481 resultados para Unio Europea -- Relacions Exteriors -- ACP, Països


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In this paper we assume inflation rates in European Union countries may in fact be fractionally integrated. Given this assumption, we obtain estimations of the order of integration by means a method based on wavelets coefficients. Finally, results obtained allow reject the unit root hypothesis on inflation rates. It means that a random shock on the rate of inflation in these countries has transitory effects that gradually diminish with the passage of time, that this, said shock hasn¿t a permanent effect on future values of inflation rates


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Deepening in the European Union (EU) integration process has enhanced the question of economic disparities at a regional level. Theconvergence process observed until the late seventies was exhausted onwards incoincidence with important changes in the economic activity. The paper showshow these factors would have provoked a regional differenciated response that,despite being important, would have not strengthened the decrease in regionalinequalities. We use an alternative and (in our opinion) richer approach to thetraditional convergence analysis, where the evolution of the whole regionaldistribution is what matters and not that of a representative economy. Moreover,when analysing inequalities among regional economies, the geographical spaceacquire an outstanding role. Hence, we apply spatial association tests and relatethem to the convergence analysis


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El projecte de TAV es basa en la transferència d'un sistema de vals de capacitació, i en com aquest sistema de vals és adaptable a altres països o regions. En el document s'analitzen diferents conceptes teòrics sobre la conveniència o no de la implantació d'aquest sistema. A més a més, aquest document és una guia per a les organitzacions interessades en l'adaptació del sistema de vals formatius al seu territori, mostrant els passos a seguir i oferint eines útils per aconseguir-ho.


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The Great Depression spurred State ownership in Western capitalist countries. Germany was no exception; the last governments of the Weimar Republic took over firms in diverse sectors. Later, the Nazi regime transferred public ownership and public services to the private sector. In doing so, they went against the mainstream trends in the Western capitalist countries, none of which systematically reprivatized firms during the 1930s. Privatization in Nazi Germany was also unique in transferring to private hands the delivery f public services previously provided by government. The firms and the services transferred to private ownership belonged to diverse sectors. Privatization was part of an intentional policy with multiple objectives and was not ideologically driven. As in many recent privatizations, particularly within the European Union, strong financial restrictions were a central motivation. In addition, privatization was used as a political tool to enhance support for the government and for the Nazi Party.


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With European Monetary Union (EMU), there was an increase in the adjusted spreads (corrected from the foreign exchange risk) of euro participating countries' sovereign securities over Germany and a decrease in those of non-euro countries. The objective of this paper is to study the reasons for this result, and in particular, whether the change in the price assigned by markets was due to domestic factors such as credit risk and/or market liquidity, or to international risk factors. The empirical evidence suggests that market size scale economies have increased since EMU for all European markets, so the effect of the various risk factors, even though it differs between euro and non-euro countries, is always dependent on the size of the market.


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Recull de centres d'educació superior que imparteixen estudis de Biblioteconomia i Documentació als països que configuren l'espai europeu d'ensenyament superior.


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Teresa Abelló analyses here an aspect of Barcelona's socio-cultural life in the period that goes from the first to the Second World War. She concentrates her attention on a new model of working-class leader that have promoted a clear cut with XIX century internationalist leading manual workers. The new manners embodied on the person of Salvador Seguít, he General Secretary of the anarchosyndicalist CNT. Abelló points aout at the same time . the relationship between these new social habits and the cultural avantgardes of the moment -either literary, pictoria or artistic in general.


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Teresa Abelló analyses here an aspect of Barcelona's socio-cultural life in the period that goes from the first to the Second World War. She concentrates her attention on a new model of working-class leader that have promoted a clear cut with XIX century internationalist leading manual workers. The new manners embodied on the person of Salvador Seguít, he General Secretary of the anarchosyndicalist CNT. Abelló points aout at the same time . the relationship between these new social habits and the cultural avantgardes of the moment -either literary, pictoria or artistic in general.


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Les relacions entre les institucions d'ensenyament superior i els poders públics (estatals, nacionals/regionals o local s) són cada vegada més importants. A diferencia d'epoques preterites on segurament podria trobar-se justificació a una certa ignorancia mútua o a trajectories no sempre convergents, a hores d'ara, les exigencies de la vida social reclamen unes relacions noves, conseqüencia d'un conjunt d'implicacions recíproques. Unes relacions que haurien de tenir com a objectiu afavorir l'articulació satisfactoria entre els sistemes social, educatiu i escolar, i, alhora, possibilitar la congruencia necessaria per garantir l'equilibri entre aquests sistemes.


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El present article aborda l'anàlisi dels components inclusius dels centres educatius que es plantegen una educació de qualitat per a tot l'alumnat, posant especial atenció en l'alumnat de grups socialment vulnerables. Es basa en les dades qualitatives d¿una part del projecte integrat INCLUD-ED, que estudià 20 casos de centres educatius d'èxit en diferents països de la Unió Europea. Tots els centres atenien alumnat de baix nivell socioeconòmic i havien demostrat tenir més èxit escolar que el conjunt de centres situats en contextos similars. L'article revisa altres investigacions afins i exposa els resultats agrupats en quatre tòpics: l'agrupament de l'alumnat; les expectatives; el suport; i la participació de les famílies i la comunitat. Les conclusions se sotmeten a discussió.


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El present número de la revista Temps d'Educació conté el text de les ponències presentades al Congrés Europeu sobre Tecnologia de la Informació a l'Educació: una visió crítica1 ¿ En aquest article es fa una introducció al contingut d'aquest exemplar de la revista, que consta de tres parts. En un primer moment es presenten els antecedents i el context que va portar a l'organització d'aquest acte i a continuació s'expliquen els aspectes més rellevants del seu desenvolupament en la practica per acabar amb algunes de les reflexions i aportacions que podrien considerar-se més significatives.