78 resultados para Benlloch, Josefa-Exèquies
Amb la finalitat de conèixer el grau d’aprenentatge dels estudiants en aspectos relacionats amb la qualitat tota (qualitat, seguretat, salut, gestió de residus i sostenibilitat), s’han enquestat els estudiants al llarg del seu itinerari curricular, des del primer fins el quart curs de grau. Els resultats corresponents als cursos acadèmics 2010-11 i 2011-12 (n = 770 i 757 estudiants enquestats, respectivament) evidencien que determinats coneixements dels estudiants milloren al llarg del període considerat (qüestions relacionades amb les bones practiques de laboratori), altres que es mantenen i, per últim, hi ha aspectos com els relacionats amb la seguretat als laboratoris i la gestió dels residus que presenten diferències al llarg dels anys.
Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/43352
Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/43352
Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/43352
[spa]En este trabajo se describe la experiencia de innovación docente desarrollada en la ULD a lo largo de los 10 años de existencia. Se comentan algunos de los indicadores del sistema de gestión de la calidad así como su evolución y los resultados más representativos obtenidos en su alimentación. El objetivo de este proyecto es introducir aspectos de la gestión de la calidad, seguridad, salud y medio ambiente en la formación de los estudiantes para que los apliquen a lo largo del desarrollo de las prácticas. De esta forma, podrán adquirir una formación transversal adicional que difícilmente le será transmitida a través de las diferentes asignaturas de la licenciatura y que mejorará sus competencias y facilitará su acceso al ámbito laboral. También se pretende contribuir en la mejora del funcionamiento y las infraestructuras de los laboratorios de prácticas de la facultad. [eng] In the following work it is summarized the innovative experience carried out by the ULD besides showing the results obtained from the different indicators that allow to evaluate the efficiency of the quality management system. The aim is to improve the management of the practical teaching by introducing aspects of quality management, safety, health and environment in the formation of the students. In such a way, they would be able to acquire a transverse additional formation that difficultly would be transmitted across the different subjects of the degree and that would improve their competitions when acceding to the working world.
En este trabajo presentamos el estudio arquitectónico de un tipo de construcción identifi cado en el territorio ibérico ausetano. A partir del análisis constructivo de tres obras defensivas militares identifi cadas como murallas de compartimentos (Turó del Montgròs, Casol de Puigcastellet y l’Esquerda), planteamos una propuesta de restitución del diseño arquitectónico de estas construcciones basadas en el uso de formas geométricas simples y en la adición de módulos cuadrangulares.
[spa]En este trabajo se describe la experiencia de innovación docente desarrollada en la ULD a lo largo de los 10 años de existencia. Se comentan algunos de los indicadores del sistema de gestión de la calidad así como su evolución y los resultados más representativos obtenidos en su alimentación. El objetivo de este proyecto es introducir aspectos de la gestión de la calidad, seguridad, salud y medio ambiente en la formación de los estudiantes para que los apliquen a lo largo del desarrollo de las prácticas. De esta forma, podrán adquirir una formación transversal adicional que difícilmente le será transmitida a través de las diferentes asignaturas de la licenciatura y que mejorará sus competencias y facilitará su acceso al ámbito laboral. También se pretende contribuir en la mejora del funcionamiento y las infraestructuras de los laboratorios de prácticas de la facultad. [eng] In the following work it is summarized the innovative experience carried out by the ULD besides showing the results obtained from the different indicators that allow to evaluate the efficiency of the quality management system. The aim is to improve the management of the practical teaching by introducing aspects of quality management, safety, health and environment in the formation of the students. In such a way, they would be able to acquire a transverse additional formation that difficultly would be transmitted across the different subjects of the degree and that would improve their competitions when acceding to the working world.
En el presente artículo se analiza la adopción en el contexto ibérico catalán de los patrones métricos característicos de las colonias griegas del Mediterráneo occidental. La determinación de la unidad de medida constructiva empleada, así como de su aplicación, ha sido posible mediante la identificación de los principios geométricos estructurales de las torres defensivas ibéricas.
Reduction of 2,4-alkadienoic acids and esters with sodium dithionite was carried out in aqueous solution or under PTC conditions to give, almost exclusively, Z:E isomeric mixtures of the corresponding 3-alkenoic acids and esters, respectively, in good yields.
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is a multifunctional housekeeping protein reported to be a target of several covalent modifications in many organisms. In a previous study we showed that enterohemorragic (EHEC) and enteropathogenic (EPEC) Escherichia coli strains secrete GAPDH and that this protein binds to human plasminogen and fibrinogen. Here we report that GAPDH of these pathogens is ADP-ribosylated either in the cytoplasm or in the extracellular medium. GAPDH catalyzes its own modification which involves Cys149 at the active site. ADP-ribosylation of extracellular GAPDH may play important role in the interaction with the host as it has been proposed in other pathogens.
Background: Bacterial populations are highly successful at colonizing new habitats and adapting to changing environmental conditions, partly due to their capacity to evolve novel virulence and metabolic pathways in response to stress conditions and to shuffle them by horizontal gene transfer (HGT). A common theme in the evolution of new functions consists of gene duplication followed by functional divergence. UlaG, a unique manganese-dependent metallo-b-lactamase (MBL) enzyme involved in L-ascorbate metabolism by commensal and symbiotic enterobacteria, provides a model for the study of the emergence of new catalytic activities from the modification of an ancient fold. Furthermore, UlaG is the founding member of the so-called UlaG-like (UlaGL) protein family, a recently established and poorly characterized family comprising divalent (and perhaps trivalent)metal-binding MBLs that catalyze transformations on phosphorylated sugars and nucleotides. Results: Here we combined protein structure-guided and sequence-only molecular phylogenetic analyses to dissect the molecular evolution of UlaG and to study its phylogenomic distribution, its relatedness with present-day UlaGL protein sequences and functional conservation. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that UlaGL sequences are present in Bacteria and Archaea, with bona fide orthologs found mainly in mammalian and plant-associated Gramnegative and Gram-positive bacteria. The incongruence between the UlaGL tree and known species trees indicates exchange by HGT and suggests that the UlaGL-encoding genes provided a growth advantage under changing conditions. Our search for more distantly related protein sequences aided by structural homology has uncovered that UlaGL sequences have a common evolutionary origin with present-day RNA processing and metabolizing MBL enzymes widespread in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. This observation suggests an ancient origin for the UlaGL family within the broader trunk of the MBL superfamily by duplication, neofunctionalization and fixation. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the forerunner of UlaG was present as an RNA metabolizing enzyme in the last common ancestor, and that the modern descendants of that ancestral gene have a wide phylogenetic distribution and functional roles. We propose that the UlaGL family evolved new metabolic roles among bacterial and possibly archeal phyla in the setting of a close association with metazoans, such as in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract or in animal and plant pathogens, as well as in environmental settings. Accordingly, the major evolutionary forces shaping the UlaGL family include vertical inheritance and lineage-specific duplication and acquisition of novel metabolic functions, followed by HGT and numerous lineage-specific gene loss events.
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is considered a multifunctional protein with defined functions in numerous mammalian cellular processes. GAPDH functional diversity depends on various factors such as covalent modifications, subcellular localization, oligomeric state and intracellular concentration of substrates or ligands, as well as protein-protein interactions. In bacteria, alternative GAPDH functions have been associated with its extracellular location in pathogens or probiotics. In this study, new intracellular functions of E. coli GAPDH were investigated following a proteomic approach aimed at identifying interacting partners using in vivo formaldehyde cross-linking followed by mass spectrometry. The identified proteins were involved in metabolic processes, protein synthesis and folding or DNA repair. Some interacting proteins were also identified in immunopurification experiments in the absence of cross-linking. Pull-down experiments and overlay immunoblotting were performed to further characterize the interaction with phosphoglycolate phosphatase (Gph). This enzyme is involved in the metabolism of 2-phosphoglycolate formed in the DNA repair of 3"-phosphoglycolate ends generated by bleomycin damage. We show that interaction between Gph and GAPDH increases in cells challenged with bleomycin, suggesting involvement of GAPDH in cellular processes linked to DNA repair mechanisms.
[eng] In the Unitat de Laboratoris Docents (ULD) of the Faculty of Pharmacy a Quality System has been implemented to improve the management of the training laboratories and to introduce practical aspects of this system in the formation of the students. In the last years, we have designed the process map, and the flowcharts with the corresponding key point tables from which the indicators have been identified. The main objective of this work was to found a system that allows the evaluation of the ULD service, the teaching innovation introduced as well as the grade of implication of the lecturers who teach practical training and thus are directly responsible for the formation of the students. The values obtained for the operating ULD procedures correspond to the data from obligatory courses, with practical teaching in the ULD laboratories, of Pharmacy and Food Science and Technology degrees for the 2005-06 academic year. [spa] En la Unidad de Laboratorios Docentes (ULD) de la Facultad de Farmacia, se ha implantado un sistema de gestión de la calidad con el objetivo de mejorar la gestión de la docencia práctica y a su vez introducir aspectos prácticos de la gestión de la calidad en la formación de los estudiantes. En los últimos años se ha elaborado el mapa de procesos, el diagrama de flujo y la ficha de cada proceso a partir de la cual ha sido posible la identificación de los indicadores. El Prat, J. et al. Edusfarm, revista d"educació superior en Farmàcia. Núm. 2. 2007 2 principal objetivo del presente trabajo es buscar un sistema que permita evaluar el propio funcionamiento de la ULD, la innovación realizada así como el grado de implicación de los profesores que imparten la docencia práctica y que son responsables directos de la formación de los estudiantes. Los valores obtenidos para los procesos operativos de la ULD provienen de los datos generados en el curso académico 2005-2006 en las asignaturas troncales de las Licenciaturas de Farmacia y de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos.