50 resultados para GLancing Angle Deposition


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The presence of hydrogen in polysilicon films obtained at low temperatures by hot-wire CVD and the post-deposition oxidation by air-exposure of the films are studied in this paper. The experimental results from several characterization techniques (infrared spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometry and wavelength dispersive spectroscopy) showed that hydrogen and oxygen are homogeneously distributed at grain boundaries throughout the depth of the films. Hydrogen is introduced during the growth process and its concentration is higher in samples deposited at lower temperatures. Oxygen diffuses along the grain boundaries and binds to silicon atoms, mainly in Si 2O groups.


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Nous avons analysé l'angle naso-labial et les différents facteurs qui l'influencent, chez des patients de 9 ans ± 1,4. Nous avons obten u une valeur moyenne de 115,30 ± 10,8. L'inclinaison et la position de l'incisive supérieure et l'angle ANB constituent les facteurs osseux et dentaires qui ont la plus grande répercussion sur l'angle naso-labial. Le sexe et l'age n'ont pas eu d'influences statistiquement significatives sur les résultats. L'incompétence labiale s'est avérée etre la cause d'un angle plus aigu


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Nous avons analysé l'angle naso-labial et les différents facteurs qui l'influencent, chez des patients de 9 ans ± 1,4. Nous avons obten u une valeur moyenne de 115,30 ± 10,8. L'inclinaison et la position de l'incisive supérieure et l'angle ANB constituent les facteurs osseux et dentaires qui ont la plus grande répercussion sur l'angle naso-labial. Le sexe et l'age n'ont pas eu d'influences statistiquement significatives sur les résultats. L'incompétence labiale s'est avérée etre la cause d'un angle plus aigu


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El objetivo de este trabajo fue el de evaluar la deposición transversal de caldo de las boquillas pulverizadoras de doble abanico TTJ60-11004 y TTJ60-11002 en distintas condiciones operacionales. Se utilizaron 5 muestras de cada boquilla pulverizadora siendo considerada cada unidad, una repetición. La distribución de caldo fue evaluada por medio de una mesa de evaluación de distribución construida de acuerdo con la norma ISO 56821. Se evaluó el perfil de distribución individual, la distribución volumétrica simulada de la superposición de los chorros por medio del coeficiente de variación (CV%) de los volúmenes colectados, el caudal y el ángulo de abertura de los chorros. Las condiciones operacionales fueron: presión de trabajo de 200, 300 y 400 Kpa, altura de 30, 40 y 50 cm en relación al blanco y espaciamiento entre boquillas simulados en Software (Microsoft Excel) entre 45 y 100 cm. Las boquillas presentaron perfil individual descontinuo con la mayor deposición de líquido en la región central y reducción del volumen gradual en dirección a las extremidades. El aumento de la presión promovió alargamiento del perfil y de la franja de aplicación. Las boquillas proporcionaron perfil uniforme que dependió del espaciamiento entre las boquillas, con valores menores con reducción en el espaciamiento y en presiones mayores. El caudal y el ángulo del chorro aumentaron con el incremento en la presión.


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The dielectric functions of InP, In0.53Ga0.47As, and In0.75Ga0.25As0.5P0.5 epitaxial layers have been measured using a polarization modulation spectroscopic ellipsometer in the 1.5 to 5.3 eV region. The oxide removal procedure has been carefully checked by comparing spectroscopic ellipsometry and x ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements. These reference data have been used to investigate the structural nature of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition grown In0.53Ga0.47As/InP and In0.75Ga0.25As0.5P0.5/InP heterojunctions, currently used for photodiodes and laser diodes. The sharpness of the interfaces has been systematically compared for the two types of heterojunctions: In1 xGaxAsy/InP and InP/In1 xGaxAsyP1 y. The sharpest interface is obtained for InP growth on In0.75Ga0.25As0.5P0.5 where the interface region is estimated to be (10±10) Å thick. The importance of performing in situ SE measurements is emphasized.


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Alzheimer"s disease and prion pathologies (e.g., Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)) display profound neural lesions associated with aberrant protein processing and extracellular amyloid deposits. Dab1 has been implicated in the regulation of Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP), but a direct link between human prion diseases and Dab1/APP interactions has not been published. Here we examined this putative relationship in seventeen cases of sporadic CJD (sCJD) post mortem. Biochemical analyses of brain tissue revealed two groups, which also correlated with PrPsc types 1 and 2. One group, with PrPsc type 1 showed increased Dab1 phosphorylation, and lower CTF production with an absence of A deposition. The second sCJD group, which carried PrPsc type 2, showed lower levels of Dab1 phosphorylation and CTF production, and A deposition. Thus, the present observations suggest a correlation between Dab1-phosphorylation, A deposition and PrPsc type in sCJD.


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Two main coal-bearing sequences developed during the Oligocene in the Tertiary Ebro Basin, the Calaf (early Oligocene) and Mequinenza (late Oligocene) coal basins. Coal deposition took place in shallow marsh-swamp-lake complexes which sometimes became closed and evolved under warm climatic conditions with fluctuating humidity. These shallow lacustrine systems are closely interrelated with the terminal parts of the distributive fluvial systems which spread from the tectonically active Ebro basin margins. Laterally extensive lignite-bearing sequences, including rather thin, lenticular autochthonous and/or hypautochthonous coal seams with high ash and sulphur contents, characterized coal deposition in the shallow lacustrine systems. Coal seam geometry, which makes them nearly subeconomic, resulted from the tectonic instability during basin margin evolution and the sometimes closed, arid conditions under which the lacustrine systems evolved. High ash and sulphur contents resulted from the inadequate isolation of peat forming environments from clastic influx and from the very low acidity and sometimes high sulphate contents of the lacustrine waters. Coal exploration in shallow lacustrine sequences similar to those described here must take into account that the spread of coal-forming environments and maxima of coal deposition are usually coincident with lake expansions and retraction or shifting of the terminal fluvial zones interrelated with the lacustrine areas.


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The University of Barcelona is developing a pilot-scale hot wire chemical vapor deposition (HW-CVD) set up for the deposition of nano-crystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) on 10 cm × 10 cm glass substrate at high deposition rate. The system manages 12 thin wires of 0.15-0.2 mm diameter in a very dense configuration. This permits depositing very uniform films, with inhomogeneities lower than 2.5%, at high deposition rate (1.5-3 nm/s), and maintaining the substrate temperature relatively low (250 °C). The wire configuration design, based on radicals' diffusion simulation, is exposed and the predicted homogeneity is validated with optical transmission scanning measurements of the deposited samples. Different deposition series were carried out by varying the substrate temperature, the silane to hydrogen dilution and the deposition pressure. By means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), the evolution in time of the nc-Si:H vibrational modes was monitored. Particular importance has been given to the study of the material stability against post-deposition oxidation.


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The very usual columnar growth of nanocrystalline silicon leads to electronic transport anisotropies. Whereas electrical measurements with coplanar electrodes only provide information about the electronic transport parallel to the substrate, it is the transverse transport which determines the collection efficiency in thin film solar cells. Hence, Schottky diodes on transparent electrodes were obtained by hot-wire CVD in order to perform external quantum efficiency and surface photovoltage studies in sandwich configuration. These measurements allowed to calculate a transverse collection length, which must correlate with the photovoltaic performance of thin film solar cells. Furthermore, the density of charge trapped at localized states in the bandgap was estimated from the voltage dependence of the depletion capacitance of these rectifying contacts.


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Amorphous silicon n-i-p solar cells have been fabricated entirely by Hot-Wire Chemical Vapour Deposition (HW-CVD) at low process temperature < 150 °C. A textured-Ag/ZnO back reflector deposited on Corning 1737F by rf magnetron sputtering was used as the substrate. Doped layers with very good conductivity and a very less defective intrinsic a-Si:H layer were used for the cell fabrication. A double n-layer (μc-Si:H/a-Si:H) and μc-Si:H p-layer were used for the cell. In this paper, we report the characterization of these layers and the integration of these layers in a solar cell fabricated at low temperature. An initial efficiency of 4.62% has been achieved for the n-i-p cell deposited at temperatures below 150 °C over glass/Ag/ZnO textured back reflector.


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Bi1.5Zn1Nb1.5O7 (BZN) epitaxial thin films were grown by pulsed laser deposition on Al2O3 with a double ZnO buffer layer through domain matching epitaxy (DME) mechanism. The pole figure analysis and reciprocal space mapping revealed the single crystalline nature of the thin film. The pole figure analysis also shows a 60º twinning for the (222) oriented crystals. Sharp intense spots in the SAED pattern also indicate the high crystalline nature of BZN thin film. The Fourier filtered HRTEM images of the BZN-ZnO interface confirms the domain matched epitaxy of BZN with ZnO buffer. An electric field dependent dielectric tunability of 68% was obtained for the BZN thin films with inter digital capacitors patterned over the film.


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Undoped hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon was obtained by hot-wire chemical vapour deposition at different silane-to-hydrogen ratios and low temperature (<300 °C). As well as technological aspects of the deposition process, we report structural, optical and electrical characterizations of the samples that were used as the active layer for preliminary p-i-n solar cells. Raman spectroscopy indicates that changing the hydrogen dilution can vary the crystalline fraction. From electrical measurements an unwanted n-type character is deduced for this undoped material. This effect could be due to a contaminant, probably oxygen, which is also observed in capacitance-voltage measurements on Schottky structures. The negative effect of contaminants on the device was dramatic and a compensated p-i-n structure was also deposited to enhance the cell performance.


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We present a detailed study on the morphology and magnetic properties of Co nanostructures deposited onto oxidized Si substrates by femtosecond pulsed laser deposition. Generally, Co disks of nanometric dimensions are obtained just above the ablation threshold, with a size distribution characterized by an increasingly larger number of disks as their size diminishes, and with a maximum disk size that depends on the laser power density. In Au/Co/Au structures, in-plane magnetic anisotropy is observed in all cases, with no indication of superparamagnetism regardless of the amount of material or the laser power density. Magnetic force microscopy observations show coexistence of single-domain and vortex states for the magnetic domain structure of the disks. Superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements point to saturation magnetization values lower than the bulk, probably due to partial oxidation of the Co resulting from incomplete coverage by the Au capping layer.


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Spectroscopic ellipsometry and high resolution transmission electron microscopy have been used to characterize microcrystalline silicon films. We obtain an excellent agreement between the multilayer model used in the analysis of the optical data and the microscopy measurements. Moreover, thanks to the high resolution achieved in the microscopy measurements and to the improved optical models, two new features of the layer-by-layer deposition of microcrystalline silicon have been detected: i) the microcrystalline films present large crystals extending from the a-Si:H substrate to the film surface, despite the sequential process in the layer-by-layer deposition; and ii) a porous layer exists between the amorphous silicon substrate and the microcrystalline silicon film.


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The electron transmission and bound state properties of a quantum wire with a sharp bend at arbitrary angle are studied, extending results on the right angle sharp bend (the L¿shaped wire). These new results are compared to those of a similar structure, the circular bend wire. The possibility of using a bent wire to perform transistor action is also discussed.