79 resultados para Content processing
In spite of the fact that the Ars predicandi populo is attributed to Eiximenis in only one of the three extant manuscripts, there is no doubt that it is one of his works.First of all, the internal references to this treatise in the pages of Terç and Dotzè del Crestià are an irrefutable testimony and, secondly, the presence of an autographvolume of sermons which begins with the Ars in the inventory of the Eiximenis library made shortly after his death. The writing of the Ars and the collection of sermons which introduces it must be dated prior to the beginning of the Crestià encyclopedia (1379) because of the complexity that entailed the writing of a collection of three perhaps four volumes of sermons. Due to a series of formal and codicological reasons it must be concluded that the chapter entitled De consiliis circa predicacionem cannot be attributed to Eiximenis and thus be excluded from the Ars
Analysis and evaluation of techniques for the extraction of classes in the ontology learning process
This paper analyzes and evaluates, in the context of Ontology learning, some techniques to identify and extract candidate terms to classes of a taxonomy. Besides, this work points out some inconsistencies that may be occurring in the preprocessing of text corpus, and proposes techniques to obtain good terms candidate to classes of a taxonomy.
Background: The COSMIN checklist (COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health status Measurement INstruments) was developed in an international Delphi study to evaluate the methodological quality of studies on measurement properties of health-related patient reported outcomes (HR-PROs). In this paper, we explain our choices for the design requirements and preferred statistical methods for which no evidence is available in the literature or on which the Delphi panel members had substantial discussion. Methods: The issues described in this paper are a reflection of the Delphi process in which 43 panel members participated. Results: The topics discussed are internal consistency (relevance for reflective and formative models, and distinction with unidimensionality), content validity (judging relevance and comprehensiveness), hypotheses testing as an aspect of construct validity (specificity of hypotheses), criterion validity (relevance for PROs), and responsiveness (concept and relation to validity, and (in) appropriate measures).Conclusions: We expect that this paper will contribute to a better understanding of the rationale behind the items, thereby enhancing the acceptance and use of the COSMIN checklist.
Extensive theoretical and experimental work on the neuronal correlates of visual attention raises two hypotheses about the underlying mechanisms. The first hypothesis, named biased competition, originates from experimental single-cell recordings that have shown that attention upmodulates the firing rates of the neurons encoding the attended features and downregulates the firing rates of the neurons encoding the unattended features. Furthermore, attentional modulation of firing rates increases along the visual pathway. The other, newer hypothesis assigns synchronization a crucial role in the attentional process. It stems from experiments that have shown that attention modulates gamma-frequency synchronization. In this paper, we study the coexistence of the two phenomena using a theoretical framework. We find that the two effects can vary independently of each other and across layers. Therefore, the two phenomena are not concomitant. However, we show that there is an advantage in the processing of information if rate modulation is accompanied by gamma modulation, namely that reaction times are shorter, implying behavioral relevance for gamma synchronization.
The increasing volume of data describing humandisease processes and the growing complexity of understanding, managing, and sharing such data presents a huge challenge for clinicians and medical researchers. This paper presents the@neurIST system, which provides an infrastructure for biomedical research while aiding clinical care, by bringing together heterogeneous data and complex processing and computing services. Although @neurIST targets the investigation and treatment of cerebral aneurysms, the system’s architecture is generic enough that it could be adapted to the treatment of other diseases.Innovations in @neurIST include confining the patient data pertaining to aneurysms inside a single environment that offers cliniciansthe tools to analyze and interpret patient data and make use of knowledge-based guidance in planning their treatment. Medicalresearchers gain access to a critical mass of aneurysm related data due to the system’s ability to federate distributed informationsources. A semantically mediated grid infrastructure ensures that both clinicians and researchers are able to seamlessly access andwork on data that is distributed across multiple sites in a secure way in addition to providing computing resources on demand forperforming computationally intensive simulations for treatment planning and research.
The spectral efficiency achievable with joint processing of pilot and data symbol observations is compared with that achievable through the conventional (separate) approach of first estimating the channel on the basis of the pilot symbols alone, and subsequently detecting the datasymbols. Studied on the basis of a mutual information lower bound, joint processing is found to provide a non-negligible advantage relative to separate processing, particularly for fast fading. It is shown that, regardless of the fading rate, only a very small number of pilot symbols (at most one per transmit antenna and per channel coherence interval) shouldbe transmitted if joint processing is allowed.
This paper studies the determinants of school choice, focusing on the role of information. Weconsider how parents' search efforts and their capacity to process information (i.e., tocorrectly assess schools) affect the quality of the schools they choose for their children. Usinga novel dataset, we are able to identify parents' awareness of schools in their neighborhoodand measure their capacity to rank the quality of the school with respect to the officialrankings. We find that parents education and wealth are important factors in determiningtheir level of school awareness and information gathering. Moreover, these search effortshave important consequences in terms of the quality of school choice.
We propose an alternative method for measuring intergenerational mobility. Measurements obtained fromtraditional methods (based on panel data) are scarce, difficult to compare across countries and almost impossible to get across time. In particular, this means that we do not know how intergenerational mobility is correlated with growth, income or the degree of inequality.Our proposal is to measure the informative content of surnames in one census. The more information thesurname has on the income of an individual, the more important is her background in determining her outcomes; and thus, the less mobility there is.The reason is that surnames provide information about family relationships because the distribution ofsurnames is necessarily very skewed. A large percentage of the population is bound to have a very unfrequent surname. For them the partition generated by surnames is very informative on family linkages.First, we develop a model whose endogenous variable is the joint distribution of surnames and income.There, we explore the relationship between mobility and the informative content of surnames. We allow for assortative mating to be a determinant of both.Second, we use our methodology to show that in large Spanish region the informative content of surnamesis large and consistent with the model. We also show that it has increased over time, indicating a substantial drop in the degree of mobility. Finally, using the peculiarities of the Spanish surname convention we show that the degree of assortative mating has also increased over time, in such a manner that might explain the decrease in mobility observed.Our method allows us to provide measures of mobility comparable across time. It should also allow us tostudy other issues related to inheritance.
“Estudiantes motivados producen profesores motivados y viceversa” (Lesley Denham)La cita refleja el efecto recíproco que tiene el comportamiento del profesor en el compromiso de los estudiantes a lo largo del año y viceversa. Es sorprendente como, destacando las fortalezas de cada estudiante en lugar de sus debilidades, nunca comparándolos entre ellos sino con su propio rendimiento, puede despertar una motivación intrínseca en el estudiante, y una merecida satisfacción personal para el profesor.Sin embargo, no existen botones motivacionales mágicos que podamos pulsar y hacer que el alumno quiera aprender. Como profesores, tomar la iniciativa será crucial: dar a nuestros estudiantes el espacio suficiente para experimentar, realzar su autonomía, e intuir las respuestas a través de un proceso inductivo. En definitiva, hacerles protagonistas de su proceso de aprendizaje.Incluir AICLE en la clase de inglés es una metodología que nos ayudará a conseguirlo. Los estudiantes asocian AICLE con algo interesante y divertido, diferente a las sesiones teóricas. Como resultado, al utilizar la lengua, lo hacen movidos por sus sentimientos, aprendiendo de forma implícita.“Estudiants motivats produeixen professors motivats i viceversa” (Lesley Denham)La cita reflecteix l'efecte recíproc que té el comportament del professor en el compromís dels estudiants al llarg de l'any i viceversa. És sorprenent com, destacant les fortaleses de cada estudiant en lloc de les seves debilitats, mai comparant-los entre ells sinó amb el seu propi rendiment, pot despertar una motivació intrínseca a l'estudiant, i una merescuda satisfacció personal per al professor.No obstant això, no existeixen botons motivacionals màgics que puguem prémer i fer que l'alumne vulgui aprendre. Com a professors, prendre la iniciativa serà crucial: donar als nostres estudiants l'espai suficient per experimentar, realçar la seva autonomia, i intuir les respostes a través d'un procés inductiu. En definitiva, fer-los protagonistes del seu procés d'aprenentatge.Incloure AICLE en la classe d'anglès és una metodologia que ens ajudarà a aconseguir-ho. Els estudiants consideren AICLE interessant i divertit, diferent a les sessions teòriques. Com a resultat, en utilitzar la llengua, ho fan moguts pels seus sentiments, aprenent de forma implícita.
A common problem in video surveys in very shallow waters is the presence of strong light fluctuations, due to sun light refraction. Refracted sunlight casts fast moving patterns, which can significantly degrade the quality of the acquired data. Motivated by the growing need to improve the quality of shallow water imagery, we propose a method to remove sunlight patterns in video sequences. The method exploits the fact that video sequences allow several observations of the same area of the sea floor, over time. It is based on computing the image difference between a given reference frame and the temporal median of a registered set of neighboring images. A key observation is that this difference will have two components with separable spectral content. One is related to the illumination field (lower spatial frequencies) and the other to the registration error (higher frequencies). The illumination field, recovered by lowpass filtering, is used to correct the reference image. In addition to removing the sunflickering patterns, an important advantage of the approach is the ability to preserve the sharpness in corrected image, even in the presence of registration inaccuracies. The effectiveness of the method is illustrated in image sets acquired under strong camera motion containing non-rigid benthic structures. The results testify the good performance and generality of the approach
This poster explains the changes introduced in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 from WCAG 1.0 and proposes a checklist for adapting existing websites. Finally, it describes the most common criticisms of the WCAG and places them in the context of its origin and initial aims.
Alzheimer"s disease and prion pathologies (e.g., Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) display profound neural lesions associated with aberrant protein processing and extracellular amyloid deposits. For APP processing, emerging data suggest that the adaptor protein Dab1 plays a relevant role in regulating its intracellular trafficking and secretase-mediated proteolysis. Although some data have been presented, a putative relationship between human prion diseases and Dab1/APP interactions is lacking. Therefore, we have studied the putative relation between Dab1, APP processing and Aβ deposition, targets in sCJD cases. Our biochemical results categorized two groups of sCJD cases, which also correlated with PrPsc types 1 and 2 respectively. One group, with PrPsc type 1 showed increased Dab1 phosphorylation, and lower βCTF production with an absence of Aβ deposition. The second sCJD group, which carried PrPsc type 2, showed lower levels of Dab1 phosphorylation and βCTF production, similar to control cases. Relevant Aβ deposition in the second sCJD group was measured. Thus, a direct correlation between Dab1 phosphorylation, Aβ deposition and PrPsc type in human sCJD is presented for the first time.
The pure classical content of a pseudoclassical nonrelativistic model of a spinning particle is studied. The only physical meaningful world line is the one without "Zitterbewegung." Interactions with external electromagnetic fields are also studied.
Oxygen content is a very important factor influencing the electrical properties of YBa2Cu3Oy. In this work the electrical properties of laser deposited YBa2Cu3Oy thin films on LaAlO3(100), in the whole range 6 y 7, are studied. An electrical network model, which randomly assigns oxygen contents and R(T) characteristics to the different elements in the circuit according to an arbitrary distribution, is used to analyze several features in the measured R(T) characteristics as a function of oxygen homogeneity. The model takes into account both short-range and long-range oxygen inhomogeneities. Good agreement between estimated oxygen contents from x-ray diffraction data in our samples and the average oxygen contents used to reproduce their R(T) characteristics is found. The model points out that oxygen homogeneity is very important in order to get the best and reproducible properties, and for conduction and superconductivity analysis through the shape or derivatives of R(T) characteristics.