37 resultados para Cleanthes, 331-232 B.C.
In recent years, the emergence of Staphylococcus aureus strains with reduced susceptibility to glycopeptides has raised considerable concern. We studied the efficacy of vancomycin and teicoplanin, as well as cloxacillin and cefotaxime, against the infection caused by four S. aureus strains with different glycopeptide and β-lactam susceptibilities (strains A, B, C, and D; MICs for vancomycin of 1, 2, 4, and 8 µg/ml respectively), using a modified model of mouse peritonitis. This optimized model appeared to be straightforward and reproducible, and was able to detect low differences in bacterial killing between antibiotics and also between different S. aureus strains. Bactericidal activities in peritoneal fluid for vancomycin, teicoplanin, cloxacillin, and cefotaxime decreased from -2.98, -2.36, -3.22, and -3.57 log10 cfu/ml, respectively, in infection by strain A (MICs for vancomycin and cloxacillin of 1 and 0.38 µg/ml, respectively) to -1.22, -0.65, -1.04, and +0.24 in peritonitis due to strain D (MICs for vancomycin and cloxacillin of 8 and 1,024 µg/ml). Our data confirm the superiority of β-lactams against methicillin-susceptible S. aureus and show that bactericidal activity of glycopeptides decreases significantly with slight increases in MICs; this finding suggests a reduced efficacy of glycopeptides in the treatment of serious glycopeptide-intermediate S. aureus infections
The work by Epictetus shows a remarkable amount of allusions to unpleasant aspects of the human body. It deals with expressions which sometimes could be almost considered aischrologia and, on other occasions, they really are. Our contribution approaches this subject and asks which might be the origin of this practice. We suggest the use of those expressions describes the body in terms fitting with Epictetus" stoic philosophy aimed to establish an inner separation between body and the right use of reason leading us into virtue. Furthermore his humble origin as a slave could help him in using unpleasant words without prejudices. Also Arrian could insist on that characteristic when transmitting Epictetus" teachings.
In recent years, the emergence of Staphylococcus aureus strains with reduced susceptibility to glycopeptides has raised considerable concern. We studied the efficacy of vancomycin and teicoplanin, as well as cloxacillin and cefotaxime, against the infection caused by four S. aureus strains with different glycopeptide and β-lactam susceptibilities (strains A, B, C, and D; MICs for vancomycin of 1, 2, 4, and 8 µg/ml respectively), using a modified model of mouse peritonitis. This optimized model appeared to be straightforward and reproducible, and was able to detect low differences in bacterial killing between antibiotics and also between different S. aureus strains. Bactericidal activities in peritoneal fluid for vancomycin, teicoplanin, cloxacillin, and cefotaxime decreased from -2.98, -2.36, -3.22, and -3.57 log10 cfu/ml, respectively, in infection by strain A (MICs for vancomycin and cloxacillin of 1 and 0.38 µg/ml, respectively) to -1.22, -0.65, -1.04, and +0.24 in peritonitis due to strain D (MICs for vancomycin and cloxacillin of 8 and 1,024 µg/ml). Our data confirm the superiority of β-lactams against methicillin-susceptible S. aureus and show that bactericidal activity of glycopeptides decreases significantly with slight increases in MICs; this finding suggests a reduced efficacy of glycopeptides in the treatment of serious glycopeptide-intermediate S. aureus infections
Las hepatitis víricas, especialmente las causadas por los virus B y C representan para el odontólogo y su equipo de trabajo un riesgo ocupacional debido a la posible transmisión de partículas virales a través de la sangre u otros fluidos orgánicos. Esta entidad se define como un proceso inflamatorio del hígado, con la consecuente alteración de su función y puede ser causada por alguno de los siguientes virus hepatotrópicos: A, B, C, D, E y G. El objetivo de este artículo de revisión de la literatura es describir las principales manifestaciones de las hepatitis víricas, su evolución, tratamiento, además de presentar las principales consideraciones e implicaciones a tener en cuenta por el odontólogo a la hora de tratar este tipo de pacientes.
Dentro del Proyecto Ager Tarraconensis, se han estudiado en el Camp de Tarragona 19 yacimientos con indicios de instalaciones de producción de aceite o vino, que se centran especialmente entre los siglos I a.C. y II d.C. También se han estudiado 22 yacimientos con indicios de alfarería, en siete de los cuales se conoce la producción de ánforas vinarias. El hallazgo de diversas marcas de alfarero dónde identificamos el nombre de M. Clodius Martialis apunta hacia una rica familia de la elite de Tarraco, con la que se han relacionado cuatro yacimientos y quizás un quinto. Entre la época de Augusto y el siglo III, el vino se confirma como el producto principal de una agricultura desarrollada dentro del sistema de la villa, enfocada al mercado de ultramar. El aceite se debió producir para el consumo local. Esta región no volvió a potenciar la producción de vino a nivel de gran negocio de ámbito internacional hasta el siglo XVIII, con el cual se establece una comparación.
Aquest treball parteix de la pregunta: quines eren les característiques principals de la religió ibèrica? A partir d’aquesta pregunta, n’han sorgit d’altres que han permès concretar aspectes més específics de la religió en aquest territori: quins llocs de culte utilitzaven?, quines divinitats veneraven?, qui s’encarregava de dur a terme el culte?, com es manifestava aquesta religió?, creien en el més enllà?, quins ritus o pràctiques cultuals realitzaven?
BACKGROUND: Over the last 20 years, a number of instruments developed for the assessment of health-related quality of life (HRQL) in dementia have been introduced. The aim of this review is to synthesize evidence from published reviews on HRQL measures in dementia and any new literature in order to identify dementia specific HRQL instruments, the domains they measure, and their operationalization. METHODS: An electronic search of PsycINFO and PubMed was conducted, from inception to December 2011 using a combination of key words that included quality of life and dementia. RESULTS: Fifteen dementia-specific HRQL instruments were identified. Instruments varied depending on their country of development/validation, dementia severity, data collection method, operationalization of HRQL in dementia, psychometric properties, and the scoring. The most common domains assessed include mood, self-esteem, social interaction, and enjoyment of activities. CONCLUSIONS: A number of HRQL instruments for dementia are available. The suitability of the scales for different contexts is discussed. Many studies do not specifically set out to measure dementia-specific HRQL but do include related items. Determining how best to operationalize the many HRQL domains will be helpful for mapping measures of HRQL in such studies maximizing the value of existing resources.