806 resultados para Obres públiques


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This paper describes a systematic research about free software solutions and techniques for art imagery computer recognition problem.


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This paper studies whether firms' use of R&D subsidies and R&D tax incentives is correlated to two sources of underinvestment in R&D, financing constraints and appropriability. We find that financially constrained SMEs are less likely to use R&D tax credits and more likely to obtain subsidies. SMEs using legal methods to protect their intellectual property are more likely to use tax incentives. Results are ambiguous for large firms. For both having previous experience in R&D increases the likelihood of using tax incentives, while it reduces the likelihood of using exclusively subsidies, suggesting that the latter induce entry into R&D. Results imply that direct funding and tax credits do not have the same ability to address each source of R&D underinvestment, and that on average subsidies may be better suited than tax credits at least for SMEs. From a policy perspective these tools may be complements rather than substitutes.


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This paper investigates the factors in_uencing grade performance in two different high school tracks (academic and vocational), including the effect of the amount of work achieved while studying. The empirical strategy analyzes grade progression through the outcomes, passing, repeating and dropping out, conditioning on previous outcomes, and dealing with the endogeneity introduced by the working variable. The analysis is based on a unique Spanish data with information on schooling and labor histories. Findings show that working reduces performance in both tracks, mainly during the first year, although the ffects are less detri- mental in the vocational path. Additionally, good performance in compulsory education, at- tending a private high school, or having high-educated parents improve outcomes, particularly in academic high school.


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Using a panel of 48 provinces for four years we empirically analyze a series of temporary policies aimed at curbing fuel consumption implemented in Spain between March and June 2011. The first policy was a reduction in the speed limit in highways. The second policy was an increase in the biofuel content of fuels used in the transport sector. The third measure was a reduction of 5% in commuting and regional train fares that resulted in two major metropolitan areas reducing their overall fare for public transit. The results indicate that the speed limit reduction in highways reduced gasoline consumption by between 2% and 3%, while an increase in the biofuel content of gasoline increased this consumption. This last result is consistent with experimental evidence that indicates that mileage per liter falls with an increase in the biofuel content in gasolines. As for the reduction in transit fares, we do not find a significant effect for this policy. However, in specifications including the urban transit fare for the major cities in each province the estimated cross-price elasticity of the demand for gasoline -used as a proxy for car use- with respect to the price of transit is within the range reported in the literature. This is important since one of the main eficiency justification for subsidizing public transit rests on the positive value of this parameter and most of the estimates reported in the literature are quite dated.


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The aim of this study is to develop a model measuring the performance of cities' marketing efforts. The model and the benchmarking methodology presented can be used by local authorities to position their marketing efforts and achievements against other (competing) cities and to identify best practices that can assist place marketers in learning how to be more efficient obtaining desired place marketing results, e.g., improved city brand image, with the available resources/budgets. The major implication for practitioners is that place marketing should be managed as a process, taking into account both the resource flows and the outputs, as well as the efficiency of this process.


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In a context in which organizations can no longer promise life-time employment and individuals increasingly experience inter-organizational mobility, this study tackles the question of whether organizational commitment is no longer related to new career orientations. To this end, it analyzes the relation between the underlying dimensions of protean (self direction and values driven) and boundaryless (boundaryless mindset and organizational mobility preference) career attitudes (Briscoe et al., 2006) and organizational commitment, within today's unstable and uncertain business scenario. Research results suggest that protean career attitudes contribute significantly to individuals emotional attachment to their employing organization. Furthermore, organizational mobility preference was found to be significant in predicting both affective and continuance commitment. Finally, future research suggestions and practical implications associated with the current study are provided.


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Social capital is viewed either as a proprietary asset that serves private interests, including those of entrepreneurs, or as a collective asset that supports trust-based transactions saving on transaction costs both in markets and within the boundaries of firms, and benefiting society as a whole. This paper explains the relative specialization between entrepreneurs and market-governed exchanges as a result of the interaction between social capital that lowers transaction costs, and the scale economies of ability in managerial jobs (Lucas 1978). The main hypothesis formulated in the paper is that higher social capital will benefit the hierarchy relatively more than the market as a governance mechanism, and therefore in economies with higher social capital, the equilibrium number of entrepreneurs will be lower and their average span of control larger than in economies with lower social capital. The empirical evidence, with data from the Spanish Autonomous Communities, is consistent with this prediction.


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The strategic literature on relatedness in the context of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) is extensive, yet we know little about whether or how relatedness has an influence on the announcement to completion stage of the M&A process. Drawing on research on intra-industry competition and relational capabilities, we seek to shed light on the relatedness debate by examining the strategic forces that affect the completion of an announced related M&A, accounting for financial and organizational factors. We also explore additional strategic forces that might amplify or attenuate the negative effect of relatedness on deal completion. We test and find support for our hypotheses using longitudinal data from a sample of the largest M&A announcements in the world from 1991 to 2001.


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La finalitat d'aquest treball és el d'automatitzar la creació i gestió d'una pàgina web per a què qualsevol persona que vulgui pugui donar a conèixer les seves obres com artista.


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Aquest projecte presenta, per una banda, una revisió del Lean Management i de l'estat actual de la seva aplicació al sector sanitari. Es descriuen els principis i la filosofia en què es basa aquest sistema, les eines i tècniques que li són pròpies, així com les avantatges que aporta cadascuna d’elles a l'empresa en general i, més concretament, al sector sanitari. D'altra banda, també descriu una petita aplicació pràctica de la metodologia Lean per al control de fluxos de pacients al servei d’atenció ambulatòria de l’Hospital Sant Rafael de Barcelona, amb l’objectiu de disminuir el temps total que els pacients tarden en ser atesos pel metge, a través d’eines que alhora aporten valor afegit a tant a pacients com a professionals.


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El legislador estatal ha introduït un nou article 200 bis a la LCSP, amb la finalitat de lluitar contra la morositat de les Administracions públiques. No obstant això, com es veurà al llarg del present Treball sota l’enunciat de: “Procediment per fer efectius els deutes de les administracions publiques”, amaga simplement la regulació d’una nova mesura cautelar i la reducció del termini per aquests supòsits d’inactivitat administrativa. Per analitzar adequadament el contingut d’aquest article, hem considerat oportú estudiar les mesures cautelars en lo contenciós-administratiu. El camí recorregut comença en els antecedents jurisprudencials en l’aplicació de l’anterior normativa en mesures cautelars, segueix per la regulació comunitària i cóm aquesta va ser aplicada en un conegut cas del TJCE – cas Factortame-, això ens permetrà entendre el gir jurisprudencial del Tribunal Suprem de 1990 així com el alè donat pel Tribunal Constitucional. Tot això, ens conduirà al anàlisi dels articles 129, 130 i 136 de la vigent Llei de la jurisdicció contenciós-administratiu, això ens porta finalment al anàlisis del 200 bis.


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En el treball que es desenvolupa a continuació s’analitza el perfil comunicatiu de Jordi Pujol i Soley, expresident de la Generalitat de Catalunya. L’objectiu de l’estudi és analitzar els diferents elements de la vida personal i professional de l’expresident posant-los en relació amb la seva faceta comunicativa per tal d’acabar determinant els elements clau de la seva comunicació política. El treball s’inicia amb una breu biografia, personal i professional, de l’expresident de la Generalitat de Catalunya que dóna peu a l’anàlisi de les facetes que el posicionaren com a líder. Seguidament, s’estudia l’electorat i el procés mental que aquest desenvolupa al rebre informació per part dels polítics per, finalment, acabar estudiant en detall la comunicació política a nivell verbal, vocal i visual del subjecte d’estudi.


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Aquest treball analitza la tecnologia del Smartphone i les implicacions d’aquests dins d’Espanya en relació al màrqueting i a l’antropologia, principalment. El Smartphone s’ha convertit en un utensili que va més enllà d’un simple telèfon, convertint-se en agenda, ràdio, televisió i bastants aplicacions més. El grau de penetració d’aquest s’ha incrementat exponencial-ment, especialment en menors d’edat, i això, està modificant la nostra forma d’actuar i mantenir relacions, i per tant les opcions de màrqueting disponibles a través del mateix, presents i futures.


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Les agencies de qualificació de riscos son una peça fonamental en el engranatge del sistema financer internacional. Arreu de la crisi financera es detecten conflictes d’interès entre aquestes i la resta de agents econòmics, generat per un canvi en el model de cobro. El document explica com s’ha generat aquest problema, la resposta del mercat i de les pròpies agencies de rating i exposa també les noves propostes regulatòries per a corregir-lo.


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Les obres d’acondicionament i millora del riu Güell passen per dues fases. La primera, fins al 1971, demostren que el problema no estava ni de bon tros solucionat, més fruit de la improvisació i poca lògica de l’Administració que d'una bona política de planificació hidràulica. Les obres mes recents, (transvasament Güell-Marroc.Massanas-Ter), aparentment solucionen el problema. Però cal insistir un cop més; d'ençà el 1970 i fins avui dia, el riu Güell no ha sofert cap més avinguda important, si bé és cert que Girona no n'ha patit cap d’aquelles dimensions. Com passa en la majoria dels casos, el risc d'avingudes és un fantasma que ve de la mateixa manera que se'n va, que dura l’escàs període de l'avinguda i els dies-mesos que segueixen