338 resultados para Cartògrafs -- Girona -- S. XIX
Peer-assessment provides multiple benefits to students during their learning process. The aim of this study is to examine students perception regarding peer-assessment. Surveys have been conducted before and after the peer-assessment process to students from five different subjects taught at the University of Girona. The results suggest that students have a positive predisposition respect to this methodology, both before and after being implemented. However, we found slight differences between the students of the technical field compared to those in education science
In 2009 the University of Girona (Spain) created four interest groups on teaching innovation. The objective of the project is that lecturers with an interest in teaching innovation can exchange their points of view and learn from one another, so University teaching is improved as a result. There are four such groups: “Problem based learning (ABP)”, “Cooperative learning”, “Evaluation”, and “Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Teaching”. The coordinators of the groups or networks, as they are also called, are chosen on a free basis by its members. This paper presents their point of view as regards the current activity of encouragement of interest in higher education and they elaborate on the main difficulties involved. The implications of the interdisciplinary work are explored, as well as the challenges of an initiative of this kind. The evolution of the ongoing work is reviewed, taking into account the context of a changing University, the lack of previous experience regarding projects of this kind, the asynchronous communication among the participants, and the necessity of a flexible approach in organizational matters
The presented itinerary covers eleven sites of the city of Girona that have been chosen for their interest from a chemical point of view. Girona is a city with chemistry, and this journey allowed student to see that chemistry is present everywhere, even in everyday life and not only in classrooms and laboratories. This approach aims to motivate students to discover something that had been invisible
During the most recent years the Regió de Girona has clearly transformed its territorial model, superimposing an emerging clearly hierarchic structure to a polycentric one. This way, Girona and its urban area has gained a diversified centrality. This transformation, though, needs a clearly defined project that, adapted to the current dynamism, makes explicit and supports or corrects the resultant territorial model in order to avoid infrastructural shortages, territorial imbalances, resource wasting and negative impact on the environment
Research on residential care is still scarce despite its high implementation in Spain. This article presents the results of a research using qualitative methods. The study analyses the situation experienced by young people who lived in foster care in the province of Girona (1994-2002) based on their opinions and perceptions expressed in a semi-structured interview. The results, clustered into subcategories, show lack of knowledge about the reasons why they needed foster care, if it was better being there than staying with their parents, and the lack of support for transition to adulthood. The study shows implications for children and youth policies, professional practice and research
Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y las características de la conductade fumar y la distribución por estadios de abandono del tabaquismoentre el personal de la Universidad de Girona.Pacientes y método: Se diseñó un estudio descriptivo transversal.Para ello se realizó una entrevista sobre la conducta de fumar a una muestrarepresentativa de los 941 miembros del personal de la Universidadde Girona en el segundo semestre de 1999.Resultados: De los 281 participantes en el estudio, 77 (27,4%) eranfumadores, 67 (23,9%) exfumadores y 137 (48,7%) no fumadores. PorFacultades, la mayor prevalencia de fumadores se encontró en: Letras:38,9%; Ciencias de la Educación: 31% y Enfermería: 28,3%. La distribuciónde los sujetos por etapas de abandono fue la siguiente: precontemplación:36,8%; contemplación: 13,2%; preparación: 3,5%; acción:3,5% y mantenimiento: 43%. El consumo de tabaco light fue del49,1% en precontemplación, 47,1% en contemplación y 33,3% en preparación.Respondieron haber recibido consejo médico para dejar de fumar:precontemplación: 35,8%; contemplación: 52,6%, preparación:60%, acción: 20% y mantenimiento: 24,2%.Conclusiones: 1. Las Facultades relacionadas con el ámbito de lasalud, Ciencias de la Educación y Enfermería son, junto con las de Letraslas que presentan mayor consumo de tabaco. 2. Los fumadores en precontemplación,en comparación con los sujetos en contemplación y preparación,informan con mayor frecuencia de consumir tabaco bajo ennicotina y de no haber recibido consejo médico
La finalitat d’aquest Projecte Fi de Grau és descobrir els clarinetistes que hi havia a Barcelona des de la segona meitat del segle XIX fins a la Guerra Civil, tant a nivell d’intèrprets com a nivell de professors. A més, ens hem proposat conèixer en quines institucions educatives aquests professors impartien les seves classes, com l’Escola Municipal de Música de Barcelona o el Conservatori del Liceu. Això ens ha portat, també, a identificar en quines agrupacions musicals desenvolupaven la seva carrera —com l’Orquestra Pau Casals, la Banda Municipal de Barcelona, l’Orquestra del Liceu o diferents orquestres de ball en les quals oferien concerts populars al llarg del territori. La metodologia utilitzada ha estat l'extracció i l’anàlisi de ressenyes hemerogràfiques i la recerca específica sobre la carrera artística del clarinetista que possiblement va realitzar a nivell estatal els primers enregistraments per a aquest instrument: en Josep Nori.
La Harmoniemusik: música per a conjunt de vents al llarg dels segles XVIII i XIX és una recerca a través del repertori, gèneres, usos i funcions que tingué el conjunt de vents a la Viena clàssica i la seva influència en la música per a vents del segle XIX. A través de l’explicació del context social i cultural de l’època, entendrem les motivacions i les circumstàncies que van empènyer als compositors a escriure per a Harmoniemusik, així com també les relacions d’aquesta música amb l’òpera, la música militar i la música religiosa.