35 resultados para Design Build Project Delivery System


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Les limitacions en la capacitat d'emmagatzemament dels dispositius sensors sense fils o motes és consubstancial al seu disseny, però pot convertir-se en un problema en determinades situacions. Aquest projecte de fi de carrera ha esta motivat per l'interès en superar aquestes limitacions en una situació concreta: una mota dedicada a prendre mostres amb alguns dels seus sensors que passa un període llarg de temps sense poder comunicar amb la base. Per aconseguir aquest objectiu s'ha dissenyat i implementat un sistema que comprimeix les mostres en una mota només quan l'espai d'emmagatzemament està pròxim a exhaurir-se. Aquest procés de compressió pot repetir-se indefinidament i cada vegada que actua elimina només les mostres menys significatives, tot preservant la freqüència del mostreig.A continuació es descriu l'algorisme que s'ha dissenyat, respectuós amb les capacitats de processament de la mota, la implementació que s'ha fet en nesC per a una mota Cou24 amb TinyOS, el programari complementari que s'ha desenvolupat en Java per a PC, i el resultat de les proves que s'han fet de tot aquest conjunt.


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Aquest projecte consisteix en la producció sonora per a un curtmetratge. Des de la preproducció fins al disseny de so, s’analitzen i es realitzen tots els processos intermedis necessaris per arribar a tenir un producte audiovisual de qualitat i innovador. S’han desenvolupat diverses tasques: des del rodatge del curt, la composició de la banda sonora, fins a la mescla en 5.1, entre d’altres. En aquesta memòria es detalla pas a pas el procés que s’ha seguit per aconseguir el resultat que s’esperava, amb les reflexions prèvies i la investigació de les diverses opcions. L’objectiu principal és aprofundir en el camp del disseny sonor, i arribar a crear sons i efectes que impactin en l’espectador i no el deixin indiferent.


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The advances of the semiconductor industry enable microelectromechanical systems sensors, signal conditioning logic and network access to be integrated into a smart sensor node. In this framework, a mixed-mode interface circuit for monolithically integrated gas sensor arrays was developed with high-level design techniques. This interface system includes analog electronics for inspection of up to four sensor arrays and digital logic for smart control and data communication. Although different design methodologies were used in the conception of the complete circuit, high-level synthesis tools and methodologies were crucial in speeding up the whole design cycle, enhancing reusability for future applications and producing a flexible and robust component.


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The velocity of dripline flushing in subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) systems affects system design, cost, management, performance, and longevity. A 30‐day field study was conducted at Kansas State University to analyze the effect of four targeted flushing velocities (0.23, 0.30, 0.46, and 0.61 m/s) for a fixed 15 min duration of flushing and three flushing frequencies (no flushing or flushing every 15 or 30 days) on SDI emitter discharge and sediments within the dripline and removed in the flushing water. At the end of the field experiment (371 h), the amount of solids carried away by the flushing water and retained in every lateral were determined as well as laboratory determination of emitter discharge for every single emitter within each dripline. Greater dripline flushing velocities, which also resulted in greater flushing volumes, tended to result in greater amounts of solids in the flushing water, but the differences were not always statistically significant. Neither the frequency of flushing nor the interaction of flushing frequency and velocity significantly affected the amount of solids in the flushing water. There was a greater concentration of solids in the beginning one‐third of the 90 m laterals, particularly for treatments with no flushing or with slower dripline flushing velocities. As flushing velocity and concurrently flushing volume increased, there was a tendency for greater solids removal and/or more equal distribution within the dripline. At the end of the field study, the average emitter discharge as measured in the laboratory for a total of 3970 emitters was 0.64 L/h. which was significantly less (approximately 2.5%) than the discharge for new and unused emitters. Only six emitters were nearly or fully clogged, with discharges between 0% and 5% of new and unused emitters. Flushing velocity and flushing frequency did not have consistent significant effects on emitter discharge, and those numerical differences that did exist were small (<3%). Emitter discharge was approximately 3% less for the distal ends of the driplines (last 20% of the dripline). Although not a specific factor in the study, the results of solids removals during flushing and solids retention within the different dripline sections suggest that duration of flushing may be a more cost‐effective management option than increasing the dripline flushing velocity through SDI system design. Finally, although microirrigation system components have been improved over the years, the need for flushing to remove solids and reduce clogging potential has not been eliminated


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We describe here the construction of a delivery system for stable and directed insertion of gene constructs in a permissive chromosomal site of the bacterial wilt pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. The system consists of a collection of suicide vectors the Ralstonia chromosome (pRC) series that carry an integration element flanked by transcription terminators and two sequences of homology to the chromosome of strain GMI1000, where the integration element is inserted through a double recombination event. Unique restriction enzyme sites and a GATEWAY cassette enable cloning of any promoter::gene combination in the integration element. Variants endowed with different selectable antibiotic resistance genes and promoter::gene combinations are described. We show that the system can be readily used in GMI1000 and adapted to other R. solanacearum strains using an accessory plasmid. We prove that the pRC system can be employed to complement a deletion mutation with a single copy of the native gene, and to measure transcription of selected promoters in monocopy both in vitro and in planta. Finally, the system has been used to purify and study secretion type III effectors. These novel genetic tools will be particularly useful for the construction of recombinant bacteria that maintain inserted genes or reporter fusions in competitive situations (i.e., during plant infection).