34 resultados para Ahola, Joel
In some markets, such as the market for drugs or for financial services, sellers have better information than buyersregarding the matching between the buyer's needs and the good's actual characteristics. Depending on the market structure,this may lead to conflicts of interest and/or the underprovision of information by the seller. This paper studies this issuein the market for financial services. The analysis presents a new model of competition between banks, as banks' pricecompetition influences the ensuing incentives for truthful information revelation. We compare two different firm structures,specialized banking, where financial institutions provide a unique financial product, and one-stop banking, where a financialinstitution is able to provide several financial products which are horizontally differentiated. We show first that, althoughconflicts of interest may prevent information disclosure under monopoly, competition forces full information provision forsufficiently high reputation costs. Second, in the presence of market power, one-stop banks will use information strategicallyto increase product differentiation and therefore will always provide reliable information and charge higher rices thanspecialized banks, thus providing a new justification for the creation of one-stop banks. Finally, we show that, ifindependent financial advisers are able to provide reliable information, this increases product differentiation and thereforemarket power, so that it is in the interest of financial intermediaries to promote external independent financial advice.
A new model of wage dispersion is used to examine welfare aspects of income taxation. The model retains the dynamics of wage posting modelswhile exogenizing search e¤ort, therefore allowing more insight into policy issues. The results highlight effects that standard analyses do not take into account. The optimal income tax should depend on an incidenceeffect between workers and firms. This incidence effect arises from firmstrying to lower wages as much as possible. An employment tax proves, incertain cases, to be the best method to encourage labor force participation.
The aim of this work was the use of NIR technology by direct application of a fiber optic probe on back fat to analyze the fatty acid composition of CLA fed boars and gilts. 265 animals were fed 3 different diets and the fatty acid profile of back fat from Gluteus medius was analyzed using gas chromatography and FT-NIR. Spectra were acquired using a Bruker Optics Matrix-F duplex spectrometer equipped with a fiber optic probe (IN-268-2). Oleic and stearic fatty acids were predicted accurately; myristic, vaccenic and linoleic fatty acids were predicted with lower accuracy, while palmitic and α-linolenic fatty acids were poorly predicted. The relative percentage of fatty acids and NIR spectra showed differences in fatty acid composition of back fat from pigs fed CLA which increased the relative percentage of SFA and PUFA while MUFA decreased. Results suggest that a NIR fiber optic probe can be used to predict total saturated and unsaturated fatty acid composition, as well as the percentage of stearic and oleic. NIR showed potential as a rapid and easily implemented method to discriminate carcasses from animals fed different diets.
L'objectiu d'aquest projecte consisteix en crear una eina per servir de referència a metges, per tal d'ajudar-los en els diagnòstics, sobretot de malalties més estranyes que són més difícils de diagnostica, ja que no són tant conegudes. Estem interessats en realitzar una aplicació la qual donats uns símptomes ens doni les malalties mé probables. El personal sanitari doncs podrà disposar d'una eina que l'ajudi a diagnosticar malalties segons els símptomes dels pacients. L'eina que es presenta en aquest treball, Disease Discovery, disposa d'una base de dades omplerta des de fonts molt fiables i amb una quantitat elevada d'informació sobre malalties i símptomes. Aquesta base de dades s'entrena segons diferents classificadors. Les prediccions de les malalties es faran emprant un model generat per mitjà d'un entrenament realitzat amb un classificador sobre la base de dades. A més a més, s'ha realitzat una interfície web per ajudar als usuaris i fer que l'eina sigui més usable alhora que més còmoda de distribuir el programari entre el personal sanitari interessat.