332 resultados para SLAM RGB-D SlamDunk Android 3D mobile
Es tracta d’un projecte d’investigació i de gestió, en el qual s’intentaran explotar totes les possibilitats dels Sistemes Operatius mòbils, mitjançant l’estudi, desenvolupament i implementació d’un joc multi-jugador per dispositius Android. S’analitzaran les necessitats i funcionalitats que ha d’oferir la meva aplicació/joc i s’implementaran mitjançant diverses eines i/o llibreries per tal de resoldre-les. Es realitzarà una recerca i anàlisi d’aquestes eines, dels avantatges i inconvenients subjacents, per tal de prendre la decisió més optima enquadrada les necessitats i objectius del projecte, tenint en compte també seu disseny de la nostra aplicació i finalment proper tal de procedir la seva implementació, sempre regint-me per les possibilitats comunicatives que gaudeixen aquest tipus de dispositius
Mobile technology plays an increasing role in interpersonal communication,representing a useful resource for different age cohorts. While the usage ofmobile communication by younger people has received a wide attention fromcommunication scholars, its usage by older people is less explored. Thegoal of our research project is to analyse the usage of mobile phones by theelderly in Italy. We conducted 51 semi-structured interviews in Rome and in amid-range town located in Umbria, between October 2013 and February 2014.Our study explores older users¿ motivations and usage practices, their perceptions of mobile phones, theiradoption and domestication of mobile phones, their usage skills. More specifically,our analysis focuses on: - personal characteristics - personal networks (personalnetwork composition, self-perceived social life, communication channels) -adoption of mobile telephone - consumption patterns of mobile devices - usedmobile services - location and mobility of mobile telephone - current mobilecharacteristics - attitude and opinions towards mobile technology Our preliminaryresults show major differences in users¿ behaviours and perceptions, that canbe related to age cohorts (younger olds vs older olds); socio-cultural levels;vital trajectories (in terms of professional and familiar status); and gender.