una integración de un S.I. dentro de un ambiente colaborativo.
L’objectiu del treball és estudiar la portabilitat dels programes que han estat originalment dissenyats per a un PC a undispositiu mòbil, en concret a un PDA amb el sistema operatiu Palm OS. Per al nostre treball, hem escollit una aplicaciócom a cas d’estudi que ens permet donar solucions a les limitacions que presenta el dispositiu amb Palm OS. Aquestaaplicació s’anomena ScummVM, i es tracta d’una implementació de codi lliure del conegut motor de videojocs SCUMM, creat i utilitzat per LucasArts en les seves aventures gràfiques. Donarem possibles solucions a la problemàtica que genera el fet que la pantalla del dispositiu mòbil utilitzat tingui una resolució de 160x160 a l’hora de mostrar imatges i textos renderitzats per una resolució superior. També solucionarem el problema que representa el fet de no tenir ratolí, ni altres dispositius d’entrada i sortida tradicionals. La intenció és explicar també el procés que s’hauria de seguir per poder portar aplicacions de PC a Palm OS i les eines que s’utilitzarien. Tot això es farà sempre de la manera menys invasiva possible, és a dir, els canvis al codi font del’aplicació original seran els mínims per garantir el correcte funcionament del programa en la nova plataforma
We study the minimum mean square error (MMSE) and the multiuser efficiency η of large dynamic multiple access communication systems in which optimal multiuser detection is performed at the receiver as the number and the identities of active users is allowed to change at each transmission time. The system dynamics are ruled by a Markov model describing the evolution of the channel occupancy and a large-system analysis is performed when the number of observations grow large. Starting on the equivalent scalar channel and the fixed-point equation tying multiuser efficiency and MMSE, we extend it to the case of a dynamic channel, and derive lower and upper bounds for the MMSE (and, thus, for η as well) holding true in the limit of large signal–to–noise ratios and increasingly large observation time T.
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the mobile services developed by the Rector Gabriel Ferraté Library (BRGF) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC Barcelona Tech) in Barcelona, Spain.We hope this paper will be of use to other libraries exploring new technologies for communicating and delivering their services to users at a time when mobile services are an emerging topic in librarianship and information science literature. By setting out the successive steps involved in the as yet unfinished process of building our mobile services portfolio, we aim to offer a detailed picture of the mobile services and features offered by a university library from a case study perspective.The main topics to be discussed include:- The BRGF’s mobile website, including the information available, its interactivecapabilities and the services it provides to its users.- The mobile-friendly version of UPCommons (the UPC Library Service’s institutionalrepositories).- The UPC Library Service’s mobile OPAC.- The mobile version of u-win (BRGF’s videogame service).- The use of QR codes to deliver information to mobile devices.- Text message notifications.Additional topics for discussion include:- The library’s organisation and the organisational concepts that underpin andmake possible its technological developments (including mobile).- BRGF’s concern regarding the reduction of investment in the development of mobile services.- The criteria and tools used to guide the library’s decisions regarding thedesign and orientation of current and future mobile services.- How mobile services can help to improve the image of the library as a leadingtechnology site.- Selected mobile features that BRGF plans to offer in the near future.Ultimately, this paper aims to delineate the effectiveness and potential of deliveringlibrary services by the preferred means of communication of a new generation of studentsand teachers.
El diseño y planificación de la arquitectura de la información de los distintos componentes de un sitio web pasa necesariamente por una propuesta de prototipado de la estructura arquitectónica de ese entorno informacional. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar y evaluar una serie de herramientas informáticas diseñadas para facilitar la creación de prototipos en el diseño y creación de sitios web.
Se entiende por copago la participación del usuario en el coste de un servicio; en este caso, un servicio sanitario. Dicha participación puede tener la forma de franquicia, un montante fijo o un determinado porcentaje del precio del servicio. El debate sobre la conveniencia y la oportunidad de los copagos no es nuevo. Ambos autores venimos escribiendo sobre el tema desde hace bastante tiempo17. La novedad es que, impulsado por la crisis económica, el debate ha trascendido los foros y revistas especializados, y ha llegado a la sociedad. Sin embargo, mientras en la sociedad la percepción generalizada es que el copago «acabará cayendo por su propio peso», los políticos de uno y otro color siguen proclamando, como hace a nos, que nunca lo implantarán. Falta de olfato, exceso de miedo, o falso paternalismo preelectoral.
Se entiende por copago la participación del usuario en el coste de un servicio; en este caso, un servicio sanitario. Dicha participación puede tener la forma de franquicia, un montante fijo o un determinado porcentaje del precio del servicio. El debate sobre la conveniencia y la oportunidad de los copagos no es nuevo. Ambos autores venimos escribiendo sobre el tema desde hace bastante tiempo17. La novedad es que, impulsado por la crisis económica, el debate ha trascendido los foros y revistas especializados, y ha llegado a la sociedad. Sin embargo, mientras en la sociedad la percepción generalizada es que el copago «acabará cayendo por su propio peso», los políticos de uno y otro color siguen proclamando, como hace a nos, que nunca lo implantarán. Falta de olfato, exceso de miedo, o falso paternalismo preelectoral.
A particular property of the matched desiredimpulse response receiver is introduced in this paper, namely,the fact that full exploitation of the diversity is obtained withmultiple beamformers when the channel is spatially and timelydispersive. This particularity makes the receiver specially suitablefor mobile and underwater communications. The new structureprovides better performance than conventional and weightedVRAKE receivers, and a diversity gain with no needs of additionalradio frequency equipment. The baseband hardware neededfor this new receiver may be obtained through reconfigurabilityof the RAKE architectures available at the base station. Theproposed receiver is tested through simulations assuming UTRAfrequency-division-duplexing mode.
This article summarizes the main achievementsof the Multi-Element Transmit andReceive Antennas (METRA) Project, an ISTresearch and technological development project carried out between January 2000 and June 2001 by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, the Center for Personkommunikation of Aalborg University, Nokia Networks, Nokia Mobile Phones, and Vodafone Group Research and Development.The main objective of METRA was the performanceevaluation of multi-antenna terminals incombination with adaptive antennas at the basestation in UMTS communication systems. 1 AMIMO channel sounder was developed that providedrealistic multi-antenna channel measurements.Using these measured data, stochasticchannel models were developed and properly validated.These models were also evaluated inorder to estimate their corresponding channelcapacity. Different MIMO configurations andprocessing schemes were developed for both theFDD and TDD modes of UTRA, and their linkperformance was assessed. Performance evaluationwas completed by system simulations thatillustrated the benefits of MIMO configurationsto the network operator. Implementation cost vs.performance improvement was also covered bythe project, including the base station and terminalmanufacturer and network operator viewpoints.Finally, significant standards contributionswere generated by the project and presented to the pertinent 3GPP working groups.
In this paper, the theory of hidden Markov models (HMM) isapplied to the problem of blind (without training sequences) channel estimationand data detection. Within a HMM framework, the Baum–Welch(BW) identification algorithm is frequently used to find out maximum-likelihood (ML) estimates of the corresponding model. However, such a procedureassumes the model (i.e., the channel response) to be static throughoutthe observation sequence. By means of introducing a parametric model fortime-varying channel responses, a version of the algorithm, which is moreappropriate for mobile channels [time-dependent Baum-Welch (TDBW)] isderived. Aiming to compare algorithm behavior, a set of computer simulationsfor a GSM scenario is provided. Results indicate that, in comparisonto other Baum–Welch (BW) versions of the algorithm, the TDBW approachattains a remarkable enhancement in performance. For that purpose, onlya moderate increase in computational complexity is needed.
The well-known structure of an array combiner along with a maximum likelihood sequence estimator (MLSE) receiveris the basis for the derivation of a space-time processor presentinggood properties in terms of co-channel and intersymbol interferencerejection. The use of spatial diversity at the receiver front-endtogether with a scalar MLSE implies a joint design of the spatialcombiner and the impulse response for the sequence detector. Thisis faced using the MMSE criterion under the constraint that thedesired user signal power is not cancelled, yielding an impulse responsefor the sequence detector that is matched to the channel andcombiner response. The procedure maximizes the signal-to-noiseratio at the input of the detector and exhibits excellent performancein realistic multipath channels.