47 resultados para Aquatic heteroptera
Abstract. Drought leads to a loss of longitudinal and lateral hydrologic connectivity, which causes direct or indirect changes in stream ecosystem properties. Changes in macrohabitat availability from a rifflepool sequence to isolated pools are among the most conspicuous consequences of connectivity loss. Macroinvertebrate assemblages were compared among 3 distinct stream macrohabitats (riffles [R], pools connected to riffles [Pc], disconnected pools [Pd]) of 19 Mediterranean-climate sites in northern California to examine the influence of loss of habitat resulting from drought disturbance. At the time of sampling, 10 sites were perennial and included R and Pc macrohabitats, whereas 9 sites were intermittent and included only Pd macrohabitats. Taxa richness was more variable in Pd, and taxa richness was significantly lower in Pd than in Pc but not R. These results suggested a decline in richness between Pc and Pd that might be associated with loss of connectivity. Lower Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT) richness relative to Odonata, Coleoptera, and Heteroptera (OCH) richness was observed for Pd than R and Pc macrohabitats. Family composition was more similar between R and Pc than between R or Pc and Pd macrohabitats. This similarity may be associated with greater connectivity between R and Pc macrohabitats. Correspondence analysis indicated that macroinvertebrate composition changed along a gradient from R to Pc and Pd that was related to a perennialintermittent gradient across sites. High variability among macroinvertebrate assemblages in Pd could have been related to variability in the duration of intermittency. In cluster analysis, macroinvertebrate assemblages were grouped by macrohabitat first and then by site, suggesting that the macrohabitat filter had a greater influence on macroinvertebrate assemblages than did local site characteristics. Few taxa were found exclusively in Pc, and this macrohabitat shared numerous taxa with R and Pd, indicating that Pc may act as a bridge between R and Pd during drought. Drought is regarded as a ramp disturbance, but our results suggest that the response of macroinvertebrate assemblages to the loss of hydrological connectivity among macrohabitats is gradual, at least in Mediterranean-climate streams where drying is gradual. However, the changes may be more dramatic in arid and semiarid streams or in Mediterranean-climate streams if drying is rapid.
As a result of the GUADALMED project, undertaken in Iberian Mediterranean basins, to which were added samples taken by the junior author in the area, we collected numerous caddisfly larvae, pupae and adults. Some larvae were also reared in the lab to obtain adults and allow proper identification. A total of 90 species were identified, which accounts for more than a fourth of the species known in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. Here we confirm the presence of doubtful species in the Iberian Peninsula (Glyphotaelius pellucidus) and we expand the distribution range of others (Lype reducta, Micrasema minimum, Limnephilus guadarramicus, Sericostoma pyrenaicum). Moreover, because of the unconformity of morphological larval characteristics with present taxonomical keys (Mesophylax aspersus) or lack of larvae descriptions (Allogamus mortoni, Stenophylax espanioli), here we include some relevant taxonomical aspects that are useful to identify larvae. A brief description of the larva of a possible new species of Hydropsyche (from now on H. gr. instabilis) is also given. Los tricópteros (Insecta) recolectados en las cuencas mediterráneas de la Península Ibérica: notas taxonómicas y requerimientos ecológicos Como resultado de los estudios realizados en el proyecto GUADALMED en las cuencas de los ríos mediterráneos peninsulares y otros muestreos realizados por la primera autora del trabajo se han recolectado numerosas larvas, pupas y adultos de tricópteros. Algunas larvas fueron criadas en el laboratorio para la obtención de adultos y con ello asegurar su identificación. Se han identificado un total de 90 especies que suponen más de una cuarta parte de las especies actualmente conocidas en la Península Ibérica y Baleares. En este trabajo se confirma la presencia, hasta ahora dudosa en la Península Ibérica, de algunas especies (Glyphotaelius pellucidus) y se amplia el área de distribución de otras (Lype reducta, Micrasema minimum, Limnephilus guadarramicus, Sericostoma pyrenaicum). Además, se incluyen algunos aspectos taxonómicos relevantes para la identificación de algunas larvas en futuros estudios, debido a que las claves ya existentes no describen correctamente la larva (Mesophylax aspersus) o porque se trata de larvas sin describir (Allogamus mortoni, Stenophylax espanioli). Se añade también una somera descripción de la larva de una posible nueva especie de Hydropsyche (citada aquí como H. gr. instabilis) y que requiere un estudio más detallado.
A study on the qualitative and quantitative coniposition of macroinvertebrate drift in the Llobregat river ( N E Spain) is put fonvard. Samples were taken hourly during a 24 hour period in august 1982. The samples were taken with a net of 625 cm. of filtering surface and an opening mesh size of 500 microns, which íiltered 72,1 m3 /h. and collected 75.719 individuals during the sampling period. That means a drift rate of 1.224 indiv./h. and a drift density of 17 indi/m3 . 8 I0/o of the organismes collected were exuviae, mainly pupal chironomid skins (54%) and nimphal ephemeroptera moults (27(Ynj. The remainder percentage of living organisms represents a drift rate of 227 indiv./h. and a drift density of 3.14 indiv./m3. These are intermediate values ifwe compare them with the data published. Sixty per cent of the living drift were chiroiiomids. 17.5 '1 ephemeroptera and 10 (%1 trichoptera; these being the niost iniportant groups. Ofthe 87 species identified in those groups 23 were common in al1 the (7 1 ) samples (Table 1)
Hemos estudiado la brioflora acuática de diversas localidades de los Pirineos Centrales y Orientales, situadas por encima de 1600 m de altitud. En las aguas corrientes abundan Hygrohypnum sp. pl., Schistidium alpicola var. rivulare, Cratoneuron commutatum, Pbilonotis sp. pl., Bryum pseudotriquetrum, Scapania undulata y Marsupella emarginata var. aquatica. En las aguas remansadas y en los lagos abundan Blindia acuta, Jungermanma exsertifolia ssp. cordi/olia, Chiloscyphus polyantbos y, en los márgenes Pbilonotis seriata. Todas estas especies han desarrollado características morfológicas de adaptación al medio y se trata de especies muy diferentes de las que dominan en la montaña media y en el llano. Es destacable la presencia de briófitos en las riberas de los ibones, a muy poca profundidad, donde han de soportar el hielo de 7 a 9 meses.
The relevancy of parasites as potential indicators of environmental quality has been increasing over the last years, mostly due to the variety of ways in which they respond to anthropogenic pollution. The use of fish parasites as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution in aquatic ecosystems has been widely studied. However, little information concerning terrestrial habitats is presently available. In fact, in the last two decades several studies have been performed worldwide in different habitats and/or conditions (theoretically both in polluted and unpolluted terrestrialecosystems, but mainly in aquatic ecosystems) in order to investigate heavy metal pollution using parasitological models. Different groups of vertebrates (mainly fish, mammals and birds) and several parasitological models have been tested involving acanthocephalans mostly, but also cestodes and nematodes. It is not the aim of this chapter to do a complete revision of the availabledata concerning this subject. Instead, we emphasize some general aspects and compile a mini-review of the work performed in this field by our research group. The results obtained until now allow confirming several parasitic models as promising bioindicator systems to evaluate environmental cadmium and mainly lead pollution in terrestrial non-urban habitats, as it was already demonstrated for aquatic ecosystems. The present knowledge also allows confirming that parasites can reveal environmental impact. Environmental parasitology is an interdisciplinary field, which needs simultaneous expertise from toxicology, environmental chemistry and parasitology. Furthermore, environmental parasitology should be taken into account in order to increase the efficiency of environmental monitoring programs.
R commands to calculate the secondary production estimates using the size-frequency method after Hynes and Coleman (1968), Benke (1979) and Huryn (1996).
The relevancy of parasites as potential indicators of environmental quality has been increasing over the last years, mostly due to the variety of ways in which they respond to anthropogenic pollution. The use of fish parasites as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution in aquatic ecosystems has been widely studied. However, little information concerning terrestrial habitats is presently available. In fact, in the last two decades several studies have been performed worldwide in different habitats and/or conditions (theoretically both in polluted and unpolluted terrestrialecosystems, but mainly in aquatic ecosystems) in order to investigate heavy metal pollution using parasitological models. Different groups of vertebrates (mainly fish, mammals and birds) and several parasitological models have been tested involving acanthocephalans mostly, but also cestodes and nematodes. It is not the aim of this chapter to do a complete revision of the availabledata concerning this subject. Instead, we emphasize some general aspects and compile a mini-review of the work performed in this field by our research group. The results obtained until now allow confirming several parasitic models as promising bioindicator systems to evaluate environmental cadmium and mainly lead pollution in terrestrial non-urban habitats, as it was already demonstrated for aquatic ecosystems. The present knowledge also allows confirming that parasites can reveal environmental impact. Environmental parasitology is an interdisciplinary field, which needs simultaneous expertise from toxicology, environmental chemistry and parasitology. Furthermore, environmental parasitology should be taken into account in order to increase the efficiency of environmental monitoring programs.
The accumulation of the widely-used antibacterial and antifungal compound triclosan (TCS) in freshwaters raises concerns about the impact of this harmful chemical on the biofilms that are the dominant life style of microorganisms in aquatic systems. However, investigations to-date rarely go beyond effects at the cellular, physiological or morphological level. The present paper focuses on bacterial biofilms addressing the possible chemical impairment of their functionality, while also examining their substratum stabilization potential as one example of an important ecosystem service. The development of a bacterial assemblage of natural composition – isolated from sediments of the Eden Estuary (Scotland, UK) – on non-cohesive glass beads (,63 mm) and exposed to a range of triclosan concentrations (control, 2 – 100 mg L21) was monitored over time by Magnetic Particle Induction (MagPI). In parallel, bacterial cell numbers, division rate, community composition (DGGE) and EPS (extracellular polymeric substances: carbohydrates and proteins) secretion were determined. While the triclosan exposure did not prevent bacterial settlement, biofilm development was increasingly inhibited by increasing TCS levels. The surface binding capacity (MagPI) of the assemblages was positively correlated to the microbial secreted EPS matrix. The EPS concentrations and composition (quantity and quality) were closely linked to bacterial growth, which was affected by enhanced TCS exposure. Furthermore, TCS induced significant changes in bacterial community composition as well as a significant decrease in bacterial diversity. The impairment of the stabilization potential of bacterial biofilm under even low, environmentally relevant TCS levels is of concern since the resistance of sediments to erosive forces has large implications for the dynamics of sediments and associated pollutant dispersal. In addition, the surface adhesive capacity of the biofilm acts as a sensitive measure of ecosystem effects
En les darreres dècades la necessitat d’una major producció en l’agricultura ha implicat l’ús de productes químics per a millorar la producció. Entre aquests productes trobem els insecticides que, tot i ser específics per a determinades funcions, en molts casos acaben afectant també a altres organismes que no en són la diana. Els assajos d’ecotoxicitat són una eina clau per a determinar el grau d’afectació d’aquests insecticides. En aquest estudi es pretén determinar l’efecte de l’aplicació directa en el sòl de les dosis recomanades de l’insecticida Confidor 20SL (amb imidacloprid com a principi actiu) sobre Eisenia fetida i dels lixiviats d’aquests sòls sobre Daphnia magna i Selenastrum capricornutum simulant fenòmens d’escorrentia o lixiviació naturals. En el cas de E.fetida s’obté una LC50 de 24.71 mg/kg sòl i per la reproducció un valor de EC50 de 8.41 mg/kg sòl. S’observa allunyament en totes les dosis utilitzades i la EC50 és de 2.57 mg/kg sòl. No s’han pogut determinar efectes a nivell neurològic a partir de la determinació de l’activitat de l’ AChE. A l’exposar D.magna als lixiviats del sòl contaminat no s’han observat efectes clars ni en la mortalitat ni en la reproducció. El mateix succeeix amb S.capricornutum. Les dosis d’aplicació del pesticida Confidor, representen una amenaça per a E.fetida pel que fa a efectes subletals però no podem dir el mateix per als organismes aquàtics.
The main environmental variables determining the community structure and the functioning of Mediterranean shallow lentic ecosystems are described. These ecosystems are characterized by the unpredictability of their water inputs and the high variability in their water level and physical and chemical composition. Variations in flooding, salinity, and water turnover are determinant in species composition and nutrient dynamics. Taxon-based and size-based approaches to the study of the community structure of aquatic organisms that colonise these ecosystems are also compared. The conventional taxonomic approach, based on the determination of species composition, has been used for the identification of patterns in species richness, distribution and temporal dynamics, and for ecological requirements of species and their potential use as ecological indicators. This taxonbased approach has been compared with a size-based approach, where individuals are classified by their size. Size-based approach gives complementary information about community structure and dynamics, especially when communities are dominated by a single species. The use of size diversity combined with species diversity is suggested for a more complete understanding of community structuring in this type of ecosystem. Detailed examples of two Mediterranean shallow lentic ecosystems, the salt marshes of the Empordà wetlands and the Espolla temporary karstic pond, which differ in hydrology and water origin, are used to discuss the suitability of these different approaches
La teràpia aquàtica o hidroteràpia és una de les tècniques de fisioteràpia poc valorades pels beneficis que aporten. En aquest estudi analitzem com aquest tractament en el medi aquàtic pot beneficiar als pacients afectats de un accident vascular cerebral (AVC). Els participants d’aquest estudi son pacients els quals han patit un AVC en els últims dos anys. Aquest estudi serà dut a terme ha l’Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Palma de Mallorca. La investigació consisteix en una combinació entre el mètode qualitatiu i el mètode quantitatiu, cada mètode aporta diferents visions de l’estudi amb la finalitat d’obtenir resultats més complets, arribant als objectius marcats. Per una banda, l’aspecte bio-psico-social serà avaluat utilitzant el mètode qualitatiu, realitzant entrevistes semi-estructures abans i després del tractament amb la finalitat d’obtenir la sensació que percep el pacient en cada moment. Per l’altre banda, l’espasticitat la valorarem mitjançant l’escala de Ashworth amb el mètode quantitatiu abans i després del tractament. Tenint en compte que poden sorgir varis limitacions com el temps de durada de l’estudi, la planificació o limitacions entre els participants, és un estudi interessant per valorar els canvis en la qualitat de vida d’aquestes persones.
Se confirma la presencia de Spirodela polyrrhiza en Cataluña y en la cuenca mediterránea ibérica con el hallazgo de esta planta en el curso bajo del río Ebro (Tarragona). En Cataluña sólo era conocida del NE y estaba considerada como especie extinta. En el río Ebro S. polyrrhiza vive en comunidades de acropleustófitos dominadas por Lemna gibba, en zonas con riesgo de eutrofización.
Nota breu sobre la descripció de Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vell.) Verdc. (Haloragaceae) als Països Catalans
The production of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) in response to several environmental variables was studied in 2 mesocosm experiments. The first (Expt 1) examined a gradient of 4 nutrient levels; the second (Expt 2) examined different conditions of silicate availability and zooplankton presence. Tanks were separated in 2 series, one subjected to turbulence and the other not influenced by turbulence. In tanks with nutrient addition, TEP were rapidly formed, with net apparent production rates closely linked to chl a growth rates, suggesting that phytoplankton cells were actively exuding TEP precursors. High nutrient availability increased the absolute concentration of TEP; however, the relative quantity of TEP produced was found to be lower, as TEP concentration per unit of phytoplankton biomass was inversely related to the initial nitrate dose. In Expt 1, an increase in TEP volume (3 to 48 µm equivalent spherical diameter) with nutrient dose was observed; in Expt 2, both silicate addition and turbulence enhanced TEP production and favored aggregation to larger TEP (>48 µm). The presence of zooplankton lowered TEP concentration and changed the size distribution of TEP, presumably by grazing on TEP or phytoplankton. For lower nutrient concentrations, the ratio of particulate organic carbon (POC) to particulate organic nitrogen (PON) followed the Redfield ratio. At higher nutrient conditions, when nutrients were exhausted during the post-bloom, a decoupling of carbon and nitrogen dynamics occurred and was correlated to TEP formation, with a large flow of carbon channeled toward the TEP pool in turbulent tanks. TEP accounted for an increase in POC concentration of 50% in high-nutrient and turbulent conditions. The study of TEP dynamics is crucial to understanding the biogeochemical response of the aquatic system to forcing variables such as nutrient availability and turbulence intensity.
The decomposition process of Ruppia cirrhosa was studied in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon in the Delta of the River Ebro (NE Spain). Leaves and shoots of Ruppia were enclosed in 1 mm-mesh and 100 pm-mesh litter bags to ascertain the effect of detritivores, macroinvertebrates, and bacteria and fungi, respectively. Changes in biomass and carbon, and, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the detritus were studied at the sediment-water interface and in the sediment. Significant differences in biomass decay were observed between the two bag types. Significant differences in decomposition were observed between the two experimental conditions studied using 100 pm-mesh bags. These differences were not significant when using the 1 mm-mesh bags. The carbon content in the detritus remained constant during the decomposition process. The percentage of nitrogen increased progressively from an initial 2.4 % to 3 %. The percentage of phosphorus decreased rapidly during the first two days of decomposition from an initial 0.26 % to 0.17 %. This loss is greater in the sediment than in the water column or at the sediment-water interface. From these results we deduce that the activity of microorganisms seems to be more important in the sediment than in the water-sediment interface, and that grazing by macroinvertebrates has less importance in the sediment than in the water column.