69 resultados para Characters morfometrics


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A new aggregation method for decision making is presented by using induced aggregation operators and the index of maximum and minimum level. Its main advantage is that it can assess complex reordering processes in the aggregation that represent complex attitudinal characters of the decision maker such as psychological or personal factors. A wide range of properties and particular cases of this new approach are studied. A further generalization by using hybrid averages and immediate weights is also presented. The key issue in this approach against the previous model is that we can use the weighted average and the ordered weighted average in the same formulation. Thus, we are able to consider the subjective attitude and the degree of optimism of the decision maker in the decision process. The paper ends with an application in a decision making problem based on the use of the assignment theory.


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A figura auroral de Rosalía de Castro autorizou a aparición de novas poetas a finais do século XX mais, paradoxalmente, a partir da publicación dos seus libros fundacionais non xurdiu unha lexión de autoras que desde Cantares gallegos (1863) e Follas novas (1880) escribisen incesantemente a nación, ou simplemente, escribisen incesantemente en galego e tivesen por iso un recoñecemento canónico. Sen dúbida a intervención do patriarcadogaleguista provocou esa interrupción, que se entende mellor cando se teñenen conta os condicionantes socioliterarios que coutaban as mulleres escritoras (González Fernández, 2005: 15-19). Porque a finais do século XIX, e malia excepcións rechamantes, o pensamento hexemónicoconsideraba que as literatas eran unhas sabias ridículas, tal como sesancionara desde o coñecido capítulo V do Émile, ou l’Education (1762) deJean Jacques Rousseau en diante, aínda que houbese, por suposto, vocesdisidentes entre os seus contemporáneos, como Benito Jerónimo Feijoo noseu moi lido discurso XVI, Defensa de las mujeres, do seu Teatro crítico universal(1726). Nese sentido depreciativo do termo debe lerse o coñecido artigo deRosalía de Castro, Las literatas. Carta a Eduarda (1865). Por outra banda, noemerxente discurso nacionalista que vai do XIX ao primeiro terzo do XXopérase unha corrección misóxina que afecta á concepción sexuada danación. Se Murguía seguira a Renan na súa defensa do carácter esencialmente feminino dos pobos celtas, unha idea moi espallada naquela...


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In this article, Rosa Cabré discusses Marçal¿s novel and illustrates how, according to the author, the desire of love, which is a source of pleasure often accompanied by guilt and distress, can lead to the creation or the illusion of an absolute beauty, like poetry. She explains in what way the mirror and the mask, recurring motifs in Marçal¿s work, symbolise identity and ¿otherness¿ and how these unite the real and the symbolic level. The novel contains an infinite number of mirrors, both external and internal ones, which enable the characters to see themselves reflected. This reflection is linked to feminity and to the possibilities of discovering one¿s own identity.


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En este artículo se ofrece una lectura de las viudas de vivos de Rosalía de Castro como una metáfora compleja de la nación y nada complaciente con los relatos nacionales estereotipados del XIX. Frente a lecturas que han confinado a la viuda en el estereotipo de nación sufriente por la emigración, siguiendo la lectura del libro completo la viuda de vivo se muestra una representación femenina no prevista ni en los discursos de la nación ni de la vindicación del XIX.


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A figura auroral de Rosalía de Castro autorizou a aparición de novas poetas a finais do século XX mais, paradoxalmente, a partir da publicación dos seus libros fundacionais non xurdiu unha lexión de autoras que desde Cantares gallegos (1863) e Follas novas (1880) escribisen incesantemente a nación, ou simplemente, escribisen incesantemente en galego e tivesen por iso un recoñecemento canónico. Sen dúbida a intervención do patriarcadogaleguista provocou esa interrupción, que se entende mellor cando se teñenen conta os condicionantes socioliterarios que coutaban as mulleres escritoras (González Fernández, 2005: 15-19). Porque a finais do século XIX, e malia excepcións rechamantes, o pensamento hexemónicoconsideraba que as literatas eran unhas sabias ridículas, tal como sesancionara desde o coñecido capítulo V do Émile, ou l’Education (1762) deJean Jacques Rousseau en diante, aínda que houbese, por suposto, vocesdisidentes entre os seus contemporáneos, como Benito Jerónimo Feijoo noseu moi lido discurso XVI, Defensa de las mujeres, do seu Teatro crítico universal(1726). Nese sentido depreciativo do termo debe lerse o coñecido artigo deRosalía de Castro, Las literatas. Carta a Eduarda (1865). Por outra banda, noemerxente discurso nacionalista que vai do XIX ao primeiro terzo do XXopérase unha corrección misóxina que afecta á concepción sexuada danación. Se Murguía seguira a Renan na súa defensa do carácter esencialmente feminino dos pobos celtas, unha idea moi espallada naquela...


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Este trabajo es un estudio sobre la traducción del coloquialismo y el humor en productos audiovisuales. Tomando como referencia el doblaje al español de South Park, se analizan algunos errores habituales en obras similares y se plantean estrategias de traducción efectivas, tanto a nivel textual como oracional.


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Per Maria-Mercè Marçal, la poeta no es pot trobar, no es pot veure, en el «mirall del bell», que sempre han fomentat els discursos dominants. El seu és una altra mena de mirall trencat que reflecteix un ésser complex, híbrid i contaminat que lluita «entre un jo que es vol fer i els múltiples personatges que, des del mirall, li retornen una imatge múltiple». En aquest article, per explorar el tema de l’imaginari femení i el llenguatge poètic, hem escollit dialogar amb Maria- Mercè Marçal i examinar tres dels múltiples bocins que conformen la seva imatge en el mirall. Conversem amb dues mares i un pare simbòlics de l’altre cantó del seu espill, tots tres proveïdors de material ideològic i eixos vertebradors dels assaigs marçalians. Es tracta d’intel·lectuals ben diversos: l’escriptora anglesa Virginia Woolf, el filòsof francès Jacques Derrida i la poeta catalana Maria-Antònia Salvà. En definitiva, dividim la investigació en tres apartats, que volen coincidir amb el diàleg que Marçal suposem que hi mantingué. De primer, amb Virginia Woolf, explorem la necessitat de la poeta de descobrir el sentiment de «fúria» que porta a dins per tal d’assumir la irracionalitat del seu llenguatge. Després, ens endinsem en les teories derridianes sobre la dona i l’escriptura, en un intent de demostrar que ambdues són espècies híbrides que viuen en el llindar, en un espai d’entremig. A l’últim, amb Maria-Antònia Salvà, revisem la imatge de la dona-monstre amb la certesa que «el salvatge» i «l’incert » són el motor del llenguatge poètic femení.


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En aquest article es presenta una selecció d’un corpus extret del Pantagruel, en el qual els personatges de Rabelais ataquen o afalaguen, grotescament i hiperbòlica, en el més pur estil pantagruèlic, les altres nacions o viles. Per a aquests epítets ètnics, Rabelais reutilitza el blasó popular (blason populaire), en una fusió total de la lloança i la injúria. En el nostre treball comprovarem si la visió sociocèntrica que el blasonador aplica al blasonat, així com el propòsit lúdic, han aconseguit ser traslladats a les versions catalana (Miquel-Àngel Sánchez Férriz, 1985), espanyola (Alicia Yllera, 2003), italiana (Mario Bonfantini, 1953) i anglesa (Burton Raffel, 1991).


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Criticism of Daphne du Maurier’s popular classic Rebecca (1938) can be divided into two mainstream interpretations. On the one hand, it was traditionally marketed as a gothic romance where the hero and the heroine conquered the evil women that separated them. On the other, certain feminist critics have recently provided a very diff erent view of the story, aligning it with gothic narratives that deal with the dangers women suff er under the patriarchal control of their husbands. Th is would imply that du Maurier’s novel should not be read as a traditional romance that promotes patriarchy, as the former interpretation suggested. In this article, I propose, through a Gothic Studies and a Gender Studies reading, that villainy in this novel is not exclusively linked to gender and, therefore, the victim and abuser statuses cannot be equated to femininity and masculinity, respectively. Instead, I argue that villainy in the novel is inextricably connected to being in a powerful position within patriarchy, and that it is the desire to maintain this position and perpetuate the patriarchal system that leads the main characters (men and women) to commit acts of villainy.


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This essay examines the American Civil War of 1861 – 1865, which is also known as the bloodiest war that the United States has ever experienced. The pretext for the war was the abolition of slavery in the South, and after many battles the Southern states lost: as a consequence, they experienced major changes in their economic and social life. This interesting piece from American history can be traced out throughout the characters’ lives in the novel Gone with the Wind which has been thoroughly analyzed in order to draw nearer and to comprehend the changes in the Southern way of life before and after the war. The author, Margaret Mitchell, was born in Atlanta, Georgia, and grew up with the stories about the war. As a result, Gone with the Wind studies not only its causes, but also the years after its end – a period which is not generally a subject of history and receives little attention – and the effects that such reversals have on former planters and slaves. From the position of contemporaneity, the reader can see that such changes in a society do not end with the laying down of an act, or in this case the end of the war, but they continue during many years; thus, the modern world can draw conclusions and lessons for events that are happening at the moment.


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Altisidora es una joven atrevida, graciosa y desenvuielta; y por si ahora no caen en quién es, diré que es la ingeniosa doncella de la duquesa, personajes las dos de la Segunda Parte del ingenioso caballero de Don Quijote de la Mancha...


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The present work constitutes the first ultrastructural analysis of the spermatozoon in the Pleurogenidae, with the study of three species belonging to three of the 16 genera included in this family, namely Pleurogenes claviger, Pleurogenoides medians and Prosotocus confusus. The mature spermatozoa of these pleurogenids present two axonemes of the 9+'1' trepaxonematan pattern, a nucleus, two mitochondria, two bundles of parallel cortical microtubules, external ornamentation, spine-like bodies and granules of glycogen. The organization of these characters in the sperm cell is similar in the three species. Thus, the anterior spermatozoon extremity is filiform and a continuous and submembranous layer of parallel cortical microtubules surrounds the axonemes at their anterior end. The posterior spermatozoon extremity exhibits the second axoneme and corresponds to the Cryptogonimidean type of Quilichini et al. (2010). Slight differences were noted between the spermatozoon of P. confusus and those of the two remaining species in the location of mitochondria.


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My study is based on an ethnography of two groups of young people from working-class neighbourhoods in Barcelona. I was interested in researching the impact of Catalan language policies on the identities of young people of Spanish-speaking immigrant families. I sought to go beyond the constraints of traditional structuralist approaches in Sociolinguistics in order to make my analysis relevant to people working for gender equality, the promotion of the Catalan language, or other social causes. I combine ideas from Bakhtin, Bourdieu, Fairclough, Foucault and Goffman to build a dialectical, historical, process-centred perspective that conceptualises practices in terms of social and political struggles.I analyse young people's peer-group activities in terms of their significance for the construction of gender identities. I propose a variety of forms of masculinity and femininity according to the various ways in which members organised their gender displays in face-to-face interaction.I also show how their use of argot and dialectal Spanish was part of the processes whereby members defined their relationships, constructed particular subject positions in interaction and struggled to legitimate their own values.I explore the meanings constructed through Catalan and Spanish by looking into the code-switching practices of my participants. I analysed their talk in terms of narratives that present particular sequential dramatisations of events for conversational audiences. These narratives follow the expressive intention of the author, and are populated with multiple voices of animated characters. I argue that, in the groups I studied, Catalan was generally not used to animate the voices that were central to the identities of the peer-group, and particularly to masculine identities.In order to contextualise these practices within the wider society, I also look into the processes of language choice in face-to-face encounters. I argue that existing conventions made it difficult for people to find opportunities to speak Catalan. I also pointed to the difficulties that my participants had to find employment, which were particularly acute amongst the more politically aware individuals. I conclude that these young working-class people had little possibilities of investing in more egalitarian forms of identity given their lack of resources and opportunities to develop their identities in other social spaces, such as the workplace.


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Geological processes and ecological adaptation are major drivers of diversification on oceanic islands. Although diversification in these islands is often interpreted as resulting from dispersal or island hopping rather than vicariance, this may not be the case in islands with complex geological histories. The island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands, emerged in the late Miocene as 3 precursor islands that were subsequently connected and reisolated by volcanic cycles. The spider Dysdera verneaui is endemic to the island of Tenerife, where it is widely distributed throughout most island habitats, providing an excellent model to investigate the role of physical barriers and ecological adaptation in shaping within-island diversity. Here, we present evidence that the phylogeographic patterns of this species trace back to the independent emergence of the protoislands. Molecular markers (mitochondrial genes cox1, 16S, and nad1 and the nuclear genes ITS-2 and 28S) analyzed from 100 specimens (including a thorough sampling of D. verneaui populations and additional outgroups) identify 2 distinct evolutionary lineages that correspond to 2 precursor islands, each with diagnostic genital characters indicative of separate species status. Episodic introgression events between these 2 main evolutionary lineages explain the observed incongruence between mitochondrial and nuclear markers, probably as a result of the homogenization of their ITS-2 sequence types. The most widespread lineage exhibits a complex population structure, which is compatible with either secondary contact, following connection of deeply divergent lineages, or alternatively, a back colonization from 1 precursor island to another.


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Geological processes and ecological adaptation are major drivers of diversification on oceanic islands. Although diversification in these islands is often interpreted as resulting from dispersal or island hopping rather than vicariance, this may not be the case in islands with complex geological histories. The island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands, emerged in the late Miocene as 3 precursor islands that were subsequently connected and reisolated by volcanic cycles. The spider Dysdera verneaui is endemic to the island of Tenerife, where it is widely distributed throughout most island habitats, providing an excellent model to investigate the role of physical barriers and ecological adaptation in shaping within-island diversity. Here, we present evidence that the phylogeographic patterns of this species trace back to the independent emergence of the protoislands. Molecular markers (mitochondrial genes cox1, 16S, and nad1 and the nuclear genes ITS-2 and 28S) analyzed from 100 specimens (including a thorough sampling of D. verneaui populations and additional outgroups) identify 2 distinct evolutionary lineages that correspond to 2 precursor islands, each with diagnostic genital characters indicative of separate species status. Episodic introgression events between these 2 main evolutionary lineages explain the observed incongruence between mitochondrial and nuclear markers, probably as a result of the homogenization of their ITS-2 sequence types. The most widespread lineage exhibits a complex population structure, which is compatible with either secondary contact, following connection of deeply divergent lineages, or alternatively, a back colonization from 1 precursor island to another.