37 resultados para Cylindrical Shells


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During the fieldwork in the medieval fortification of Ausa (Gipuzkoa), a vast amount of sherds from several pottery artifacts featured by a cylindrical body has been found out. They presumably had the same function in contexts dated from the first half of xiv century. Although it has not been possible to reconstruct any of these artefacts, the study of the sherds allows us to think that they would have formed some sort of big-sized horn. This high-sounding instrument, which has been frequently reproduced in iconographic references, does not have at this moment any direct parallelism in Hispanic contexts, despite being plentiful of references to similar objects in medieval ranges from Provence and Languedoc. By introducing these artefacts from different approaches, we aim to go over the scarce knowledge of these instruments, whose evidence lets us to believe in their widespread distribution all over the landscape in several material contexts from Medieval Ages.


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The possible associations between the microquasars LS 5039 and LS I +61 303 and the EGRET sources 3EG J1824-1514 and 3EG J0241+6103 suggest that microquasars could also be sources of high-energy gamma-rays. In this work, we present a detailed numerical inverse Compton (IC) model, based on a microquasar scenario, that reproduces the high-energy gamma-ray spectra and variability observed by EGRET for the mentioned sources. Our model considers a population of relativistic electrons entrained in a cylindrical inhomogeneous jet that interact through IC scattering with both the radiation and the magnetic fields.


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Catalunya és un dels territoris on hi ha hagut més auge del sector de la cervesa artesana, i són molt nombroses les microcerveseries i les botigues especialitzades on es poden trobar els recursos materials necessaris, a més de ser centres difusió de coneixements relacionats. Així, doncs, aquest projecte està emmarcat en un context que permet el desenvolupament de tècniques d’elaboració de cervesa artesana. Aquest projecte es basa en la construcció d’un equip amb materials reutilitzats i amb un pressupost limitat que permet reproduir a petita escala els processos d’elaboració que es duen a terme en les microcerveseries artesanes actuals. El projecte s’ha assentat sobre la comprensió dels fonaments teòrics i pràctics del procés d’elaboració de cervesa, i amb l’experiència inicial d’elaboració de cervesa amb un equip bàsic de tipus homebrewer. Per minimintzar costos els tancs s’han construït a partir de barrils de cervesa i les parts sobrants s’han aprofitat per a altres elements. S’han emprat elements quotidians com una olla a pressió i s’ha construït un sistema regulador de pressió (per al tanc de fermentació cilindrocònic isobàric construït) en lloc d’adquirir-lo. S’ha posat l’èmfasi en minimitzar la necessitat de manipulació manual durant l’elaboració. Per tant, s’han instal·lat els components de l’equip formant un circuit tancat amb sistema de bombeig, i s’ha incorporat un sistema que permet el control i la lectura de les temperatures de cada procés. Altres elements són el sistema de filtres amb mecanisme de tub en forma d’ela (que permet l’extracció del most dels tanc de maceració i de cocció d’una manera efectiva i sense necessitat de manipulació) i el sistema de dutxa (que permet automatitzar el procés de rentat i filtrat). Un element que distingeix aquest equip d’altres equips emprats en algunes microcerveseries artesanes és el tanc de fermentació cilindrocònic isobàric amb vàlvula controladora de pressió, que permet prescindir de la doble fermentació en ampolla, ja que permet aprofitar el gas carbònic produït durant la fermentació per la carbonatació de la cervesa. Es pot concloure que gràcies a les seves característiques, l’equip permet realitzar successives elaboracions obtenint el mateix producte amb les mateixes característiques organolèptiques, principalement gràcies a la cambra de fermentació, que permet realitzar les etapes de fermentació, maduració i clarificació controlant la temperatura desitjada; al tanc de maceració amb aïllament, que permet realitzar el procés a temperatura constant sense pèrdues tèrmiques i al sistema de control de temperatura de totes les etapes. L’únic inconvenient és que, degut a la manca pressupostària, ha estat impossible l’adquisició d’un sistema d’embotellament isobàric que permeti realitzar l’embotellament sense pèrdues del gas carbònic. Per tant, el producte final pot embotellar-se amb una lleugera pèrdua de gas o es pot emmagatzemar en el mateix fermentador cilindrocònic per al seu consum directe, a l’estil d’alguns brewpubs.


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The human exploitation of marine resources is characterised by the preferential removal of the largest species. Although this is expected to modify the structure of food webs, we have a relatively poor understanding of the potential consequences of such alteration. Here, we take advantage of a collection of ancient consumer tissues, using stable isotope analysis and SIBER to assess changes in the structure of coastal marine food webs in the South-western Atlantic through the second half of the Holocene as a result of the sequential exploitation of marine resources by hunter-gatherers, western sealers and modern fishermen. Samples were collected from shell middens and museums. Shells of both modern and archaeological intertidal herbivorous molluscs were used to reconstruct changes in the stable isotopic baseline, while modern and archaeological bones of the South American sea lion Otaria flavescens, South American fur seal Arctocephalus australis and Magellanic penguin Spheniscus magellanicus were used to analyse changes in the structure of the community of top predators. We found that ancient food webs were shorter, more redundant and more overlapping than current ones, both in northern-central Patagonia and southern Patagonia. These surprising results may be best explained by the huge impact of western sealing on pinnipeds during the fur trade period, rather than the impact of fishing on fish populations. As a consequence, the populations of pinnipeds at the end of the sealing period were likely well below the ecosystem's carrying capacity, which resulted in a release of intraspecific competition and a shift towards larger and higher trophic level prey. This in turn led to longer and less overlapping food webs.


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We present a general algorithm for the simulation of x-ray spectra emitted from targets of arbitrary composition bombarded with kilovolt electron beams. Electron and photon transport is simulated by means of the general-purpose Monte Carlo code PENELOPE, using the standard, detailed simulation scheme. Bremsstrahlung emission is described by using a recently proposed algorithm, in which the energy of emitted photons is sampled from numerical cross-section tables, while the angular distribution of the photons is represented by an analytical expression with parameters determined by fitting benchmark shape functions obtained from partial-wave calculations. Ionization of K and L shells by electron impact is accounted for by means of ionization cross sections calculated from the distorted-wave Born approximation. The relaxation of the excited atoms following the ionization of an inner shell, which proceeds through emission of characteristic x rays and Auger electrons, is simulated until all vacancies have migrated to M and outer shells. For comparison, measurements of x-ray emission spectra generated by 20 keV electrons impinging normally on multiple bulk targets of pure elements, which span the periodic system, have been performed using an electron microprobe. Simulation results are shown to be in close agreement with these measurements.


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The Río Negro Formation (late Miocene-early Pliocene) mainly consists of continental deposits, but it contains a middle member of marine origin. It represents a transgressive-regressive sequence that can be seen at several outcrops along the N Patagonian coast. The taphonomical approach to the El Espigón marine deposits permits the identification of four main layers containing different kinds of skeletal accumulation, which mainly consist of oyster shells [Crassostrea patagonica (D'Orbigny, 1842)]. These concentrations display three different morphologies (pouches, pavements and bouquets) with a different taphonomic signature. These deposits were formed in shallow marine environments influenced by wave activity that produced valve concentrations of different entities. They contain several shell beds that represent event, composite, hiatal to lag skeletal concentrations. Traces of bioturbation in the sediment (Thalassinoides, Teichichnus) and bioerosion on the shells (Entobia, Gastrochaeonolites, Caulostrepsis), and encrusters (cirripeds, bryozoans), are also abundant in the outcrop and consititue common components of these Miocene materials. Layers 1 and 2 of the sequence were deposited in shoreface/foreshore environments at the beginning of a highstand systems tract, while layers 3 and 4 were deposited at the end, or at the beginning of a forced regression, in foreshore environments. A final erosional episode cut the top of the layer 4, which truncated the abundant bioturbaation developed there.


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In this paper, the mathematical model of the elliptical photoreactor , an special type of reactor that uses ultraviolet radiation, is presented. In the elliptical photoreactor the cylindrical reactor is irradiated from the outside by placing the lamp and the reactor at the foci of an elliptical reflector. The two main models of radiation -radial and difusse- are studied, an finally the general method of resolution of the mathematical model and its resolution in certain simple cases is shown.