103 resultados para Genomic Regions


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L’EPM s’inscriu en el context de les estratègies de la cooperació interterritorial impulsades a Catalunya des de l’adhesió d’Espanya a la UE. L’activisme europeu de les institucions catalanes va començar a manifestar-se cap a finals dels anys vuitanta, arran de la posada en marxa del Mercat Únic de 1993, amb un conjunt d’iniciatives tendents a fomentar fórmules innovadores de cooperació transregional - és a dir, desproveïdes de continuïtat territorial – i transfronterera amb altres comunitats regionals i locals. Els Quatre Motors per a Europa i Eurociutats corresponen al primer model, mentre que l’antiga Euroregió Mediterrània formada per Catalunya, Llenguadoc-Rosselló i Migdia-Pirineus, i la Comunitat de Treball dels Pirineus encarnen el segon. La xarxa C-6 i les dues experiències més actuals, l’Arc Llatí i l’Euroregió Pirineus-Mediterrània, combinen elements d’ambdós models.


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After centuries of lack of contacts between Spain and Portugal, the democratization of both countries allowed for a rapprochement which today is becoming more intensive. The crucial factor of the growing integration of Spanish and Portuguese border regions into a cross-border region is naturally the INTERREG programme. Both regions are disadvantaged within the European Union and their respective countries as poor regions. They have the status of a ‘double periphery’. In the 1980s and particularly 1990s actors on both sides of the border intensified their contacts in order to overcome their double peripherality. The growing number of projects, the improvement of infrastructures and the revival of associationism will certainly change the quality of life of these regions, which are still among the lowest in both countries. The continuation of the INTERREG programme after 2007-2013 will be an important consolidating tool for the further development of cross-border cooperation.


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This paper proposes an ex-post measure of inequality of opportunity in France and its regions by assessing the inequality between individuals exerting the same effort. To this end, we define a fair income that fulfils ex-post equality of opportunity requirements. Unfairness is measured by an unfair Gini based on the distance between the actual income and the fair income. Our findings reveal that the measures of ex-post inequality of opportunity largely vary across regions, and that this is due to di_erences in reward schemes and in the impact of the non responsibility factors of income. We find that most regions have actual incomes closer to fair incomes than to average income, excepted Ile de France where the actual income looks poorly related to effort variables. Finally, we find that income inequality and inequality of opportunity are positively correlated among regions.


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Els avenços en tècniques de genotipat de polimorfismes genètics a gran escala estan liderant una revolució en el camp de l’epidemiologia genètica i la genètica de poblacions humanes. La informació aportada per aquestes tècniques ha evidenciat l’existència d’estructuracions poblacionals que poden augmentar l’error en els estudis d’associació a escala genòmica (GWAS, genome-wide association studies). Estudis recents han demostrat la presència d’aquestes estructuracions a nivell interregional i intrarregional a Europa. El present projecte ha avaluat el grau d’estructuració genètica en poblacions de la Península Ibèrica i altres regions del sudoest europeu (Itàlia i França) per quantificar l’impacte que aquesta potencial estructuració pot tenir en el disseny d’estudis d’associació GWAS i reconstruir la història demogràfica de les poblacions de la Mediterrània. Per aconseguir aquests objectius, s’han analitzat mostres de DNA de 770 individus de 26 poblacions de la Península Ibèrica, França, Itàlia i d’altres països de la Mediterrània. Aquestes mostres van ser genotipades per 240000 SNPs utilitzant l’array 250K StyI d’Affymetrix en el marc d’aquest projecte o mitjançant altres arrays d’Affymetrix en els projectes internacionals HapMap i POPRES. S’han realitzat anàlisis estadístiques incloent anàlisis de components principals, Fst, identitat per descendència, desequilibri de lligament, barreres genètiques, etc. Aquests resultats han permés construir un marc de referència de la variabilitat en aquesta regió, avaluar el seu impacte en estudis d’associació i proposar mesures per evitar l’increment de qualsevol tipus d’error (tipus I i II) en estudis nacionals i internacionals. A més, també han permés reconstruir la història de les poblacions humanes de la Mediterrània així com analitzar les seves relacions demogràfiques. Donada la duració limitada d’aquesta acció (24 mesos, d’octubre de 2010 a setembre de 2012), els resultats d’aquest projecte es troben actualment en fase de redacció i conduiran a diverses publicacions en revistes internacionals i a la preparació de comunicacions a congressos.


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The article presents and discusses estimates of social and economic indicators for Italy’s regions in benchmark years roughly from Unification to the present day: life expectancy, education, GDP per capita at purchasing power parity, and the new Human Development Index (HDI). A broad interpretative hypothesis, based on the distinction between passive and active modernization, is proposed to account for the evolution of regional imbalances over the long-run. In the lack of active modernization, Southern Italy converged thanks to passive modernization, i.e., State intervention: however, this was more effective in life expectancy, less successful in education, expensive and as a whole ineffective in GDP. As a consequence, convergence in the HDI occurred from the late XIX century to the 1970s, but came to a sudden halt in the last decades of the XX century.


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One of the first useful products from the human genome will be a set of predicted genes. Besides its intrinsic scientific interest, the accuracy and completeness of this data set is of considerable importance for human health and medicine. Though progress has been made on computational gene identification in terms of both methods and accuracy evaluation measures, most of the sequence sets in which the programs are tested are short genomic sequences, and there is concern that these accuracy measures may not extrapolate well to larger, more challenging data sets. Given the absence of experimentally verified large genomic data sets, we constructed a semiartificial test set comprising a number of short single-gene genomic sequences with randomly generated intergenic regions. This test set, which should still present an easier problem than real human genomic sequence, mimics the approximately 200kb long BACs being sequenced. In our experiments with these longer genomic sequences, the accuracy of GENSCAN, one of the most accurate ab initio gene prediction programs, dropped significantly, although its sensitivity remained high. Conversely, the accuracy of similarity-based programs, such as GENEWISE, PROCRUSTES, and BLASTX was not affected significantly by the presence of random intergenic sequence, but depended on the strength of the similarity to the protein homolog. As expected, the accuracy dropped if the models were built using more distant homologs, and we were able to quantitatively estimate this decline. However, the specificities of these techniques are still rather good even when the similarity is weak, which is a desirable characteristic for driving expensive follow-up experiments. Our experiments suggest that though gene prediction will improve with every new protein that is discovered and through improvements in the current set of tools, we still have a long way to go before we can decipher the precise exonic structure of every gene in the human genome using purely computational methodology.


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For the ∼1% of the human genome in the ENCODE regions, only about half of the transcriptionally active regions (TARs) identified with tiling microarrays correspond to annotated exons. Here we categorize this large amount of “unannotated transcription.” We use a number of disparate features to classify the 6988 novel TARs—array expression profiles across cell lines and conditions, sequence composition, phylogenetic profiles (presence/absence of syntenic conservation across 17 species), and locations relative to genes. In the classification, we first filter out TARs with unusual sequence composition and those likely resulting from cross-hybridization. We then associate some of those remaining with proximal exons having correlated expression profiles. Finally, we cluster unclassified TARs into putative novel loci, based on similar expression and phylogenetic profiles. To encapsulate our classification, we construct a Database of Active Regions and Tools (DART.gersteinlab.org). DART has special facilities for rapidly handling and comparing many sets of TARs and their heterogeneous features, synchronizing across builds, and interfacing with other resources. Overall, we find that ∼14% of the novel TARs can be associated with known genes, while ∼21% can be clustered into ∼200 novel loci. We observe that TARs associated with genes are enriched in the potential to form structural RNAs and many novel TAR clusters are associated with nearby promoters. To benchmark our classification, we design a set of experiments for testing the connectivity of novel TARs. Overall, we find that 18 of the 46 connections tested validate by RT-PCR and four of five sequenced PCR products confirm connectivity unambiguously.


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Descriptors based on Molecular Interaction Fields (MIF) are highly suitable for drug discovery, but their size (thousands of variables) often limits their application in practice. Here we describe a simple and fast computational method that extracts from a MIF a handful of highly informative points (hot spots) which summarize the most relevant information. The method was specifically developed for drug discovery, is fast, and does not require human supervision, being suitable for its application on very large series of compounds. The quality of the results has been tested by running the method on the ligand structure of a large number of ligand-receptor complexes and then comparing the position of the selected hot spots with actual atoms of the receptor. As an additional test, the hot spots obtained with the novel method were used to obtain GRIND-like molecular descriptors which were compared with the original GRIND. In both cases the results show that the novel method is highly suitable for describing ligand-receptor interactions and compares favorably with other state-of-the-art methods.


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Background: The analysis of the promoter sequence of genes with similar expression patterns isa basic tool to annotate common regulatory elements. Multiple sequence alignments are on thebasis of most comparative approaches. The characterization of regulatory regions from coexpressedgenes at the sequence level, however, does not yield satisfactory results in manyoccasions as promoter regions of genes sharing similar expression programs often do not shownucleotide sequence conservation.Results: In a recent approach to circumvent this limitation, we proposed to align the maps ofpredicted transcription factors (referred as TF-maps) instead of the nucleotide sequence of tworelated promoters, taking into account the label of the corresponding factor and the position in theprimary sequence. We have now extended the basic algorithm to permit multiple promotercomparisons using the progressive alignment paradigm. In addition, non-collinear conservationblocks might now be identified in the resulting alignments. We have optimized the parameters ofthe algorithm in a small, but well-characterized collection of human-mouse-chicken-zebrafishorthologous gene promoters.Conclusion: Results in this dataset indicate that TF-map alignments are able to detect high-levelregulatory conservation at the promoter and the 3'UTR gene regions, which cannot be detectedby the typical sequence alignments. Three particular examples are introduced here to illustrate thepower of the multiple TF-map alignments to characterize conserved regulatory elements inabsence of sequence similarity. We consider this kind of approach can be extremely useful in thefuture to annotate potential transcription factor binding sites on sets of co-regulated genes fromhigh-throughput expression experiments.


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The vast majority of the biology of a newly sequenced genome is inferred from the set of encoded proteins. Predicting this set is therefore invariably the first step after the completion of the genome DNA sequence. Here we review the main computational pipelines used to generate the human reference protein-coding gene sets.


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We address the problem of comparing and characterizing the promoter regions of genes with similar expression patterns. This remains a challenging problem in sequence analysis, because often the promoter regions of co-expressed genes do not show discernible sequence conservation. In our approach, thus, we have not directly compared the nucleotide sequence of promoters. Instead, we have obtained predictions of transcription factor binding sites, annotated the predicted sites with the labels of the corresponding binding factors, and aligned the resulting sequences of labels—to which we refer here as transcription factor maps (TF-maps). To obtain the global pairwise alignment of two TF-maps, we have adapted an algorithm initially developed to align restriction enzyme maps. We have optimized the parameters of the algorithm in a small, but well-curated, collection of human–mouse orthologous gene pairs. Results in this dataset, as well as in an independent much larger dataset from the CISRED database, indicate that TF-map alignments are able to uncover conserved regulatory elements, which cannot be detected by the typical sequence alignments.


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Studies of large sets of SNP data have proven to be a powerful tool in the analysis of the genetic structure of human populations. In this work, we analyze genotyping data for 2,841 SNPs in 12 Sub-Saharan African populations, including a previously unsampled region of south-eastern Africa (Mozambique). We show that robust results in a world-wide perspective can be obtained when analyzing only 1,000 SNPs. Our main results both confirm the results of previous studies, and show new and interesting features in Sub-Saharan African genetic complexity. There is a strong differentiation of Nilo-Saharans, much beyond what would be expected by geography. Hunter-gatherer populations (Khoisan and Pygmies) show a clear distinctiveness with very intrinsic Pygmy (and not only Khoisan) genetic features. Populations of the West Africa present an unexpected similarity among them, possibly the result of a population expansion. Finally, we find a strong differentiation of the south-eastern Bantu population from Mozambique, which suggests an assimilation of a pre-Bantu substrate by Bantu speakers in the region.


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Background: Aproximately 5–10% of cases of mental retardation in males are due to copy number variations (CNV) on the X chromosome. Novel technologies, such as array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), may help to uncover cryptic rearrangements in X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) patients. We have constructed an X-chromosome tiling path array using bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) and validated it using samples with cytogenetically defined copy number changes. We have studied 54 patients with idiopathic mental retardation and 20 controls subjects. Results: Known genomic aberrations were reliably detected on the array and eight novel submicroscopic imbalances, likely causative for the mental retardation (MR) phenotype, were detected. Putatively pathogenic rearrangements included three deletions and five duplications (ranging between 82 kb to one Mb), all but two affecting genes previously known to be responsible for XLMR. Additionally, we describe different CNV regions with significant different frequencies in XLMR and control subjects (44% vs. 20%). Conclusion:This tiling path array of the human X chromosome has proven successful for the detection and characterization of known rearrangements and novel CNVs in XLMR patients.


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Background: The understanding of whole genome sequences in higher eukaryotes depends to a large degree on the reliable definition of transcription units including exon/intron structures, translated open reading frames (ORFs) and flanking untranslated regions. The best currently available chicken transcript catalog is the Ensembl build based on the mappings of a relatively small number of full length cDNAs and ESTs to the genome as well as genome sequence derived in silico gene predictions.Results: We use Long Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (LongSAGE) in bursal lymphocytes and the DT40 cell line to verify the quality and completeness of the annotated transcripts. 53.6% of the more than 38,000 unique SAGE tags (unitags) match to full length bursal cDNAs, the Ensembl transcript build or the genome sequence. The majority of all matching unitags show single matches to the genome, but no matches to the genome derived Ensembl transcript build. Nevertheless, most of these tags map close to the 3' boundaries of annotated Ensembl transcripts.Conclusions: These results suggests that rather few genes are missing in the current Ensembl chicken transcript build, but that the 3' ends of many transcripts may not have been accurately predicted. The tags with no match in the transcript sequences can now be used to improve gene predictions, pinpoint the genomic location of entirely missed transcripts and optimize the accuracy of gene finder software.


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Copy number variants contribute extensively to inter-individual genomic differences, but little is known about their inter-population variability and diversity. In a previous study (Bosch et al., 2007; 16:2572-2582), we reported that the primate-specific gene family FAM90A, which accounts for as many as 25 members in the human reference assembly, has expanded the number of FAM90A clusters across the hominoid lineage. Here we examined the copy number variability of FAM90A genes in 260 HapMap samples of European, African, and Asian ancestry, and showed significant inter-population differences (p<0.0001). Based on the recent study of Stranger et al. (2007; 315:848-853), we also explored the correlation between copy number variability and expression levels of the FAM90A gene family. Despite the high genomic variability, we found a low correlation between FAM90A copy number and expression levels, which could be due to the action of independent trans-acting factors. Our results show that FAM90A is highly variable in copy number between individuals and between populations. However, this variability has little impact on gene expression levels, thus highlighting the importance of genomic variability for genes located in regions containing segmental duplications.