46 resultados para COUNTING FINGERS
We have studied the interfacial instabilities experienced by a liquid annulus as it moves radially in a circular Hele-Shaw cell rotating with angular velocity Omega. The instability of the leading interface (oil displacing air) is driven by the density difference in the presence of centrifugal forcing, while the instability of the trailing interface (air displacing oil) is driven by the large viscosity contrast. A linear stability analysis shows that the stability of the two interfaces is coupled through the pressure field already at a linear level. We have performed experiments in a dry cell and in a cell coated with a thin fluid layer on each plate, and found that the stability depends substantially on the wetting conditions at the leading interface. Our experimental results of the number of fingers resulting from the instability compare well with the predictions obtained through a numerical integration of the coupled equations derived from a linear stability analysis. Deep in the nonlinear regime we observe the emission of liquid droplets through the formation of thin filaments at the tip of outgrowing fingers.
We study the forced displacement of a fluid-fluid interface in a three-dimensional channel formed by two parallel solid plates. Using a lattice-Boltzmann method, we study situations in which a slip velocity arises from diffusion effects near the contact line. The difference between the slip and channel velocities determines whether the interface advances as a meniscus or a thin film of fluid is left adhered to the plates. We find that this effect is controlled by the capillary and Péclet numbers. We estimate the crossover from a meniscus to a thin film and find good agreement with numerical results. The penetration regime is examined in the steady state. We find that the occupation fraction of the advancing finger relative to the channel thickness is controlled by the capillary number and the viscosity contrast between the fluids. For high viscosity contrast, lattice-Boltzmann results agree with previous results. For zero viscosity contrast, we observe remarkably narrow fingers. The shape of the finger is found to be universal.
We study the forced displacement of a thin film of fluid in contact with vertical and inclined substrates of different wetting properties, that range from hydrophilic to hydrophobic, using the lattice-Boltzmann method. We study the stability and pattern formation of the contact line in the hydrophilic and superhydrophobic regimes, which correspond to wedge-shaped and nose-shaped fronts, respectively. We find that contact lines are considerably more stable for hydrophilic substrates and small inclination angles. The qualitative behavior of the front in the linear regime remains independent of the wetting properties of the substrate as a single dispersion relation describes the stability of both wedges and noses. Nonlinear patterns show a clear dependence on wetting properties and substrate inclination angle. The effect is quantified in terms of the pattern growth rate, which vanishes for the sawtooth pattern and is finite for the finger pattern. Sawtooth shaped patterns are observed for hydrophilic substrates and low inclination angles, while finger-shaped patterns arise for hydrophobic substrates and large inclination angles. Finger dynamics show a transient in which neighboring fingers interact, followed by a steady state where each finger grows independently.
Electrodeposition experiments conducted in a thin-layer horizontal cell containing a nonbinary aqueous electrolyte prepared with cupric sulfate and sodium sulfate gave rise to fingerlike deposits, a novel and unexpected growth mode in this context. Both the leading instability from which fingers emerge and some distinctive features of their steady evolution are interpreted in terms of a simple model based on the existing theory of fingering in fluids.
We study the forced displacement of a fluid-fluid interface in a three-dimensional channel formed by two parallel solid plates. Using a lattice-Boltzmann method, we study situations in which a slip velocity arises from diffusion effects near the contact line. The difference between the slip and channel velocities determines whether the interface advances as a meniscus or a thin film of fluid is left adhered to the plates. We find that this effect is controlled by the capillary and Péclet numbers. We estimate the crossover from a meniscus to a thin film and find good agreement with numerical results. The penetration regime is examined in the steady state. We find that the occupation fraction of the advancing finger relative to the channel thickness is controlled by the capillary number and the viscosity contrast between the fluids. For high viscosity contrast, lattice-Boltzmann results agree with previous results. For zero viscosity contrast, we observe remarkably narrow fingers. The shape of the finger is found to be universal.
We study the forced displacement of a thin film of fluid in contact with vertical and inclined substrates of different wetting properties, that range from hydrophilic to hydrophobic, using the lattice-Boltzmann method. We study the stability and pattern formation of the contact line in the hydrophilic and superhydrophobic regimes, which correspond to wedge-shaped and nose-shaped fronts, respectively. We find that contact lines are considerably more stable for hydrophilic substrates and small inclination angles. The qualitative behavior of the front in the linear regime remains independent of the wetting properties of the substrate as a single dispersion relation describes the stability of both wedges and noses. Nonlinear patterns show a clear dependence on wetting properties and substrate inclination angle. The effect is quantified in terms of the pattern growth rate, which vanishes for the sawtooth pattern and is finite for the finger pattern. Sawtooth shaped patterns are observed for hydrophilic substrates and low inclination angles, while finger-shaped patterns arise for hydrophobic substrates and large inclination angles. Finger dynamics show a transient in which neighboring fingers interact, followed by a steady state where each finger grows independently.
The propagation of an initially planar front is studied within the framework of the photosensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction modulated by a smooth spatial variation of the local front velocity in the direction perpendicular to front propagation. Under this modulation, the wave front develops several fingers corresponding to the local maxima of the modulation function. After a transient, the wave front achieves a stationary shape that does not necessarily coincide with the one externally imposed by the modulation. Theoretical predictions for the selection criteria of fingers and steady-state velocity are experimentally validated.
Electrodeposition experiments conducted in a thin-layer horizontal cell containing a nonbinary aqueous electrolyte prepared with cupric sulfate and sodium sulfate gave rise to fingerlike deposits, a novel and unexpected growth mode in this context. Both the leading instability from which fingers emerge and some distinctive features of their steady evolution are interpreted in terms of a simple model based on the existing theory of fingering in fluids.
Scintillation counting is one of the most important developments in the application of radioisotopes to procedures needed by scientists, physicians, engineers, and technicians from many diverse discipline for the detection and quantitative measurement of radioactivity. In fact, Scintillation is the most sensitive and versatile technique for the detection and quantification ofradioactivity. Particularly, Solid and Liquid scintillation measurement are,nowadays, standard laboratory methods in the life-sciences for measuringradiation from gamma- and beta-emitting nuclides, respectively. Thismethodology is used routinely in the vast majority of diagnostic and/or researchlaboratories from those of biochemistry and biology to clinical departments.
Este trabajo trata sobre la edad a la que niños y niñas accedían al trabajo remunerado en la España del siglo XVIII. Utilizando como fuente los Memoriales del Catastro de Ensenada (1751-1753), se propone la edad de diez años como edad media de acceso, a partir de la cual se puede calcular la tasa de actividad. La Mancha era una región rica en industria rural, sobre todo de manufacturas textiles, que abastecían al mercado madrileño, el de otras ciudades e incluso al colonial, y que generaban una fuerte demanda de trabajo femenino. Esta estructura productiva explica por qué las niñas se incorporaban al trabajo remunerado antes que los niños, por qué eran escolarizadas desde muy pequeñas en las ‘escuelas de labor’ y no en las escuelas de primeras letras como los niños, y por qué, en definitiva, sus tasas de alfabetización un siglo después eran inferiores a la ya muy baja media femenina española. En la España del siglo XVIII mujeres y niñas estaban masivamente empleadas en las manufacturas, sobre todo textiles, como ocurría en gran parte de Europa. Entender y contabilizar el trabajo realizado por mujeres y niñas, mucho más difundido de lo que se cree habitualmente, y centrado en manufacturas y servicios, transforma nuestra visión de la estructura de la actividad en la España pre-industrial, normalmente identificada con el trabajo agrícola y ganadero.
Aquest treball està enfocat en la identificació de les estratègies informals per resoldre problemes de suma i resta que utilitzen els infants d’una aula de P4. A més a més, en aquest treball també parlaré de la importància que tenen les tècniques de comptatge per millorar les estratègies informals. Per reflectir això, compararé dues proves realitzades amb uns infants en concret, una al novembre i una altra a l’abril, per veure si, després d’aplicar una proposta didàctica per millorar els factors que poden condicionar les estratègies informals i que es van detectar analitzant la prova del novembre, aquests propis factors han millorat i han permès una evolució de les estratègies informals per resoldre problemes de suma i resta.
Międzyrzecz Fortified Front, were Natura 2000 site PLH080003 Nietoperek is situated, was built by the Germans in the 1930s and during the World War II. It is composed of above ground bunkers connected by underground tunnels of ca. 32 km total length. Nietoperek is the eighth largest bats hibernation site in EU. Monthly censuses were carried out from October to April during three consecutive winter seasons (2011/12 – 2013/14) in area covering ca. 30% of the undergrounds. The aims of the study were: (1) to describe changes in numbers of each species in the course of hibernation season, (2) to suggest deadlines for counting particular bat species to obtain maximal numbers and (3) to describe negative impact of tourism on hibernating bats. The results will be useful for restriction of winter tourism in Nietoperek. The total number of bats observed during the study was 37869 individuals of 9 species. Because of difficulties in distinguishing without handling M. mystacinus and M. brandtii were treated as one group. M. myotis constituted from 53% (first season) to 64% (last season) of all hibernating bats. The maximal numbers of individuals were observed in November (first two seasons) and in December (third season). M. daubentonii constituted from 27% (first season) to 21% (last season) and M. nattereri from 10% (first season) to 11% (second season) of all bats. During the three seasons the maximal numbers of M. daubentonii and M. nattereri were observed in November and December respectively. B. barbastellus and P. auritus constituted from 4% (first season) to 2% (last season) of the multi species colony. The maximal numbers of B. barbastellus were observed in January and P. auritus in January (first and second seasons) and in December (third season). Results indicated that the best period for counting maximal numbers of M. myotis and M. daubentonii is November, for M. nattereri is December and for B. barbastellus and P. auritus is January. The study undertaken in the part visited by tourists in winter (total length of 900 m) proved negative effect caused by human disturbance with 23% decline of total bat numbers.
We have developed a practical exercise for undergraduate students whose main aim is to identify, using genetic crosses, a pair of D. melanogaster mutations (miniature and singed). Each student receives a vial with the problem strain containing two unknown mutations. The first step is to observe and describe both mutations. Then, the students carry out genetic crosses between mutant and normal strains: (P) ♀ mutant strain × ♂ normal strain (P) ♀ normal strain × ♂ mutant strain A different offspring is expected in these crosses: in the first one we will obtain normal females and m sn males, whereas in the second all individuals will present normal phenotype. It is possible to deduce that both are sex linked mutations. With this information and to simplify the amount of work, only F1 individuals from the first cross will be used (m+sn+ / m sn × m sn / Y chrom.) to obtain the F2 generation. By counting the number of miniature (recombinant type), singed (recombinant type), miniature-singed (parental type) and normal (parental type) flies it is possible to estimate the recombination frequency between both genes. Knowing the phenotype, their chromosomal location (X chromosome) and the genetic distance between both mutations, it is possible to identify them by finding all this information in a Drosophila melanogaster genetic map. Additionally, a statistical analysis can be carried out to compare the number of expected F2 individuals with those observed in the experiment. As the distance between both genes is 15.1 m.u., then the expected percentages for each phenotype would be: normal (42.45%), miniature-signed (42.45%), miniature (7.55%) and singed (7.55%). Multiplying the frequency of each class by the total number of individuals obtained in the F2 it is possible to estimate the expected number of flies for each class. Finally, a χ2 test can be computed to ascertain whether there are significant differences between expected and observed number of individuals.
El reconeixement dels gestos de la mà (HGR, Hand Gesture Recognition) és actualment un camp important de recerca degut a la varietat de situacions en les quals és necessari comunicar-se mitjançant signes, com pot ser la comunicació entre persones que utilitzen la llengua de signes i les que no. En aquest projecte es presenta un mètode de reconeixement de gestos de la mà a temps real utilitzant el sensor Kinect per Microsoft Xbox, implementat en un entorn Linux (Ubuntu) amb llenguatge de programació Python i utilitzant la llibreria de visió artifical OpenCV per a processar les dades sobre un ordinador portàtil convencional. Gràcies a la capacitat del sensor Kinect de capturar dades de profunditat d’una escena es poden determinar les posicions i trajectòries dels objectes en 3 dimensions, el que implica poder realitzar una anàlisi complerta a temps real d’una imatge o d’una seqüencia d’imatges. El procediment de reconeixement que es planteja es basa en la segmentació de la imatge per poder treballar únicament amb la mà, en la detecció dels contorns, per després obtenir l’envolupant convexa i els defectes convexos, que finalment han de servir per determinar el nombre de dits i concloure en la interpretació del gest; el resultat final és la transcripció del seu significat en una finestra que serveix d’interfície amb l’interlocutor. L’aplicació permet reconèixer els números del 0 al 5, ja que s’analitza únicament una mà, alguns gestos populars i algunes de les lletres de l’alfabet dactilològic de la llengua de signes catalana. El projecte és doncs, la porta d’entrada al camp del reconeixement de gestos i la base d’un futur sistema de reconeixement de la llengua de signes capaç de transcriure tant els signes dinàmics com l’alfabet dactilològic.