743 resultados para Ordenació del territori -- Catalunya -- Baix Empordà


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Although assignment games are hardly ever convex, in this paper a characterization of their set or extreme points of the core is provided, which is also valid for the class of convex games. For each ordering in the player set, a payoff vector is defined where each player receives his marginal contribution to a certain reduced game played by his predecessors. We prove that the whole set of reduced marginal worth vectors, which for convex games coincide with the usual marginal worth vectors, is the set of extreme points of the core of the assignment game


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El desenvolupament durant els anys 2006-2007 del projecte de recerca sobre la formació de l'Estat númida ha revelat l'existència a Althiburos d'un hàbitat preromà d'extensió considerable (almenys 4 ha), l¿origen del qual remunta com a mínim al segle VI aC. La prospecció del territori adjacent ha mostrat l'existència de diversos jaciments númides de dimensions més reduïdes, d'algunes estructures funeràries de la mateixa època i d'una cinquantena de dòlmens, la datació dels quals (tal vegada del Bronze final) roman encara incerta. Les dades obtingudes permeten situar en el segle VI aC, o fins i tot abans, l'inici del procés de complexificació social que va conduir a la formació dels regnes númides.


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Les vacances d'estiu ens posen en contacte directe amb el territori més afectat per l'explotació turística i ens permeten comprovar, de primera mà, la pressió a què es veuen sotmesos els hàbitats i les espècies en zones sobrefreqüentades. El litoral és un dels indrets on aquesta pressió és més intensa i on la transformació del territori ha estat més notable en el darrer segle.


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Les vacances d'estiu ens posen en contacte directe amb el territori més afectat per l'explotació turística i ens permeten comprovar, de primera mà, la pressió a què es veuen sotmesos els hàbitats i les espècies en zones sobrefreqüentades. El litoral és un dels indrets on aquesta pressió és més intensa i on la transformació del territori ha estat més notable en el darrer segle.


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This paper describes petrologic and morphologic characteristics of fossil beaches submerged in the sector of the Costa Brava located between the Pals Beach and Blanes (Girona). These submerged beaches are composed of large-grain sandstone andconglomerate platforms, situated at a depth between 0.5 and 2.5 meters. These platforms are slightly inclinated towards the open sea. These deposits have been formed very recently, and date from Holocene, as noted by the presence of fragments of roman ceramics inside sandstone


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La literatura ha estat, històricament, una forma de vivència i de coneixença del territori. En aquest sentit, el projecte Geografia literària dels Països Catalans esdevé una proposta de redescoberta de pobles, ciutats i comarques, de recuperació i fixació en la memòria d’espais, indrets, cases, monuments, edificis patrimonials o llocs mítics que han estat el centre d’interès dels nostres escriptors d’ençà dels trobadors i Ramon Llull fins als nostres dies. Per tot plegat, aquest treball té un triple objectiu: en primer lloc, donar a conèixer la iniciativa Geografia literària dels Països Catalans; en segon lloc, proposar-ne un marc teòric, i, per acabar, analitzar, específicament, alguns dels espais literaris que es localitzen a la comarca d’Osona.


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Societies exchange knowledge, ideas and merchandise throughout their territories. Topography plays a fundamental role in the trajectory of such movements whilst helping to explain the distribution of human constructions. Standard GIS functions have been employed widely to simulate communication routes between settlements, but the straight application of published least cost route models proved inadequate for Mediterranean alluvial plain areas in which seasonal floods become an important factor to acknowledge. The objective of this study is the production of a new model, using topographic and hydrologic factors as variables from which it would be possible to simulate a route, and test it against known Roman itineraries. The selected Roman stretches are Girona – Coll de Pannisars and Tarragona – Montblanc. The new model shows the need to consider each case individually but also stresses the hydrologic factor, expressed in seasonal floods, as being of prime importance in the creation and development of Roman roads in Mediterranean alluvial plains.


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This paper is concerned with the organization of societies in north-eastern Iberia (present-day Catalonia) during the Iron Age, using data provided by domestic architecture and settlement organization. I offer an analysis of the social differences detected in the dwellings based on a sample of houses excavated at different types of settlement. Although many Iberian houses had simple layouts and small surface areas, some larger dwellings at the main sites are distinguished by the shape of their ground plans, their surface areas, architectural features, and central locations; these houses are believed to be the residences of the Iberian elite. Such dwellings are not found at all sites and the data suggest that there was a relationship between the category of the settlement (or its function) and the types of dwelling in it.


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Davant del fracàs de la contrarevolució interior efectuada pels reialistes, a partir pràcticament de l’inici del sistema constitucional inaugurat per la revolució de Riego, els elements més absolutistes van organitzar mitjançant la celebració del Congrés de Verona la invasió del territori espanyol per les tropes franceses (els Cent Mil Fills de Sant Lluís). La reacció de les institucions locals lleidatanes, sobretot la Paeria (l’Ajuntament) no es va fer esperar. Ràpidament van rebutjar ferventment la imposició estrangera i van organitzar la resistència a l’interior de la ciutat. Aquesta resistència va topar amb la penúria econòmica de la hisenda municipal, motiu pel qual van haver de realitzar una guerra defensiva, que va tenir èxit, ja que van resistir la invasió fins a l’últim dia d’octubre de l’any 1823 i es van convertir, juntament amb ciutats com ara Barcelona o Tarragona, en els baluards del liberalisme.


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Para preservar la biodiversidad de los ecosistemas forestales de la Europa mediterránea en escenarios actuales y futuros de cambio global mediante una gestión forestal sostenible es necesario determinar cómo influye el medio ambiente y las propias características de los bosques sobre la biodiversidad que éstos albergan. Con este propósito, se analizó la influencia de diferentes factores ambientales y de estructura y composición del bosque sobre la riqueza de aves forestales a escala 1 × 1 km en Cataluña (NE de España). Se construyeron modelos univariantes y multivariantes de redes neuronales para respectivamente explorar la respuesta individual a las variables y obtener un modelo parsimonioso (ecológicamente interpretable) y preciso. La superficie de bosque (con una fracción de cabida cubierta superior a 5%), la fracción de cabida cubierta media, la temperatura anual y la precipitación estival medias fueron los mejores predictores de la riqueza de aves forestales. La red neuronal multivariante obtenida tuvo una buena capacidad de generalización salvo en las localidades con una mayor riqueza. Además, los bosques con diferentes grados de apertura del dosel arbóreo, más maduros y más diversos en cuanto a su composición de especies arbóreas se asociaron de forma positiva con una mayor riqueza de aves forestales. Finalmente, se proporcionan directrices de gestión para la planificación forestal que permitan promover la diversidad ornítica en esta región de la Europa mediterránea.


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En Octubre de 1995 se estudiaron 10s macroinvertebrados acuaticos en varias localidades de la cuenca de la Riera de Sant Cugat (Barcelona) situadas dentro y fuera del Parque Metropolitan0 de Collserola y, se relacionaron con la calidad y la temporalidad de las aguas. Gran parte del recorrido de 10s cauces estaba sec0 en el moment0 de estudio. Algunas localidades, situadas en 10s limites del Parque, poseian flujo permanente per0 con elevados signos de contaminacibn. Dentro del Parque se encontraron algunas zonas con caudal permanente, aunque reducido (desde menos de 1 V s hasta 32 Us), y zonas con flujo intermitente, ademas de 10s que estaban secos. En las quince localidades muestreadas se encontraron un total de 65 taxones distintos; la mayor riqueza en una sola estacidn fue de 33 y se encontraron tanto especies de zonas redfilas (simlilidos o algunos efemerdpteros) como aquellas m8s propias de aguas 16nticas como hemipteros, odonatos o algunos cole6pteros. Mediante un anhlisis de ordenacidn en el espacio se agruparon las estaciones y se ordenaron en funcibn de su flujo y del grado de polucibn, diferenciindose claramente las estaciones externas al parque (con flujo moderado y cierta contaminacidn) de aquellas situadas en el interior del parque y, entre Cstas, las de flujo permanente respecto a las encharcadas. Se analizaron las diferencias entre estos cuatro grupos segun 10s tipos de organismos existentes y su estrategia trófica. A pesar de que muchos puntos de muestreo presentaban poca agua, se refuerza la idea de la importancia de mantener 1os flujos minimos de estos rios para conservar la biodiversidad.


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In this paper we analyze the size and habitat partitioning of the vascular floras of five areas of the NE Iberian Peninsula, representing five distinct vegetation belts and three floristic regions: Mediterranean (basal belt), medio-European (submontane and montane belts) and Boreo-Alpine (subalpine and alpine belts). Each area covered over 1000 ha, and was fairly uniform in terms of potential vegetation, bedrock and bioclimate. They excluded large villages and field areas, the landscape being mainly natural or moderately anthropized.


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The performance of a hydrologic model depends on the rainfall input data, both spatially and temporally. As the spatial distribution of rainfall exerts a great influence on both runoff volumes and peak flows, the use of a distributed hydrologic model can improve the results in the case of convective rainfall in a basin where the storm area is smaller than the basin area. The aim of this study was to perform a sensitivity analysis of the rainfall time resolution on the results of a distributed hydrologic model in a flash-flood prone basin. Within such a catchment, floods are produced by heavy rainfall events with a large convective component. A second objective of the current paper is the proposal of a methodology that improves the radar rainfall estimation at a higher spatial and temporal resolution. Composite radar data from a network of three C-band radars with 6-min temporal and 2 × 2 km2 spatial resolution were used to feed the RIBS distributed hydrological model. A modification of the Window Probability Matching Method (gauge-adjustment method) was applied to four cases of heavy rainfall to improve the observed rainfall sub-estimation by computing new Z/R relationships for both convective and stratiform reflectivities. An advection correction technique based on the cross-correlation between two consecutive images was introduced to obtain several time resolutions from 1 min to 30 min. The RIBS hydrologic model was calibrated using a probabilistic approach based on a multiobjective methodology for each time resolution. A sensitivity analysis of rainfall time resolution was conducted to find the resolution that best represents the hydrological basin behaviour.


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The aim of this study is to examine the lifestyle characteristics and health status of the elderly in order to identify aspects that might help promote active ageing. Participants were 26 elderly citizens aged 75 or over who were the recipients of home care services in Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona, Spain). They were recruited by means of convenience sampling, and a case study approach was adopted. Fieldwork was conducted in April 2007, with a specially designed questionnaire administered in the context of an in-depth interview. Quantitative data were analyzed with SPSS 15, while qualitative data were analysed and grouped by category. The results indicated that 53.8% of the elderly interviewees perceived their health status as being regular, most did not have adequate nutrition and hydration, while 42.3% had chewing problems and 65.3% presented slight dependence. Most of them received visits at home, but did not go on leisure outings. The only exercise they took was walking. These findings highlight the need to promote and strengthen activities for healthy ageing, and to ensure that people over 75 receive adequate care. Programmes should be implemented to improve those aspects that are currently under-addressed.


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The aim of this study is to examine the lifestyle characteristics and health status of the elderly in order to identify aspects that might help promote active ageing. Participants were 26 elderly citizens aged 75 or over who were the recipients of home care services in Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona, Spain). They were recruited by means of convenience sampling, and a case study approach was adopted. Fieldwork was conducted in April 2007, with a specially designed questionnaire administered in the context of an in-depth interview. Quantitative data were analyzed with SPSS 15, while qualitative data were analysed and grouped by category. The results indicated that 53.8% of the elderly interviewees perceived their health status as being regular, most did not have adequate nutrition and hydration, while 42.3% had chewing problems and 65.3% presented slight dependence. Most of them received visits at home, but did not go on leisure outings. The only exercise they took was walking. These findings highlight the need to promote and strengthen activities for healthy ageing, and to ensure that people over 75 receive adequate care. Programmes should be implemented to improve those aspects that are currently under-addressed.