316 resultados para School integration -- Catalonia (Spain)
An Enantiornithes specimen from El Montsec was initially described as an immature individual based upon qualitative traits such as its relatively large orbit and overall proportions of the skull and the postcranium. In this study we re-evaluate the precise determination of the ontogenetic stage of this individual, establishing a cross-talk among taphonomic, anatomic, and morphometric data. The exceptional preservation of the specimen has allowed pondering ontogenetic influence versus preservational bias in features like the external patterns of bone surfaces, instead of being aprioristically considered due to taphonomic alterations only. The rough texture of the periosteal bone associated with pores in the distal, proximal and mid-shaft areas of the humeral shaft, indicates a subadult stage when compared with long bones of modern birds. Forelimb proportions of embryo and juvenile Enanthiornithes are equivalent to those of adult individuals of other taxa within this clade, though this is not a reliable criterion for establishing a precise ontogenetic stage. The El Montsec specimen may be attributed a close adulthood, yet only if growth regimes in Enantiornithes are considered equivalent to those in Neornithes birds.
Se estudian las comunidades de macroinvertebrados de los ríos del Parque Natural de Sant Llorenç del Munt i la Serra de l'Obac (Barcelona, NE España) y su relación con las condiciones de flujo de los ríos. Hasta 78 localidades se visitaron en dos ocasiones (invierno y verano de 1996) y en 26 de ellas se tomaron muestras de macroinvertebrados. Mientras en invierno el 63 % de los kilÛmetros investigados tenía flujo continuo y menos del 1% estaba seco, en verano solo el 26% tenía flujo continuo, un 20% estaba totalmente seco y el resto presentaba pozas en su lecho. A pesar de ello el número de familias de macroinvertebrados fue de 54 en invierno y 94 en verano, siendo dominantes en este último caso los heterópteros, coleópteros, odonatos y dípteros, mientras que en invierno los tricópteros y plecópteros eran más diversos. En general, la comunidad presentó una estrategia trófica recolectora aunque la proporción de los ramoneadores y depredadores aumentó en verano. El estudio de las comunidades mediante el análisis de su abundancia en los dos perÌodos, mostró que las variables temporales (flujo, temperatura) o las relacionadas con el incremento de la producciÛn primaria (oxÌgeno, pH) explicaban la mayor parte de la variabilidad con los elementos mas reófilos propios de invierno y los leníticos de verano, mientras que otros factores fisicoquímicos no eran relevantes. Calculado el índice biológico BMWP' se demostró que los valores en verano eran superiores o similares a los de invierno lo que se explica por la mayor diversidad aunque la calificaciÛn individual de cada una de las familias encontradas en verano fuera menor que las halladas en invierno.
Background: Differences in the distribution of genotypes between individuals of the same ethnicity are an important confounder factor commonly undervalued in typical association studies conducted in radiogenomics. Objective: To evaluate the genotypic distribution of SNPs in a wide set of Spanish prostate cancer patients for determine the homogeneity of the population and to disclose potential bias. Design, Setting, and Participants: A total of 601 prostate cancer patients from Andalusia, Basque Country, Canary and Catalonia were genotyped for 10 SNPs located in 6 different genes associated to DNA repair: XRCC1 (rs25487, rs25489, rs1799782), ERCC2 (rs13181), ERCC1 (rs11615), LIG4 (rs1805388, rs1805386), ATM (rs17503908, rs1800057) and P53 (rs1042522). The SNP genotyping was made in a Biotrove OpenArrayH NT Cycler. Outcome Measurements and Statistical Analysis: Comparisons of genotypic and allelic frequencies among populations, as well as haplotype analyses were determined using the web-based environment SNPator. Principal component analysis was made using the SnpMatrix and XSnpMatrix classes and methods implemented as an R package. Non-supervised hierarchical cluster of SNP was made using MultiExperiment Viewer. Results and Limitations: We observed that genotype distribution of 4 out 10 SNPs was statistically different among the studied populations, showing the greatest differences between Andalusia and Catalonia. These observations were confirmed in cluster analysis, principal component analysis and in the differential distribution of haplotypes among the populations. Because tumor characteristics have not been taken into account, it is possible that some polymorphisms may influence tumor characteristics in the same way that it may pose a risk factor for other disease characteristics. Conclusion: Differences in distribution of genotypes within different populations of the same ethnicity could be an important confounding factor responsible for the lack of validation of SNPs associated with radiation-induced toxicity, especially when extensive meta-analysis with subjects from different countries are carried out.
The Catalan Coastal Ranges constitute the northwestem emerged sector of the Catalan-Valencian domain of the Valencia trough. Since late Oligocene this domain of the Valencia trough was subjected to extension wich gradually attenuated during later periods. The Miocene tectonic evolution of the Catalan Coastal Ranges is relativelly well known while the Pliocene to-Quaternary stages have not been studied in detail. The recorded seismicity of the area is moderate and constant but not sufficiently intense to cliaracterize and locate recent tectonics. However, geological analysis provides further information. A morphotectonic and deformational analysis of the Catalan Coastal Ranges is presented in this paper.
The aim of this study is to examine the lifestyle characteristics and health status of the elderly in order to identify aspects that might help promote active ageing. Participants were 26 elderly citizens aged 75 or over who were the recipients of home care services in Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona, Spain). They were recruited by means of convenience sampling, and a case study approach was adopted. Fieldwork was conducted in April 2007, with a specially designed questionnaire administered in the context of an in-depth interview. Quantitative data were analyzed with SPSS 15, while qualitative data were analysed and grouped by category. The results indicated that 53.8% of the elderly interviewees perceived their health status as being regular, most did not have adequate nutrition and hydration, while 42.3% had chewing problems and 65.3% presented slight dependence. Most of them received visits at home, but did not go on leisure outings. The only exercise they took was walking. These findings highlight the need to promote and strengthen activities for healthy ageing, and to ensure that people over 75 receive adequate care. Programmes should be implemented to improve those aspects that are currently under-addressed.
The aim of this study is to examine the lifestyle characteristics and health status of the elderly in order to identify aspects that might help promote active ageing. Participants were 26 elderly citizens aged 75 or over who were the recipients of home care services in Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona, Spain). They were recruited by means of convenience sampling, and a case study approach was adopted. Fieldwork was conducted in April 2007, with a specially designed questionnaire administered in the context of an in-depth interview. Quantitative data were analyzed with SPSS 15, while qualitative data were analysed and grouped by category. The results indicated that 53.8% of the elderly interviewees perceived their health status as being regular, most did not have adequate nutrition and hydration, while 42.3% had chewing problems and 65.3% presented slight dependence. Most of them received visits at home, but did not go on leisure outings. The only exercise they took was walking. These findings highlight the need to promote and strengthen activities for healthy ageing, and to ensure that people over 75 receive adequate care. Programmes should be implemented to improve those aspects that are currently under-addressed.
The aim of this study is to examine the lifestyle characteristics and health status of the elderly in order to identify aspects that might help promote active ageing. Participants were 26 elderly citizens aged 75 or over who were the recipients of home care services in Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona, Spain). They were recruited by means of convenience sampling, and a case study approach was adopted. Fieldwork was conducted in April 2007, with a specially designed questionnaire administered in the context of an in-depth interview. Quantitative data were analyzed with SPSS 15, while qualitative data were analysed and grouped by category. The results indicated that 53.8% of the elderly interviewees perceived their health status as being regular, most did not have adequate nutrition and hydration, while 42.3% had chewing problems and 65.3% presented slight dependence. Most of them received visits at home, but did not go on leisure outings. The only exercise they took was walking. These findings highlight the need to promote and strengthen activities for healthy ageing, and to ensure that people over 75 receive adequate care. Programmes should be implemented to improve those aspects that are currently under-addressed.
The main goal of the InterAmbAr reseach project is to analyze the relationships between landscape systems and human land-use strategies on mountains and littoral plains from a long-term perspective. The study adopts a high resolution analysis of small-scale study areas located in the Mediterranean region of north-eastern Catalonia. The study areas are distributed along an altitudinal transect from the high mountain (above 2000m a.s.l.) to the littoral plain of Empordà (Fig. 1). High resolution interdisciplinary research has been carried out from 2010, based on the integration of palaeoenvironmental and archaeological data. The micro-scale approach is used to understand human-environmental relationships. It allows better understanding of the local-regional nature of environmental changes and the synergies between catchment-based systems, hydro-sedimentary regimes, human mobility, land-uses, human environments, demography, etc.
L’aprenentatge de la llengua anglesa com a llengua estrangera és una oportunitat que cada vegada més escoles de Catalunya presenten a l’etapa d’educació Infantil. La metodologia utilitzada per introduir aquesta llengua és variada en cada cas. Aquesta recerca es centra en l’estudi de l’ús de tècniques dramàtiques com a metodologia per ensenyar anglès a infantil. A partir d’un qüestionari contestat per 129 professors d’anglès de Catalunya s’ha analitzat la percepció que tenen sobre les tècniques dramàtiques i la seva utilització. Els resultats mostren una manca de coneixement general sobre la metodologia.
The transition to adult life from the standpoint of inclusion is a complex process, especially for young people with intellectual disabilities. This article analyzes the context of transition processes showing the main relationships and differences of the different scenarios where young people with disabilities develop personal pathways that lead to adulthood. Among these scenarios, the school -the period of compulsory secondary education- plays a key role. Therefore, a specific section is devoted to developing an approach to the role of the school in the construction of bridges that facilitate social and work inclusion. Finally, it presents some major challenges that need to be faced to improve the processes of transition from an inclusive perspective
Nota breu de flora sobre la presència d’un arbre caducifoli originari del centre i de l’est d’Amèrica del Nord que s’ha trobat naturalitzat a la desembocadura del rec del Molí de Pals
Nota breu de flora que fa referència a la presència de Saxifraga stolonifera Meerb a La Garrotxa
Nota breu de flora sobre la presència de Sicyos angulatus L., recollida al llarg del riu Ter, als municipis de Girona,Celrà i Bordils (Gironès, quadrats UTM 31T DG84, DG85 i DG95), entre els 40 i 65 md’altitud
Este trabajo persigue dos objetivos: el primero es analizar el uso de las TIC en un grupo de estudiantes de segundo curso de Magisterio de la Universidad de Girona; el segundo es analizar los documentos normativos legales que establecen el currículum de educación primaria en Cataluña para observar qué tipo de papel juegan las TIC en las nuevas programaciones educativas. La primera parte se ha llevado a cabo mediante una encuesta, cuyos resultados permiten observar tres aspectos distintos: el primero, que una parte considerable del grupo considera las TIC más como un complemento para el aprendizaje que como una forma de aprendizaje; el segundo, que a pesar de hacer un uso considerable de las TIC, el conocimiento que tienen de ellas es muy básico y utilizan aplicaciones muy genéricas; y el tercero es que una parte de sus propuestas didácticas para el uso de las TIC son propuestas tradicionales simplemente adaptadas a un nuevo instrumento, sin buscar realmente la innovación que puede suponer la incorporación de las TIC. En la segunda parte del artículo, a partir del análisis e interpretación de los documentos legales que establecen el currículum de Educación Primaria, se observa que en un mismo documento conviven aserciones sobre las TIC como complemento al aprendizaje de contenidos con otras formulaciones que consideran las TIC como constructoras de conocimiento. A partir del perfil de los estudiantes y del estado de los documentos legales, al final del artículo se hacen propuestas para formar al futuro maestro teniendo en cuenta las TIC como herramientas básicas de conocimiento