424 resultados para Playa de Las Canteras


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Public organisations are subjected to weak incentivesfor competition. Therefore, institutional Darwinismcannot apply. Regulation and performance monitoring isrequired to protect the public interest. This isparticularly the case of organisations in the healthcare arena, since strong incentives may risk the wholesupply of public health services. Regarding to the pathdependence of the Spanish public health institutionswith respect to the international experience and theobserved health technological changes, this paper triesto ground some theoretical bases for the organisationalchange in our health system. We do this by building ourargument from the very basic public goal: the improvementof the health status of the Spanish population. Thisrequires a better integration of health care services.To this regard, capitation in finance shows somecomparative advantages: it takes an integral view forthe care of the population, it allows for a betterdecentralisation ('deconcentration') of risks to healthproviders and favours managed care under a globalperspective, replacing partial payment to differentproviders. However, the paper shows some potentiallimitations for this purpose and the need of a gradualstrategy for its implementation.


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The context where the university admissions exams are performed is presented and the main concerns about this exams are outlined and discussed from a statistical point of view. The paper offers an illustration of the use of random coefficient models in the study of educational data. The association between two individual scores (one internal and the other external to the school) and the effect of the school in the external exam is analized by a regression model with random intercept and fixed slope. A variance component model for the analysis of the grading process is also presented. The paper ends with an outline of the main findings and the presentation of some specific proposals to improve and control the equity of the system. Some pedagogic reflections are also included.


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Este informe de investigación examina los factores sociales y políticos que han determinado el nivel y variabilidad de la abstención electoral en las elecciones generales españolas. Extendiendo los modelos de carácter psicológico y sociológico que se han empleado (con éxito relativo) para explicar la abstención española, este estudio muestra que el nivel de participación en las elecciones generales depende en buena medida de factores estrictamente políticos: la satisfacción global del electorado con la situación política del país, la implantación y capacidad de movilizaciónde los partidos políticos, el nivel de asociacionismo y 'capital social', el grado de competitividad electoral en cada área geográfica y los cálculosestratégicos que los electores realizan en función del tamaño de las circunscripciones electorales y de las distorsiones a la representación que impone la ley electoral. El informe emplea datos individuales, procedentesde las encuestas postelectorales del CIS, y utiliza regresiones multivariantes no lineales, aplicadas a muestras agregadas en panel.


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In this article an empirical analyse of farming costs is performed withinthe frame of the activity based costing, employing a panel data set ofCatalan farms. One the main conclusions of the study is that there islimited association for transaction and farm costs, especially in indirectcosts. Direct and indirect costs are mainly driven by volume production.