35 resultados para Anthologie Palatine I, 119. XIV (extr.)
Amb la creació cap a l'any 1300 de l'Estudi General, fundació reial de Jaume II, el segle XIV va esdevenir un període brillant per a la ciutat de Lleida. La Universitat no només va suposar l'elaboració de llibres de text per als estudiants, sinó també de volums jurídics, traduccions, etc. En particular ens interessa la producció de manuscrits de luxe, dins de la qual hem de situar el Breviari d'Amor de Matfre Ermengaud, conservat a Sant Petersburg (Biblioteca Nacional de Rússia, PROV. F.v.XIV, 1, ), la qual esdevé una de les còpies més bellament il·luminades que es van realitzar de l'obra en vers de l'esmentat autor, escrita a les acaballes del segle XIII.
This article ties the expansion of the Mediterranean and Catalan prosperity to the growth, the changes and the maturing of the society in all aspects (politically, socially, culturally...) Two of the groups that illustrate the growth well and the changes that were taking place in Barcelona society are the craftsmen and craftswomen, liberal professionals and the merchants. The article relates the changes of the XIVth Century to the increase of the capacity to read and write of the men and women of these social groups. The books of accounts of two members of a Barcelona family of merchants and ships’s copyist of the XIVth Century, the Tarascó, are the testimony of the extension of “a functional” literacy, limited and closely together with the profession, work and religious practice. These and other private sources allow for the appreciation of the diffusion of writing. The people of the world of commerce and the sea are very conscious of the decisive value of writing not only for their professional activity, but also because it allows them to make note of, in order to be able, later on, to remember: desires, interests and preoccupations. The article, finally, offers a hypothesis of documentary genesis of books of mercantile accounts
A fourteenth century caixa de nuvia (a bride’s case). This article studies a bride’s case, or chest described in the records of a trial that took place in the late fourteenth century, preserved in the Archives of Crown of Aragon. The case was claimed by Eulàlia, a commoner from the region of Barcelona. We study the circumstances of the claim, and then consider the descriptions of the items and the relations between the items and the owner. We stress the structures and the functionality of the chest itself and the meticulous description of contents , mainly second hand household wear and engagement presents. We highlight the relationship between women, especially between the mother and the daughter, and the relationship between these women and their possessions
Sobre la devoció i la pietat religiosa de la gent de mar de Barcelona dels segles XIV i XV
Es presenta el dibuix d’un centre assistencial que ha crescut i canviat amb la seva ciutat: ahir a la vora de l’Onyar, avui a tocar de la Gran Via i demà a Salt, l’hospital encara es mostra lligat a les necessitats socials d’aquells qui li donen raó de ser, els ciutadans