698 resultados para American Physical Society


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The properties of hot, dense stellar matter are investigated with a finite temperature nuclear Thomas-Fermi model.


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The real part of the optical potential for heavy ion elastic scattering is obtained by double folding of the nuclear densities with a density-dependent nucleon-nucleon effective interaction which was successful in describing the binding, size, and nucleon separation energies in spherical nuclei. A simple analytical form is found to differ from the resulting potential considerably less than 1% all through the important region. This analytical potential is used so that only few points of the folding need to be computed. With an imaginary part of the Woods-Saxon type, this potential predicts the elastic scattering angular distribution in very good agreement with experimental data, and little renormalization (unity in most cases) is needed.


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We reanalyze the decay mode of Lambda hypernuclei induced by two nucleons modifying previous numerical results and the interpretation of the process. The repercussions of this channel in the ratio of neutron to proton induced Lambda decay is studied in detail in connection with the present experimental data. This leads to ratios that are in greater contradiction with usual one pion exchange models than those deduced before.


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Deuteron properties are studied using the one-pion exchange potential truncated at a radius R, with a constant interior potential. The spectrum of bound states and their properties are put in evidence. We discuss the relation of this model to more realistic models of the nucleon-nucleon interaction.


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We comment on a recent paper by Uma Maheswari et al. in which it is claimed that quantal calculations of the half-infinite nuclear matter, in contrast to semiclassical approximations, exhibit an unusually strong dependence of the 90%10% surface thickness of the density profile on the Fermi momentum kF at saturation. This conclusion was carried over to the surface incompressibility. On the contrary we find essential agreement between semiclassical and quantal results and very weak dependence on kF of the quantities in question.


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Characteristic decay times for relaxation close to the marginal point of optical bistability are studied. A model-independent formula for the decay time is given which interpolates between Kramers time for activated decay and a deterministic relaxation time. This formula gives the decay time as a universal scaling function of the parameter which measures deviation from marginality. The standard deviation of the first-passage-time distribution is found to vary linearly with the decay time, close to marginality, with a slope independent of the noise intensity. Our results are substantiated by numerical simulations and their experimental relevance is pointed out.


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Several SL(3,C) self-dual instanton solutions of the Yang-Mills equations are presented which have very striking properties. While one of them is regular and SU(3) inside (outside) a sphere of arbitrarily large (small) radius, another one has all the characteristics of a meron solution (in particular its topological charge is concentrated at one point) although its Pontryagin number equals one. Their continuation to Minkowski space is also studied.


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We argue that low-temperature effects in QED can, if anywhere, only be quantitatively interesting for bound electrons. Unluckily the dominant thermal contribution turns out to be level independent, so that it does not affect the frequency of the transition radiation.


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An extension of the self-consistent field approach formulation by Cohen in the preceding paper is proposed in order to include the most general kind of two-body interactions, i.e., interactions depending on position, momenta, spin, isotopic spin, etc. The dielectric function is replaced by a dielectric matrix. The evaluation of the energies involves the computation of a matrix inversion and trace.


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A new method to solve the Lorentz-Dirac equation in the presence of an external electromagnetic field is presented. The validity of the approximation is discussed, and the method is applied to a particle in the presence of a constant magnetic field.