973 resultados para Malalties mentals -- Diagnòstic


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Les estadístiques mostren que un gran nombre de població penitenciària en l’actualitat és consumidora de drogues. Som conscients de la diversitat de postures i filosofies en l’abordatge de la temàtica de les drogues, però el grup de professionals que ha elaborat aquest Programa accepta el consum de drogues com una realitat dels centres penitenciaris catalans. També som conscients que l’objectiu del consum zero és massa ambiciós i poc adequat a la realitat dels presos. Per tant, un objectiu del Programa serà la disminució dels consums que estan generant problemàtiques i la disminució dels seus riscos associats (abús, addicció, contagi de malalties, consums barrejats de substàncies, etc.) És per això que les pretensions del Programa són informar de les substàncies psicoactives i les seves propietats, explicar els recursos interns i externs que existeixen i, sobretot, donar la possibilitat a l’intern de tenir un referent pel que fa a les addiccions a fi que pugui disposar–ne en cas de necessitat.


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Actualment el grup d’Addiccions veu la necessitat de seguir abordant el consum de drogues als nostres centres des de l’educació per a la salut i la reducció de danys, però també des de la capacitació personal. Per tal que tot això sigui una realitat, partim de l’Enquesta Estatal sobre Drogues entre els Internats a Presó (ESDIP, 2006). Aquesta evidencia que, per una banda, actualment es duen a terme als centres penitenciaris pràctiques de risc d’infecció per VIH, tant pel que fa a conductes d’injecció, sexuals o de realització de tatuatges, però, per altra banda, també posa de manifest el pobre coneixement de les vies de transmissió de l’VIH/SIDA i de l’hepatitis C, molt sovint ple de mites i/o creences errònies. L’ESDIP destaca el consum o l’abús de les drogues com un factor previ i paral·lel a la presó. La relació entre presó i drogues es produeix en dos dimensions que sovint es confonen, ja que no solament hi ha un problema d’ordre penal sinó també d’ordre social. Per una part, els delictes comesos per un alt percentatge de la població penitenciària estan relacionats amb la venda i/o consum de substàncies il·legals; i, per una altra banda, un nombre elevat d’interns té problemes personals, socials i de salut associats al consum de drogues, des de la pròpia dependència a greus malalties. Els programes de reducció de danys que s’han dut a terme tradicionalment s’han d’adaptar als nous perfils de consumidor; a les noves drogues i a les diferents vies d’administració. S’ha de tenir present que la major part dels problemes associats a l’activitat delictiva són d’índole psicosocial i no es restringeixen als consums problemàtics. Entre els interns podem trobar persones fàcilment influenciables, que presenten baixa tolerància a la frustració, poca capacitat per generar alternatives en situacions de conflicte, dificultats per gestionar el temps d’oci, baixa o nul·la escolarització, mancances a nivell psicoafectiu,


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Al llarg de la història educativa i tractamental, s'ha donat molta importància als desenvolupaments cognitius sense tenir en compte el desenvolupament emocional. Autors com Gardner o Goleman van donar un fort impuls al que ara es coneix com a intel·ligència emocional potenciant la creació de programes i dissenys curriculars que enforteixen la vessant emocional. No oblidem que les emocions són intrínseques al ser humà i condicionen la forma en què ens relacionem amb nosaltres mateixos i l'entorn. Per tant, entenem que el desenvolupament emocional és una de les bases fonamentals de l'educació. Com a educadors i educadores socials no podem perdre de vista aquest camp d'acció, i com a professionals de l'àmbit penitenciari considerem necessari que els nostres educands identifiquin les emocions (tant les pròpies com les alienes), millorin la seva autoestima i aprenguin a gestionar allò que senten. Tot amb l'objectiu que les seves relacions amb si mateixos, els altres i la societat siguin òptimes i saludables. La nostra pràctica diària ens ha fet veure que hi ha una manca de conscienciació i una pobre gestió de les emocions. Els interns i internes són persones que, a causa de les circumstàncies que han viscut i viuen, mostren dificultats per reaccionar de forma socialment adaptada i aquest fet genera conseqüències nefastes tant per a ells com per al seu entorn: agressions verbals i físiques, conflictes, addiccions, desarrelaments, malalties… No és fàcil treballar les emocions en un entorn hostil com el penitenciari, i menys fer-ho des d'una perspectiva educativa. Objectius generals - Oferir una sèrie de bases, principis, recursos i orientacions adreçats al desenvolupament de les competències socials. - Conèixer elements i tècniques que afavoreixen l’autogestió emocional en l’entorn social. - Identificar elements i pràctiques que afavoreixen la creació d’una sana autoestima en el marc de la relació social. - Afavorir el desenvolupament de l’empatia. - Afavorir des de la gestió emocional el foment de la resiliència. - Reconèixer els elements que afavoreixen un bon clima emocional envers els altres. Objectius específics - Conèixer les diferents competències socials. - Afavorir espais per poder desenvolupar-les. - Millorar l'estil relacional dels interns que duguin a terme el programa


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Les neurotrofines son factors tròfics que poden induir la supervivencia, la diferenciació i el creixement de les neurones i aquesta és la principal raó per la qual les estudiem en el context de les malalties neurológiques. Les propietats nombrades son crucials per a la cerca d’efectes funcionals pel que fa a tractaments de malalties neurológiques. Avui en dia. donada la seva activitat neuroprotectora, s’ha intentat l’administració extena de neurotrofines com una terapia per diverses enfermetats cerebrals, pero fins ara han tingut poc o cap resultat donada la inhabilitat d’aquestes molècules per creuar la barrera hematoencefàlica i pels seus efectes secondaris, com ara el dolor neuroilogic. Per això, l’aplicació de petites molècules similars a les neurotrofines es considerada com unapossible sol•lució com un possible tractament neuroprotector amb el cervell com a diana. L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte és testar l’eficacia d’un compost replicant de la neurotrofina pel tractament de algunes enfermetats neurològiques i per a estudiar el mecanisme d’acció d’aquesta molècula. Els resultats obtinguts fins al moment mostren que hem desenvolupat e identificat un compost replicant de la neurotrofina (G79) que manté la seva capacitat com a factor de creixement nerviós (NGF) en un assaig funcional d’NGF (diferenciació i tests de supervivència). A més a més, hem obtingut una proba de concepte per a la eficacia d’aquest compost com un agent terapèutic en diversos models in vivo e in vitro d’Esclerosi Múltiple, glaucoma, enfermetat de Parkinson y Esclerosi Lateral Amiotrófica. En conclusió, els resultats obtinguts durant aquests dos anys suggereixen que la molècula replicant d’NGF G79 és un bon candidat per a ser desenvolutat com a part d’una estratégica terapeutica la diferenciació neuronal, promou la supervivència, activa la fosforilització de TrkA i TrkB, vies de senyalització específiques de la neurotrofina. Aquesta molècula ademés pot creuar la barrera hematoencefàlica per vies de transport actiu, millora el score clínic en animals infectats per Encefalomielitis Autoinmune Experimental, protegeix les cèlules gangliars retinals en el model in vivo de Glaucoma, promou la supervivència de les cèlules en els models in vitro de l’enfermetat de Parkinson i en ELA. En resum, els nostres resultats sugereixen que les molècules replicants de neurotrofina poden desenvoluparse com part d’una estratègia terapéutica neuroprotectora.


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En els darrers anys, els sistemes de telemetria per a aplicacions mèdiques han crescut significativament en el diagnòstic i en la monitorització de, per exemple, la glucosa, la pressió de la sang, la temperatura, el ritme cardíac... Els dispositius implantats amplien les aplicacions en medicina i incorpora una millora de qualitat de vida per a l’usuari. Per aquest motiu, en aquest projecte s’estudien dues de les antenes més comuns, com son l’antena dipol i el patch, aquesta última és especialment utilitzada en aplicacions implantades. En l’anàlisi d’aquestes antenes s’han parametritzat característiques relacionades amb l’entorn de l’aplicació, així com també de la pròpia antena, explicant el comportament que, a diferencia amb l’espai lliure, les antenes presenten a canvis d’aquests paràmetres. Al mateix temps, s’ha implementat una configuració per a la mesura d’antenes implantades basat en el model del cos humà d’una capa. Comparant amb els resultats de les simulacions realitzades mitjançant el software FEKO, s’ha obtingut gran correspondència en la mesura empírica d’adaptació i de guany de les antenes microstrip. Gràcies a l’anàlisi paramètric, aquest projecte també presenta diversos dissenys de les antenes optimitzant el guany realitzable amb l’objectiu d’aconseguir la millor comunicació possible amb el dispositiu extern o estació base.


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El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la valía diagnóstica de una biopsia de interfase protésica (BIP) preoperatoria para aislar la bacteria en casos de infección periprotésica crónica con aspirado articular “seco”. Para ello se realizó una revisión retrospectiva de 24 pacientes. Los resultados de los cultivos de la BIP se compararon con los resultados de los cultivos de las muestras intraoperatorias. La sensibilidad fue de un 88,2%, la especificidad del 100%, el valor predictivo positivo del 100% y el valor predictivo negativo del 77,9%. La eficacia global fue del 91,6%. La BIP resultó una prueba efectiva.


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Background: GTF2I codes for a general intrinsic transcription factor and calcium channel regulator TFII-I, with high and ubiquitous expression, and a strong candidate for involvement in the morphological and neuro-developmental anomalies of the Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS). WBS is a genetic disorder due to a recurring deletion of about 1,55-1,83 Mb containing 25-28 genes in chromosome band 7q11.23 including GTF2I. Completed homozygous loss of either the Gtf2i or Gtf2ird1 function in mice provided additional evidence for the involvement of both genes in the craniofacial and cognitive phenotype. Unfortunately nothing is now about the behavioral characterization of heterozygous mice. Methods: By gene targeting we have generated a mutant mice with a deletion of the first 140 amino-acids of TFII-I. mRNA and protein expression analysis were used to document the effect of the study deletion. We performed behavioral characterization of heterozygous mutant mice to document in vivo implications of TFII-I in the cognitive profile of WBS patients. Results: Homozygous and heterozygous mutant mice exhibit craniofacial alterations, most clearly represented in homozygous condition. Behavioral test demonstrate that heterozygous mutant mice exhibit some neurobehavioral alterations and hyperacusis or odynacusis that could be associated with specific features of WBS phenotype. Homozygous mutant mice present highly compromised embryonic viability and fertility. Regarding cellular model, we documented a retarded growth in heterozygous MEFs respect to homozygous or wild-type MEFs. Conclusion: Our data confirm that, although additive effects of haploinsufficiency at several genes may contribute to the full craniofacial or neurocognitive features of WBS, correct expression of GTF2I is one of the main players. In addition, these findings show that the deletion of the fist 140 amino-acids of TFII-I altered it correct function leading to a clear phenotype, at both levels, at the cellular model and at the in vivo model.


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Background: There is evidence that exposure to passive smoking in general, and in babies in particular, is an important cause of morbimortality. Passive smoking is related to an increased risk of pediatric diseases such as sudden death syndrome, acute respiratory diseases, worsening of asthma, acute-chronic middle ear disease and slowing of lung growth.The objective of this article is to describe the BIBE study protocol. The BIBE study aims to determine the effectiveness of a brief intervention within the context of Primary Care, directed to mothers and fathers that smoke, in order to reduce the exposure of babies to passive smoking (ETS).Methods/DesignCluster randomized field trial (control and intervention group), multicentric and open. Subject: Fathers and/or mothers who are smokers and their babies (under 18 months) that attend pediatric services in Primary Care in Catalonia.The measurements will be taken at three points in time, in each of the fathers and/or mothers who respond to a questionnaire regarding their baby's clinical background and characteristics of the baby's exposure, together with variables related to the parents' tobacco consumption. A hair sample of the baby will be taken at the beginning of the study and at six months after the initial visit (biological determination of nicotine). The intervention group will apply a brief intervention in passive smoking after specific training and the control group will apply the habitual care.Discussion: Exposure to ETS is an avoidable factor related to infant morbimortality. Interventions to reduce exposure to ETS in babies are potentially beneficial for their health. The BIBE study evaluates an intervention to reduce exposure to ETS that takes advantage of pediatric visits. Interventions in the form of advice, conducted by pediatric professionals, are an excellent opportunity for prevention and protection of infants against the harmful effects of ETS.


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Background: Lynch syndrome (LS) is an autosomal dominant inherited cancer syndrome characterized by early onset cancers of the colorectum, endometrium and other tumours. A significant proportion of DNA variants in LS patients are unclassified. Reports on the pathogenicity of the c.1852_1853AA>GC (p.Lys618Ala) variant of the MLH1 gene are conflicting. In this study, we provide new evidence indicating that this variant has no significant implications for LS.Methods: The following approach was used to assess the clinical significance of the p.Lys618Ala variant: frequency in a control population, case-control comparison, co-occurrence of the p.Lys618Ala variant with a pathogenic mutation, co-segregation with the disease and microsatellite instability in tumours from carriers of the variant. We genotyped p.Lys618Ala in 1034 individuals (373 sporadic colorectal cancer [CRC] patients, 250 index subjects from families suspected of having LS [revised Bethesda guidelines] and 411 controls). Three well-characterized LS families that fulfilled the Amsterdam II Criteria and consisted of members with the p.Lys618Ala variant were included to assess co-occurrence and co-segregation. A subset of colorectal tumour DNA samples from 17 patients carrying the p.Lys618Ala variant was screened for microsatellite instability using five mononucleotide markers.Results: Twenty-seven individuals were heterozygous for the p.Lys618Ala variant; nine had sporadic CRC (2.41%), seven were suspected of having hereditary CRC (2.8%) and 11 were controls (2.68%). There were no significant associations in the case-control and case-case studies. The p.Lys618Ala variant was co-existent with pathogenic mutations in two unrelated LS families. In one family, the allele distribution of the pathogenic and unclassified variant was in trans, in the other family the pathogenic variant was detected in the MSH6 gene and only the deleterious variant co-segregated with the disease in both families. Only two positive cases of microsatellite instability (2/17, 11.8%) were detected in tumours from p.Lys618Ala carriers, indicating that this variant does not play a role in functional inactivation of MLH1 in CRC patients.Conclusions: The p.Lys618Ala variant should be considered a neutral variant for LS. These findings have implications for the clinical management of CRC probands and their relatives.


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Olive oil consumption is protective against risk factors for cardiovascular and cancer diseases. A nutrigenomic approach was performed to assess whether changes in gene expression could occur in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells after oli ve oil ingestion at postprandial state. Six healthy male volunteers ingested, at fasting state, 50 ml of olive oil. Prior to intervention a 1-week washout period with a controlled diet and sunflower oil as the only source of fat was followed. During the 3 days before and on the intervention day, a very low-phenolic compound diet was followed. At baseline (0 h) and at post-ingestion (6 h), total RNA was isolated and gene expression (29,082 genes) was evaluated by microarray. From microarray data, nutrient-gene interactions were observed in genes related to metabolism, cellular processes, cancer, and atherosclerosis (e.g. USP48 by 2.16; OGT by 1.68-fold change) and associated processes such as inflammation (e.g. AKAP13 by 2.30; IL-10 by 1.66-fold change) and DNA damage (e.g. DCLRE1C by 1.47; POLK by 1.44- fold change). When results obtained by microarray were verified by qRT-PCR in nine genes, full concordance was achieved only in the case of up-regulated genes. Changes were observed at a real-life dose of olive oil, as it is daily consumed in some Mediterranean areas. Our results support the hypothesis that postprandial protective changes related to olive oil consumption could be mediated through gene expression changes.


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Background: Aproximately 5–10% of cases of mental retardation in males are due to copy number variations (CNV) on the X chromosome. Novel technologies, such as array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), may help to uncover cryptic rearrangements in X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) patients. We have constructed an X-chromosome tiling path array using bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) and validated it using samples with cytogenetically defined copy number changes. We have studied 54 patients with idiopathic mental retardation and 20 controls subjects. Results: Known genomic aberrations were reliably detected on the array and eight novel submicroscopic imbalances, likely causative for the mental retardation (MR) phenotype, were detected. Putatively pathogenic rearrangements included three deletions and five duplications (ranging between 82 kb to one Mb), all but two affecting genes previously known to be responsible for XLMR. Additionally, we describe different CNV regions with significant different frequencies in XLMR and control subjects (44% vs. 20%). Conclusion:This tiling path array of the human X chromosome has proven successful for the detection and characterization of known rearrangements and novel CNVs in XLMR patients.


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Blunt chest traumas are a clinical challenge, both for diagnosis and treatment. The use ofCardiovascular Magnetic Resonance can play a major role in this setting. We present two cases: a12-year-old boy and 45-year-old man. Late gadolinium enhancement imaging enabled visualizationof myocardial damage resulting from the trauma.


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Human arteries affected by atherosclerosis are characterized by altered wall viscoelastic properties. The possibility of noninvasively assessing arterial viscoelasticity in vivo would significantly contribute to the early diagnosis and prevention of this disease. This paper presents a noniterative technique to estimate the viscoelastic parameters of a vascular wall Zener model. The approach requires the simultaneous measurement of flow variations and wall displacements, which can be provided by suitable ultrasound Doppler instruments. Viscoelastic parameters are estimated by fitting the theoretical constitutive equations to the experimental measurements using an ARMA parameter approach. The accuracy and sensitivity of the proposed method are tested using reference data generated by numerical simulations of arterial pulsation in which the physiological conditions and the viscoelastic parameters of the model can be suitably varied. The estimated values quantitatively agree with the reference values, showing that the only parameter affected by changing the physiological conditions is viscosity, whose relative error was about 27% even when a poor signal-to-noise ratio is simulated. Finally, the feasibility of the method is illustrated through three measurements made at different flow regimes on a cylindrical vessel phantom, yielding a parameter mean estimation error of 25%.


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In the last few years, some of the visionary concepts behind the virtual physiological human began to be demonstrated on various clinical domains, showing great promise for improving healthcare management. In the current work, we provide an overview of image- and biomechanics-based techniques that, when put together, provide a patient-specific pipeline for the management of intracranial aneurysms. The derivation and subsequent integration of morphological, morphodynamic, haemodynamic and structural analyses allow us to extract patient-specific models and information from which diagnostic and prognostic descriptors can be obtained. Linking such new indices with relevant clinical events should bring new insights into the processes behind aneurysm genesis, growth and rupture. The development of techniques for modelling endovascular devices such as stents and coils allows the evaluation of alternative treatment scenarios before the intervention takes place and could also contribute to the understanding and improved design of more effective devices. A key element to facilitate the clinical take-up of all these developments is their comprehensive validation. Although a number of previously published results have shown the accuracy and robustness of individual components, further efforts should be directed to demonstrate the diagnostic and prognostic efficacy of these advanced tools through large-scale clinical trials.


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This paper presents a new registration algorithm, called Temporal Di eomorphic Free Form Deformation (TDFFD), and its application to motion and strain quanti cation from a sequence of 3D ultrasound (US) images. The originality of our approach resides in enforcing time consistency by representing the 4D velocity eld as the sum of continuous spatiotemporal B-Spline kernels. The spatiotemporal displacement eld is then recovered through forward Eulerian integration of the non-stationary velocity eld. The strain tensor iscomputed locally using the spatial derivatives of the reconstructed displacement eld. The energy functional considered in this paper weighs two terms: the image similarity and a regularization term. The image similarity metric is the sum of squared di erences between the intensities of each frame and a reference one. Any frame in the sequence can be chosen as reference. The regularization term is based on theincompressibility of myocardial tissue. TDFFD was compared to pairwise 3D FFD and 3D+t FFD, bothon displacement and velocity elds, on a set of synthetic 3D US images with di erent noise levels. TDFFDshowed increased robustness to noise compared to these two state-of-the-art algorithms. TDFFD also proved to be more resistant to a reduced temporal resolution when decimating this synthetic sequence. Finally, this synthetic dataset was used to determine optimal settings of the TDFFD algorithm. Subsequently, TDFFDwas applied to a database of cardiac 3D US images of the left ventricle acquired from 9 healthy volunteers and 13 patients treated by Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT). On healthy cases, uniform strain patterns were observed over all myocardial segments, as physiologically expected. On all CRT patients, theimprovement in synchrony of regional longitudinal strain correlated with CRT clinical outcome as quanti ed by the reduction of end-systolic left ventricular volume at follow-up (6 and 12 months), showing the potential of the proposed algorithm for the assessment of CRT.