327 resultados para Civilización romana
An integrated geophysical survey was conducted in September 2007 at the Cathedral of Tarragona (Catalonia, NE Spain), to search for archaeological remains of the Roman temple dedicated to the Emperor Augustus. Many hypotheses about its location have been put forward, the most recent ones suggesting it could be inside the present cathedral. Tarragona’s Cathedral, one of the most famous churches in Spain (12th century), was built during the evolution from the Romanesque to Gothic styles. As its area is rather wide, direct digging to detect hidden structures would be expensive and also interfere with religious services. Consequently, the use of detailed non-invasive analyses was preferred. A project including Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and Ground probing radar (GPR) was planned for a year and conducted during a week of intensive field survey. Both ERT and GPR provided detailed information about subsoil structures. Different ERT techniques and arrays were used, ranging from standard Wenner-Schlumberger 2D sections to full 3D electrical imaging using the MYG array. Electrical resistivity data were recorded extensively, making available many thousands of apparent resistivity points to obtain a complete 3D image after full inversion. The geophysical results were clear enough to persuade the archaeologists to excavate the area. The excavation confirmed the geophysical interpretation. In conclusion, the significant buried structures revealed by geophysical methods under the cathedral were confirmed by recent archaeological digging as the basement of the impressive Roman Temple that headed the Provincial Forum of Tarraco, seat of the Concilium of Hispania Citerior Province.
Se recopila la información existente sobre la difusión de la terra sigillata hispánica tardía (TSHT) en el litoral mediterráneo de Hispania, concretamente en las actuales Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana y Baleares. Se analizan los contextos arqueológicos conocidos con la finalidad de determinar la cronología y la presencia porcentual de este tipo cerámico en le levante peninsular.
Since the classic study of Simon J. Keay published in 1984, knowledge of late Roman amphorae has progressed markedly, thanks to scholars such as Michel Bonifay and Paul Reynolds, amongst others. The area studied by Keay was Catalonia, the ancient Eastern Tarraconensis. The overview here offered for this same region reveals the central role played by African imports in late Antique times, with a minor presence of the Eastern-Mediterranean and South-Hispanic (both Baetican and Lusitanian) productions. Progress in research in the last 25 years has been centred on a series of new and well-dated contexts: the data they have yielded has clarified more precisely the chronology and the proportions of the different imports. On occasion a quantitative approach may even be applied. At the same time the relationship between town and country with respect to the late Roman amphorae is proving of interest and providing results of significance.
El hallazgo de diversos ejemplares completos en la villa romana de Els Antigons (Reus, Tarragona) de las formas Ostia I, 272 y Atlante CVII, 11-12 de la cerámica africana de cocina nos permite plantearnos la unificación tipológica de las mismas, así como la revisión de su cronología (segunda mitad del siglo II a mediados del III dC) y su relación con la forma Raqqada 1973, LIII, D1. Asimismo, se documenta su difusión en la costa mediterránea de la Hispania Citerior.
S’estudia una inscripció funerària d’una verge consagrada anomenada Thecla d’origen egipci que va ser enterrada en una de les basíliques funeràries que existien en el segle v a ponent de Tarraco. Es revisa el que s’ha escrit sobre aquesta important inscripció els darrers vint anys, i s’analitzen de nou les característiques de l’epígraf (paleografia, formulari, etc.). Finalment, es conclou que no hi ha relació entre aquesta Thecla i el culte implantat en època medieval a santa Tecla com a patrona de Tarragona, en contra del que han proposat alguns autors.
Mathematics has formed part of all our daily lives since the most remote origins of our civilization, although on too many occasions schools have done little for this functional view of mathematics reclaiming the formal role of this discipline in detriment of its more practical and applied element. From this perspective the curriculum organized by competence arises due to the need to fill this vacuum and allow our students to function better in the constant elements of real situations which they are going to have to resolve throughout their lives. The specifying of this general view of mathematic competence in the numeric competence should allow all our students to progressively acquire numeric sense, that is, that they have the capacity to apply good quantitative ideas in real situations