483 resultados para Ensenyament universitari -- Treball en equip
Al objeto de garantizar la calidad del aprendizaje de la Electrónica en los estudios de Grado impartidos en la EPSEM, es necesario planificar de manera adecuada las asignaturas impartidas en inglés. En este trabajo se muestran los resultados del análisis realizado a los estudiantes que cursarán estas asignaturas, en el que se ponen de manifiesto las dificultades observadas y las expectativas generadas, motivando la elaboración de material de soporte específico.
In the last years, an increase of the interest to develop educational practices in higher education, based on the approach of the reflective learning, is observed. Nevertheless, we scarcely find in our context researches or experiences that allow knowing students’ perceptions about this teaching and learning approach. We have developed an experience in the bachelor of Social Education at the University of Girona with the aim to contribute to the personal and professional development of future social educators in their initial training, using reflective learning methodology. In this article we present an evaluation of the experience based on students’ perceptions. They assessed the usefulness they think the module has for their training, the methodology and the activities. This evaluation has been carried out through in-depth interviews to 17 students who participated in the module in 2010-11 academic year. The results show that students assess positively the experience, either its general usefulness or the methodology of reflective learning, although they acknowledge some difficulties to carry out such a process which involves a high degree of introspection and a difficulty to set the boundaries in the narration of personal questions. The study also shows some challenges related on the need, but also the difficulty, to include personal and professional development as a powerful axis in the higher education curriculum, as well as elements linked to reflective learning assessment
The aim of this paper was to explore whether self-efficacy as teacher and researcher perceived by university lecturers was related to teaching styles and approaches. Two instruments were administered to 259 teachers at the University of Girona (Spain), who were active researchers and had a teaching workload of 9 ECTS or above. The results showed that self-efficacy as a researcher was the variable which yielded most differences. The higher the self-efficacy of the researcher, the stronger the belief that teaching was guided by research. Certain beliefs about the teaching-research nexus were very different according to the degree of self-efficacy as a researcher, while there were fewer differences in terms of gender and field of study
Departing from initial training on Mathematics teaching, this article analyses several beliefs held by future teachers regarding mathematical knowledge. Some of these beliefs are an authentic obstacle for an advance towards quality Mathematics teaching, therefor, the autors reproduce five arguments given to groups of future teachers in order to tackle some of their beliefs on Mathematics and making them build, modify or consolidate a more complex imatge of mathematical knowledge and Mathematics work in the classroom
La gestión del conocimiento es una práctica organizativa que se está extendiendo a todo tipo de organizaciones, incluidas las universidades. Su estudio cuenta con distintos marcos basados en alguno, o en todos los procesos del ciclo de gestión del conocimiento. La presente investigación centra su atención en las prácticas de gestión del conocimiento dentro de los grupos de investigación de una universidad colombiana, así como en las características de dichos grupos, tomando como base el marco holístico del ciclo de gestión del conocimiento. Para captar el contexto de dichas prácticas, la metodología sigue la teoría fundamentada, por lo que se realizan entrevistas en profundidad dirigidas a los coordinadores de los grupos de investigación, de una muestra seleccionada aleatoriamente. Los resultados apuntan la necesidad de desarrollar en los grupos de investigación actividades que incidan en la identificación, el almacenamientoy el uso del conocimiento. Para ello se requiere, entre otras cosas, cualificar y asesorar a los investigadores en la planificación de las acciones de gestión del conocimiento cuando investigan y gestionan proyectos. Es preciso profundizar en el estudio de las etapas del ciclo vinculado con las dinámicas de los grupos de investigación, para fortalecer las capacidades de generación y transferencia de conocimiento.
The university should add to the scientific and technical education of the students, the development of the so-called generic competences. They are cognitive, social, emotional and ethical (initiative, effort for quality, responsibility, etc.) competences which have a transferable condition and they constitute the " knowing of how to be" in the professional education of the university student. A structured proposal of the generic competences that could be included in the educative university action is presented. There is a description of the design and application of a question paper made to the students of the last course of Business Studies and their teachers to know not only the perception that the students have about the possession of generic competences, but also the valuation of students and teachers about the different generic competences for the professional profile of qualified people as well as the contribution of universities to the development or improvement of such competences. The data is analysed and checked, conclusions are extracted and action strategies are suggested
What are the mindsets of teachers regarding the incorporation of generic competencies into university education within the framework of the European space for higher education? After clarifying the concept of competency and generic competencies, we selected a reference set of ten generic competencies and delimited the possible ways or strategies of intervention.A sample of 277 teachers in the University of Girona completed a questionnaire in which they evaluated the importance of each one of the competencies selected for the education profile and the preferred courses of action. There was a general acceptance on the part of the teaching staff of the need for the development of generic competencies. However, it is obvious they were reticent to incorporate them into the academic curriculum, which can be attributed to gaps in their teacher training. In order to make progress on this interesting aspect of higher education, a number of possible steps are put forward
Aquest projecte pretén aconseguir un Campus Virtual més flexible i més obert, on el professorat pugui fer una gestió més acurada i específica dels seus espais de docència, a més de poder crear-se d’altres espais organitzant els grups de matrícula de la forma que més li convingui. La idea és canviar la manera com s’aprovisiona actualment el Campus Virtual amb les dades de gestió acadèmica per tal d’aconseguir un campus on el professorat tingui totes les eines i dades disponibles per a que les pugui utilitzar de la manera que cregui més adient, i no d’una manera predefinida i tancada com es feia fins ara, on el professorat es trobava un espai per cada assignatura que impartia, però no en podia modificar gairebé res. A banda d’aquest objectiu fonamental, aquest treball facilitarà en gran mesura les tasques realitzades per l’equip que gestiona el Campus Virtual en els processos de gestió d’espais de docència i del tractament dels seus participants en sincronització amb els sistemes origen.
Peer Reviewed
El nuevo Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, al que dan forma entre otros la Declaración de Bolonia (1999), favorecerá la movilidad de estudiantes y profesionales mediante la armonización de los estudios universitarios en el espacio europeo. Uno de los puntos más estresados en este proceso de convergencia de los estudios es el enfoque práctico que la educación superior tiene que ofrecer. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar un aspecto de este enfoque práctico: lasprácticas de estudiantes, que son una cooperación universidad - empresa. Habitualmente estas prácticas laborales significan la primera oportunidad para que los estudiantes experimenten un contacto con el mundo de los negocios y también una oportunidad para tomar conciencia de la aplicabilidad de los conocimientos adquiridos en las aulas. En particular, este trabajo expondrá el ejemplo de prácticas de estudiantes durante sus estudios sobre el turismo en la Facultad de Turismo de la Universidad de Girona. El Grado en Turismo estipula pasantías obligatorias para los estudiantes, siendo conscientes de su utilidad para proporcionar una visión del sector profesional y también como una característica positiva para su incorporación en el mercado laboral. Sin embargo, los beneficios de estas experiencias no son sólo para los estudiantes, sino también para las empresas de alojamiento (como fuente de innovación) y de universidades (para posicionarse en sectores específicos)
The purpose of the present paper is to analyse the present state of thepractical application of cooperative learning methodologies at the University of Girona,to assess its strengths and weaknesses and to extract from that criteria, ideas andprinciples. These materials will be the basis upon which a guide or manual of use oncooperative learning will be drafted. The guide will be at the disposal of the UdGteaching staff and other people interested in it, with the aim of helping them with theirteaching and foster a higher degree of use of cooperative learning at the University. Thepaper presents the survey already conducted, as well as the methodology followed, thehypotheses of the study and the results obtained
Aquest estudi analitza quatre zones del municipi català de Badia del Vallès, tres de les quals, d’acord amb les dades, constitueixen punts calents en matèria de delinqüència i incivisme (robatoris amb força en interior de domicili, robatoris en interior de vehicle i queixes veïnals per consum de drogues a la via pública i incivisme) i l’altre té gran importància estratègica, en tractar-se de la principal zona d’activitat comercial del municipi. La informació ha estat obtinguda a partir de quatre fonts: bases de dades policials, revisió de documents d’altres autors i institucions, entrevistes i observació participant. Posteriorment, s’ha comparat i sotmès a triangulació aquesta informació, i s’ha analitzat amb la perspectiva d’un marc teòric, amb l’objectiu d’establir un seguit de propostes d’intervenció urbanística adreçades,d’una banda, a la prevenció i a la disminució de la delinqüència als punts calents analitzats, però també a aconseguir una millor convivència. Entre les propostes d’intervenció hi ha la millora de l’enllumenat, la poda de l’arbrat que permeti el control informal, el manteniment i neteja dels espais i el mobiliari urbà, l’adequació dels espais i introducció d’equipaments,etc. Per últim s’ha definit una breu guia de recomanacions, aplicable a l’hora de dissenyar o recuperar espais públics, en la línea dels objectius esmentats: la prevenció i la reducció de la delinqüència i el foment de la convivència i el benestar de la població.
The aim of the research presented in this article is to understand undergraduate students’ appraisal of the influence of reflective learning methodology in different aspects of their learning, and to obtain evidence of the main difficulties encountered by students and the main contributions of this kind of methodology into their learning process. The study was conducted in four different degree courses (Social education, Environmental sciences, Nursing, and Psychology) at the University of Girona Through the development of a self-report reflective learning questionnaire and its application to 162 students who participated in the experiences, we conclude that reflective learning can be positively assessed as having great potential to train university undergraduates
Postprint (author’s final draft)
Introduction. This study presents the results of the implementation process of portfolio in the course of four consecutive years. The plan includes three phases (initiation, development and consolidation). The sample is 480 students studying the first year of nursing at the University of Girona. The objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of the instrument and achieve its construction in a self-regulated process. Subjects and methods. The proposed methodology is based on the sequential triangulation between methods. The study of the same empirical unit it’s used two investigation strategies, quantitative and qualitative. Study 1: quantitative, descriptive, longitudinal and prospective. The statistical analysis of paired data for continuous variables that follow a normaldistribution is made with t Student-Fisher test. The correlation between two numerical variables is used the Pearson correlation index. Study 2: qualitative, uses the discussion groups and topics. For textual data analysis is used Atlas.ti. Results. The final score for students who prepare the portfolio is higher (7.78) than the score who do not prepare (7) (p ≤ 0.001). A significant correlation exists between the portfolio score and final score (p ≤ 0.001). The trend study showsa greater sensitivity of the instrument assessment. Conclusion. The final design of the portfolio is characterized by mixed, flexible and encourages the student reflection and empowers the reflection on the continuum of learning