70 resultados para China--Maps
Esta investigación se concentra en la plataforma Weibo, que está introduciendo nuevas formas de redacción de noticias y distribución de informaciones en China. Se trata de un servicio de microblogging chino, parecido al Twitter pero adaptado a los usuarios chinos. Siendo una herramienta de web 2.0, Weibo ha cambiado el trabajo cotidiano de los periodistas chinos. En el presente estudio se elabora análisis de contenido cuantitativo y cualitativo con fin de explorar la forma de utilización por los periodistas chinos en los asuntos públicos.
El presente trabajo se centra en evidenciar la valoración de China que la prensa española realiza en sus informaciones, recoger la imagen china en la misma prensa española, e identificar los mecanismos que se emplean en la construcción y difusión de esta imagen, a través de la investigación sobre la selección de las piezas informativas en los diarios de difusión nacional: El País, ABC, El Periódico y La Vanguardia, teniendo en cuenta sus distintas líneas editoriales. Acudimos principalmente a una combinación de tres metodologías: la metodología de corte documental, la cuantitativa (análisis del contenido) y la cualitativa (análisis socio-semiótico). Entre las conclusiones aportadas destacamos que, contrariamente a lo que suponíamos, en general la prensa española presenta una imagen neutral de China. Además, debido a las distintas líneas editoriales, existen varias diferencias respecto al tratamiento que realizan sobre China los perióticos objeto de estudios
We compare two methods for visualising contingency tables and developa method called the ratio map which combines the good properties of both.The first is a biplot based on the logratio approach to compositional dataanalysis. This approach is founded on the principle of subcompositionalcoherence, which assures that results are invariant to considering subsetsof the composition. The second approach, correspondence analysis, isbased on the chi-square approach to contingency table analysis. Acornerstone of correspondence analysis is the principle of distributionalequivalence, which assures invariance in the results when rows or columnswith identical conditional proportions are merged. Both methods may bedescribed as singular value decompositions of appropriately transformedmatrices. Correspondence analysis includes a weighting of the rows andcolumns proportional to the margins of the table. If this idea of row andcolumn weights is introduced into the logratio biplot, we obtain a methodwhich obeys both principles of subcompositional coherence and distributionalequivalence.
An important problem in descriptive and prescriptive research in decision making is to identify regions of rationality, i.e., the areas for which heuristics are and are not effective. To map the contours of such regions, we derive probabilities that heuristics identify the best of m alternatives (m > 2) characterized by k attributes or cues (k > 1). The heuristics include a single variable (lexicographic), variations of elimination-by-aspects, equal weighting, hybrids of the preceding, and models exploiting dominance. We use twenty simulated and four empirical datasets for illustration. We further provide an overview by regressing heuristic performance on factors characterizing environments. Overall, sensible heuristics generally yield similar choices in many environments. However, selection of the appropriate heuristic can be important in some regions (e.g., if there is low inter-correlation among attributes/cues). Since our work assumes a hit or miss decision criterion, we conclude by outlining extensions for exploring the effects of different loss functions.
En aquest treball s’ha volgut estudiar la influència de la percepció de la pell en la determinació de la bellesa del rostre segons el canon de bellesa femení a la Xina i a Espanya. L’elecció d’aquests dos països, i cultures, ens ha permès estudiar com un mateix producte ha de presentar-se de manera diferent atenent al pape que juga la claredat de la pell del rostre i l’existència de taques segons el cànon de bellesa femení pres com a referència. Hem centrat la nostra atenció en la reconducció dels missatges a les xarxes socials i fòrums d’internet en els quals es parla de bellesa i salud. Per a això, s’han escollit quatre plataformes: Bbs.pclady.com, Enfenemino.com, Weibo.com, Twitter.com
This paper presents a comparison of the changes in the energetic metabolic pattern of China and India, the two most populated countries in the world, with two economies undergoing an important economic transition. The comparison of the changes in the energetic metabolic pattern has the scope to characterize and explain a bifurcation in their evolutionary path in the recent years, using the Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) approach. The analysis shows an impressive transformation of China’s energy metabolism determined by the joining of the WTO in 2001. Since then, China became the largest factory of the world with a generalized capitalization of all sectors ―especially the industrial sector― boosting economic labor productivity as well as total energy consumption. India, on the contrary, lags behind when considering these factors. Looking at changes in the household sector (energy metabolism associated with final consumption) in the case of China, the energetic metabolic rate (EMR) soared in the last decade, also thanks to a reduced growth of population, whereas in India it remained stagnant for the last 40 years. This analysis indicates a big challenge for India for the next decade. In the light of the data analyzed both countries will continue to require strong injections of technical capital requiring a continuous increase in their total energy consumption. When considering the size of these economies it is easy to guess that this may induce a dramatic increase in the price of energy, an event that at the moment will penalize much more the chance of a quick economic development of India.
Aquest treball de final de carrera analitza com les empreses occidentals haurien de publicitar-se a la Xina. De la mateixa manera, s’estudia el mercat chinès en la seva totalitat i a més d’alguns casos reals de l’èxit publicitari. El mercat chinès és molt dinàmic i diferent als mercats occidentals. Això comporta una gran dificultat d’adaptacióper part de les empreses occidentals. Per això és necessari fer un análisis detallat del mercat, els seus mitjans de comunicació, el partit comunista que goberna, de l’àmbit socio-cultural i la importancia de potenciar la marca. Aquest treball finalitza amb l’explicació de l’èxit publicitari de diverses empreses occidentals. Un referent internacional com Coca-Cola, un sector amb molta rellevança com el luxe exclusiu dominat per Louis Vuitton i un mercat amb molt de potencial per a les empreses españoles com l’oli d’oliva il.lustrat amb Borges. Tot aquest treball ens convida a reflexionar sobre la diferencia d’actuació entre dos móns diferents com són els països occidentals i la China. Mentre el sector publicitari europeu s’atura, el chinès no deixa de créixer.
Brasil, Índia i Xina són algunes de les economies anomenades a ser potències mundials en els propers anys. Són països que estan experimentant un creixement *inigualable per altres nacions i que posseeixen molts recursos naturals, amplis territoris i una recent classe mitjana que demanda nous productes i serveis. Aquest fet, en un panorama de crisi global com l'actual, convida voler invertir immediatament en aquests països. Com a conseqüència de les grans extensions territorials, les àrees de negoci han de ser detectades de forma efectiva com a factor clau per augmentar les possibilitats d'èxit empresarial, juntament amb la bona pràctica dels protocols i normes esteses a Brasil, Índia i Xina. L'estudi de les formes d'establiment més adequades a l'empresa de l'inversor en potència i l'estudi dels sectors més competitius en cada economia són també aspectes determinants, entre molts altres que es desenvolupen en aquest treball. Brasil, Índia i Xina són nacions molt complexes, amb característiques semblants i unes altres totalment diferents. Moltes d'elles seran analitzades en aquest treball per tal proporcionar una resposta ferma a la pregunta de molts inversors: Existeixen realment oportunitats empresarials en països com Brasil, Xina o Índia?
Let S be a fibred surface. We prove that the existence of morphisms from non countably many fibres to curves implies, up to base change, the existence of a rational map from S to another surface fibred over the same base reflecting the properties of the original morphisms. Under some conditions of unicity base change is not needed and one recovers exactly the initial maps.
Low-cost tin oxide gas sensors are inherently nonspecific. In addition, they have several undesirable characteristics such as slow response, nonlinearities, and long-term drifts. This paper shows that the combination of a gas-sensor array together with self-organizing maps (SOM's) permit success in gas classification problems. The system is able to determine the gas present in an atmosphere with error rates lower than 3%. Correction of the sensor's drift with an adaptive SOM has also been investigated
We study the existence of strange nonchaotic attractors (SNA) in the family of Harper maps. We prove that for a set of parameters of positive measure, the map possesses a SNA. However, the set is nowhere dense. By changing the parameter arbitrarily small amounts, the attractor is a smooth curve and not a SNA.
In this paper we study the set of periods of holomorphic maps on compact manifolds, using the periodic Lefschetz numbers introduced by Dold and Llibre, which can be computed from the homology class of the map. We show that these numbers contain information about the existence of periodic points of a given period; and, if we assume the map to be transversal, then they give us the exact number of such periodic orbits. We apply this result to the complex projective space of dimension n and to some special type of Hopf surfaces, partially characterizing their set of periods. In the first case we also show that any holomorphic map of CP(n) of degree greater than one has infinitely many distinct periodic orbits, hence generalizing a theorem of Fornaess and Sibony. We then characterize the set of periods of a holomorphic map on the Riemann sphere, hence giving an alternative proof of Baker's theorem.
This work deals with the elaboration of flood hazard maps. These maps reflect the areas prone to floods based on the effects of Hurricane Mitch in the Municipality of Jucuarán of El Salvador. Stream channels located in the coastal range in the SE of El Salvador flow into the Pacific Ocean and generate alluvial fans. Communities often inhabit these fans can be affected by floods. The geomorphology of these stream basins is associated with small areas, steep slopes, well developed regolite and extensive deforestation. These features play a key role in the generation of flash-floods. This zone lacks comprehensive rainfall data and gauging stations. The most detailed topographic maps are on a scale of 1:25 000. Given that the scale was not sufficiently detailed, we used aerial photographs enlarged to the scale of 1:8000. The effects of Hurricane Mitch mapped on these photographs were regarded as the reference event. Flood maps have a dual purpose (1) community emergency plans, (2) regional land use planning carried out by local authorities. The geomorphological method is based on mapping the geomorphological evidence (alluvial fans, preferential stream channels, erosion and sedimentation, man-made terraces). Following the interpretation of the photographs this information was validated on the field and complemented by eyewitness reports such as the height of water and flow typology. In addition, community workshops were organized to obtain information about the evolution and the impact of the phenomena. The superimposition of this information enables us to obtain a comprehensive geomorphological map. Another aim of the study was the calculation of the peak discharge using the Manning and the paleohydraulic methods and estimates based on geomorphologic criterion. The results were compared with those obtained using the rational method. Significant differences in the order of magnitude of the calculated discharges were noted. The rational method underestimated the results owing to short and discontinuous periods of rainfall data with the result that probabilistic equations cannot be applied. The Manning method yields a wide range of results because of its dependence on the roughness coefficient. The paleohydraulic method yielded higher values than the rational and Manning methods. However, it should be pointed out that it is possible that bigger boulders could have been moved had they existed. These discharge values are lower than those obtained by the geomorphological estimates, i.e. much closer to reality. The flood hazard maps were derived from the comprehensive geomorphological map. Three categories of hazard were established (very high, high and moderate) using flood energy, water height and velocity flow deduced from geomorphological and eyewitness reports.