337 resultados para Almería


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Los países industrializados afrontan ahora las consecuencias de varias décadas de gestión inadecuada de sus residuos tóxicos y peligrosos. En las últimas décadas el volumen de residuos generados ha aumentado en progresión geométrica provocando un riesgo toxicológico para el hombre a través de su interacción con el medio fisico. El vertido incontrolado de todo tipo de residuos ha sido una práctica creciente en muchas localidades. Importantes volUmenes de residuos industriales y de otros tipos (urbanos, agncolas, etc.) han sido enterrados en vertederos, muchos de los cuales carecen de las barreras geológicas naturales o artificiles, y los fluidos tóxicos que se producen por lixiviación pueden migrar hacia el exterior y contaminar las aguas subterráneas. El problema se agrava cuando una vez colmatado el vertedero se cubre de tierra y se pierde la información relativa a las prácticas de vertido practicadas en el pasado.


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The Lorca basin is one of the Neogene basins OS South Eastern Spain. The infilling Tortonian-Messinian deposits are mainly composed OS marls and reach up to 1,200 m in thickness. A biostratigraphic survey OS these deposits, assisted by the determination OS the magnetic polarity reversal pattern Sor most OS these deposits (900 m), has enabled the Tortonian-Messinian chronostratigraphy to be precised. The close sampling space for biostratigraphic determination has enabled the accurate location OS Sour main biostratigraphic events than can be correlated with charactenstic events of the Mediterranean biostratigraphic Zones. In addition, the location OS the TortonianNessinian boundary has been accurately placed at some 150 m below the main gypsurn unit outcropping in the basin. The integrated bio-magnetostratigraphic data fiom the studied section allows a tentative interpretation OS the identified magnetozones. Thus, a correlation to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale is presented for more than 900 m of pre-evaporite Miocene stratigraphic succession fiom the Lorca basin. Moreover, about 15' OS anticlockwise rotation has been detected. Its significance is evaluated in the basin geodynamic framework.


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La adquisición de Habilidades Terapéuticas (HHTT) es esencial en la formaciónde los psicólogos clínicos y de otros profesionales de la salud (Bados y García,2011; Cunico, Sartori, Marongnolli y Meneghini, 2012). Consideramos que unabuena manera de adquirir y potenciar habilidades clínicas es a través de lapráctica dirigida en situaciones reales de aspectos personalmente significativos;es decir, lo que podríamos denominar “APRENDIZAJE EXPERIENCIAL”.Así, en lugar de practicar la Escucha activa o la Empatía con alguien que“simula” ser un paciente con depresión o que ha experimentado una experienciatraumática, pensamos que es mejor trabajar con las propias experiencias vitales.Es decir, realizando ejercicios dirigidos a mejorar la capacidad para escucharactivamente o entender a personas significativas (padres, hermanos, parejas,amigos, etc.) con las que se tienen dificultades reales de relación.En el ámbito universitario son escasas las experiencias didácticas de éste tipo(Saldaña, Bados, García-Grau, Balaguer y Fusté, 2009), por lo que apenas existen estudios que evalúen su eficacia.


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La Formación de Bellmunt es una unidad aluvial de carácter sinorogénico relacionada con el emplaiamiento de 1os mantos pirenaicos.En suzonainferior-media intercala numerosos tramos lacustres y palustres que contienen una abundante fauna y flora fósil. Estos restos fósiles han permitido realizar la reconstrucción paleoambiental y paleoclimática de la zona, asi como precisar la cronoestratigrafia de la unidad, que corresponde a Bartoniense inferior-rnedio en base a las carófitas y a 1os restos de mamíferos.


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The Alhama de Murcia fault is a 85 km long oblique-slip fault, and is related to historical and instrumental seismic activity. A paleoseismic analysis of the Lorca-Totana sector of the fault containing MSK I=VIII historical earthquakes was made in order to identify and quantify its seismic potential. We present 1) the results of the neotectonic, structural and geomorphological analyses and, 2) the results of trenching. In the study area, the Alhama de Murcia fault forms a depressed corridor between two strands, the northwestern fault with morphological and structural features of a reverse component of slip, bounding the La Tercia range to the South, and the southeastern fault strand with evidence of sinistral oblique strike-slip movement. The offset along this latter fault trapped the sediments in transit from the La Tercia range towards the Guadalentín depression. The most recent of these sediments are arranged in three generations of alluvial fans and terraces. The first two trenches were dug in the most recent sediments across the southeastern fault strand. The results indicate a coseismic reverse fault deformation that involved the sedimentary sequence up to the intermediate alluvial fan and the Holocene terrace deposits. The sedimentary evolution observed in the trenches suggests an event of temporary damming of the Colmenar creek drainage to the South due to uplifting of the hanging wall during coseismic activation of the fault. Trench, structural and sedimentological features provide evidence of at least three coseismic events, which occurred after 125,000 yr. The minimum vertical slip rate along the fault is 0.06 mm/yr and the average recurrence period should not exceed 40,000 yr in accordance with the results obtained by fan topographic profiling. Further absolute dating is ongoing to constrain these estimates.


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Desde Estambul a Barcelona, de Almería a Niza, de Venecia a Túnez, de Atenas a Alejandría, de la India a la China, el mundo ofrece una actividad cultural rica y muy variada. Los turistas que lo recorren desean impregnarse de ella. Parece como si el sector turístico no haya sido capaz de organizarse y desarrollar un proyecto común de turismo cultural que hermane todas estas posibilidades. Quizá en un futuro, con el uso de las nuevas tecnologías se puedan proponer viajes virtuales por el patrimonio cultural del mediterráneo como preámbulo y estimulo de posibles viajes reales


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Increasing evidence suggests oceanic traits may play a key role in the genetic structuring of marine organisms. Whereas genetic breaks in the open ocean are well known in fishes and marine invertebrates, the importance of marine habitat characteristics in seabirds remains less certain. We investigated the role of oceanic transitions versus population genetic processes in driving population differentiation in a highly vagile seabird, the Cory"s shearwater, combining molecular, morphological and ecological data from 27 breeding colonies distributed across the Mediterranean (Calonectris diomedea diomedea) and the Atlantic (C. d. borealis). Genetic and biometric analyses showed a clear differentiation between Atlantic and Mediterranean Cory"s shearwaters. Ringing-recovery data indicated high site fidelity of the species, but we found some cases of dispersal among neighbouring breeding sites (<300 km) and a few long distance movements (>1000 km) within and between each basin. In agreement with this, comparison of phenotypic and genetic data revealed both current and historical dispersal events. Within each region, we did not detect any genetic substructure among archipelagos in the Atlantic, but we found a slight genetic differentiation between western and eastern breeding colonies in the Mediterranean. Accordingly, gene flow estimates suggested substantial dispersal among colonies within basins. Overall, genetic structure of the Cory"s shearwater matches main oceanographic breaks (Almería-Oran Oceanic Front and Siculo-Tunisian Strait), but spatial analyses suggest that patterns of genetic differentiation are better explained by geographic rather than oceanographic distances. In line with previous studies, genetic, phenotypic and ecological evidence supported the separation of Atlantic and Mediterranean forms, suggesting the 2 taxa should be regarded as different species.