48 resultados para Dyes and dyeing--Textile fabrics


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Ja fa varies decades que els conservadors-restauradors de paper van comenc;ar a tenir en compteel pH de les obres que tractaven, ja que es va veure que I'acidesa incidia molt directament en comde rapid I'objecte es debilitava mecimicament. De fet, trobem tant aviat com el 1936, una patenten registrada per OJ. Schierholtz per desacidificar el paper d'empaperar parets (Porck, 1996).La tela d'un quadre, essent un teixit fet a base de fibres vegetals compastes majoritariament perceHulosa, com les fibres del paper, és lógicament també facilment degradable si I'ambient ñes acid(te un baix pH).Sorprenentment, pero, I'acidesa de la tela deis quadres, tot i que en ocasions puntuals ha estatanalitzada (Bajocchi, 2009; Young, 1999), encara no és un parametre que es miri de forma rutinariai per tant, fins recentment, no se sabia quins eren els valors de pH més típics que pot tenir unquadre.Aquest estudi és una primera recopilació sistematica d'aquest t ipus d' in formació per a partir d'aquícrear un banc de dades que vagi recollint aquest t ipus d'informació sobre el majar nombre possiblede quadres.Si I'acidesa present en la tela ens indica com de rapid es degradara aquesta en el futur, la mesura delgrau de polimerització de la tela (DP), ens indica si la tela té una al ta o baixa resistencia mecanica enel moment actual. Així doncs, aquests dos parametres ens aporten informació molt úti l sobre I'estatde conserva ció del suportoAquesta recerca pretén respondre a les preguntes de quins són els valors de pH i DP que típicamentpodem trabar en la tela deis quadres, així com analitzar la relació entre aquests dos parametres i també la relació entre la data de producció deis quadres i els valors de pH i DP.


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Ja fa varies decades que els conservadors-restauradors de paper van comenc;ar a tenir en compteel pH de les obres que tractaven, ja que es va veure que I'acidesa incidia molt directament en comde rapid I'objecte es debilitava mecimicament. De fet, trobem tant aviat com el 1936, una patenten registrada per OJ. Schierholtz per desacidificar el paper d'empaperar parets (Porck, 1996).La tela d'un quadre, essent un teixit fet a base de fibres vegetals compastes majoritariament perceHulosa, com les fibres del paper, és lógicament també facilment degradable si I'ambient ñes acid(te un baix pH).Sorprenentment, pero, I'acidesa de la tela deis quadres, tot i que en ocasions puntuals ha estatanalitzada (Bajocchi, 2009; Young, 1999), encara no és un parametre que es miri de forma rutinariai per tant, fins recentment, no se sabia quins eren els valors de pH més típics que pot tenir unquadre.Aquest estudi és una primera recopilació sistematica d'aquest t ipus d' in formació per a partir d'aquícrear un banc de dades que vagi recollint aquest t ipus d'informació sobre el majar nombre possiblede quadres.Si I'acidesa present en la tela ens indica com de rapid es degradara aquesta en el futur, la mesura delgrau de polimerització de la tela (DP), ens indica si la tela té una al ta o baixa resistencia mecanica enel moment actual. Així doncs, aquests dos parametres ens aporten informació molt úti l sobre I'estatde conserva ció del suportoAquesta recerca pretén respondre a les preguntes de quins són els valors de pH i DP que típicamentpodem trabar en la tela deis quadres, així com analitzar la relació entre aquests dos parametres i també la relació entre la data de producció deis quadres i els valors de pH i DP.


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This paper deals with changes in managerial practices in Catalonia in anage of nascent capitalism (1830-1925) and adaptive family strategies inorder to face the absence of state welfare. During the 19 t h Century andin the absence of recorded labor contracts, human resources of the firmwere organized by means of implicit contracts and informal labor markets.With the advent of scientific organization of labor, wage per hour workedbegan to be recorded. This is why in the 1920s the perfect competitionmodel applies to our case. On the other hand, in the same period, and inthe absence of state welfare, ideas stemming from cooperative game theoryapply to the pattern of household income formation. Kin related networkswere used to improve the living standards of the household. In thisparticular direction we also show that there was a demonstration effectby means of which migrant s living standards were higher than those ofnatives.


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This paper deals whit the dynamics of the Catalan textile labour market (theSpanish region that concentrated most of the industrial and factory activity duringthe 19 Century) and offers hypotheses and results on the impact it had on livingstandards and fertility levels. We observe the formation of an uneven labourmarket in which male supply for labour (excluding women and children) grewmuch faster than the demand. We stress the fact that labour supply is verydependant on institutional factors liked to the transmition of household propertybetween generations. Instead the slow path of growth of adult males demand forlabour is witnessing the limits of this industry to expand and to compete ininternational markets. The strategy of working class families to adapt to scarceopportunities of employment we document here is the diminution of legitimatefertility levels. Fertility control is the direct instrument we think workers have tocontrol their number in a situation that was likely to create labour surpluses in theshort and mid run.


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[cat] La historiografia ha assenyalat que en el segle XIX el crèdit que els fabricants cotoners catalans oferien als seus clients era de caràcter informal i, per tant, impossible de ser transferit al sistema bancari. Això hauria tingut un efecte negatiu en la rendibilitat de les empreses cotoneres. A partir de l’anàlisi de diversos arxius empresarials, així com de fonts judicials i notarials, aquest treball confirma aquesta descripció dels fets però proposa una interpretació més optimista. Els fabricants feien de banquers dels seus clients perquè eren els millor situats per a exercir aquesta funció. Havien construït una bona estructura d’informació, gestionaven eficientment el risc creditici i obtenien beneficis d’aquesta activitat.


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[cat] La historiografia ha assenyalat que en el segle XIX el crèdit que els fabricants cotoners catalans oferien als seus clients era de caràcter informal i, per tant, impossible de ser transferit al sistema bancari. Això hauria tingut un efecte negatiu en la rendibilitat de les empreses cotoneres. A partir de l’anàlisi de diversos arxius empresarials, així com de fonts judicials i notarials, aquest treball confirma aquesta descripció dels fets però proposa una interpretació més optimista. Els fabricants feien de banquers dels seus clients perquè eren els millor situats per a exercir aquesta funció. Havien construït una bona estructura d’informació, gestionaven eficientment el risc creditici i obtenien beneficis d’aquesta activitat.


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The present study was designed to investigate the efficacy of the fluorescent dyes Fast Blue (FB), Fluoro-Gold (FG), and Diamidino Yellow (DY) for retrograde tracing of lumbar dorsal root ganglia after their subcutaneous injection into different hindlimb digits. Injection of equal volumes (0.5 mu l) of 5% FB or 2% FG resulted in similar mean numbers of sensory neurones labelled by each tracer. Injection of equal volumes (0.5 mu l) of FB or FG in a single digit followed 10 days later by a second injection of the same volume of 5% DY into the same digit resulted in similar mean numbers of labelled sensory neurones for each of the three tracers. Furthermore, on average, 75% of all the FB-labelled cells and 74% of all FC-labelled cells also contained DY. Repeating the same experiment with an increased volume of DY (1.5 mu l) resulted in an increase in the mean number of double-labelled profiles to 82 and 84% for FB and FG, respectively. The results show that FB, FG and DY label similar numbers of cutaneous afferents and that a high level of double labelling may be obtained after sequential injections in digits. These properties make them suitable candidates in investigations where a combination of tracers with similar labelling efficacies is needed.


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Informe de investigación realizado a partir de una estancia en el Instituto de Biotecnología Medioambiental de la Universidad Tecnológica de Graz, Austria, entre Julio y Agosto de 2006. Se ha estudiado la decoloración de varios tintes sintéticos de estructuras químicas diferentes (Rojo Congo, Azul de Naftol, Indigo Carmín, Lanaset Gris, Azul de Nilo) por la enzima lacasa inmovilizada. La inmovilización de la enzima lacasa se llevó a cabo sobre esferas de alúmina (Al2O3) de 3 mm de diámetro debido a la resistecia mecánica de este material. La lacasa y la proteína inmovilizada se determinaron como la diferencia entre las concentraciones iniciales y residuales (obtenidas en los lavados). El porcentaje de lacasa inmovilizada fue del 68% y la cantidad de proteína inmovilizada por gramo de soporte de 5,6 mg. La enzima lacasa inmovilizada fue capaz de decolorar tintes de diferente estructura sin la necesidad de añadir mediadores redox, lo cual la hace una enzima muy adecuada para su aplicación en la decoloración de efluentes procedentes de la industria textil. De todas formas, son necesarios más estudios para optimizar la técnica de inmovilización así como el proceso de decoloración. Es interesante destacar que aunque hay muchos estudios basados en la oxidación de tintes textiles por lacasa la mayoría utilizan la enzima libre y hay muy poca información disponible sobre la aplicación de lacasas inmovilizadas, por lo que el presente estudio constituye una aportación muy interesante y novedosa.


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A novel test of spatial independence of the distribution of crystals or phases in rocksbased on compositional statistics is introduced. It improves and generalizes the commonjoins-count statistics known from map analysis in geographic information systems.Assigning phases independently to objects in RD is modelled by a single-trial multinomialrandom function Z(x), where the probabilities of phases add to one and areexplicitly modelled as compositions in the K-part simplex SK. Thus, apparent inconsistenciesof the tests based on the conventional joins{count statistics and their possiblycontradictory interpretations are avoided. In practical applications we assume that theprobabilities of phases do not depend on the location but are identical everywhere inthe domain of de nition. Thus, the model involves the sum of r independent identicalmultinomial distributed 1-trial random variables which is an r-trial multinomialdistributed random variable. The probabilities of the distribution of the r counts canbe considered as a composition in the Q-part simplex SQ. They span the so calledHardy-Weinberg manifold H that is proved to be a K-1-affine subspace of SQ. This isa generalisation of the well-known Hardy-Weinberg law of genetics. If the assignmentof phases accounts for some kind of spatial dependence, then the r-trial probabilitiesdo not remain on H. This suggests the use of the Aitchison distance between observedprobabilities to H to test dependence. Moreover, when there is a spatial uctuation ofthe multinomial probabilities, the observed r-trial probabilities move on H. This shiftcan be used as to check for these uctuations. A practical procedure and an algorithmto perform the test have been developed. Some cases applied to simulated and realdata are presented.Key words: Spatial distribution of crystals in rocks, spatial distribution of phases,joins-count statistics, multinomial distribution, Hardy-Weinberg law, Hardy-Weinbergmanifold, Aitchison geometry


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Foreign trade statistics are the main data source to the study of international trade.However its accuracy has been under suspicion since Morgernstern published hisfamous work in 1963. Federico and Tena (1991) have resumed the question arguing thatthey can be useful in an adequate level of aggregation. But the geographical assignmentproblem remains unsolved. This article focuses on the spatial variable through theanalysis of the reliability of textile international data for 1913. A geographical biasarises between export and import series, but because of its quantitative importance it canbe negligible in an international scale.


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This essay deals with the reasons explaining children s work in 19th century textile factories and their removal during the first part of the 20th century. The inadequacy of the structure of incomes and expenditures of the household and the very low economic incentives to educate children can explain why children were in the factories and not in the school. Moreover, the marginal economic contribution to the economy of the household of a child was the same as that of his mother. This normally implied that women and children were perfect substitutes. When the family had a child at working age this allowed to replace the paid work input of the mother. With the beginnings of the 20th century a set of changes leading to the increase of women s productivity and hourly real wages, switched the situation and involved the new incorporation of women into paid work and the investment in children s human capital.


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The canvas support in easel paintings is composed mainly of cellulose. One of the maindegradation paths of cellulose is acid-catalysed hydrolysis, which means that in an acidic environment (low pH), its degradation proceeds at a faster rate (Strlič et al., 2005).The main effect of acid-catalysed hydrolysis is the breaking up of the polymer chains,measured by the “Degree of Polymerisation” (DP). The lowering of the DP value impliesa lower mechanical strength of the textile (Scicolone, 1993), and thus this parameter canbe used to monitor degradation. Knowing these two parameters can, therefore, be veryinformative regarding the condition of the canvas support.


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The canvas support in easel paintings is composed mainly of cellulose. One of the maindegradation paths of cellulose is acid-catalysed hydrolysis, which means that in an acidic environment (low pH), its degradation proceeds at a faster rate (Strlič et al., 2005).The main effect of acid-catalysed hydrolysis is the breaking up of the polymer chains,measured by the “Degree of Polymerisation” (DP). The lowering of the DP value impliesa lower mechanical strength of the textile (Scicolone, 1993), and thus this parameter canbe used to monitor degradation. Knowing these two parameters can, therefore, be veryinformative regarding the condition of the canvas support.


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We apply social networks analysis to the study of an important database on investment and companies" share in the Catalonia (Spain) of the nineteenth century. In contrast with most of the existing related literature, usually addressing power relationships across administration boards, we focus on the structure of interactions among individual investors and firms. Centrality analysis uncovers interesting roles played by certain economic sectors (e.g. textile and financial). Furthermore, the diverse composition (in terms of economic activity) of communities in the network (subgroups more densely connected internally than with the rest of the network) reveals a high investment diversification, which nicely agrees with a known characteristic of traditional Catalan business strategies.