336 resultados para Desarrollo psicológico


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The implementation of the subject Pharmacology and Toxicology in R+D+i in the Pharmacy Degree, has led to the launch of a new methodological approach and teaching performance with the aim of developing the generic skills of the University of Barcelona (e.g., self-learning, team-working). An additional objective was students' integration of knowledge from different subjects in the degree which form the basis of the preclinical and clinical development of a drug. For this purpose, the teaching strategy used in the development of the subject was based on: 1) re-developing the content that students had been taught previously or were being taught in the same semester as a part of other subjects, and framing them in the environment of the pharmaceutical industry, 2) introducing new and previously unseen contents to do with drug development and toxicology, 3) developing a battery of activities to be undertaken by teams of students relating to the R+D+i of a particular drug. During the development of these activities, students have to acquire generic skills in addition to the subject-specific skills. The results obtained from the student survey give us grounds for satisfaction and allow us to consider that we have reached the goal of improving students' learning in Pharmacology and Toxicology applied to drug development in the pharmaceutical world today.


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Peer Reviewed


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The physical education curriculum stresses the importance of improving students’ key motor skills. This idea agrees with the contributions of research into motor development concerning the important role these skills play in child development. In order to facilitate this improvement is essential to know the different basic aspects of how these key motor skills evolve as well as the essential factors related to the characteristics and conditions of educational practice


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From the areas of motor learning and the teaching of Physical Education we promote coherent methodological orientationswith the present curricular guide that are focused in such a way so that the student is able to act independently. In thissense we may consider the problem situations as a good example for methodological proposals. So as to determine its useand adequateness for Physical Education it is conveniente to analyse the characteristics of the motor tasks that areproposed as well as the features of the teaching intervention in such a way as to ease the adquisition and development ofthe motor competence of the students


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In the article we resume four experiments of an interdisciplinary nature carried out in four different secondary education centres. The nexus of the union of these didactic proposals is that of looking at values in sport and the critical capacity of the students from distinct perspectives: violence, mass media, politics and gender and the treatment of body in our society


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Introducción. La simulación clínica es un escenario creado para permitir que los estudiantes del grado de enfermería experimenten la representación de un acontecimiento real con la finalidad de adquirir nuevas competencias y poder desarrollar conocimientos teóricos en la práctica en un entorno real y seguro. Se ha realizado esta revisión de la literatura ya que la última que se realizó fue en el 2009 y se realiza para que pueda observarse que esta metodología se sigue impartiendo en diferentes países del mundo, así como ver si ha habido algunos cambios en la evaluación de esta metodología. Metodología. Revisión de la literatura con estudios publicados desde Enero del 2005 hasta marzo de 2015. Las bases de datos utilizadas son: PubMed, SciELO, LILACS y CUIDEN. La búsqueda realizada incluye estos términos: ‘Paciente estándar’, ‘paciente simulado’, ‘paciente estandarizado, ‘simulación clínica’, ‘grado de enfermería’, ‘educación enfermera’, ‘estudiantes enfermería’. Resultados. Nueve estudios son los incluidos en esta revisión. Entre estos se encuentran: revisiones de la literatura, estudios cualitativos y cuantitativos (cuasi experimentales, experimentales y estudios post-intervención). Gran parte de los estudios muestran una gran satisfacción y desarrollo de competencias, entre ellas el pensamiento crítico, gracias a la metodología del paciente estándar. Conclusión. La simulación con paciente estándar es un método de enseñanza eficaz que promueve el aprendizaje y las habilidades de liderazgo y pensamiento crítico pero se necesita más investigación para poder diseñarlo y desarrollarlo en la enseñanza del grado de enfermería.